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Justice for David and Hannah... Get involved.


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Like so many on here we want to see real change. I am new to the forum and appreciate all the hard work that goes into making it work. I have lived in Thailand for many years and understand the ways to some degree. However, we can not let this just be forgotten after the media looses interest. David and Hannah along with the poor families deserve to have real justice. We have all seen how the Burmese are used as virtual slaves and fall guys for the wrongs of others. Please get involved and do not let this happen yet again. No more cover ups.

A friend sent me this link, please pass it on to as many as you can.

Please join this campaign: https://www.change.org/p/the-government-of-the-united-kingdom-independently-investigate-the-horrific-murders-of-hannah-witheridge-and-david-miller?recruiter=20483733&utm_campaign=mailto_link&utm_medium=email&utm_source=share_petition

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Yes SIR!

This should be done all over the world - Whats happening in Thailand is just a speck in this planet.

Worst atrocities are happening almost daily, but nothing is reported like this - as there are no forums such as this.

That is why Snowden and Assange are in hot-water.

Have they REALLY done anything wrong?????



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Do people on here want to see real change. or only changes that suit themselves, I hear people complaining about corruption, yet many would pay a policeman off to make a problem go away, I have a friend that would get really drunk and drive his 4x4, he was stopped one night by the Police and bunged 10'000 Baht at them to make it go away, he's probably reading this now as he is a high post member on TV.

He knows who he is, and he's one of the many TV members who cry for reforms and changes ( As long as it doesn't affect his ability to exploit the system when it suits him of course ! )

I signed the petition for D & H and hope if there has been a cover up, justice will be served.

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