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If so, it's a pity that you can't use your powers of attraction to do something useful rather than simply draw attention to yourself.

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"I have not gone out with a bar girl in close to 15 years now." now we know why....

From the thread on ghosts - by JRingo.....

I have seen two ghosts inThailand.

"Both were in my hotel room.

One was a gaint and couldn't stand up inside so walked around crouched in half.

The other ghost was a crazy baby which kept beating its' head against the wall.

Apparently, old hotels are full of ghosts since if people die un-natural deaths their

spirits "ghosts" hang aroung and have no where to go.

Seen them with my own two eyes.

To this day I won't stay in that hotel again.

If you are afraid of ghosts;

1. Always chose new hotels if you have an option.

2. Another idea is to have katoeys with you as ghosts are afraid of katoeys."

It's official then...and Jringo is probably the only person in this posting who has a written certificate as to his sanity....

BTW.....do you always take Katoeys to your hotel room...is this why you don't pay any barfines?...do they come from beach road?

"Err, well, it's like this we don't have sex...I'm afraid of ghosts, see...oh yes, and barfines...."

Edited by wilko
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When i said 'respectful' what i was implying is the fact that no person who willingly lets people violate their body for money can have any self respect nor can they expect to command much respect in return.

So in actual fact you meant neither, you meant self-respecting...unless you mean they respect you for “violating their bodies” - whatever you mean by that....where do you dig up these phrases?

Your language reflects the total paucity of your arguments; it and they are gibberish.

There is an expression that says your are entitled to your own opinion.....I would suggest that that only applies if it is based on some form of rational thought or argument....I can see little in what you say that remotely suggests your are entitled to any opinions whatsoever...

Thanks Wilko, there is an ignore member feature built in to this site, you may exersise your right to use this at any time you feel fit.

As for the English lesson, no thanks. I hope your not an English teacher, at my kids school anyway.

If you are respectful what are you full of? Respect, be that for yourself, your country or whatever, the fact is you are full of respect in one form or another. We are able to conclude that most prostitutes and johns for that matter lack this fundamental. :o

As ever the dim light of your comprehension fails to shed any light on the matter in hand or on my posting to you....(I wasn’t giving you an English lesson at all)...you still fundamentally fail to grasp any of the arguments....you put 2 and 2 together and get anything you want, except 4.

“We are able to conclude.....”........ What? Your previous sentence is incomprehensible.

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Just a question but can you guys who frequent prostitutes not pick up a respectful female?

Why do you care? You made it quite obvious in this post.

I have little to zero interest in what a bunch of Pattaya prostitutes or John's have to say.
Lacoste is first class wank*r thats rather obvious by now. I'd far prefer a bargirl's company than this lad - they have my respect, and can't say the same for him. :o

I couldn't agree with you more, thank God i don't have narrow minded friends like him.

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having personaly never * dated a prostitute.


Just remind me, your hatred relates to prostitues or farang pimps?

Is it ringpiece that hates the pimps and you hate the protitutes, or is the other way round?

Hate is a strong word, I don't hate anyone.

I dislike and have no time for idle and lazy people. I also dislike foolish people.

I dislike people that give there fellow countrymen and woman a bad reputation, I am a farang living and working in Bangkok, there are times i see other Farang with Thai prostitutes, on the BTS for example, feeling them up and generaly behaving in a way that the Thai populus finds discusting. These people give the rest of us a bad name in Thailand and the prostitute gives Thai woman the world over a poor reputation that the majority don't deserve.

A Farang bar owner in Thailand who has prostitutes for hire in his bar, is in my opinion, on a level par with the afore mentioned. :D

Get off of your high horse and get on with your own life, why let issues that you don't like bother you? :o

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having personaly never * dated a prostitute.


Just remind me, your hatred relates to prostitues or farang pimps?

Is it ringpiece that hates the pimps and you hate the protitutes, or is the other way round?

Actually hate is a bit strong, I just don't like none of them.

Thailand is a wonderful place once you get away from the smut.

I think i've worked out who you are now JRingpiece. :o

Edited by davethailand
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Things that happenings like this give the whole sex tourism scene of Thailand a sickening feeling -- It certainly turns my stomach

From Thai Anxiety web site

Enjoying Nightlife in Pattaya

Exploitable, 30th July

Prostitution is tolerated in Thailand, but that is not really enough to make it anywhere near safe.

I was speaking to a friend, See, who told me that a fellow dancing girl was beaten up in the upstairs short time room.

I always thought that such rooms would afford some level of protection as the customer has to exit through the bar and could be set upon by a bouncer. Sound reasoning except that the bar doesn't employ a bouncer.

What about the police I inquired, "no way" was the reply, "mamasang no want trouble". I presume that something about the operation of the bar opened it up to exploitation or trouble from the police

So the thug walked free and I can't particularly see anything in place to stop the same thing happening again.

I thought Michael, who likes to do this sort of thing, had left Thailand – The Thai husband of a lady was looking for him as she could not work for about two weeks and I was hoping he would catch Michael - This was one case when I don't believe in turning the other cheek.

Two things buddy:

1) Please use

or "quotation marks" or different colours to differentiate between your input and the stuff you paste from elsewhere.

I'm not sure where the Thai Anxiety article ends and your comments start again (if they do). Maybe include a link to the article as well.

Thanks ! :D

2) This kind of story happens around the world sadly enough. Prostitutes are often the least protected members of society, especially in moral-majority societies. There always seems to be scumbags that like to beat on women. I think the big difference is, here the offender is more likely to end up floating face down in a klong. :D

In the moral-majority societies, he is more likely to get away with it, because the prevailing attitude seems to be the victim "was only a hooker so who cares". :o

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If you would like to know what the average Thai persons opinion is of Farang who come here and participate in the prostitution scene,you should have a look on the Thai forums,

You would realise you are despised by the people in general. Unfortunatly you give all us foreigners a bad name as do the prostitutes a bad name to Thai females around the world.

If you realy loved and respected the country and the people you would not be engaging in such behaviour.

Don’t use any Thai forums, but your post implies they don’t have such a high opinion of Fargan sex tourists. Which is probably the height of hypocrisy – seeing as how the Farang portion of the sex industry in Thailand is actually quite small when compared to the Asian based and Thai based prostitution scene in Thailand.

BTW – in relation to some of your other posts and the use of the term “respectful” – do you understand the meaning for the word “respectful”?

From Merriam-Webster: Respectful: adjective; marked by or showing respect or deference.

Really very little to do with self-respect or respectable. One can certainly be very respectful, while at the same time not be respectable, and have little to no self-respect.

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Do you think all women only consider age and physical appearance as the most important things in a relationship trumping all others?

personally, when i see a 60 year old guy with slimy hair, an unshaved beer belly and a beer chang shirt walking down the street with a 20 year old young lady, i sometimes get the thought money might be involved as well, not just age and physical appearance :o

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Well rainman, I keep my hair cut very short so it could hardly be called slimy. What is slimy hair? NEVER in my life have I EVER shaved my belly although last year when I had an appendectomy and the nurse did shave a lot of it. Is shaving your stomach a new sex thing? I don't own a beer Chang shirt but I would wear one if someone gave it to me. When I see an old farang with a pretty young Thai gal it gives me a big smile and I like to think he is enjoying himself. I'm sure she needs the money more than he does. :o

Do you think all women only consider age and physical appearance as the most important things in a relationship trumping all others?

personally, when i see a 60 year old guy with slimy hair, an unshaved beer belly and a beer chang shirt walking down the street with a 20 year old young lady, i sometimes get the thought money might be involved as well, not just age and physical appearance :D

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Do you think all women only consider age and physical appearance as the most important things in a relationship trumping all others?

personally, when i see a 60 year old guy with slimy hair, an unshaved beer belly and a beer chang shirt walking down the street with a 20 year old young lady, i sometimes get the thought money might be involved as well, not just age and physical appearance :o

So what?

If they are happy together then it's not our right to judge or slander them. The 20 year-old girl doesn't have to be in the relationship, she could quite easily find a Thai boyfriend her own age. He chose her and she chose him.

I look on the Thai forums a lot and can assure you that most of the Thais who complain about Farangs indulging in the girlie scene are those who live abroad and not even in Thailand. Most Thais couldn't give a darned about Farangs coming here for the cheap girls.

(Quote) If you would like to know what the average Thai persons opinion is of Farang who come here and participate in the prostitution scene,you should have a look on the Thai forums,

Can't agree with this. The average Thai himself enjoys indulging himself in the scene even more than the Farang!! In the eyes of a Thai it's accepted behaviour (if you are a single man) to visit a girl for her services.

Edited by stevesuphan
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BTW – in relation to some of your other posts and the use of the term “respectful” – do you understand the meaning for the word “respectful”?

From Merriam-Webster: Respectful: adjective; marked by or showing respect or deference.

Really very little to do with self-respect or respectable. One can certainly be very respectful, while at the same time not be respectable, and have little to no self-respect.


adj 1: full of or exhibiting respect;

*Dictionary.com :o

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Do you think all women only consider age and physical appearance as the most important things in a relationship trumping all others?

personally, when i see a 60 year old guy with slimy hair, an unshaved beer belly and a beer chang shirt walking down the street with a 20 year old young lady, i sometimes get the thought money might be involved as well, not just age and physical appearance :o

So what?

If they are happy together then it's not our right to judge or slander them. The 20 year-old girl doesn't have to be in the relationship, she could quite easily find a Thai boyfriend her own age. He chose her and she chose him.

Not that will pay her money to be with her thats for sure.

She chose his money, not him. :D

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(Quote) If you would like to know what the average Thai persons opinion is of Farang who come here and participate in the prostitution scene,you should have a look on the Thai forums,

Can't agree with this. The average Thai himself enjoys indulging himself in the scene even more than the Farang!! In the eyes of a Thai it's accepted behaviour (if you are a single man) to visit a girl for her services.

Sorry to burst your bubble, The general Thai populus has a very negative view of foreigners who come here to indulge in the sex trade. :o

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i rther doubt that anyone here can speak for the average Thai ... or the general Thai populace .... but from having been here for a few years ..... theaverage Thai woman thati have spoken to <not bar workers> sees it as predictable behaviour ....

most middle-class Thai gay men tend to NOT date foreigners that re fresh off the plane ... knowing that most will get sucked into the bar scene at some point for at least awhile

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(Quote) If you would like to know what the average Thai persons opinion is of Farang who come here and participate in the prostitution scene,you should have a look on the Thai forums,

Can't agree with this. The average Thai himself enjoys indulging himself in the scene even more than the Farang!! In the eyes of a Thai it's accepted behaviour (if you are a single man) to visit a girl for her services.

Sorry to burst your bubble, The general Thai populus has a very negative view of foreigners who come here to indulge in the sex trade. :D

What may i ask gives you the opinion/ feeling that you yourself are qualified to say this as?

Also what makes you think that you are more respectable and of a higher class than others? :o

Please don't say that you have a highly paid job in Bangkok and have many rich thai friends as that means nothing. :D

Edited by davethailand
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(Quote) If you would like to know what the average Thai persons opinion is of Farang who come here and participate in the prostitution scene,you should have a look on the Thai forums,

Can't agree with this. The average Thai himself enjoys indulging himself in the scene even more than the Farang!! In the eyes of a Thai it's accepted behaviour (if you are a single man) to visit a girl for her services.

Sorry to burst your bubble, The general Thai populus has a very negative view of foreigners who come here to indulge in the sex trade. :D

What may i ask gives you the opinion/ feeling that you yourself are qualified to say this as?

Also what makes you think that you are more respectable and of a higher class than others? :o

Please don't say that you have a highly paid job in Bangkok and have many rich thai friends as that means nothing. :D

Yeah, sure, educated thais even offer prizes for people participating in the prostitution scene. :D

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Lacoste - consensus is most thai(s) could care less if farangs are shagging away. Some farang's lack of discretion is most of the gripe, but in the end its shrug their shoulders and get on with their lives as you should do.

The only one that seems to be bothered by this is YOU. Seek some counseling - life will be less stressful and maybe you will start to feel better about yourself. :o

Edited by britmaveric
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(Quote) If you would like to know what the average Thai persons opinion is of Farang who come here and participate in the prostitution scene,you should have a look on the Thai forums,

Can't agree with this. The average Thai himself enjoys indulging himself in the scene even more than the Farang!! In the eyes of a Thai it's accepted behaviour (if you are a single man) to visit a girl for her services.

Sorry to burst your bubble, The general Thai populus has a very negative view of foreigners who come here to indulge in the sex trade. :o

I was reading something today on another web site that suggested money was very much a part of most Thai relationships. In Thailand the husband pays for the privilege of dating a woman, marrying a woman and normally gives her his paycheck every month or at least a substantial allowance each month.

If a male has a Mia noi he normally gives her an allowance and provides her domicile.

I think one may draw the conclusion that money plays a part in all Thai relationships in a way that is not the same as Western relationships.

Last night I hosted the ladies whine and cheese party.

The boys were out of town and the girls gathered for a food and drink fest.

Complaint number one from a Uni student (2mil baht in her checking account). Her hi so Thai male roommate had his name on the lease of their apartment but was not paying any of the rent even though he had a good job. The ladies answer, move out.

Complaint number two from an ex Bangkok prostitute she was not getting enough sex from her Farang boyfriend (25). The ladies answer, get an older guy they are horny.

Complaint number three from a Thai lady business owner. & Mia noi, her Japanese man took back her truck because he said he needed it for business and gave her a motor scooter. The ladies answer, no boom boom till you get the truck back.

I am bald, my Thai lady shaves my beer belly with a Norelco electric shaver and I would not have advised any of the three women in the same manner that they were advised.

Sex and money and relationships are intertwined in Thailand in ways that are not easy for Farang to accept.

The traditions of courtly love never made it to Thailand.

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2) This kind of story happens around the world sadly enough. Prostitutes are often the least protected members of society, especially in moral-majority societies. There always seems to be scumbags that like to beat on women. I think the big difference is, here the offender is more likely to end up floating face down in a klong. :D

In the moral-majority societies, he is more likely to get away with it, because the prevailing attitude seems to be the victim "was only a hooker so who cares". :o

You're right, this is a problem inherent in prostitution and the abuse of women, it's not limited to Thailand.
Lacoste - consensus is most thai(s) could care less if farangs are shagging away. Some farang's lack of discretion is most of the gripe, but in the end its shrug their shoulders and get on with their lives as you should do.
Yeah, turning a blind eye is what's best for everyone, mostly for the pepetrators of crimes, though. :D
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Well rainman, I keep my hair cut very short so it could hardly be called slimy. What is slimy hair? NEVER in my life have I EVER shaved my belly although last year when I had an appendectomy and the nurse did shave a lot of it. Is shaving your stomach a new sex thing? I don't own a beer Chang shirt but I would wear one if someone gave it to me. When I see an old farang with a pretty young Thai gal it gives me a big smile and I like to think he is enjoying himself. I'm sure she needs the money more than he does. :D

i guess i wasn't talking about you then. :o seriously, i just brought that up because i had experienced it an hour or so before i wrote this post. :D

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So what?

If they are happy together then it's not our right to judge or slander them. The 20 year-old girl doesn't have to be in the relationship, she could quite easily find a Thai boyfriend her own age. He chose her and she chose him.

i don't think i judged or slandered anyone. :o but as long as my name is on my body i'm entitled to an opinion and mine was just like i said

"i sometimes get the thought money might be involved as well, not just age and physical appearance"

and obviously i'm not wrong as everyone seems to agree that so far there are no free beer belly shavers in bangkok.


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Lacoste - consensus is most thai(s) could care less if farangs are shagging away. Some farang's lack of discretion is most of the gripe, but in the end its shrug their shoulders and get on with their lives as you should do.

Yeah, turning a blind eye is what's best for everyone, mostly for the pepetrators of crimes, though. :o

Yes well said psychedelix47, Indeed some people like to turn a blind eye to criminal activities which suits these preditors quite well.

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personally, when i see a 60 year old guy with slimy hair, an unshaved beer belly and a beer chang shirt walking down the street with a 20 year old young lady, i sometimes get the thought money might be involved as well, not just age and physical appearance :D

What about a 45 y.o. guy, with neatly trimmed hair, a (small) shaved belly and a "brand name" collared shirt, walking with a 23 y.o. young lady ? :D

What do you feel when you see Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones (35 years difference) walking together ? Or Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart (22 years apart) ? Or even Tom Cruise and the much younger Kate Hudson ? (Cruise - July '62, Hudson - Apr '79) OK, that's only a 17 year difference. :o

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personally, when i see a 60 year old guy with slimy hair, an unshaved beer belly and a beer chang shirt walking down the street with a 20 year old young lady, i sometimes get the thought money might be involved as well, not just age and physical appearance :D

What about a 45 y.o. guy, with neatly trimmed hair, a (small) shaved belly and a "brand name" collared shirt, walking with a 23 y.o. young lady ? :D

What do you feel when you see Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones (35 years difference) walking together ? Or Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart (22 years apart) ? Or even Tom Cruise and the much younger Kate Hudson ? (Cruise - July '62, Hudson - Apr '79) OK, that's only a 17 year difference. :o

The most obvious thing would be that non of those woman needed money.

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What about a 45 y.o. guy, with neatly trimmed hair, a (small) shaved belly and a "brand name" collared shirt, walking with a 23 y.o. young lady ? :D

What do you feel when you see Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones (35 years difference) walking together ? Or Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart (22 years apart) ? Or even Tom Cruise and the much younger Kate Hudson ? (Cruise - July '62, Hudson - Apr '79) OK, that's only a 17 year difference. :o

The most obvious thing would be that non of those woman needed money.

Wrong ! :D

The 23 y.o. walking with the 45 y.o. does need the money (I've seen her bank account, and her bad habits, which have nothing to do with drugs. She is kinda hooked on those dumb coin games though, where you try and pick up a stuffed animal with the crane). :D

So, I guess it is possible for a younger woman to actually have feelings for an older man ? Wow ! Who would have believed that ! :D

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