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If my wife were to attend the Police head quarters in Bangkok and applies for a clearance certificate is there an option for them to post it to her home address

I have read thru the forum on this topic but im not sure if it compulsory to obtain the paper from the embassy first or not

I would appreciate some clarification on this if i may



I asked my mrs what she did for the police check. She told me that she went to the bangkok head quarters and filled in the form and brought along the relevent documents for the day. She said after that was done she paid the fee and then later on they sent out the report in the post to her house.

Im not sure if i read your post incorrectly, but I hope you plan on completing this before you submit your visa application.

Good luck.



My partner said that she waited about two weeks before picking up the report at the Police station. She had to sign for it. There was no fee.

Had she opted to get it the same day, it could have been done for a fee. Maybe not an official fee, but a fee nonetheless. :o

If they can now post it out, it is an improvement on the system from when my gal went through.


My wife & I are living in Australia & for her to obtain Oz citizenship requires a new clearance certificate as we had returned & lived in Thailand for more than twelve months. The question is that last time to obtain the certificate in less than two weeks we had to pay a total "fee" of 10000 baht. When applying paid 5000 baht & then when we went to collect from Special Branch in BKK demanded another 5000 baht. During our next visit to Thailand we wish to obtain the certificate. From your experience is it still required to provide the white envelope?


Thanks for your advise and yes i will be getting this before i lodge our visa application

Just one thing on the police web page says

In case of a name or surname change ,a surname change certificate is required

My wife has changed her name to mine and it is documented on her ID card, Passport and house book but she never received a certificate from anyone

Are those documents that she has are enough for the police department?

and how long is this report valid for. eg if it is applied for in September and submitted for the purpose of obtaining a spouse visa in December


For myself, I'd really love to know what is the exact text on the certificate. My wife just got hers and it doesn't mention anything about "no criminal record", just that she "doesnt endanger the peace, order and security of the state"

Is that normal ?

Thanks in advance, I'm kindda worried.


Amadeus, "doesn't endanger the peace, order and security of the state" is just a fancy way of saying that the person is OK as far as the police are concerned.

You can read the Character requirements here.

Wozza, I can't help you with the police surname change requirement. You would need to enquire through the offices of the Thai Government.

The police would need to know her birth name in order to conduct their character check. Perhaps a phone call to the police fingerprint section would get you some answers.

The Australian Embassy web site warns applicants of the length of time some of the required checks take. (such as the police clearance.)

I think that if the police clearance was obtained three months before the application was submitted, that it would be accepted as 'current'.


Sorry, I know I'm annoying, but I gotta ask if anyone could tell me what do they exactly say on that paper.

Are there many classes of Police Clearance Certificates ? Or only one ?

I have doubt because my wife used to have a police certificate 3 years ago and it clearly said "no criminal record". But they don't anymore with the new one.

Is it only us or it's the case for everyone ? Do they always only say "x is a person who is no danger to the peace, order and security of the state" or do they also mention "no criminal record"?

Many thank in advance and thanks Mighty Mouse for your assistance !


Ok, just when I thought I'd read everything and knew what we needed for our UK Settlement application, I see this post about police checks.

I haven't seen anything anywhere that says we need a police check. I've also spoken with a mate whose wife is now here and they didn't get a police check.

Can someone please enlighten me as to where this fits into the process and what is required?



Amadeus, sorry but I can't help you with the current wording on the police certificates. I didn't take a lot of notice what was written on ours. We just handed it in with our application and it was accepted.

I should imagine that it is standard wording and as such, it will be accepted by the embassy.

DC1066, I'm not at all familiar with UK requirements. Have you read through their Immigration web site?

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