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Prayut urges police to perform duty as protectors

Lite Beer

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" Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha Friday evening urged police to perform their duty as "protectors of civilians' well-being".

Every policeman will have a large crevice in the top of his head as a result of hours of scratching and asking himself: "HUH.What does that mean?"

Edited by jaltsc
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When did any of you ever hear anything like this from any former PM? When has any PM here gone against encroachment of business and influential people in National Parks and land that is owned by the people. What former PM has destroyed thousands of gambling machines? Challenged the police to do their job?

I'm waiting...

The former PM had difficulty in stringing together a meaninful sentence, unless scripted beforehand. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to do better than that.

Who are the influential people he's gone against and are they standing trial for their misdeeds? He's only scratching the surface. The big fish are still out there calling the tune and all he can do is dance to it. I might change my mind if and when he announces the trial date/extradition of 'Son of Red Bull'. Even more creditworthy would be a shake up in his own back yard, by outlawing the 'buying' of promotions in the Armed Forces, with anyone found guilty being court marshalled. This might then result in the Armed Forces being reduced to a size more appropriate to the world Thailand lives in.

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I want to thank THAIVISA so much for giving us real news out of Thailand and allowing us a place to vent. This past year has been worse than CUCKOO'S NEST for all of us with a brain. Being able to share our thoughts here keeps our sanity at a level of not punching walls or kicking dogs. Thank you guys.

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When did any of you ever hear anything like this from any former PM? When has any PM here gone against encroachment of business and influential people in National Parks and land that is owned by the people. What former PM has destroyed thousands of gambling machines? Challenged the police to do their job?

I'm waiting...

Challenged the police to do their job? Really? If that was the case he would have instructed the police to ensure the son on Koh Tao take a DNA test, right? Instead he financially rewarded them for doing such a "great job" The police getting 10,000 baht for if they turn in people who attempt to bribe them... Urging the police to keep on doing what they're supposed to do. Please explain where the challenge is in that? I'm waiting. Beach encroachment? Fantastic job - the guys are back on the beaches in Hua Hin, awesome job. The beach vendors he got evicted from their businesses on Phuket were powerful people? I think your TV name is probably very appropriate.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

When did any of you ever hear anything like this from any former PM? When has any PM here gone against encroachment of business and influential people in National Parks and land that is owned by the people. What former PM has destroyed thousands of gambling machines? Challenged the police to do their job?

I'm waiting...

What PM had to overthrow a democraticaly elected government and abolish the Constitution to become PM?

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What he meant is continue their duty to protect criminals and channel a fat share of the commissions up the pipe.

Watching him asserting that the UK govt was so delighted with Thai police's investigations in the KT murders because the police could answer 20 questions from the UK really, really well was like watching a suspect crashing and burning in polygraph test - eyelids fluttering, nervous tics all over the place and never looking at the camera once. A man with a rather wide credibility gap.

Edited by Dogmatix
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When did any of you ever hear anything like this from any former PM? When has any PM here gone against encroachment of business and influential people in National Parks and land that is owned by the people. What former PM has destroyed thousands of gambling machines? Challenged the police to do their job?

I'm waiting...

The former PM had difficulty in stringing together a meaninful sentence, unless scripted beforehand. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to do better than that.

Who are the influential people he's gone against and are they standing trial for their misdeeds? He's only scratching the surface. The big fish are still out there calling the tune and all he can do is dance to it. I might change my mind if and when he announces the trial date/extradition of 'Son of Red Bull'. Even more creditworthy would be a shake up in his own back yard, by outlawing the 'buying' of promotions in the Armed Forces, with anyone found guilty being court marshalled. This might then result in the Armed Forces being reduced to a size more appropriate to the world Thailand lives in.

Then he`d have to court martial himself! His hand-picked Police Commissioner General, who took charge of KT investigation, has declared assets of only $11m! Not bad for a cop. Army/Police same same.

Cronyism and patronage alive and well.


Edited by heyexile
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"continue being an agency that the public can depend on."

Continue? Really?

Recognizing that you have a problem, is the first step to curing it.

Pity the police seem to be in a blind spot. And yet every ordinary person I have met in Thailand has no time for the police because, well, you know all the reasons.

Why can't persons in positions of responsibility face up to the police issue? The public in general, in my opinion, want them to do so.

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When ever anything is written about this muppet or puppet all i see printed is blah blah blah blah im a bare face <deleted> liar blah blah blah...... he could have shown the world and the people of Thailand what a true leader he is if he had fired a handfull of the police farce on tao for being <deleted> and re~launched a full investigation and done the job properly and FAIR then no matter who is responsible is brought to justice...would of won my vote im sure.......what a <deleted> he is.

detractors should show some understanding, he is probably walking a thin line between cleaning up things and he and his family staying alive later.

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When did any of you ever hear anything like this from any former PM? When has any PM here gone against encroachment of business and influential people in National Parks and land that is owned by the people. What former PM has destroyed thousands of gambling machines? Challenged the police to do their job?

I'm waiting...

And don't forget he got the price of a lottery ticket down to 90 baht. Oh, no wait, they're back up to 110 baht again.

Seriously, yes there has been a clear out of some obviously wrong business practices. Some may stick, most won't. And no one of substance has been put in jail for any of these wrongs he has righted. At least not that I have seen.

There has been a massive clear out of thaksinites and I assume that is a fairly permanent job.

But it is now getting tougher and tougher for the military led government to push forward after the main Thaksin objective and the quick hits. The trouble is that there are no big targets to aim their howitzers at and they keep taking damage from snipers in the bushes. So to speak. For instance, anything happen on the sound system for government house issue yet? No, and it won't.

If this guy had any sense, he'd make sure that he's cleared the decks of his enemies, read red shirts, and get the hell out of office. Otherwise, gaffs like bikini comments will keep hitting the headlines and he'll look sillier and sillier by the day when defending the RTP and other indefensible subjects.

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