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Spider Webs On My Mountain Bike

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I have a mountain bike which I cycle 3 times a week. I park and lock it outdoors in the same place as my motorbike (sheltered under a corrugated iron roof). Unfortunately within only a day spiders have already started to spin webs on it making it unsightly. I usually have to resort to using a lighter to burn the webs off, being careful not to harm the spider. Is there a practical way to stop them spinning their webs on my bike? Perhaps a chemical available in Thailand which I can spray on my bicycle to repell them?

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I have a mountain bike which I cycle 3 times a week. I park and lock it outdoors in the same place as my motorbike (sheltered under a corrugated iron roof). Unfortunately within only a day spiders have already started to spin webs on it making it unsightly. I usually have to resort to using a lighter to burn the webs off, being careful not to harm the spider. Is there a practical way to stop them spinning their webs on my bike? Perhaps a chemical available in Thailand which I can spray on my bicycle to repell them?

Here are some suggestions....

Top five ways to get rid of spiders on your mountain bike:

1 ) Put a sign on your mountain bike telling the Spiders to please not to spin their webs on it.

2 ) wrap your bike in cellopane every night before bed.

3 ) tape a bunch of Wasp nests around your bike.

4 ) wash and clean your mountain bike, it obviously attracts all sorts of bugs, and Spiders love to eat bugs.

and lastly....

5 ) you must appease Mang Moom Phi, the Thai Spider spirit, so you have to put a Spirit House dedicated to her next to the place where you put your bike. And every morning you must put lots of tasty bugs there for her. Then she will tell her spider minions not to spin their webs on your bike.

Hope this helps....


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Donno about any chemicals. What about your motorbike? Does it too have the same problem as your bike? Since you park it at the same place everytime, why don't you try parking it at a different location and see the result?


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Some people have to contend with really atrocious problems in their lives.................... you do, at least, have my sympathy........ try a feather duster............. if that fails. perhaps you will simply have to get rid of the bike before the problem becomes too big to handle......

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  • 2 weeks later...
I park and lock it outdoors in the same place as my motorbike (sheltered under a corrugated iron roof). I usually have to resort to using a lighter to burn the webs off, being careful not to harm the spider.

As the saying goes: Always look on the bright side of life. :D

Be glad that you don't have a caterpillar problem, for instance. :o



Happy na... :D

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