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Koh Tao murders: Father swears his son is innocent


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Check out the new post on facebook from the Thai Community!

There is a new suspect who is employee of AC bar Nomsot and his uncle and seen with the victims.

He is of interest because

1.this man was one of the footballers who went to party at the AC bar which is the same night Hannah and David got murdered.

2.he had left Ko Tao immediately and came back after the Burmese men were arrested.

2. Has stingray tail ring that can inflict and seems to match the wounds suffered by David Miller, and Hannah Witheridge .. Pictures on CSI LA

3.This ring is seen in pictures on his left side hand... the wounds are mostly on Davids right side and suggest a series of left hand punches.

4. this man is of a size and build that may be able to overpower David.

4. This man was accused of trying to rape Supannee Deighton two years ago and escaped him by jumping from a balcony.. you can read her story

and see wounds she suffered .

Burmese workers on the island are also starting to speak up and say they saw The headman's son on the island drinking till 12am with Sean the night of the murders..

Im not saying this person did it or if what others say is true but it is worth looking at and forming your own opinion.

The police should be investigating all these leads there is picture evidence and in some areas expert testimony.. If the police were not covering up for someone they would be questioning and investigating all these leads.

Looks like the citizens are doing there job for them..

If the above is factual, I agree that this man could have been involved in the crime. Given his previous, he appears to be a more likely suspect than the two Burmese. Time for the RTP to find new evidence?

BTW - the above F/B link isn't operative.

looks like we have another suspect to go with "the protected one"


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I have decided to give up posting about this, or any other thread on here, it's really tiring now and I am so tired of -

- The Aussie's with their immense chip on the shoulder berating the 'whinging poms' when someone even mentions the UK

- The arrogant supercilious posters who reply with a cocky or rude comeback

- The repeat posts by those not reading earlier questions

- Those taking themselves waaaaaay too seriously

- back and forth mind numbing arguments that clog up entire pages

- the generalisations.

- the repeat posts by those not reading earlier questions.

- the lack of respect for other cultures.

- the Belgians, every single one of them.

Have at it!

You should keep posting.

There were always a few lads that just wanted to play and distract in classes at school, fortunately if there are some around to keep the interest going they will go to sleep or start throwing paper airplanes at each other.

It's important not to drop this subject, it will make a difference.

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I understand Kent has to be diplomatic but he could diplomatically show some strength and resolve instead of coming across as weak kneed pish. I find his comment "adding that it was important for the media to observe professional ethics" a bit disturbing when what should be addressed is the professional ethics of the police.

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Another day another circus.

There are only two things the Thai authorities worry about and these are money and face.

The long game is being played here.

As far as RTP is concerned they've got their men.

All the evidence fits and witnesses will have seen them at the crime scene.

The two suspects will be found guilty, tried and summarily executed, end of story.

Game over.

If there is a different outcome I'll believe it when I see it.

My apologies if this seems a little harsh but this is the reality as far as I see it.

Meanwhile Mark Kent and David Cameron can relax in the knowledge that they have done a really great job and justice has been served.clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gifclap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gifcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gifcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

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I wonder if Kent is passing on the strong message not to quote him, the Embassy or the British government without proper authority ?

Somehow i doubt it.

The BP website is reporting the lady as saying Kent made complaints about media ethics and standard of reporting. He supposedly said the KT victims' passports should not have been shown in the media.

She's reported to have said the commission would try and improve media ethics but had no control over social media. Nice fob off so let the wai's begin again.

Now all Kent has to do is get into all the unauthorised comments, quotes etc that Thai officialdom doesn't hesitate to make on behalf of others.

But the Thai PM DOES control the media.....absolutely.

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I don't know if the Myanmar lawyers have access to or knowledge of all the many conflicting and contradictory reports made by the RTP to the media since this case started - which is, of course, one very big reason why there is so much doubt about the "official" version of what happened. Someone should collect and put together and publish all these conflicting reports in a concise manner - not just for the lawyers representing the accused but for the whole world to see what a real muddled mess this case really is.

Peoples' personal comments on social media are not really worth much, if anything, as evidence in a criminal law case - because they are not official statements from "expert witnesses" - but official reports by the police to the media carry much more weight - because the police are responsible for the investigation - therefore such reports can and should be used by a competent lawyer to cross-examine every police officer who made statements about the investigation and greatly support the case for the defence.

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Check out the new post on facebook from the Thai Community!

There is a new suspect who is employee of AC bar Nomsot and his uncle and seen with the victims.

He is of interest because

1.this man was one of the footballers who went to party at the AC bar which is the same night Hannah and David got murdered.

2.he had left Ko Tao immediately and came back after the Burmese men were arrested.

2. Has stingray tail ring that can inflict and seems to match the wounds suffered by David Miller, and Hannah Witheridge .. Pictures on CSI LA

3.This ring is seen in pictures on his left side hand... the wounds are mostly on Davids right side and suggest a series of left hand punches.

4. this man is of a size and build that may be able to overpower David.

4. This man was accused of trying to rape Supannee Deighton two years ago and escaped him by jumping from a balcony.. you can read her story

and see wounds she suffered .

Burmese workers on the island are also starting to speak up and say they saw The headman's son on the island drinking till 12am with Sean the night of the murders..

Im not saying this person did it or if what others say is true but it is worth looking at and forming your own opinion.

The police should be investigating all these leads there is picture evidence and in some areas expert testimony.. If the police were not covering up for someone they would be questioning and investigating all these leads.

Looks like the citizens are doing there job for them..

Very very interesting and yes, of course it is precisely the sort of thing the real police should have been doing from the start. Whether real or imagined, this sort of lead is obviously the type of thing to be investigated and resolved, one way or another.

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Britain is in the drivers seat to get the answers everyone wants why the #__# don't they just do the DNA matching.. They have the victims, they can get the suspects DNA.. They don't need any permission from Thailand.. Just do it <deleted>.

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The BBC Worldnews broadcast on the topic yesterday that one of the accused Burmese men told BBC that police forced confession in custody while standing on accused arms and jumping on his chest. I have not read of this report in any forum or news media source out of Thailand though.

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Check out the new post on facebook from the Thai Community!

There is a new suspect who is employee of AC bar Nomsot and his uncle and seen with the victims.

He is of interest because

1.this man was one of the footballers who went to party at the AC bar which is the same night Hannah and David got murdered.

2.he had left Ko Tao immediately and came back after the Burmese men were arrested.

2. Has stingray tail ring that can inflict and seems to match the wounds suffered by David Miller, and Hannah Witheridge .. Pictures on CSI LA

3.This ring is seen in pictures on his left side hand... the wounds are mostly on Davids right side and suggest a series of left hand punches.

4. this man is of a size and build that may be able to overpower David.

4. This man was accused of trying to rape Supannee Deighton two years ago and escaped him by jumping from a balcony.. you can read her story

and see wounds she suffered .

Burmese workers on the island are also starting to speak up and say they saw The headman's son on the island drinking till 12am with Sean the night of the murders..

Im not saying this person did it or if what others say is true but it is worth looking at and forming your own opinion.

The police should be investigating all these leads there is picture evidence and in some areas expert testimony.. If the police were not covering up for someone they would be questioning and investigating all these leads.

Looks like the citizens are doing there job for them..

If the above is factual, I agree that this man could have been involved in the crime. Given his previous, he appears to be a more likely suspect than the two Burmese. Time for the RTP to find new evidence?

BTW - the above F/B link isn't operative.

looks like we have another suspect to go with "the protected one"

I wonder if that ring has now been ditched. IF it is part of the murderous attack, then there wold presumably been traces of the victims blood on it. But the BIB didn't close down the island did they? Or look properly at people who left quickly.

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The BBC Worldnews broadcast on the topic yesterday that one of the accused Burmese men told BBC that police forced confession in custody while standing on accused arms and jumping on his chest. I have not read of this report in any forum or news media source out of Thailand though.

Normally the BBC news is not the quickest source for information, but it is usually the most reliable. If they have reported this, then it's almost certain that it is what they were told and not just made up. Not really the sort of thing Thai media would be allowed to report though.

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Well there are hundreds of protesters marching to Downing Street today.

When people are protesting in the streets, then it shows the general feeling in the UK.

More fuel for the press.... I wonder how Prayuth would take it knowing that there are protests on the streets because of Thai police corruption, and probably military government corruption to boot.

How does he think that reflects on Thailand on the world stage??

Basically.... You have been found out. This time it is NOT going to go away.

Oh you poms are soooo important!!coffee1.gif

In your dreams!

An horrific murder, by any standards, of two seemingly nice young people. Many lives ruined and affected.

Social media causing a frenzy, questionable police behavior, graphic crime scene photographs on the internet, people stirred to action and little closure or comfort for the bereaved families.

And your intelligent comment - a cheap racial slur based on your and your countries feelings of inadequacy. (The laughable Abbott continues in his quest to make the backward Australia look important on the world stage with announcements that Sir Les Patterson would be proud of).

Nobody gives a toss what your opinions of Britain are but try to show some respect for all the victims affected by this appalling crime.

Go and have a vegemite sandwich there's a good Brucie.

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Has anyone seen any suggestion anywhere that either of the two accused is some kind of martial arts expert capable (as the RTP claims) of single handedly killing a much bigger and stronger opponent without suffering any injury himself?


Hit by a massive blow to the head In a blitz attack and there is no fighting back.

This post is a perfect example of why you lack credibility on this forum. If you had taken the time to inform yourself about this case, you would know, as almost everybody else on these threads does, that David was killed by multiple stab wounds to the head and neck most likely from a punch knife, not a massive blow to the head. There is no way he was killed by a hoe. At the start of this case the police even said that it wasn't a hoe that had killed him.

You have probably posted more than any other on this case yet you don't even know this? I find that hard to believe.

This is just one of the many glaring inconsistencies in the current police line. They have said so many different things and have been shown to be at best incompetent, yet you still apparently trust them. Would you trust them with your life? I certainly wouldn't. I wouldn't trust them with the lives of these two poor, defenceless Burmese guys I've never met either.

What reason do you have for continually parroting the current police line? Is there some benefit to you if the two Burmese are convicted?

You said in another thread that you live on Koh Tao. Could this be in any way related?

Do you know more about this than you are willing to admit?

If he does in fact live on Koh Tao then it is interesting. But I don't recall him saying that.

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The Thai Government can thank it's lucky stars that the British PM is a weak and spineless fool who employs Ambassadors of the same make-up. If I were the PM I would have made a phone call within hours of the murder advising Thailand that Scotland Yard was on it's way to jointly investigate the crime - it wouldn't have been a request!

How can you people be so naive?

And prey tell what happens if the 366 000+ Thai Defense Forces decide they don't like the way the British have behaved?

Can the 177 000 British Armed Forces do anything.

That is how war starts.

As I posted earlier it's called diplomacy...

My money would be on the 177000.

Jesus ... you miss the whole point here. I will have to SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU!

The way some members are trying to FORCE Thailand to do something is just undemocratic...

Governments don't tell there citizens EVERYTHING they are doing.

Nobody on this forum knows what the British have or haven't don in this case!

Do you see Governments publicly dishing out on other Governments, do you hear Governments commenting on what other Governments have said and done on a regular basis? AGAIN it's called DIPLOMACY!!

Tell us what international RIGHT the British have to DEMAND anything from Thailand?

I agree 100% that Thailand has f**ked this case up and the Burmese are scapegoats, but that don't mean we can all sprout bullshit everywhere. If you sink down to the level of the RTP / BIB it's game, set and match - and NO you didn't win... facepalm.gif

Sorry how did I miss the point. You made a post asking what soldiers would do if confronting each other. I gave my answer that the British army would win.

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Well there are hundreds of protesters marching to Downing Street today.

When people are protesting in the streets, then it shows the general feeling in the UK.

More fuel for the press.... I wonder how Prayuth would take it knowing that there are protests on the streets because of Thai police corruption, and probably military government corruption to boot.

How does he think that reflects on Thailand on the world stage??

Basically.... You have been found out. This time it is NOT going to go away.

Oh you poms are soooo important!!coffee1.gif

In your dreams!

An horrific murder, by any standards, of two seemingly nice young people. Many lives ruined and affected.

Social media causing a frenzy, questionable police behavior, graphic crime scene photographs on the internet, people stirred to action and little closure or comfort for the bereaved families.

And your intelligent comment - a cheap racial slur based on your and your countries feelings of inadequacy. (The laughable Abbott continues in his quest to make the backward Australia look important on the world stage with announcements that Sir Les Patterson would be proud of).

Nobody gives a toss what your opinions of Britain are but try to show some respect for all the victims affected by this appalling crime.

Go and have a vegemite sandwich there's a good Brucie.

Hey!!! you leave Vegemite alone, it's far superior than that crap you eat... giggle.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The Thai Government can thank it's lucky stars that the British PM is a weak and spineless fool who employs Ambassadors of the same make-up. If I were the PM I would have made a phone call within hours of the murder advising Thailand that Scotland Yard was on it's way to jointly investigate the crime - it wouldn't have been a request!

No you wouldn't.

In your mind (and as not having the responsibilities of a British PM at this time) you would like to think that is what your would do. But reality overpowers ego in almost all cases.

I understand your anger and frustration, but politicians have to, and do, follow diplomacy over personal feelings.

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The BBC Worldnews broadcast on the topic yesterday that one of the accused Burmese men told BBC that police forced confession in custody while standing on accused arms and jumping on his chest. I have not read of this report in any forum or news media source out of Thailand though.

Normally the BBC news is not the quickest source for information, but it is usually the most reliable. If they have reported this, then it's almost certain that it is what they were told and not just made up. Not really the sort of thing Thai media would be allowed to report though.

No the BBC isn't always reliable and often lets the bias of journalists be reported as fact. Plenty of research on that. They can also be inaccurate. The reported officers from 8 Scottish forces had gone to assist the English police forces in quelling the riots in many cities. Guess no one told them it's Police Scotland now not the old force structure. Just one example of how they often don't check the detail.

So do you think the BBC have access to the accused, speak the Burmese dialect that the accused speak and could discuss all this whilst the accused are in custody. The accused showed no marks from this or after affects at the reconstruction.

Someone's fantasy.

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The father was not at the scene of the crime when it happened, so he is not qualified to address the subject of the Burmese victims.

By the sound of that comment I doubt you're qualified to address any subject. Your rocks waiting.

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Mark Kent ? who the <deleted> is he, oh the British Ambassador another soft <deleted> like D Cameron Mr yesterdays man both talk the talk but CANNOT walk the walk passifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gipassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.giviolin.gif.pagespeed.ce.8MK3fN8NTC.gif

Kent ? He's one of those heel lickers in Thailand ! He was the first to congratulate the highest police mafia officer after they "found the killers" sad.png

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Interesting pattern starting to occur here. Headman's son possible suspect yet cleared. Football players possible suspects yet cleared. They were the early reports. If the police are protecting these people makes sense to mention them early and dismiss and make the bs case move toward scapegoats.

Probably paid a fortune to have the case disappear. Guess the whole world isn't going to let that happen to easily. As for Sean, strangely allowed to disappear also.

I'm even more convinced now especially with photos showing sting ray weapons being worn on both hands by the football player they are the culprits. They should all be DNA tested again. This football player needs to b questioned again.

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The latest comment I read from McAnna has changed somewhat. He makes it very clear does not accuse the AC bar owner of involvement in the murders but that his original fb post meant that if anything happened to him then the AC bar owner would be responsible. He also says, when referring to David going to Hannah's aid, he was only suggesting this might have happened based on the sort of person David was.

He's changed his tune since getting away from Thailand and keeping mostly off radar. Not the most reliable of witnesses.

None of Hannah or David's friends, afaik, have made any comments confirming an altercation, hassle from Thai men, or anything like that. They have not pointed the finger at anyone from their time in the bar.

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Another day another circus.

There are only two things the Thai authorities worry about and these are money and face.

The long game is being played here.

As far as RTP is concerned they've got their men.

All the evidence fits and witnesses will have seen them at the crime scene.

The two suspects will be found guilty, tried and summarily executed, end of story.

Game over.

If there is a different outcome I'll believe it when I see it.

My apologies if this seems a little harsh but this is the reality as far as I see it.

Meanwhile Mark Kent and David Cameron can relax in the knowledge that they have done a really great job and justice has been served.clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gifclap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gifcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gifcheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif

It's a very sad summary, but may well be correct. I differ only in that I would not expect them to be executed, in order to show the Thai authorities in a merciful light.

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