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One Million Baht Plus For Burglars

Maejo Man

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Having roughly totaled the proceeds from burglaries in my immediate area in the last few months, I have calculated that the villains have legged it with well over one million baht in stolen goods!!

Only last night (early hours of this morning) a farang town house was broken into, and a digital camera stolen. The American gentleman who rents the town house was out at the time, and I am told that he is not going to bother reporting it to the police. Maybe if you are reading this you should.

Two nights ago my neighbour disturbed a Thai male inside my property crouching under my bedroom balcony. When challenged, he fled at the speed of light. Perhaps he was "casing" the house opposite rented by a farang who has been away for a month.

In these rather depressed economic times, one can only expect to see a lot more burglaries and crimes of oppertunity. There have been six within 600 metres of my house in the last few months, and the police seem powerless to act.

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Maejo Man, where are these burgalries taking place. I seem to recall from a previous post you live near CM University?

In an area bounded by the Superhighway from the museum to the Rincome intersection and the irrigation canal. Chang Puak postal area.

Five farang houses and one Thai professor's house have been burgled.

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Sorry about your burglary problems. Obviously, your area is seen as vulnerable... What can one do? Even a move to a different location might mean the same problems...

Thankfully, I've only experienced the theft problem here on a small basis, but I do think it is preferable to the violent stuff that happens, mostly in other parts of the world...

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A worrying trend indeed. I have no house insurance so had better get some cover.

Any ideas?

I wasn't insured either, but am in the process of sorting that out now. if I find a reputable company, I'll pass it on.

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Sorry about your burglary problems. Obviously, your area is seen as vulnerable... What can one do? Even a move to a different location might mean the same problems...

I don't think there is any real answer Ajarn, it's a sign of the times. The only answer it would seem is to bolt yourself up inside a condo, but out of choice I prefer a house and garden. There has always been petty crime in Chiangmai, but nothing like the epic proportions that are happening recently.

A member the other month in San Sai reported that he went upstairs to see his son, and when he came back downstairs his laptop and digital camera had been stolen. Obviously a crime of opportunity, but none the less disturbing.

I just wish the BIB would take more notice, rather than just smiling and saying "don't worry, at least you are not dead" :o

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Yes, I'm the one who was robbed while at home. Scary

I've looked at about 5 different insurance companies (the ones along the Superhighway between Chotana road and Huay Kaew and QBE). None look good as all of them either exclude laptops and digital equipment or they have a maximum coverage of 10 000 baht per item. Since it's usually the computers and cameras being stolen, there's no point getting coverage. Let me know if anyone finds a half-decent home insurance policy.

And don't forget to close your gate (if you have one).

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A worrying trend indeed. I have no house insurance so had better get some cover.

Any ideas?

I just got myself a house and contents insurance package from QBE (Khun Banjob speaks perfect English). His number is 053 283833. my policy cost me around 2,500 baht for up to 500,000 loss and damage..he has a variety of packages on offer. Regards, Austhaied.

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I also couldn't find a solution with QBE. Building policy was fine but I just couldn't get around the 10,000 baht limit per item even though I live on a very high floor of one of the better condo blocks in tow.

Still looking.

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This policy (NZI) is slightly better than what I have seen. It does cover desktop computers but not other "portable" computers / phones or anything over 25 000 baht in value.

I don't quite understand why insurance companies here won't cover something over 25 000 baht in value. I can't really see someone walking off with my bed or couch. It's the expensive stuff (like a lap top computers) that I want to get coverage for.

Edited by earlofwindermere
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Have you checked the fine print Austaied? I have the brochure in front of me and it excludes laptops and digital cameras. If yours doesn't, I may have to call your contact.

No it does not cover lap tops and digital cameras, you are correct. It doesn't cover jewellery either.. But it's still better than <deleted> all.. And its a relatively cheap policy. We are not in Kansas anymore Toto. TIT :o

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In a quote I got for contents insurance from Royal Sun it said:

Remarks: Jewelry and valuable items will be accepted and covered under the Agreed Value at 60% of Sum Insured. Electronic Appliance will be accpeted and covered under the Agreed Value at 80% of Sum Insured

([email protected])

Also you could try Aviva - AA Insurance [[email protected]]

Hope this is of interest


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Hey Austaied.

I wasn't intending to irk you. Sorry if I did. I am just frustrated by how insurance policies here don't cover the valuable items that most people get insurance for. If you're happy with it, great. I just need something that covers the electronic stuff and I am having a difficult time finding a company that will. Cheers

Markymark - thanks for the tip

Edited by earlofwindermere
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Hey Austaied.

I wasn't intending to irk you. Sorry if I did. I am just frustrated by how insurance policies here don't cover the valuable items that most people get insurance for. If you're happy with it, great. I just need something that covers the electronic stuff and I am having a difficult time finding a company that will. Cheers

Markymark - thanks for the tip

Nai bother..earl. And as for being "irked", you got the wrong idea there. I am as happy as a pig in shit.. That's just me mate, sorry if you took it otherwise..We are all on the same team..Aren't we ?? :o

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Aviva in Bangkok have told me they will cover all electrical items (laptops, digitals cameras etc) at a cost of 1% of the value in the house and 2% anywhere in Thailand. Looks to be a good deal to me.

Haven't seen the full policy document yet they are sending it by EMS and I will see if there is anything nasty lurking in the small print but they have a good reputation.

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Another robbery occured last night, and this time it was a condo!! An apartment on the tenth floor of the Nakornping Condo was burgled and a gold necklace and cash was stolen. Who said condos were safer? :o

Was this robbery (where violence is used or threatened) or a burglary? Thanks

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Was this robbery (where violence is used or threatened) or a burglary? Thanks

The apartment was burgled while the occupant was out.

Just a thought. How many of these events do you think might be inside jobs. By that I mean "the girl friend telling her mate, how the BF has all this kit, e.g. PC, a laptop, 2 or 3 cameras, a nice gold chain, perhaps a bracelet etc."

When I go to the bank for a bit of dosh I never let the "live in" see what size wad it is and she don't know just what is in either of the safes. Thais are great talkers (read gossipers) and there ain't no secrets here.

Also have you never thought that living here we are under the microscope. We might not see it or recognise it but you can bet your boots our every waking movement is noted.

This is not just Thailand. Indonesia is the same, not to mention the former USSR or CIS states now.

We might think that we live quiet nondescript lives but you better believe it, we are under the microscope.


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Was this robbery (where violence is used or threatened) or a burglary? Thanks

The apartment was burgled while the occupant was out.

Just a thought. How many of these events do you think might be inside jobs. By that I mean "the girl friend telling her mate, how the BF has all this kit, e.g. PC, a laptop, 2 or 3 cameras, a nice gold chain, perhaps a bracelet etc."

When I go to the bank for a bit of dosh I never let the "live in" see what size wad it is and she don't know just what is in either of the safes. Thais are great talkers (read gossipers) and there ain't no secrets here.

Also have you never thought that living here we are under the microscope. We might not see it or recognise it but you can bet your boots our every waking movement is noted.

This is not just Thailand. Indonesia is the same, not to mention the former USSR or CIS states now.

We might think that we live quiet nondescript lives but you better believe it, we are under the microscope.


Of course, nowhere is 100% safe, although a condo may benefit from some security guard cover when left empty, especially if for an extended period. For the opportunist, it is easier to spot an empty house than an empty condo.

The management in my condo block tell me the guards are instructed to challenge anyone who is seen carrying out household items – although this wouldn’t help if the stolen items are small such as jewellery or cameras I suppose.

As to burglaries being “inside jobs”, I am sure this may sometimes be the case. Unfortunately innocent curiosity and gossip as to what a falang possesses, sometimes reaches the ears of the criminally minded

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We were robbed Wednesday. The thief (or thieves) stole my wallet, and one of my gf's gold chains. The thing is, we were home Wednesday, and it was obvious we were home. That's a different mentality than someone who comes into your home, believing it to be empty.

There were dirty fingerprints on the bedroom window sill. Apparently, the thief simply pushed in a window screen, climbed in the window, grabbed my wallet and the chain from a dressing table, and ran. We reported it to the police, and our community security force. The owner of the house (we rent) has agreed to install burglar bars.

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Has anybody got any building insurance that covers earthquake damage? I have yet to find any.

Yes they have p1p, I just got covered today for Earthquake, Lightening strikes, Explosion, Fire, Storm and Tempest, Vehicle Impact, Aircraft Impact, Smoke and Water damage, but excluding flooding, and timber houses.

Relplacement value on all items and not subject to a maximum on any one item, but not to exceed 10% of the sum insured. i.e. your laptop gets stolen.....maximum claim is 100,000 baht on a one million baht contents cover. 50,000 baht on half a million cover.

They photograph everything in your house so you can't "over insure" to get more back :o

Very helpful company and they speak english....AIG SE Asia in Siphoom Road 053-416161

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