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Building Permits

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We have purchased our land and were seeking a contractor for the construction. We were offered the services of two seperate contractors. The first was 4.5 million over the projected cost - the second was 2.7 million over the projected cost. Needless to say we did not accept these bids.

We now find that the person who was offering these contractors to us just happens to be the very same person who issues the building permits in this area.

We have since located another contractor who's bid is within out projected costs. We have now been informed by the local official who issues the building permits that we will not be issued a building permit until we come into his office and reach some understanding.

This is of course is leading us back to the original point of this official not being able to reap the additional building cost and putting it in his pocket - as opposed to asking for a bribe - the inflated construction cost would be returned to this official vis the contractor.

As I've just about had it up to you know where with this mental minded midget mentality - I would like to know if anyone knows where within the Thai government the office for corruption is located. As I intend to take this case directly to the appropriate government officials. And am strongly considering taking this to one of the Bangkok news papers as well.

Can anyone tell me where to go to register a complaint with the proper government authorities.


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We have purchased our land and were seeking a contractor for the construction. We were offered the services of two seperate contractors. The first was 4.5 million over the projected cost - the second was 2.7 million over the projected cost. Needless to say we did not accept these bids.

We now find that the person who was offering these contractors to us just happens to be the very same person who issues the building permits in this area.

We have since located another contractor who's bid is within out projected costs. We have now been informed by the local official who issues the building permits that we will not be issued a building permit until we come into his office and reach some understanding.

This is of course is leading us back to the original point of this official not being able to reap the additional building cost and putting it in his pocket - as opposed to asking for a bribe - the inflated construction cost would be returned to this official vis the contractor.

As I've just about had it up to you know where with this mental minded midget mentality - I would like to know if anyone knows where within the Thai government the office for corruption is located. As I intend to take this case directly to the appropriate government officials. And am strongly considering taking this to one of the Bangkok news papers as well.

Can anyone tell me where to go to register a complaint with the proper government authorities.


First, try to get your emotions in check. Think it through. See if there aren't some ways to get what you want without making an enemy that can mkake your life a living hel_l. This is the main corruption website.

http://www.corruptionwatch.net/ Truth is, they're swampped and running months behind in checking out all the leads they receive. The government shut them down for a time. Some other organizations links on the left margin of the website.

Try to stay focused on what you want. good luck to you.

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Agree with all the comments above...take a step back and stay calm. Building permit/inspection offices are corrupt throughout the world...nothing unique to LOS.

See if you can reach an accomodation with the official through an intermidiary. I don't know what the total value of your projected house come too but surely whatever "administration" fee you agree on (plus a bottle of JW Black or Chivas) would surely be a very very small percent of the total cost.

If you really want to pursue your legal rights, maybe the Administrative Court might be worth a look. This is a department of the Thai government which citizens (maybe legally resident farangs too) can petition when they have griviences against government agencies.

Edited by JonnieB
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I have lived in Asia for many years. The one thing fairly standard, is that the chap issuing the permits has not got to that position in isolation. He has joined a circle within local officialdom, scratched his fair share of backs, paid his dues ( time, money etc....) and now feeels he is having his moment in the sun. Annoy him, and you may well find you have made enemies in areas you never imagined, who will have their say when you least expect it. I do not condone this practise, but understand it and reluctantly learned to work with it, or if possible, work around it. The way of life is different in the LOS, if it wasn't you would not want to live here. To live here you can not pick and choose the bits about the place you like and discard or change the bits you don't ( unless of course you become a citizen and are allowed one day to vote...............eh no). All posts on here ###### good advice, personally I would use a Thai friend for mediation, but whatever happens you will not change the culture by your complaint. You go with the flow or prepare for some very rough water to come.

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I have lived in Asia for many years. The one thing fairly standard, is that the chap issuing the permits has not got to that position in isolation. He has joined a circle within local officialdom, scratched his fair share of backs, paid his dues ( time, money etc....) and now feeels he is having his moment in the sun. Annoy him, and you may well find you have made enemies in areas you never imagined, who will have their say when you least expect it. I do not condone this practise, but understand it and reluctantly learned to work with it, or if possible, work around it. The way of life is different in the LOS, if it wasn't you would not want to live here. To live here you can not pick and choose the bits about the place you like and discard or change the bits you don't ( unless of course you become a citizen and are allowed one day to vote...............eh no). All posts on here ###### good advice, personally I would use a Thai friend for mediation, but whatever happens you will not change the culture by your complaint. You go with the flow or prepare for some very rough water to come.

You hit the nail on the head. great post.


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That was very well said and explained.

When i found out this is the way it works with almost everything in Thailand i changed a lot of my initial plans. I still hate any form of corruption with a passion and i will never give in to it. I realise with this attitude some things will be very difficult to accomplish. So be it. I choose to not change my principles but i just changed the things i will do in Thailand.

But if you are caught up in it it is very important to play by the "rules'. A Thai person will be much better at it. They have a lifetime experience with it. I hope you have someone in your family that can represent you.

By the sound of your message you definately have to take a deep breath and think about the future. You did not spend to much money yet i hope, so if it bothers you to much cancel the whole thing. It might work much better in a different area. YMMV.

If you set your mind to this location be prepared to make a lot of compromises with yourself. It can be done, just look around and you will see many people who are able to do that.

Try not to 'upset' your 'opponent' too much, it will only have trouble in store for later.

Maybe you have foreigners as a neighbour. They might went through the same thing. They might have some valuable tips as they are in the same area and probably dealt with the same person. This person might be just bullying you but is maybe only a little guy. Time to find out discreetly. 2.7 MB is not a little bit over budget! It feels like it is not really negotiable with such a big difference. Maybe there are other incentives that wil work.

I wish you all the luck, and hope it will work out.

Edited by Khun Jean
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Go in and see the official first,preferably with someone who is fluent in your language and Thai.A representative of your builder would be a good start.Or see if the person who drew up your plans can sort this out as often is a clause in the architecture stage,architect draws plans and organises building permits.I have built here three times now,once the builder organied permits ,once the architect organised permits and we did it ourselves once.On the occasion we did it ourselves we were called in the office,was a bit worried about it but turned out all he wanted to do was sight our faces and say what a good service they are doing.

Also bear in mind that this is Thailand and anything we do as falangs costs more than Thais doing the same,the kick-backs will always be more as we are persieved to be wealthier.(I don't men to the tune of 2.7mil tho)

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  • 2 months later...

About: Building permit/inspection offices

I have a tourist visa and come as often as possible to Thailand.

I plan to build my Thai house in Mae Cheam (CM province) and the officer there does not know how to proceed. He ask me to find the "normal way to do it"

and ..

I just got the information from my lawyer here in BKK,

He told me that "it looks like, if you have a tourist visa, you will not be able to get the building permit!!!" :o

He says that no law exist but "usually" it is like this.....

Can any one help me.

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