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UNICEF urges Thais to urgently donate to help fight Ebola


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UNICEF urges Thais to urgently donate to help fight Ebola

BANGKOK: -- The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Friday appealed to Thais for urgent donations to help fight the spread of the deadly Ebola virus in West Africa.

UNICEF Thailand Representative Bijaya Rajbhandari said the virus could threaten the lives of millions of others unless urgent action is taken to bring it under control.

UNICEF estimated that at least 3,700 children in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone have lost one or both parents to Ebola since the start of the outbreak. Many of these children are being shunned and rejected by surviving relatives due to fears of being infected by the virus.

UNICEF estimates that some 8.5 million children and young people under the age of 20 live in affected areas in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. Of these, 2.5 million are under the age of five.

UNICEF has issued an appeal for US$ 200 million to respond to the outbreak, which is part of a broader, six-month appeal for $987.8 million that governments and humanitarian agencies require to fight the spread of the epidemic.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/UNICEF-urges-Thais-to-urgently-donate-to-help-figh-30245460.html

-- The Nation 2014-10-14

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First you invent a disease, you patent it so nobody else can run away with it

Than you seed it among poor people

Than you ask for donations to fight it

Than you make billions on patented vaccinations

If you want to get screwed you better go to Pattaya!

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I'd donate but ....

I spent all my money on a low number license plate.

I donated my money to a temple so it can gold leaf its roof.

I formed a charitable foundation that used its funds to buy me land.

I spent all my money on auto repairs - a ferrari

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Thailand has only one direction for money/ aid and that direction is only IN,

NOT out ! The concept of groups of nations, UN, UNICEF, etc., is nations helping other nations not nations only helping themselves an pleading for help from others. Reciprocation is not translatable here. How quickly they forget/dismiss all the help offered/given free, voluntarily, by others to them. Tsk, tsk !

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They invented the cure.

-Where'd you leave it, Dr Somchai?

- I though you had it, Dr Turdsak.

they don't even need a cure because, the disease won't kill anyone anymore... didn't you hear, they gave Ebola Thai citizenship, so it wouldn't do such a thing

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They invented the cure.

-Where'd you leave it, Dr Somchai?

- I though you had it, Dr Turdsak.

I remember reading somewhere that they had discovered an antidote to the cure, what a crock of shit that was, I got a cure for it, stay the <deleted> away from anyone or anywhere that has it

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