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Problem with bribery not confined to traffic cops: Thai editorial


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It would also help if officials cars found taking bribes were actually prosecuted and stripped tof their pensions and jobs for nested of just getting away with time after time. There is plainly still no intention of tackling corruption despite the new broom a a few leaves being swept up because nothing has been done to cure the tree and stop the leaves falling so much.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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It is widely acknowledged that graft is especially serious in the police force. Most Thais have encountered corrupt cops, either directly or via accounts from family and friends. Traffic police are often accused of demanding bribes and there have many been many cases in which they've been caught on camera demanding or accepting bribes from motorists.

They know already the police extort money and have their proof YET they have NEVER taken any action against these policemen.


Corrupt police will never stop what they do because it is sanctioned and no punishments are meted out when caught. There are many videos in Youtube showing cops here taking money.

In most cases the citizen does not offer the bribe. The policeman demands it with threats of more sever punishments. This is their tactic and it will not change because people will pay even if only out of the fear instilled by the police.

The many times I have been stopped at roadside has always ended with the police demanding money from me with threats of harsher punishment. I NEVER offered him money. It is detestable yet there was nothing I could do except pay him so I could move on.

This corruption will never end as it exists at ALL levels within the police force.

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I have had 5 encounters w cops in Thailand. 4x..they got paid! I suppose I propagate the problem but as a tourist, they hold me for 1 hour as they stop other tourists..and would walk me to police atation to pay a fine. What tourist waits an hour in the heat to go pay a fine?? 200b..goodbye...

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For <deleted>'s sake . . . they already know many people within the RTP are corrupt in one way or another (most from what I've seen), and know who they are . . . so simply arrest them and make sure they face some serious penalties for once . . . for, you know, BREAKING THE <deleted> LAWS THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO UPHOLD . . .

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Traffic cops never asked me for a bribe. Never!

I never offered a traffic cop a bribe. Never!

They stopped me .... told me the offense ... showed me the price list printed in English ... they wouldn't take the "fine" on top of the clipboard but told me to put it under the clipboard.

This is normal procedure and everybody knows it. So why would a person following normal procedure established by the police be accused of offering a bribe?

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With respect to Thailand, name me a country that isn't corrupt, and I'll name a person that lives on the moon. The only difference with this country is that the system is more open, and in view, whereas in other countries it is usually behind closed doors.


Results here is a classic example about perception of corruption.

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This doesn't help at all.

Officers may get a few 10 000 B rewards in first months, but later when every-one recognize this no-one will try to bribe them.

What does mean it?

They won't get 10 000 B reward, but won't get also to collect tea money.

have to give them normal salary, and take out who will be corrupted despite to normal money carrier.

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Traffic cops never asked me for a bribe. Never!

I never offered a traffic cop a bribe. Never!

They stopped me .... told me the offense ... showed me the price list printed in English ... they wouldn't take the "fine" on top of the clipboard but told me to put it under the clipboard.

This is normal procedure and everybody knows it. So why would a person following normal procedure established by the police be accused of offering a bribe?

I have no problem with 'on the spot' fines. As long as they give you a receipt. I'd not, I'd meet them down the station.

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What a joke : the officer will have done this to get 10,000 baht. When the scheme ends, he will take the bribe.

The reward should be for the public catching policemen taking bribes who are then sacked. If every officer caught on camera taking or demanding a bribe got fired, the problem would be cured pretty quick.

Obviously there is no intention to do that. This just the normal bizarre Thai logic from someone attempting to suck up to the PM.

Pay them a decent salary and operate a zero-tolerance policy on corruption. Nothing else will work.

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Traffic cops never asked me for a bribe. Never!

I never offered a traffic cop a bribe. Never!

They stopped me .... told me the offense ... showed me the price list printed in English ... they wouldn't take the "fine" on top of the clipboard but told me to put it under the clipboard.

This is normal procedure and everybody knows it. So why would a person following normal procedure established by the police be accused of offering a bribe?

LOLOL,,,, Seriously?... Please read what you've posted,,, lololololol In paying the, "fine" on the spot, were you given an official reciept?,,, Of COURSE the nice, honest TP turned over ALL the $$ collected that day to the court system,,,, HAHAHAHAH,,,,

Edited by Adeeos
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This doesn't help at all.

Officers may get a few 10 000 B rewards in first months, but later when every-one recognize this no-one will try to bribe them.

What does mean it?

They won't get 10 000 B reward, but won't get also to collect tea money.

have to give them normal salary, and take out who will be corrupted despite to normal money carrier.

Nor does it hurt. It's just an expose on what everybody already well knows. If anything, the article is too narrowly focused - perhaps absurdly so - on just the RTP...

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Thailand is Thailand.

Corruption is endemic, always will be.

Doesn't matter who is in power, Reds, Yellows or Greens; corruption will remain the one constant.

Was it ever thus, or is this an acquired taste?

Ever thus, my friend, ever thus.

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With respect to Thailand, name me a country that isn't corrupt, and I'll name a person that lives on the moon. The only difference with this country is that the system is more open, and in view, whereas in other countries it is usually behind closed doors.


Results here is a classic example about perception of corruption.

I would have to disagree with you. The corruption is not open here but endemic. People and in particular institutions here don't even know what they call business practices, are actually corruption practices. Corruption here is blatant and is one aspect why Thailand hasn't developed to its full potential. I find you trying to defend it quite sad, if that is what you are doing. Corruption here is rife and ingrained to the core of daily life. I do not see this happening in most modern western countries and certainly not on a street level.

Whilst I would agree corruption does happen in some countries, certainly not every country as you are suggesting unless the moon is one, I see it at the top level in some countries in banking etc and not at the middle and low level, such as here in Thailand. I have not come across corruption in other developed countries, on the scale it is here. Such as industries and government departments, police, customs and even at the shop level, like happens here every day. I find it sickening and hope the Thai people will take no for an answer and step up and stop these practices. Although I am not holding my breath.coffee1.gif

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I am the victim of corruption from Chiang Mai immigration. The POS that issues certificates of residency (a stupidly required document) offered me the next day service for 500 baht, since I wanted the free version it has taken 30 days.

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All of us pay 500 baht for next day residency papers. The system works well, and they even opened a special office to take care of the requests. Just cough up a few bucks, and get what you want. No need to make a huge issue out of something that's been the same since time out of mind.

Business as usual becomes corruption when people we don't approve of start collecting the money, and I reserve that judgment to the police. It's much less pleasant being robbed by a man with a gun than a bunch of nice kids sitting at desks.

I have been stopped several times in Chiang Mai and Pattaya. The only cop who didn't shake me down and pocket the fine was one in Pattaya, and he didn't only because the military was watching.

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