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4 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

^"Though you would have a more attacking formation against Sunderland at home".
Jeez...nolito, aguero, sterling silva and kdb and a one man midfield in Fernandinho, not attacking enough?


Playing with the full back's in midfield meant you nearly always had 5 players behind the ball,  anyway i'm only passing on what Neville and Carragher said ;)

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^"Playing with the full back's in midfield meant you nearly always had 5 players behind the ball,  anyway i'm only passing on what Neville and Carragher said".

We had +70% possession, over +80% possession at one point 2nd half, we had a front 3 with 2 of them staying wide, Silva and Kdb behind them, fullbacks pushing up the line or in to the middle meaning we had 2 or 3 at the back at the max (often it was City 2 v Defoe at the back). Too push anything more forward would have been an invitation to picked off on the counter.

Not attacking enough? You're having a larf.

Did you honestly watch our game Alfie? I suspect not!

Edited by Bredbury Blue
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7 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

^"Playing with the full back's in midfield meant you nearly always had 5 players behind the ball,  anyway i'm only passing on what Neville and Carragher said".

We had +70% possession, over +80% possession at one point 2nd half, we had a front 3 with 2 of them staying wide, Silva and Kdb behind them, fullbacks pushing up the line or in to the middle meaning we had 2 or 3 at the back at the max (often it was City 2 v Defoe at the back). Too push anything more forward would have been an invitation to picked off on the counter.

Not attacking enough? You're having a larf.

Did you honestly watch our game Alfie? I suspect not!


Your not reading what i said again are you ?  

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^Actually I was, wasn't I. I was commenting on you posting about our game when it seemed clear and obvious to me having watched the game that you hadn't seen it, which your 2nd post later confirmed you hadn't.

"Though you would have a more attacking formation against Sunderland at home" ...trolling?

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Incidentally Alfie, that image you posted of City and Spurs formations isn't correct. It shows City in a formation. City actually set up in a formation but in transitted, depending where the ball was, with either one or both fullbacks moving in to midfield and Fernandinho dropping back and became but sometimes was

Interesting stuff from Pep.

Edited by Bredbury Blue
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This article of fourfourtwo has us down as 4.3.3 moving to 2.3.5 (pretty attacking eh)

I read this excellent article last night in which it explains why Pep doesn't push his full back up alongside the winger as we're used to seeing, but inside as he had Alaba and Lahm do.
Well worth a read.
The long read: Guardiola's 16-point blueprint for dominance - his methods, management and tactics

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29 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

Incidentally Alfie, that image you posted of City and Spurs formations isn't correct. It shows City in a formation. City actually set up in a formation but in transitted, depending where the ball was, with either one or both fullbacks moving in to midfield and Fernandinho dropping back and became but sometimes was

Interesting stuff from Pep.


Where did i say that that was how City set up ?  that diagram was to show you having 5 players defensively which was in response to you saying how attacking City were !  so are you saying that City never had 5 players set up defensively ?

Edited by alfieconn
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"18-year old Manu García is the latest City youngster to head out on loan – he will join La Liga side Deportivo Alavés on a season long loan.Manu has predominantly featured for the youth teams since joining Manchester City from Sporting de Gijón back in 2013, however has played four competitive games for the first team (under Manuel Pellegrini) in the Premier League, FA Cup and Capital One Cup. His only first team goal came in the Capital One Cup against Crystal Palace in a 5-1 victory.Manu García will be registered under Deportivo Alavés B, however will play for the Deportivo Alavés first team. Alavés have described “promising, young and talented footballer”. Manu Garcíá will be used to add “more quality midfield” to the La Liga side."

He reminds me of Denis Suarez (now Barcelona) and Rony Lopes (Lille) who City sold on maybe too soon. We'll see if he follows in their footsteps.

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Alfie, 2.3.5 means we had 8 attacking (2 defending).

Not a good idea to comment on things you ain't seen Alfie...





I see enough of the game to see this regularly



Yep 8 attacking and 2 defending  in this pic !!!  :cheesy::cheesy:


If you want i will show you the heatmap to prove that Clichy and Sagna were not playing much more forward than in the pic !







Sport 11 HD_2016_08_16_01_27_46_3.png

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No, no, Alfie, bog off with trying to prove a point on which you are wrong on by showing a picture snapped one second in a game or any other of your stupidity.

You are wrong; City set up with an attacking formation and played attackingly throughout the game.

You also admit you didn't even watch the game. YOU DIDN'T EVEN WATCH THE GAME!!!

Enough man, you're embarrassing yourself. Away with ya back to your Spurs forum.

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25 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

No, no, Alfie, bog off with trying to prove a point on which you are wrong on by showing a picture snapped one second in a game or any other of your stupidity.

You are wrong; City set up with an attacking formation and played attackingly throughout the game.

You also admit you didn't even watch the game. YOU DIDN'T EVEN WATCH THE GAME!!!

Enough man, you're embarrassing yourself. Away with ya back to your Spurs forum.



Carragher said you were playing with 2 lot's of 5 , like i said it was him who bought it to my attention but you were obviously watching a different game to him ;)


P.s. why don't you try and find the video of him talking about your mob, you might learn something :lol:

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32 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

No, no, Alfie, bog off with trying to prove a point on which you are wrong on by showing a picture snapped one second in a game or any other of your stupidity.

You are wrong; City set up with an attacking formation and played attackingly throughout the game.

You also admit you didn't even watch the game. YOU DIDN'T EVEN WATCH THE GAME!!!

Enough man, you're embarrassing yourself. Away with ya back to your Spurs forum.


Where did i admit that i didn't watch the game ?  you live in a dream world  making up things as you go along !

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I think with Hart and Pep they don't get on. Pep has probably come with a negative image of Hart (I know from working with germans alot that Hart is disliked in germany). Thing is though Pep is saying the problem with Hart is his kicking when we all know Harts and Willys kicking is on par with each others but Hart is easily the better keeper.

Funny that years back City had to choose between Hart and Kasper. Kasper has since gone the long way round to the top but he's made it. Kaspers kicking is excellent and right up Peps street. Oh well.

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Bloody True wifi is out since yesterday so no City game for me. I always hate those rare occasions these days when you can't watch an early AM game and you open up BBC Football...and...slowly...peer...at...the...bloody...score and your days either made or broken there and then. Hate it.

Good luck!

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Hard not to be very pleased with that. Both Stones and Nolito very impressive. Nolito is going to work wonders with Silva and Aguero. A savvy and unselfish footballer. Overall a comprehensive victory. If Pep can tighten up the defense, Bravo please, City are going to be frightening. But it could be a big "if".


That said Steaua was miserable.

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