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Laptop LCD goes partially black. Help

Something really wierd and scary happened last night to my laptop's LCD screen. I woke up to find the righthand bottom corner electronically stained with what appared to be black dissolve. There was nothing physically on the screen but it looked like someone had smeared black tar or ink on my computer screen.

Luckily, tapping the screen with my fingers caused the darkness to gradually disapate (now it's all gone), but I'm still left wondering what the hel_l happened. Is this a serious issue with my LCD? Does it need to be replaced? The computer is only 1.5years old.

Other points to mention about the laptop:

I do keep it on a lot (mostly for downloading)

It has a loud (hot) fan which causes some overheating, and in order to keep the noise down (because I stay with many people), I sometimes close the laptop and cover the computer with as pillow or a blanket. It reducez the fan noise and I make to sure to always leave a pathway for the hot air to escape.

I've been doing this for a while now, and the blackness only appeared last night.

What is the blackness? What caused it? How can I avoid seeing it again? Also, if it does have to do with the overheating caused by the computer's fan (what can I do to keep the noise down without causing such a disruption with the LCD)?


That is a seriously bad idea covering the laptop with a pillow/cover. It's not just the fan exhaust that you have to worry about but you will block any cool air intake the unit has designed into it. The 'hotspot' on the LCD sounds like it is just above the power supply input connector which will probably have localized heating just below that part of your screen. The active elements in that part of the LCD may have over heated (probably) and it would be dangerous to continue using this 'silencing' technique.

See if there is any options to throttle the CPU speed down and along with it the fan speed to reduce the noise when you are downloading. Downloading will not take a lot of CPU power and reduced speed means less heat.



You could try to locate one of these in Thailand Laptop Chill Pad I actually purchased one of these on Sunday and since I have been using it, I don't think the laptop internal fan has activated.

The unit is whisper quiet and is powered from the USB port, so no PSU to mess around with. It even comes with the USB cable. Great value, it ended up costing me $ 9.99.

There is another unit on the market by ANTEC, but the reviews for that product, even though more expensive, actually say the unit is rubbish and the fans are loud.

Kind regards


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