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Either you're seriously misinformed or lying just to win an argument. It is paid into and out of the general fund. Not set aside. Geez, how many times do I have to explain this to people?

nobody said it was set aside. but that doesnt alter the fact that premiums are paid and benefits collected. it aint welfare, its insurance.
Premiums? Where? Insurance? Please explain. Social Security is a tax. My money does not go to me. I knew you'd make up a story to prove your point.
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So how many posters and ex-pats in Thailand wouldn't jump at the opportunity to sit around all day at a beach, at a pub, on the porch taking the piss all day IF only they had someone to mooch off of? How many ex-pats are here right now living off the tit of their social welfare programs back home?

I have met many farang in the CM/CR region that don't do diddly all day while their Thai wife works to support them.

To answer the OP's query. I suppose its as common here amongst Thais as it is amongst farang to exploit.


what country in the west gives social WELFARE benefits to folks living out of country?

The western countries DO NOT provide WELFARE to people living outside the country. There are basically two kinds of government support. 1. Retirement beneits - earned after working 25-35 years and paying into the retirement fund. 2. Disability

There are slackers in the West but they are looked down upon as social unfits. Work is a source of pride in Western cultures and many people have killed themslves simply because they lost their job.

Thanks for a respectful response. I was only suggesting that there are abuses made against the US Welfare system and some other posters have indicated such abuses are not limited to the US.

I agree work is a source of pride in the US but I want to be more specific and say it is a source of pride amongst certain sub-cultures in the US but not all. The US now has a very large and thriving segment of society that has zero work ethic and there are many Americans who are actually 3rd and 4th generation welfare recipients. A trip to any major urban population will quickly support my claim.

But guys from our group are very much how you describe. We have great pride in our work, in our work ethic, in being the provider, and in our work being a large part of our personal identity.

Again, thanks for presenting your difference of opinion in such a good-natured manner. I really appreciate it.

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So how many posters and ex-pats in Thailand wouldn't jump at the opportunity to sit around all day at a beach, at a pub, on the porch taking the piss all day IF only they had someone to mooch off of? How many ex-pats are here right now living off the tit of their social welfare programs back home?

I have met many farang in the CM/CR region that don't do diddly all day while their Thai wife works to support them.

To answer the OP's query. I suppose its as common here amongst Thais as it is amongst farang to exploit.


what country in the west gives social WELFARE benefits to folks living out of country?

The western countries DO NOT provide WELFARE to people living outside the country. There are basically two kinds of government support. 1. Retirement beneits - earned after working 25-35 years and paying into the retirement fund. 2. Disability

There are slackers in the West but they are looked down upon as social unfits. Work is a source of pride in Western cultures and many people have killed themslves simply because they lost their job.

Thanks for a respectful response. I was only suggesting that there are abuses made against the US Welfare system and some other posters have indicated such abuses are not limited to the US.

I agree work is a source of pride in the US but I want to be more specific and say it is a source of pride amongst certain sub-cultures in the US but not all. The US now has a very large and thriving segment of society that has zero work ethic and there are many Americans who are actually 3rd and 4th generation welfare recipients. A trip to any major urban population will quickly support my claim.

But guys from our group are very much how you describe. We have great pride in our work, in our work ethic, in being the provider, and in our work being a large part of our personal identity.

Again, thanks for presenting your difference of opinion in such a good-natured manner. I really appreciate it.

There are plenty of rural populations that would support your claim as well.

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So how many posters and ex-pats in Thailand wouldn't jump at the opportunity to sit around all day at a beach, at a pub, on the porch taking the piss all day IF only they had someone to mooch off of? How many ex-pats are here right now living off the tit of their social welfare programs back home?

I have met many farang in the CM/CR region that don't do diddly all day while their Thai wife works to support them.

To answer the OP's query. I suppose its as common here amongst Thais as it is amongst farang to exploit.


Social security and pensions aren't "social welfare". Those retirees earned and saved that money.

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So how many posters and ex-pats in Thailand wouldn't jump at the opportunity to sit around all day at a beach, at a pub, on the porch taking the piss all day IF only they had someone to mooch off of? How many ex-pats are here right now living off the tit of their social welfare programs back home?

I have met many farang in the CM/CR region that don't do diddly all day while their Thai wife works to support them.

To answer the OP's query. I suppose its as common here amongst Thais as it is amongst farang to exploit.


Social security and pensions aren't "social welfare". Those retirees earned and saved that money.

Thank you for pointing out the fact that I never suggested social security and pensions are a form of social welfare. I would not want anyone to get confused and think I made such a claim.


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So how many posters and ex-pats in Thailand wouldn't jump at the opportunity to sit around all day at a beach, at a pub, on the porch taking the piss all day IF only they had someone to mooch off of? How many ex-pats are here right now living off the tit of their social welfare programs back home?

I have met many farang in the CM/CR region that don't do diddly all day while their Thai wife works to support them.

To answer the OP's query. I suppose its as common here amongst Thais as it is amongst farang to exploit.


Social security and pensions aren't "social welfare". Those retirees earned and saved that money.

Thank you for pointing out the fact that I never suggested social security and pensions are a form of social welfare. I would not want anyone to get confused and think I made such a claim.


so what forms of social welfare were you referring to ?

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So how many posters and ex-pats in Thailand wouldn't jump at the opportunity to sit around all day at a beach, at a pub, on the porch taking the piss all day IF only they had someone to mooch off of? How many ex-pats are here right now living off the tit of their social welfare programs back home?

I have met many farang in the CM/CR region that don't do diddly all day while their Thai wife works to support them.

To answer the OP's query. I suppose its as common here amongst Thais as it is amongst farang to exploit.


Social security and pensions aren't "social welfare". Those retirees earned and saved that money.

Thank you for pointing out the fact that I never suggested social security and pensions are a form of social welfare. I would not want anyone to get confused and think I made such a claim.


Oh I can't wait for you to tell us what kind of social welfare were you referring to! Food stamps? Job seeker's allowance? Section 8? Oh please tell us--I can't wait!

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So how many posters and ex-pats in Thailand wouldn't jump at the opportunity to sit around all day at a beach, at a pub, on the porch taking the piss all day IF only they had someone to mooch off of? How many ex-pats are here right now living off the tit of their social welfare programs back home?

I have met many farang in the CM/CR region that don't do diddly all day while their Thai wife works to support them.

To answer the OP's query. I suppose its as common here amongst Thais as it is amongst farang to exploit.


Birds of a feather flock together.

Nice to hear your experience

Yeh, I left myself open for that but I was pretty certain jaydee wasn't clever enough to exploit it.

I am not much of a drinker...maybe a pint every month or two.

And i live off my own blood & sweat FWIW...but then on this board I am sure everybody would swear the same. Yourself included.

But if you are of the same mindset as our comanion jaydee that no farang expat would ever dream of a taking advantage of a free ride IF only they could, then you aren't as clever as I give you credit for.


still trying to dodge my original point I see. C'mon pal, give us examples of western countries that allow expats to collect SOCIAL WELFARE!! don't try and deflect it with an IF, you insinuated that its happening and I checked you up on it and so far you got nothing!

I know a couple of UK and Oz guys living on their pensions over here. Live quite well also. Is that the same


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I can speak French, Russian, German and can calculate number without calculator despite I graduated from Thai public school and provincial university and live in sub urban of Chiangmai not Bangkok. Is this surprising for you?

As well as Thais who work with Large international business. They initially graduated from Thai public school or Thai universities either in Bangkok or provinces away then continued to study abroad. And many of them graduated from Ivy league Unis while attending international school cannot guarantee a place for your child in these prestigious universities. Why?

And you assume that Japanese Execs who cannot speak English properly(or prefer not to)but instead ask for translation services are less educated than you who speak English? French people are low educated because only 33% of French population speak English? Really?

my daughters went to thai public school and did very well in western universities.

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We are talking in general terms including myself. You ask why? First it is refreshing to here your story that you come from Public education in Thailand outside of Bangkok, I merely referred to Bangkok because as far as I could see Bangkok is your capital and the majority of your International business and largest company operate from there?

When you speak of your own story and use the word many as refreshing as it is to me it does not change my opinion it is a very small % of your student population. Like the few successful comments here it is because there is a support? That support is a indication that there is one foreign parent who truly understand the important's of education and pushes their child to do better? My negative opinion is of the masses when both Thai parents are poor. In your situation for you to have done as well and learn so many languages and have such drive I would assume you had such a support? And of course if many others Thais have gone abroad to study and even attend Ivy league schools it take financial support? And as I see it Thailand is a country of have and have not's and the masses are the one in the have not category.

When you makes reference to Japan for example? If I'm correct in your remarks? Thailand education system is no where in the same league as Japan. I would never have any thoughts of a Japanese not speaking English to me as being uneducated because of their education system but I will admit it crosses my mind regarding Thais. The Thai system is not even remotely close to Japan, Korea, and China. As for the French if the Thai education system can produce even 30% what they produce we would not be having this conversation. I come from one of the largest Asian population in the U.S. and rarely would I run into a Thai student while I encounter students from other Asian countries that come from all economics levels.

This conversation started with why Thai males seem to be treated differently? Look around? Thailand is the sex capital of the world even if the government wants to deny it? You have a production line of sex workers, young girls who children have no fathers pay no support. The males in general seem to get a pass while the girls work and send money home for everyone. Sorry to say that is my experience and I do not see currently with your education system it changing in the near future.

Edited by thailand49
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Unless they can find a stupid Falung to support them all.

i fear op wants to be one ...................................lol.

PS girls being breadwinners in issan. it makes sense as would you want short time with a thai village boy? exceptions duly noted as i do see some of these...................hahahahaha!

Edited by choochoo
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Pretty much, yes.

But where I live in Rhek Thum, they haven't discovered hammocks yet, so they ride three physically grown men to one 110cc scooter (that's 36cc per male--doesn't seem like much …. what? … no, not brain pan size, cylinder size!) holding bird cages headed for an empty lot to have a day of drinking and listening to their birds sing while the women cut rubber trees and cook food.

Is it fair to say then, that you live in the ars@ Hole of nowhere - Rhek Thum. tongue.png

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Yes my experience is with large international companies in Bangkok and I have very little experience with the countryside Thais and have no reason to have such associations. Maybe that is the way it is in the countryside but I also think that most of you who live and work in Thailand and are associated with or are married to country girls or live in the countryside have no idea of an entirely different side of Thai culture and business from inside large companies. There are plenty of very hard working, smart and educated Thai men and women working in these large companies. Ive worked with Thai lawyers, engineers, executives, bankers and scientists over the years, both men and women. Plenty of Thai go getters if you look in the right places. Now that said I do believe the Thais do lack a sense of innovation and have a difficult time thinking outside the box but that's a far cry from being lazy.

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Yes my experience is with large international companies in Bangkok and I have very little experience with the countryside Thais and have no reason to have such associations. Maybe that is the way it is in the countryside but I also think that most of you who live and work in Thailand and are associated with or are married to country girls or live in the countryside have no idea of an entirely different side of Thai culture and business from inside large companies. There are plenty of very hard working, smart and educated Thai men and women working in these large companies. Ive worked with Thai lawyers, engineers, executives, bankers and scientists over the years, both men and women. Plenty of Thai go getters if you look in the right places. Now that said I do believe the Thais do lack a sense of innovation and have a difficult time thinking outside the box but that's a far cry from being lazy.

and i can assure you that there plenty of smart , hardworking folks in the countryside too.

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Keith ... can I call you Keith?

Are you inquiring for ALL of Thailand, your specific area in Thailand (isaan etc), your City/Village ... or simply your immediate Family ... or someone's Family who you know?

Details please ... we need details ... rolleyes.gif

Clearly he's talking about those around him. It's standard farang MO to see one or two Thais doing something, which therefore, means every other 60 million Thais will do the same. Pretty boneheaded, but yes, standard MO.

Not sure why the OP feels a need to bash all Thai men. I have seen lazy Thai men, and extremely hard-working ones. I have also seen lazy Thai women, and extremely hard-working ones. Same same farangs of both genders. But I suppose this narrow-minded and bigoted attitude is not surprising coming from this OP.

Berkshire ... it's an interesting comment and quite understandable.

For me, what is disappointing is that the OP keithkarmann despite posting the Opening Post more then a week ago, hasn't revisited and commented.

Makes me sort of ponder his commitment to the original question.


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