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3 hours ago, jellydog said:

Hard not to be very pleased with that. Both Stones and Nolito very impressive. Nolito is going to work wonders with Silva and Aguero. A savvy and unselfish footballer. Overall a comprehensive victory. If Pep can tighten up the defense, Bravo please, City are going to be frightening. But it could be a big "if".


That said Steaua was miserable.


Very impressive display by the majority. Sterling deserves a shout out for the second game in succession. Pep is working wonders with him. Really happy with the result and the way we played but it should have been a cricket score. Not too sure about the high line though when the opposition has a free kick. Leaving Wobbly pretty wide open. But what do I know

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1 hour ago, mrbojangles said:


Very impressive display by the majority. Sterling deserves a shout out for the second game in succession. Pep is working wonders with him. Really happy with the result and the way we played but it should have been a cricket score. Not too sure about the high line though when the opposition has a free kick. Leaving Wobbly pretty wide open. But what do I know

Wobbly indeed. I'm sure he's stop gap until Bravo or whomever arrives. 


That boy Stones can pass the ball. Easy to see why Pep was hot for him. Now if he can win at hand to hand warfare...

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On August 10, 2016 at 8:13 PM, Bredbury Blue said:

No signings today, what's going. Disappointed. ;-)


Yep you've put in a big bid for the premier league title but the deal won't be finalized till mid may.;)


All subject to a counter bid from your neighbours




I wasn't posting to reply here but this new software is so totally crap i've all but given up on TV!!  How long will it take to sort it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Its <deleted>.


But the reason for the post.....very impressive stuff from City.  

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3,000 tickets allocated to City.....16% were sold! That really is a disgrace for a 'Big Club' in Europe #yougotnofans#Wealdstoneraider:D



Edited by wilai
pic...or indeed no pic. #crapsite!
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Steaua's 'club twitter' account were having a bit of fun pre-game how they were going to "smash" City.

City fans got their own back
after the 0v5 Champions League win:

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It's not every day that I agree with Joseph Barton (funnily enough I was thinking of him today when I drove past the Bkk hotel Joey got 'involved' with that Everton youth resulting in Joeys suspension and Dunney punching the wall and breaking his hand...those were the days) but I agree with his comments on Peps/City's treatment of City's longest servant Joe Hart. The media is loving this, just read one report calling Hart a Premier Flop, eh, no chuffin way, I'm not having that. Hart was one of our better players last year and for several years. Not good this nonsense!

Joey Barton says Manchester City’s treatment of Joe Hart is ‘disgusting’


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4 hours ago, Bredbury Blue said:

It's not every day that I agree with Joseph Barton (funnily enough I was thinking of him today when I drove past the Bkk hotel Joey got 'involved' with that Everton youth resulting in Joeys suspension and Dunney punching the wall and breaking his hand...those were the days) but I agree with his comments on Peps/City's treatment of City's longest servant Joe Hart. The media is loving this, just read one report calling Hart a Premier Flop, eh, no chuffin way, I'm not having that. Hart was one of our better players last year and for several years. Not good this nonsense!

Joey Barton says Manchester City’s treatment of Joe Hart is ‘disgusting’


the manager don't rate him so he's dropped, opinions differ on players that's football always has been always will be, cant see where the 'disrespect'  comes into it.

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Rijit, don't disagree with your comments but I think hart deserves better treatment, especially by the club, here.


His kicking is no better or worse that Willys but he's the better goalkeeper so we're being fed bullshit at the moment. If Pep doesn't rate or want him then fine just state that but harts being made to sound worse than inferior Willy and a busted goalkeeper.  He's a fine goalkeeper.  The only goalkeeper in the Premier over him might be DeGea.


End of last season Hart was a good goalkeeper and a couple of mistakes in the Euros hasn't made him worse. 

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He makes a lot more mistakes than most goalies in the premier league De Gea is in a different class to him not might be!


The mistakes he made in the Euros only highlited what was written on the wall ..he had it coming send him back to Shrewsbury ...Thankfully one of the younger better keepers will now get the England jersey now also.


As for he deserves better treatment ....why? he has earned a good living out of City and apparently he also doesnt see eye to eye with Gladys instead of fighting for his place he seems to have spit the dummy out straight away in looking for a loan move probably end up at Everton SOLD.


That was a disgusting turn out in the Champions League btw richest club in the World with the poorest fans in the World pot to piss in or what!

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Just now, MrRed said:

That was a disgusting turn out in the Champions League btw richest club in the World with the poorest fans in the World pot to piss in or what!


Why are United fans obsessed with how many City fans attend a match? It's a football competition not a competition of how many "fans" turn up. It was a Tuesday night qualifying match in Romania and bang in the middle of the summer holidays. Couple that with contempt many city fans have with UEFA and the way they were treated a few years back (and they still boo during the anthem) it's no wonder few travelled. 


After winning 5-0 we are almost certain to go through, so I reckon there will be many empty seats in the return leg.

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1 hour ago, Bredbury Blue said:

Rijit, don't disagree with your comments but I think hart deserves better treatment, especially by the club, here.


His kicking is no better or worse that Willys but he's the better goalkeeper so we're being fed bullshit at the moment. If Pep doesn't rate or want him then fine just state that but harts being made to sound worse than inferior Willy and a busted goalkeeper.  He's a fine goalkeeper.  The only goalkeeper in the Premier over him might be DeGea.


End of last season Hart was a good goalkeeper and a couple of mistakes in the Euros hasn't made him worse. 


For starters Loris is a better more reliable keeper than Hart.  De Gea is in a completely different class to Hart.  No "mights" about it.

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^"For starters Loris is a better more reliable keeper than Hart.  De Gea is in a completely different class to Hart.  No "mights" about it."

Slow Loris is definitely a good goalkeeper and one of the few (the only one maybe) Spurs players I'd be interested in at City. More reliable? I'm not sure on what basis to agree or disagree on that.

DeGea, along with Martial, are the only 2 reds I'd be interested in at City.

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15 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

^"For starters Loris is a better more reliable keeper than Hart.  De Gea is in a completely different class to Hart.  No "mights" about it."

Slow Loris is definitely a good goalkeeper and one of the few (the only one maybe) Spurs players I'd be interested in at City. More reliable? I'm not sure on what basis to agree or disagree on that.

DeGea, along with Martial, are the only 2 reds I'd be interested in at City.


None of our players are old enough for City. :D

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^"None of our (Spurs) players are old enough for City."

Carmine think youll find Loris, Alderw, Wanyama, Vertong, Dembele, Walker, Rose, Chadli, Vorm, Trippier ain't no spring chickens ;-)

Did a quick check of Spurs squad and confirm that Loris would be the only Spurs player I'd like to see at City.

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26 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

^"None of our (Spurs) players are old enough for City."

Carmine think youll find Loris, Alderw, Wanyama, Vertong, Dembele, Walker, Rose, Chadli, Vorm, Trippier ain't no spring chickens ;-)

Did a quick check of Spurs squad and confirm that Loris would be the only Spurs player I'd like to see at City.


were the youngest side in the league!  You really do talk some nonsense at times.

btw, as an example, if you don't want Alderweirald in your side it just makes you clueless pal because he was the best defender in the league last season by a distance.


Please continue, this is getting funny.

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30 minutes ago, Bredbury Blue said:

^"None of our (Spurs) players are old enough for City."

Carmine think youll find Loris, Alderw, Wanyama, Vertong, Dembele, Walker, Rose, Chadli, Vorm, Trippier ain't no spring chickens ;-)

Did a quick check of Spurs squad and confirm that Loris would be the only Spurs player I'd like to see at City.


Carms leave him alone, he lives in a fantasy world when it comes to City,  he see's things that no one else see's, even fellow supporters like Jack n Danny have had enough him, quite sad really that someone can be so bias and when he is proved wrong he goes on about putting ignore, trolling etc,  sad little man !!!!

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Fed up about hearing how De Gea is in a different class. Absolute tosh, yes he's good but have no idea how that assumption can be made. Therefore, just did a search on stats for last season. This is fact and not assumptions or throw away statements, so unless anyone can come up with any better stats, I'm taking this one. Lloris was number 1, Forster number 2 and Hart number 3. De Gea different class my backside.





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7 minutes ago, mrbojangles said:

Fed up about hearing how De Gea is in a different class. Absolute tosh, yes he's good but have no idea how that assumption can be made. Therefore, just did a search on stats for last season. This is fact and not assumptions or throw away statements, so unless anyone can come up with any better stats, I'm taking this one. Lloris was number 1, Forster number 2 and Hart number 3. De Gea different class my backside.






Don't really mean much does it ? if your playing behind a great defence then of course the Gk stats are going to be better, i doubt very much that LLoris would have been top of the table if he'd been playing for a team at the bottom of the table ! 

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