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Suspects in Koh Tao backpacker murders retract confessions, says official


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The next step should be to punish in the most severe possible way the people responsible for "protecting" the safety of the two incarcerated Burmese suspect. Should they "die" while in custody of the Police, the station commander or prison chief should be held responsible and given the harshest of punishment. Perhaps, they would think about moving them elsewhere - where it is much safer for the two suspects.

To a non active jail manned by inactive former officials?

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This is ugly, and the diabolical Samui Prison chief is clearly laying the table for prisoner "suicide" and showing his own prejudice and alignment at the same time.

If they don't recant their coerced confessions, they are toast. It will go through the court like lightning and straight to sentencing, and the giant doubts about the DNA match won't stop that.

The reports of recanting are still second hand. They have been visited by Myanmar embassy officials and a Thai govt "human rights" stooge. They have had one meeting, probably supervised, with Andy Hall's migrant workers group, which we here might recognise as an independent lifeline, but it's not clear to me yet that the two dumbstruck hobbits are sure whether they can trust anyone.

They need to formally appoint lawyers the can trust and recant in writing. Andy Halls' twitter feed says they each appointed personal Thai lawyers this morning, which is positive and at least means they survived the night. They need to give a full accurate account of exactly what they did and saw that night, in writing. Until then, the police and other authorities may genuinely believe that they can put this whole matter to rest with the unavoidable death of the suspects in custody and rest upon their earlier "confession" to roti boy; it has worked before.

If you don't they are that brazen and brainless, I submit in suppport of this fear: (1) the pathetic simplistic stick-figure full-of-holes story that they took a full day to drum into these two suckers (we get drunk, we see people, we grab hoe, we get aroused, we morph into raging psycopaths, just the two of us, two hobbits one hoe, case closed); and (2) the fact the law expected this to withstand scrutiny and yet it unravelled so quickly as soon as anyone insisted on speaking to their star witness (they should have dreamt up a Thai star witness rather than a Burmese national that the embassy could insist on seeing); not to mention (3) all the other leads and questions the police have failed to pursue because they think they can.

(Edit: don't put a, b and c in brackets in ThaiVisa; they come out funny; changed to 1, 2, 3)

Edited by Unconvinced
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With some notable exceptions, Thai police are generally poorly educated and not very bright but their careers start with paying bribes to pass the police entrance exams.

Youve got to have a degree to get into the police i am led to believe so they are educated to some degree.

As someone who left school at 15 i find your comment about education patronising as if plagiarising Karl Marx from some degree mill somehow makes one intelligent and decent.

Edited by ffaarraanngg
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This matter is slowly becoming an international affair and the multitude of ongoing concerns many have about the dubious standards of the police farce force here in Thailand are becoming more apparent each day..

For many a year the police farce force here have lined their pockets by colluding with criminals and lining their (the police farce force) pockets with incentive payments to modify criminal matters and also the condoning of outright fraudulent practices.

Now the account is being rendered for the resultant expense of perverting and obstructing the course of what masquerades as justice here.

At last the truth albeit it minuscule is beginning to emerge and the stinking carcass of the endemic corruption so entrenched in this society is starting to annoy others.

The world is a small village now and the truth cannot be contained and caged as it has been the case so often before.

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Does that mean that the headman will get his money back from the police??whistling.gif

This made the thai press already! Coconuts had it two days ago! I think Thai visa is a day behind in most of the breaking news or think they just wait to post to confirm the storys.

Sorry joc! wrong reply i meant to reply to the question if it made Thai news already.

Edited by chrischronic
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With some notable exceptions, Thai police are generally poorly educated and not very bright but their careers start with paying bribes to pass the police entrance exams. Those who get promoted to regional commands continue this trend but must also be aggressive and hungry with proven track records of passing enough money up the pyramids. They have to pay for plum jobs, followed by monthly fixed retainers. Jobs in tourist resorts are especially lucrative and command a premium. It is said that the Pattaya police chief job is worth B20 million a month in gross income before payment of the fixed retainer, so you can imagine how much the upfront premium might be for that job. Koh Tao and Koh Phangnan, which supervises Koh Tao, are not in the league of Pattaya, Phuket and Samui but they must also be lucrative posts. In addition to the daily crime busting work seen by the public police have responsibility to supervise a number of important businesses in partnership with local mafias, including protection rackets, illegal aliens, taxi scams smuggling of licquor, tobacco and oil, drug distribution, illegal lotteries and other forms of gambling, forest reserve encroachment, distribution of illegal cut wood etc etc.

Can you wonder that they are cosy with local mafias and resent being forced to do regular police work along with the intrusion of social media in their perfect little world?

An excellent post; those of us from West, if perhaps not exactly enamoured of the police in our own countries, at least expect a certain standard of selection, training and professionalism. In general nepotism and what one could call secular simony - payment for favours - are absent - a position of any authority has to be earned. By contrast, not just the RTP but almost any perceived lucrative profession in Thailand has the potential to be bought or 'donated'. Little wonder then at the mess that has been and continues to be made of this desperately sad murder investigation.

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Are you really surprise by all the revelations and allegations? You shouldn't be. Are you really that enraged by all that has gone on which again only reinforces the belief that anyone that is not Thai is considered nothing short of cattle? You shouldn't be.

What you should be is righteous enough to do what is required.... LEAVE Thailand and leave now. I walked out after the second day and I won't return until this and other pressing issues are fixed. It's time the expat community did more than sitting on a bar stool moaning about the situation.

IMHO - all those who remain only fuel the continuation of the abuse and are in fact no better than the Thai authorities who continue abusing people's human rights for their own nationalistic agenda.

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This matter is slowly becoming an international affair and the multitude of ongoing concerns many have about the dubious standards of the police farce force here in Thailand are becoming more apparent each day..

For many a year the police farce force here have lined their pockets by colluding with criminals and lining their (the police farce force) pockets with incentive payments to modify criminal matters and also the condoning of outright fraudulent practices.

Now the account is being rendered for the resultant expense of perverting and obstructing the course of what masquerades as justice here.

At last the truth albeit it minuscule is beginning to emerge and the stinking carcass of the endemic corruption so entrenched in this society is starting to annoy others.

The world is a small village now and the truth cannot be contained and caged as it has been the case so often before.

You know, that is quite wise and easy to read quickly and miss. Perhaps it is that simple. Could it be that we are seeing one group releasing reports as though it is 1968 and we read newspapers on street corners? Are we in a mid set / time warp where stories are easily suppressed and quickly forgotten? Most importantly, a "back in the day" mentality where reports were pushed out ... and not in the current social media setting where instantly, the world can weigh in and punch holes in silly / convenient stories.

Yes, I beleive you got it, we are seeing the old world where "face" is what one SAYS it is, and not the real world of today where ... instantly ... people can cal Bull$*** on nonsense.

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Koh Tao Suspects' Alleged Recantation 'Normal,' Police Officer Says

By Khosod English

SURAT THANI - A senior police officer has downplayed a news report that claims the two Burmese migrants accused of murdering two British tourists recanted their "confessions" this week.

"The suspects have every rights under the law to retract their testimony," said Pol.Col. Prachum Ruengthong, chief of Koh Pha Ngan Police Station, whose jurisdiction covers Koh Tao island where the murders took place.

"In many other cases, suspects also recant their confessions during trial. It's normal," Pol.Col. Prachum said.

His comment came a few days after a report from the Myanmar-based 7 Daily newspaper claimed the two Burmese suspects, named Saw and Win, retracted their "confession" to murdering the two Britons, David Miller and Hannah Witheridge, on the popular island of Koh Tao on 15 September.

According to the report, a lawyer from the Burmese embassy said the two suspects told him they did not commit the murder, contrary to Thai police's claim that the men confessed shortly after they were arrested.

However, several other news reports quoted the lawyer as saying the two men did confess to the murder, although the details of their testimony remained murky leading him to believe the case may have been a "set-up."

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1412922329


-- Khaosod English 2014-10-10

Koh Tao Suspects' Alleged Recantation 'Normal,' Police Officer Says

Recanting a confession that has been pressed under torture is normal when the accused get a lawyer and are no more under torture.

If they "confess" again - it was torture again.

btw couldnt change the big bold font of the headline

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Mr Banana Pancake the Rohingya 'interpreter' who participated in the beating and confessions in action from the Irrawaddy FB page.

<removed link showing graphic photos>

At 4:00 Mr Pancake asserts that that Wyn started off the killing spree by hitting David over the hit with a large wine bottle. So that's another murder weapon. He also says Hannah and David were having sex, in spite of no DNA evidence supporting that theory.

He speaks Thai with a heavy Indian accent. I wonder what his Burmese sounds like and how good is written Thai was to read back and translate the Thai confessions they were forced to sign. I also wonder what his work permit and visa look like, since Rohingya's are stateless.

Edited by ubonjoe
removed a link
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With some notable exceptions, Thai police are generally poorly educated and not very bright but their careers start with paying bribes to pass the police entrance exams.

Youve got to have a degree to get into the police i am led to believe so they are educated to some degree.

As someone who left school at 15 i find your comment about education patronising as if plagiarising Karl Marx from some degree mill somehow makes one intelligent and decent.

What is the degree in centigrade of absolute zero.Take that number then subtract whatever number you like,then you will have the I.Q. level of a Thai law enforcement officer,

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Are you really surprise by all the revelations and allegations? You shouldn't be. Are you really that enraged by all that has gone on which again only reinforces the belief that anyone that is not Thai is considered nothing short of cattle? You shouldn't be.

What you should be is righteous enough to do what is required.... LEAVE Thailand and leave now. I walked out after the second day and I won't return until this and other pressing issues are fixed. It's time the expat community did more than sitting on a bar stool moaning about the situation.

IMHO - all those who remain only fuel the continuation of the abuse and are in fact no better than the Thai authorities who continue abusing people's human rights for their own nationalistic agenda.

Is it lonely up there on your pedestal?

I jest, but try and remember we're not all titty-bar-flies and some people have lives businesses, homes and children to deal with. Not everyone can just march over the border the moment it goes pear-shaped.

And what about all the Thai people who have to put up with this shit. Should they all just leave as well.

I appreciate your point but think about it a bit before you get all high and mighty, judging everyone else.

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I think its obvious the 2 suspects will commit "suicide" whilst in prison then they will just try and bury it after that, or maybe theyll get into a fight inside and get killed that way, who knows but it dont look good for these boys, why nobody is looking at the bar owner who was seen arguing with the victims earlier is strange too theres more holes in this case than a sponge.

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Are you really surprise by all the revelations and allegations? You shouldn't be. Are you really that enraged by all that has gone on which again only reinforces the belief that anyone that is not Thai is considered nothing short of cattle? You shouldn't be.

What you should be is righteous enough to do what is required.... LEAVE Thailand and leave now. I walked out after the second day and I won't return until this and other pressing issues are fixed. It's time the expat community did more than sitting on a bar stool moaning about the situation.

IMHO - all those who remain only fuel the continuation of the abuse and are in fact no better than the Thai authorities who continue abusing people's human rights for their own nationalistic agenda.

So.....all westerners that don't sabotage their careers, abandon their families, throw their businesses away by not leaving are as bad as the abusive Thai authorities?

What's it like being a saint looking down from on high and judging all the little people beneath you?

Feels good, does it?

You beat me to that one KB

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


She is award winning forensic scientist, she resolved many murder cases in Thailand, should have volunteered to investigate the case to save the Thai's reputation. Probably someone don't want her to be investigating the case ? This raises million questions. Now I would be surprised if they can prove the right culprit ??? or case is now compromised after two guys commit suicide after the Thai police predictions now ?? It is time for Interpol to take this case by asking a report through International Human Rights commission.

Apart from being an Award winning forensic scientist, she is also another corrupt Thai official!!

She made a substancial amount of money by giving the green light for the useless "bombdetectors" bought for the South!!

She couldn't care less if this case is solved or not, but is lured out of the woodwork for another 15 minutes in the limelight.

And why come forward after almost 3 weeks??

Apart from being an Award winning forensic scientist, she is also another corrupt Thai official!!

"She made a substancial amount of money by giving the green light for the useless "bombdetectors" bought for the South!!"

She couldn't care less if this case is solved or not, but is lured out of the woodwork for another 15 minutes in the limelight.

You make a definitive statement 'she made a substantial amount of money....' Do you have any evidence of this or are you just trying your hardest to make her look bad?

Did she actually recommend the bomb detectors?

"And why come forward after almost 3 weeks??"

I'm sure there are protocols and processes which are (or should be) followed.

On the other hand yes it is disappointing that she was not asked to join the investigation much earlier, like day one.

There was a post on TV in the first week of this saying she was very ill

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Are you really surprise by all the revelations and allegations? You shouldn't be. Are you really that enraged by all that has gone on which again only reinforces the belief that anyone that is not Thai is considered nothing short of cattle? You shouldn't be.

What you should be is righteous enough to do what is required.... LEAVE Thailand and leave now. I walked out after the second day and I won't return until this and other pressing issues are fixed. It's time the expat community did more than sitting on a bar stool moaning about the situation.

IMHO - all those who remain only fuel the continuation of the abuse and are in fact no better than the Thai authorities who continue abusing people's human rights for their own nationalistic agenda.

Is it lonely up there on your pedestal?

I jest, but try and remember we're not all titty-bar-flies and some people have lives businesses, homes and children to deal with. Not everyone can just march over the border the moment it goes pear-shaped.

And what about all the Thai people who have to put up with this shit. Should they all just leave as well.

I appreciate your point but think about it a bit before you get all high and mighty, judging everyone else.

It's easy enough if you don't have a proper job or any long term ties. I am disgusted with this investigation, but it's not a reflection of the majority of Thai people that I have met and know.

I'd prefer to just not visit Koh a Tao, and encourage people to consider if it is a place that they should go to.

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Well, hold it just for a minute... that they have retracted their confessions doesn't mean they haven't done it, right?

That they were beaten in Police custody doesn't mean they haven't done it.

That they are poor and dejected fellows whose rights have been trampled upon for years doesn't mean they haven't done it.

Truth must emerge somehow in due course

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