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Yingluck barred from attending Fireball Festival


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Some people here like northern john and whybother seem to believe that dictatorship is good for the country. It goes along the lines with the poll when the locals were asked about corruption and sone of them answered "well if it works".

I have asked it before and I will ask it again. Would you support such actions if you didn't agree with the ruling party back home?

A dictatorship is better than civil war. If there were grenades going off and innocent people getting killed and the government wasn't doing anything about it, then maybe a coup would be a better solution. It would have nothing to do with whether I didn't agree with the ruling party or not.

I don't support the junta. I just comment on reality. The junta have banned political events. Yingluck going to this event would have made it political.

So if push comes to shove (in a political sense) and you vehemently disagrees with the actions of the ruling party back home, you would support a military coup in your own country?

No. I think you need to go back to school to learn English.

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Some people here like northern john and whybother seem to believe that dictatorship is good for the country. It goes along the lines with the poll when the locals were asked about corruption and sone of them answered "well if it works".

I have asked it before and I will ask it again. Would you support such actions if you didn't agree with the ruling party back home?

A dictatorship is better than civil war. If there were grenades going off and innocent people getting killed and the government wasn't doing anything about it, then maybe a coup would be a better solution. It would have nothing to do with whether I didn't agree with the ruling party or not.

I don't support the junta. I just comment on reality. The junta have banned political events. Yingluck going to this event would have made it political.

So if push comes to shove (in a political sense) and you vehemently disagrees with the actions of the ruling party back home, you would support a military coup in your own country?

No. I think you need to go back to school to learn English.

No you need to start clarifying your statements. You don't support coups back home but you do here?

Just for clarification.

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A dictatorship is better than civil war. If there were grenades going off and innocent people getting killed and the government wasn't doing anything about it, then maybe a coup would be a better solution. It would have nothing to do with whether I didn't agree with the ruling party or not.

I don't support the junta. I just comment on reality. The junta have banned political events. Yingluck going to this event would have made it political.

So if push comes to shove (in a political sense) and you vehemently disagrees with the actions of the ruling party back home, you would support a military coup in your own country?

No. I think you need to go back to school to learn English.

No you need to start clarifying your statements. You don't support coups back home but you do here?

Just for clarification.

No. I think it's the English. What part of "I don't support the junta." don't you understand? What about "It would have nothing to do with whether I didn't agree with the ruling party or not."?

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The Junta know all too well that the great mass of the people, the silent majority, still love and support Yingluck and her political party. The military dictators are fully aware of this fact and are terrified the people will rally behind her. What a bunch of YELLOW cowards! They can't hold back the tide forever smile.png

you are making a lot of statements in your post when all the actual evidence would indicate the opposite

it would appear you are as clever a box filled with air - would you like me to explain or can you work it out for yourself

What actual evidence??

How about you explain why martial law has yet to be rescinded and why political gatherings are still banned, why the media is so heavily censored, why elections have been canned and why the constitution was scrapped?

From where I'm sitting, there all evidences in support of Boxclevers post.

The actual evidence is that the previous political party that held power is proven to support terrorism and use of war weapons against any political dissenter. But, but, but, we got a majority! (Nevermind it also including whacking the competition). Google TRT, PTP's use of murder and intimidation to the point where no opposing politician felt safe going to the provinces to campaign. Unbelievable the diehard red "democracy" supporters' denial and gall.

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"A dictatorship is better than civil war." Are you retracting your previous statements or does your ghost poster do all the political statements here on TV?

No. I am not retracting that statement.

But how do you go from that to "and you vehemently disagrees with the actions of the ruling party back home, you would support a military coup in your own country?" when I specifically said "It would have nothing to do with whether I didn't agree with the ruling party or not."?

Did you read "If there were grenades going off and innocent people getting killed and the government wasn't doing anything about it, then maybe a coup would be a better solution."?

Actually, did you read any of my post before you quoted it?

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The Junta know all too well that the great mass of the people, the silent majority, still love and support Yingluck and her political party. The military dictators are fully aware of this fact and are terrified the people will rally behind her. What a bunch of YELLOW cowards! They can't hold back the tide forever smile.png

you are making a lot of statements in your post when all the actual evidence would indicate the opposite

it would appear you are as clever a box filled with air - would you like me to explain or can you work it out for yourself

What actual evidence??

How about you explain why martial law has yet to be rescinded and why political gatherings are still banned, why the media is so heavily censored, why elections have been canned and why the constitution was scrapped?

From where I'm sitting, there all evidences in support of Boxclevers post.

I will refer you to the first 6 months of this year and how innocent people were murdered shot and blown up in the streets of Bangkok and other places

There have been several surveys done over the last 3 months all show that up to 80% of the Thai people are currently very happy with the situation, I would also refer to Thais that I have spoken too personally and I find the same thing

The only people that seem to be unhappy are those that have been living beyond the bounds of the law and are slowly being reeled in - not unusual in any normal society

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Some people here like northern john and whybother seem to believe that dictatorship is good for the country. It goes along the lines with the poll when the locals were asked about corruption and sone of them answered "well if it works".

I have asked it before and I will ask it again. Would you support such actions if you didn't agree with the ruling party back home?

A dictatorship is better than civil war. If there were grenades going off and innocent people getting killed and the government wasn't doing anything about it, then maybe a coup would be a better solution. It would have nothing to do with whether I didn't agree with the ruling party or not.

I don't support the junta. I just comment on reality. The junta have banned political events. Yingluck going to this event would have made it political.

So if push comes to shove (in a political sense) and you vehemently disagrees with the actions of the ruling party back home, you would support a military coup in your own country?

if it is shown that the actual ruling party (PTP in the case of Thailand) is very obviously turning on it's own people and supporting terrorist activities - then the answer would be a firm yes, but it's a stupid question as what happened in Thailand just would not happen in any modern civil society in the west

Boy there are some real stupid people posting on this thread

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Some people here like northern john and whybother seem to believe that dictatorship is good for the country. It goes along the lines with the poll when the locals were asked about corruption and sone of them answered "well if it works".

I have asked it before and I will ask it again. Would you support such actions if you didn't agree with the ruling party back home?

A dictatorship is better than civil war. If there were grenades going off and innocent people getting killed and the government wasn't doing anything about it, then maybe a coup would be a better solution. It would have nothing to do with whether I didn't agree with the ruling party or not.

I don't support the junta. I just comment on reality. The junta have banned political events. Yingluck going to this event would have made it political.

So if push comes to shove (in a political sense) and you vehemently disagrees with the actions of the ruling party back home, you would support a military coup in your own country?

if it is shown that the actual ruling party (PTP in the case of Thailand) is very obviously turning on it's own people and supporting terrorist activities - then the answer would be a firm yes, but it's a stupid question as what happened in Thailand just would not happen in any modern civil society in the west

Boy there are some real stupid people posting on this thread

Lord almighty...

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I see there's still the cheerleading Farang group who actually think Thais give a frak about what their opinions are but feel the need to denounce everything and play the fools game thinking their in with the In crowd and Junta!!

There's not a chance there will be elections next October and the suppression of peoples speach isn't going to last forever either but keep the heads buried in the sand at your own peril!!

Its not about us its what we think we like in the country, and i prefer the Junta over the PTP. The Thais don't care much about us so what does not have anything to do with this topic.

If there are no free elections so be it.. that means no PTP so that is a good thing for most of the foreigners here.

I get my amusement watching the red cheerleaders get real red from excitement and pent up anger, the whole coup was worth it for sure. Its great to see this its like live amusement.

You sir are a perfect example of my last post, even by your own admission.

You clearly feel a sense of accomplishment from something at odds with your well being, by people who see you as inferior. Rather than pent up anger you have a pent up desire to succeed and win something that you clearly don`t get in the real world, probably sat in some remote Thai village.

Your a red cheerleader, and i love how this gets to you. Its great to see the change you went through from when your beloved corrupt dictatorship was in power till now. I am in BKK not some remote village in Nakhon Nowhere, but even so I dont see why someone from Nakhon Nowhere is any less as someone living in BKK.

I wish the junta would stay forever so i could be amused by the likes of you. I have seen the change in posts from the red cheerleaders and it entertains me. The change from happiness and defending and denying the reds act of terrorism to pent up anger now their party that supported violence is gone.

When I think of farang redshirts I think of guys who never made any money.. never had their own business. The kind that want a communism system because they just don't have the qualities to excell at anything.

Of course this cant be true for all farang redshirts because some actually get paid for supporting them like Robert Amsterdam and he has done well for himself. But I wonder about the unpaid ones.

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"A dictatorship is better than civil war." Are you retracting your previous statements or does your ghost poster do all the political statements here on TV?

No. I am not retracting that statement.

But how do you go from that to "and you vehemently disagrees with the actions of the ruling party back home, you would support a military coup in your own country?" when I specifically said "It would have nothing to do with whether I didn't agree with the ruling party or not."?

Did you read "If there were grenades going off and innocent people getting killed and the government wasn't doing anything about it, then maybe a coup would be a better solution."?

Actually, did you read any of my post before you quoted it?

So you don't support coups, just in some cases then.

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Some people here like northern john and whybother seem to believe that dictatorship is good for the country. It goes along the lines with the poll when the locals were asked about corruption and sone of them answered "well if it works".

I have asked it before and I will ask it again. Would you support such actions if you didn't agree with the ruling party back home?

I will ask you again.. is the democracy at your home country the same as here or is it more mature with checks and balances.

You cant compare apples with oranges.

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So we are not all the same. Farangs and Thais do not have the same value? Are Thais martians, have some strange alien culture or do not most of the general world population strive for the same things?

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Anyone that believes those polls and surveys believe in the tooth fairy.

All press statements and polls have been all lovey dovey until the other day when the nation came out with the lifting of martial law article

It's pretty easy when any opposition is silenced.

Unfortunately for the elite they will have to face that pesky thing called an election sometime then we will see how happy people are especially if just one shin stands as the people have lost out twice in a very short space of time and want their elected party back in office.

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Anyone that believes those polls and surveys believe in the tooth fairy.

All press statements and polls have been all lovey dovey until the other day when the nation came out with the lifting of martial law article

It's pretty easy when any opposition is silenced.

Unfortunately for the elite they will have to face that pesky thing called an election sometime then we will see how happy people are especially if just one shin stands as the people have lost out twice in a very short space of time and want their elected party back in office.

Sure there is that an election, but I think the so called elite has proven that if the reds get out of line too much the army will step in. So next time they will be on their best behavior and that is a good thing for the country. I personally think they should make some laws forbidding convicted criminals from leading the country by proxy and should be heavy penalties on when they do.

This way no Thaksin anymore and the elite as you call them can live with it.

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"A dictatorship is better than civil war." Are you retracting your previous statements or does your ghost poster do all the political statements here on TV?

No. I am not retracting that statement.

But how do you go from that to "and you vehemently disagrees with the actions of the ruling party back home, you would support a military coup in your own country?" when I specifically said "It would have nothing to do with whether I didn't agree with the ruling party or not."?

Did you read "If there were grenades going off and innocent people getting killed and the government wasn't doing anything about it, then maybe a coup would be a better solution."?

Actually, did you read any of my post before you quoted it?

So you don't support coups, just in some cases then.

As I stated, just in case you haven't understood yet, the coup IN THAILAND was better than having innocent people blown up by grenades and the government not doing anything about it.

Most people would support coups in some cases. I could define a scenario where even you would support a coup.

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I am more red than yellow.

I live in Nakon Nowhere.

I made lots of money once.

I had a successful business.

I never worked for somebody else once i got past 23.

You Robblok are a. tosser.

I was not the one who brought up the place where one was from, that was the poster who said i was posting from some remote Thai village. I would not care about where people post from so you misread that.

The other stuff your right about to get back to me fair play. That is it with generalizing you cant get everyone with the same tag, but it does stir up things nicely, and its good to see im still a good angler.

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"A dictatorship is better than civil war." Are you retracting your previous statements or does your ghost poster do all the political statements here on TV?

No. I am not retracting that statement.

But how do you go from that to "and you vehemently disagrees with the actions of the ruling party back home, you would support a military coup in your own country?" when I specifically said "It would have nothing to do with whether I didn't agree with the ruling party or not."?

Did you read "If there were grenades going off and innocent people getting killed and the government wasn't doing anything about it, then maybe a coup would be a better solution."?

Actually, did you read any of my post before you quoted it?

So you don't support coups, just in some cases then.

As I stated, just in case you haven't understood yet, the coup IN THAILAND was better than having innocent people blown up by grenades and the government not doing anything about it.

Most people would support coups in some cases. I could define a scenario where even you would support a coup.

You mess up your own statements as you don't wanna come out of the closet but people have already seen your true colors.

Keep denying while making these ludicrous statements. It's just little brown people we are talking about anyway right? That's why you would rather have a coup here than back home.

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Bunch of scared children, just goes to show how headless some people in the higher echelons of society are.

Scared of a firework ceremony LOL Pathetic really.

The future of Thailand is looking very very bleak

Nice try. It is a necessary action to work towards unification. They will have their chance in the election in the mean time is needed to make it an election that will produce leaders for Thailand not hoaxter's.

Why are you so against that?wai.gif

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"A dictatorship is better than civil war." Are you retracting your previous statements or does your ghost poster do all the political statements here on TV?

No. I am not retracting that statement.

But how do you go from that to "and you vehemently disagrees with the actions of the ruling party back home, you would support a military coup in your own country?" when I specifically said "It would have nothing to do with whether I didn't agree with the ruling party or not."?

Did you read "If there were grenades going off and innocent people getting killed and the government wasn't doing anything about it, then maybe a coup would be a better solution."?

Actually, did you read any of my post before you quoted it?

So you don't support coups, just in some cases then.

As I stated, just in case you haven't understood yet, the coup IN THAILAND was better than having innocent people blown up by grenades and the government not doing anything about it.

Most people would support coups in some cases. I could define a scenario where even you would support a coup.

If only it was that the government did not do anything about the grenades... the ones throwing them were hidden by the government and of the same party as the government. They even killed kids and on stage cheered about it (that was before they knew the victims were kids but still cheering about victims). This would not happen in a real democracy so comparing Thailand with one is crazy.

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You mess up your own statements as you don't wanna come out of the closet but people have already seen your true colors.

Keep denying while making these ludicrous statements. It's just little brown people we are talking about anyway right? That's why you would rather have a coup here than back home.

OMG. I have been repeating the same thing, hoping you would understand. You've just been twisting it with your "ludicrous" statements.

If "back home" was the same as Thailand, then I would rather a coup than innocent people being blown up by grenades. It would have nothing to do with whether I supported the government or not. <=== Make sure you read that part two or three times so it sinks in.

In case you don't get it, "back home" isn't the same as Thailand, so I wouldn't support a coup there.

I didn't actually *support* the coup. It wasn't something that I wanted to happen. But in case you missed it (seeing as you do miss a lot), it did happen. The bombings stopped. The costly schemes ruining the country stopped. The amnesty bill stopped. That's all better than it was before. I would have preferred to see the government go to the next election with all of their failed policies. Now the next election will just be about the coup. Nothing will change.

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No. I am not retracting that statement.

But how do you go from that to "and you vehemently disagrees with the actions of the ruling party back home, you would support a military coup in your own country?" when I specifically said "It would have nothing to do with whether I didn't agree with the ruling party or not."?

Did you read "If there were grenades going off and innocent people getting killed and the government wasn't doing anything about it, then maybe a coup would be a better solution."?

Actually, did you read any of my post before you quoted it?

So you don't support coups, just in some cases then.

Would you support a coup against the current government?

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You mess up your own statements as you don't wanna come out of the closet but people have already seen your true colors.

Keep denying while making these ludicrous statements. It's just little brown people we are talking about anyway right? That's why you would rather have a coup here than back home.

OMG. I have been repeating the same thing, hoping you would understand. You've just been twisting it with your "ludicrous" statements.

If "back home" was the same as Thailand, then I would rather a coup than innocent people being blown up by grenades. It would have nothing to do with whether I supported the government or not. <=== Make sure you read that part two or three times so it sinks in.

In case you don't get it, "back home" isn't the same as Thailand, so I wouldn't support a coup there.

I didn't actually *support* the coup. It wasn't something that I wanted to happen. But in case you missed it (seeing as you do miss a lot), it did happen. The bombings stopped. The costly schemes ruining the country stopped. The amnesty bill stopped. That's all better than it was before. I would have preferred to see the government go to the next election with all of their failed policies. Now the next election will just be about the coup. Nothing will change.

Without knowing it, you have just proved my point

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No. I am not retracting that statement.

But how do you go from that to "and you vehemently disagrees with the actions of the ruling party back home, you would support a military coup in your own country?" when I specifically said "It would have nothing to do with whether I didn't agree with the ruling party or not."?

Did you read "If there were grenades going off and innocent people getting killed and the government wasn't doing anything about it, then maybe a coup would be a better solution."?

Actually, did you read any of my post before you quoted it?

So you don't support coups, just in some cases then.

Would you support a coup against the current government?

Unlike your brainwashed lot, I don't support any coups period. But there won't be any need for coups, the current administration, if you can call it that, will dig their own graves (so to speak)

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Would you support a coup against the current government?

Unlike your brainwashed lot, I don't support any coups period. But there won't be any need for coups, the current administration, if you can call it that, will dig their own graves (so to speak)

You're one of the few red posters that think that there will be an election. Congratulations.

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