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Koh Tao murders: Father swears his son is innocent


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If the Ac family were involved in this, what happens to them after the trial?

Having paid the relevant people is it business as normal, or is their standing in Thai society totally destroyed?

Do they have a future, or will they disappear?

The same question for Red Bull Grandson is it as normal or is he shunned till the end?

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Has anyone seen any suggestion anywhere that either of the two accused is some kind of martial arts expert capable (as the RTP claims) of single handedly killing a much bigger and stronger opponent without suffering any injury himself?

has anyone seen any evidence you need to be a martial arts expert to swing a hoe into the back of a man's head when he is "on the job" ?

and no, no one on this forum has seen any evidence they are just making wild speculations based on media reports and coming to their own conclusions with no facts or proof to back themselves up and then claiming the people that do have the facts and proof are incompetent in their professions

The RTP reported to the media that David's DNA was NOT on the hoe. So please look in the mirror before adding your own wild speculations about this.

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Check out the new post on facebook from the Thai Community!

There is a new suspect who is employee of AC bar Nomsot and his uncle and seen with the victims.

He is of interest because

1.this man was one of the footballers who went to party at the AC bar which is the same night Hannah and David got murdered.

2.he had left Ko Tao immediately and came back after the Burmese men were arrested.

2. Has stingray tail ring that can inflict and seems to match the wounds suffered by David Miller, and Hannah Witheridge .. Pictures on CSI LA

3.This ring is seen in pictures on his left side hand... the wounds are mostly on Davids right side and suggest a series of left hand punches.

4. this man is of a size and build that may be able to overpower David.

4. This man was accused of trying to rape Supannee Deighton two years ago and escaped him by jumping from a balcony.. you can read her story

and see wounds she suffered .

Burmese workers on the island are also starting to speak up and say they saw The headman's son on the island drinking till 12am with Sean the night of the murders..

Im not saying this person did it or if what others say is true but it is worth looking at and forming your own opinion.

The police should be investigating all these leads there is picture evidence and in some areas expert testimony.. If the police were not covering up for someone they would be questioning and investigating all these leads.

Looks like the citizens are doing there job for them..

interesting but one point is wrong. this "suspect" wears the ring on his right hand not left hand. otherwise some good points.

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Mark Kent ? who the <deleted> is he, oh the British Ambassador another soft <deleted> like D Cameron Mr yesterdays man both talk the talk but CANNOT walk the walk passifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gipassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.giviolin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Well said! Typical pussy footing British Government!....Mustn't upset the foreignerrolleyes.gif

Cameron? What has done? More interested in taking care he's resident foreigners !

Rubbish,, You use the phrase "typical pussy footing British Government" but I suspect you have no experience of the British Government at all,, dont know where you are from but your English is very poor.

Anyway, the British are now getting involved so lets see what happens.

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Anybody with two eyes and half a sense can see these two guys are not killers.

Now, that pic of Mon Set playing with the bilge hose on the boat; check his pecs and shoulder/biceps muscles at the edge of the pic. Pretty ripped, typical of (Thai/SE Asian) men who labor or of course of any young guy who's very active.

What some of the foreigners posting here don't get is that you don't have to be big to be very strong if your muscles are well-toned. Try arm-wrestling a skinny Thai labourer some time, see how it goes.

Last, anyone who's spent more than a couple years (like one self-appointed high-count poster who's a self-styled expert on Thailand after….3 years here! in SE Asia can pick out the tough guys pretty quickly if not at a glance. The guys peering over the counter at the 7-11 in the pic--tough guys, definitely. The Burmese guys--no way.

I've also noticed some posters on these Koh Tao threads with very, very high post counts, like 10-20 every single day for months; a few also have suspiciously similar names and posts (--John-- and similar in case you're curious) and to me come across as shills because they continually either praise the investigation without giving doing much other than parrot the police press releases, or otherwise mis-direct or try derail the thread by making irrelevant comparisons to other countries (as if two wrongs make a right), o badger people who are posting comments critical of this farce I mean investigation.

I suggest readers of these threads read with a critical eye anything written pro or con the handling of this case; though to be frank in my eyes the cons outweigh the pros 100 to 1.

Another ignorant i.e. misinformed comment the Thai authorities and some posters have made is that the rape of poor Hannah was due to sexual lust. This just shows they never took criminology 101, though interestingly it plays right into the framing scenario (or is another reason it's ludicrous, so in fact they're actually weakening their case in the eyes of all but the gullible by focusing on it as motive).

I've seen my share of gore in real life and not much shocks me any more, but the photos I saw of Hannah did. Whoever did that to her is a monster or was drugged up into being one. Brutal, vicious beyond anything short of a beheading; I actually encourage all of you interested in this case, especially the Thai-apologists, to seek these photos out, see for yourself, and then come back here and make word-play about her, David, or these two Burmese guys. Go ahead, disgust me (and no doubt others) more than you have already.

In my conspiratorial moments I can see this as an action directed either intuitionally or not at many foreigners in Thailand. The comments on the Thai side within days worrying or hoping about the effect on tourism have also disgusted me but also revealed what I've long known about Thailand, since I first started visiting it couple of decades+ back: we are tolerated for our money, at times given respect for our relative wealth/power (i.e. that of our native countries), but there is also a very, very strong current of envy and dislike bordering on contempt for us (and no small part of that is deserved due to the behaviour of many of us in Thailand), and that combination is a toxic one, it can and does lead to violence.

So open your eyes, folks, this is about all of us. Look at the facts; it would be very good actually for someone(s) to put together an online source of verified information related to the case, as well as a list of unanswered questions, of which there are many. The mantra for all of this should be "never again."


Regarding the pro Thai posting, did you not see the TV classified job listing a few years back offering pay for posting positive counter-replies to posts that criticize things about Thailand?

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Mark Kent ? who the <deleted> is he, oh the British Ambassador another soft <deleted> like D Cameron Mr yesterdays man both talk the talk but CANNOT walk the walk passifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gipassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.giviolin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Well said! Typical pussy footing British Government!....Mustn't upset the foreignerrolleyes.gif

Cameron? What has done? More interested in taking care he's resident foreigners !

Rubbish,, You use the phrase "typical pussy footing British Government" but I suspect you have no experience of the British Government at all,, dont know where you are from but your English is very poor.

Anyway, the British are now getting involved so lets see what happens.

Exactly where did you learn that double comma technique and is that your badge for criticizing another person's English?

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The Thai Government can thank it's lucky stars that the British PM is a weak and spineless fool who employs Ambassadors of the same make-up. If I were the PM I would have made a phone call within hours of the murder advising Thailand that Scotland Yard was on it's way to jointly investigate the crime - it wouldn't have been a request!

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One dirty, rich family protecting it's son's murderous acts & in effect teaching their son that murder is ok is destroying a perfectly good & morally intact family.

You obviously have solid grounds for making such a statement.

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Has anyone seen any suggestion anywhere that either of the two accused is some kind of martial arts expert capable (as the RTP claims) of single handedly killing a much bigger and stronger opponent without suffering any injury himself?


Hit by a massive blow to the head In a blitz attack and there is no fighting back.

Hey PaPiPuPePo......Here is one of those shills right now.

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We need a new British Ambassador . . . one with balls.

Oh, and a British Government with balls too.

So far, Mr Kent has been pathetic, and his public strong condemnation of the Thai Govt for deliberately misquoting him badly was heard loud and clear. Not.

.......... and we need British tourists with brains too.

Who are you referring to . . . ?

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Outstanding point, this case could have been the making of the General; instead he is taking Thailand back to the dark ages.

Another show of his strength would have been to issue an arrest warrant for the Red Bull Police Murder, again silence!!

Why? Why has he not sent in the troops to clear that Island? why???? Money? greed? corruption? what is it?

He has shown his true values and beliefs.

A tragedy for Thailand, A tragedy for the REAL AND DECENT PEOPLE of Thailand.

One may just imagine what a rocket-alike rise in popularity worldwide our beloved dicta... sorry, Gen. Prayuth would receive if he would stand up to the island mafia families, root out all those rotten bastards there and get the real killers proscecuted. But what happens instead? He's covering for them as well... It's sickening!

Not even talking about the positive boost it would have on the Burma/Thai relationship if for once, some unfortunate burmese people such as the two accused would be treated like human beings and receive the same rights as Thais. But to ask a Thai to just let go of this irritating self-absorbed "Thai people are the best in the world and superior to anyone and anything else" attitude just for a day is too much to ask for, apparently.

Why???? I just re-watched Godfather Part II last night.....Michael Corleone says to The Senator, "We are part of the same hypocrisy.".....that is why the Generale' isn't doing anything about it, he has his fingers in the cake, too.

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There is not one parent in the world that can say what a son or daughter or any child or any person is capable of doing or not,So Why do they write this bullshit.

Doc the good general said no Thai person could do it. He was speaking for 60 odd million people.

Yet here you are saying no one can talk for their own children.

A rather retarded point of view you have.

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We need a new British Ambassador . . . one with balls.

Oh, and a British Government with balls too.

So far, Mr Kent has been pathetic, and his public strong condemnation of the Thai Govt for deliberately misquoting him badly was heard loud and clear. Not.

I think it's called diplomacy... facepalm.gif

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There were several wounds that looked as if they would have incapacitated an adult. I however am not a forensic pathologist.

Note how desperate people Are that they have to include insults....

If your aren't a "forensic pathologist" why even comment on the wounds?

I call troll!

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You do not need martial arts, nor be strong, to hit somebody over the head with a Hoe, when they are not expecting it. That pretty much would disable anyone.

I have often received an unexpected blow...from the back, or when not looking. It is actually the guy who is willing to make the initial attack that will prevail. Westerners tend to be loud...and normally try to intimidate, before making the first strike. I also try to avoid a fight, fearing the consequences (I am quite uncontrollable when riled up). Perhaps the victim was not prepared, or slightly incapacitated. More than likely, he did not understand the imminent threat.

According to the RTP, the (original) victims were having sex on the beach when the accused approached them (there was no cover they could have used for a furtive approach). I find it quite likely that John or Hannah would have noticed. I also believe most people would (having noticed) have been somewhat interested in the Burmese guys further actions, especially when one picked up a hoe.

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One dirty, rich family protecting it's son's murderous acts & in effect teaching their son that murder is ok is destroying a perfectly good & morally intact family.

You obviously have solid grounds for making such a statement.

If you've been following the case since it occurred, actually that statement holds a lot more solid ground than some charges perpetrated upon a few Burmese scapegoats. C'mon son, do your research. Get crackin'!

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