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Koh Tao murder suspects tell rights commission they were beaten


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With the British police more involved, the more likely the truth will prevail. I always worry about some-one who protest their civil rights before their own innocence. I think we simply want the truth in a system centred around mistrust. This pie is not cooked yet.

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"Tourism police, tour operators and community leaders on Koh Tao yesterday held a meeting over what to do to boost tourist safety and provide better services.

The proposals included encouraging tourists to dress properly when not swimming or sunbathing, ask them not to commit intimate acts in public, as well as regulate taxi services and publishing do's and don'ts about Thai |culture on leaflets and in other media."

Is Thailand new Saudi arabia??

Koh Tao 2015

Again blame the victims! Morons! Why not educate Thai's on the cultures of other countries instead! Oh, I get it now, then they would actually know something of the real world!!!!

There have been millions of bikini clad farang women on Thailand's beaches over the past few decades, so why is it now a problem?

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>>I have no dog in this fight, so bring on the DNA confirmation and let me move on.<<..so you will take the Thai Police word ,that the DNA matches ,and move on ?.....Most people wont ,including myself .

Edited by anto
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"Tourism police, tour operators and community leaders on Koh Tao yesterday held a meeting over what to do to boost tourist safety and provide better services.

The proposals included encouraging tourists to dress properly when not swimming or sunbathing, ask them not to commit intimate acts in public, as well as regulate taxi services and publishing do's and don'ts about Thai |culture on leaflets and in other media."

Is Thailand new Saudi arabia??

Koh Tao 2015

Saudi hasn't got anything on the realm.

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"Tourism police, tour operators and community leaders on Koh Tao yesterday held a meeting over what to do to boost tourist safety and provide better services.

The proposals included encouraging tourists to dress properly when not swimming or sunbathing, ask them not to commit intimate acts in public, as well as regulate taxi services and publishing do's and don'ts about Thai |culture on leaflets and in other media."

Is Thailand new Saudi arabia??

Koh Tao 2015

Again blame the victims! Morons! Why not educate Thai's on the cultures of other countries instead! Oh, I get it now, then they would actually know something of the real world!!!!

Sure....Can women use tonges or be topless on MOST South or North American PUBLIC beaches and not facing some kind of problems?...Ohh...sorry...also those countries are not on the REAL world....even if 1/2 of the world population is Muslim...

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"Tourism police, tour operators and community leaders on Koh Tao yesterday held a meeting over what to do to boost tourist safety and provide better services.

The proposals included encouraging tourists to dress properly when not swimming or sunbathing, ask them not to commit intimate acts in public, as well as regulate taxi services and publishing do's and don'ts about Thai |culture on leaflets and in other media."

Is Thailand new Saudi arabia??

Koh Tao 2015

In the 60's and 70's during the PM's young days, Thais women wore Bikinis on the beaches.

Again blame the victims! Morons! Why not educate Thai's on the cultures of other countries instead! Oh, I get it now, then they would actually know something of the real world!!!!

There have been millions of bikini clad farang women on Thailand's beaches over the past few decades, so why is it now a problem?

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So Thai forensic "experts" confirm, that the suspect were not beaten!!

Like with anything else in this "investigation" it would be a little easier to believe, if the statement came from a non-Thai source!!coffee1.gif

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in my experience its pretty standard for Thai cops to beat people to get a confession, so I dont see why they wouldnt have in this case

I dont know the law here but its most likely legal I would guess so why wouldnt they?

Edited by slygeeza
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According to this video from Astv the forensic team said they were beaten and suffocated with plastic bags.


Niran Pitakwatchara, chairman of the NHRC's sub-commission on civil and political rights, said his forensic team found that the Burmese was torture and abused. The torture include chest beating and suffocation using plastic bag. Dr. Niran also requested X -RAy examination for further analysis.

Is this what he said? Can someone please verify what he says in this video? If he says they were found to be beaten or they are not sure...


Edited by chrischronic
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Let the suspects take the lie detector/polygraph tests. (Maybe thai police officers too)


MikeWill, do not be so childish!

If Thais have a polygraph - WHO is going to implement it? WHO is going to interpret it? WHO is going to believe it?

As a matter of fact I wouldn't trust the 'results' of a DNA test done in Thailand.

I even start having doubts about the DNA samples? of tissues? available? by now...

How is that for confidence?

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Sorry but thai visa forum is infiltrated by the mafia,that means police and army henchmen.

Censorship and people on the payroll of the mafia are here and sabotage constantly this forum.

Very disturbing but what can you do against multi millions of dollars

Thailand´s system is incurable sick.

And no,this is not off topic.

This desease of corruption is everywhere and will prevail in this country,its just too deep in the society.

Really sad but there is no solution.

To install normal society in this country its too late,

Too many generations of greed army and police at work already

Impossible to repair,its just irreparable

I don't think it's impossible but the hardest part is getting it off the ground. Prayud seems to have done that.

Mike is too pessimistic. Everything can change. May be not easy. Prayud seems to have done that? I thought so, too until he repeatedly made clear that he is on ther side of the BIB. But I'm still hoping he changes or may be gets back to his real colors

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Sorry, what's the name of that weed again you're smoking? w00t.gif

it's called "reality"

Duuuuuude,,,Reality is for people that can't handle drugs...Like me smile.png

Joking aside, no telling what was lost in translation. They could have been water-boarded & it came out as 'beaten'.

The music torture (stuff I've seen in movies), where they play heavy metal at full blast for days on end wouldn't affect a Thai though, so I doubt that method was used. They'd probably enjoy it & sleep right thru it, so it never occurred to the BIB to use that method on anyone.

I just hope justice is served, and I have extreme doubts that it will be.

Oh yeah, on the translation side - I found a Thai language news site that said something about these guys, and their internal translation read like something Charles Manson would say when he was on LSD.

Something about goats looking like porcupines....I can only guess it was saying that it pointed to scapegoats???

If these two kids did the crime, they should wear leg-irons & get raped daily the rest of their lives.

If they didn't, I hope they walk free sooner rather than later.

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Yeah, Yeah, Yeah......

Everyone knows they are innocent, so how did you extract confessions and get them to re-enact a crime they didn't commit?

Threaten to strangle a puppy in front of them of what?

Strange they confess then retract and then you claim they retracted the retractions. Yep.... I reckon I can get that out of them just by telling them they were going into general population and they would be murdered in their sleep if they didn't play ball.... also if they plead 'not guilty' they would deffo get the death sentence.... plead guilty and you may be out in 10 years...... duh!

Whipped with wet towels while having a plastic bag over your head..... minor marking but quite painful, young kids will shed any marks deffo within 3 weeks easily.


I can guarantee they will tell their parents the truth when they get there.... Your parents ALWAYS know when their kids are lying. If anyone has kids, they will agree.

Regarding your first question, psychotropic pharmaceuticals and hypnosis.... Google MKULTRA if you are unfamiliar with it. The same process could be deployed to cause subjects to vacillate and discredit all of their testimonies. Torture not needed, but waterboarding is effective and imperceptible.

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Sorry but thai visa forum is infiltrated by the mafia,that means police and army henchmen.

Censorship and people on the payroll of the mafia are here and sabotage constantly this forum.

Very disturbing but what can you do against multi millions of dollars

Thailand´s system is incurable sick.

And no,this is not off topic.

This desease of corruption is everywhere and will prevail in this country,its just too deep in the society.

Really sad but there is no solution.

To install normal society in this country its too late,

Too many generations of greed army and police at work already

Impossible to repair,its just irreparable

You are doing exacly what you are accusing others of, with your crazy conspiracy theories you are diverting diverting attention from the topic on hand!!

Please supply us with the usernames of the henchmen, will make posting here even more interesting!!

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Yeah, Yeah, Yeah......

Everyone knows they are innocent, so how did you extract confessions and get them to re-enact a crime they didn't commit?

Threaten to strangle a puppy in front of them of what?

Strange they confess then retract and then you claim they retracted the retractions. Yep.... I reckon I can get that out of them just by telling them they were going into general population and they would be murdered in their sleep if they didn't play ball.... also if they plead 'not guilty' they would deffo get the death sentence.... plead guilty and you may be out in 10 years...... duh!

Whipped with wet towels while having a plastic bag over your head..... minor marking but quite painful, young kids will shed any marks deffo within 3 weeks easily.


I can guarantee they will tell their parents the truth when they get there.... Your parents ALWAYS know when their kids are lying. If anyone has kids, they will agree.

Farmers wisdom, what a nonsense.

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I guess you have never visited Brazil or Argentina (South America). Even the U.S. has somewhat softened its position on topless beaches in specific tourist areas. Many resorts in the Caribbean and Central America either allow nudity or have a designated beach for such. Even Turkey (Muslim) allows topless sunbathing at the hotel pools and beaches along the Turkish Rivera.

Herds of European tourists vacation at beach locations every year. Many European women prefer no top when sunbathing.

Tourist money drives the train for countries willing to cater and conform to tourist's desires! Atypical of Thailand "Money for Nothing" and the sex is not free.........

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They were tortured (Beaten) iv never seen pic, proving so...

A statement like this is nondescript lacking distinct feeling or individual characteristics of this case more so dull and uninteresting .. was you looking in the mirror when you wrote that ?

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There's talk in thai media about the suspects having been suffocated with plastic bags over their heads / faces ... human rights group that have spoken to the suspects or suspects lawyers claim this is the case as well.

The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand, a government agency, has claimed that two Myanmar suspects in the Koh Tao murder case had been tortured and forced to confess to the killings, including suffocation with plastic bags.

British backpackers David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, were found dead on the popular holiday island last month.

Thai police alleged that two workers from neighbouring Myanmar, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, committed the murders. Police said they have obtained confessions as well as DNA evidence from Witheridge that matches both suspects. The men have been charged with murder, rape and robbery.

However Dr Niran Pitakwatchara, Commissioner of The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand, said: "We spoke to the two suspects on October 13. They have given us believable statements that allude to the fact that they were tortured and forced to confess. But our information comes from the medical investigation team."

In response to these allegations, Surat Thani police said there has been no abuse of the suspects and questioned where the Commission got their evidence. Police also maintained that a confession was irrelevant at this point as they already have enough physical evidence linking the suspects' DNA to Witheridge.

The two men charged have now withdrawn their confessions, and UK authorities are pursuing their own independent investigation into the case following an online petition by the British public. Representatives from the Myanmar Lawyers Association will meet with the suspects' Thai lawyers on Tuesday to deliberate on the case.
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