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Koh Tao case influences tourist mood


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Everybody in Sweden knows about this horrible case....and everybody knows the location of Koh Tao !

Many people have also cancelled rheir trips to Thailand this year according to a Mationwide newspaper....if that is because of the brutal murders in Koh Tao is hard to say !

This WILL affect Thailand in a negative way....of course, Thailand needs to work more to rid corruption and all other Dirty tricks that goes on.

Tourism today is a business that needs to be well looked after.....if NOT.....it will decline !!

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Really, I would have never guessed that the KT situation would of had any impact on tourism. Maybe if the Ministry of Tourism decides to turn KT into an Amusement Park with specialties in Mafia and Murder Cover-ups tourism will improve. Farang's leave your credit card with pin at the door for security; we will tag you and give you an elegant looking wristband that will make you an easier target for the local mafia and corrupt police. We are certain you will enjoy this interactive amusement park.

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In 6 to 24 months?

Unfortunately no matter which way the decision goes this case will be long forgotten by the and replaced with didn't something happen there sometime ago.

Plenty of nasty things have happen in the past that have been forgotten.

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Business as usual in those places.

I think you might be wrong in this case. I certainly can't remember a case with quite as much coverage as this both domestically and internationally, every time there's a new news item on thaivisa there are pages of comments and a month on it's not abated.

Maybe it's the impact of social media but this just seems different.

I agree. This case ain't going away. People have finally had enough. Even the Thai are embarrassed.

If you know what they did to Hannah it's beyond sickening. This is no, excuse the term, "average" rape and murder, as much as I hate to write that. This was beyond the pale and that's at least in part what's got the world's attention. As it should.

Those using this to bash Thailand should show restraint IMO; this is an element in Thai society and it's been growing but that's true in many other places too; look how much more violent attacks are happening elsewhere, like the mass murders with guns in the US. The corruption on KT is not really surprising considering the tons of money flowing through such a small place.

I had a couple of unusually bad interactions there, where I was ripped off and then had it made clear to me there was nothing I could do or it would get worse if I called the police. Many years travelling here and I haven't felt intimidated anywhere like there. A diver living there told me "they hate us." How much of that is deserved is debatable, again falang make a lot of blunders intentionally or not, but that's the atmosphere on the islands, don't be naive about it.

mass murders with guns in the US

Some are False Flags as was Sandy Hook


As to the dangers of the Islands, couldn't agree more.

A very frightening place once the vail has been lifted for you.

Most of the kids travelling there are brainwashed with western ideas and culture by TV. They are under the impression, all are equal.

A form of racism really or positive discrimination, so they are over nice patronising in a way and think people in Thailand are like Thais back home in Europe and have the power of Liberal views behind them.

NOT SO Thailand is a hard country for locals same as any Third world Country in the process of developing. The locals suddenly have this vast uncontrolled flow of money combined with a steadily increasing flow of naive tourists that constantly changes. This combined with Thai culture and the corruption that has never been challenged has lead to Thailand and the more remote you are, becoming very dangerous places where people feel they are not above the law but that it's just Ok to do.

Combined that with drink and Yabar, I would say as bad as South Africa after dark difference is that in SA you know and are ready, but in Thailand you have no idea what is coming or what the locals really think behind the smile.

The list of robberies Rapes and Murder that don't get reported or in the main stream Media are endless.

Another horrid case Steven from Manchester shot six times legs arms by his ex and boyfriend RTP while forcing him the sign an insurance document Ban Pai Khon Ken 2012.

The only way to stop the slaughter is to stop going to the Islands, this will be a good example for Thailand to do something about it as

it's not just the Farang getting it, Thai people also are suffering at the hand of corruption and many Thai people are wanting change.

Too much money on all the Islands and people in high places are getting paid off with vast amounts of money. My wife tells me some 600,000 Million a year.

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Thailand is the death capitol of the world for Aussies...many eyes are on Thailand for a string of things that make tourists uncomfortable...Political unrest...military coop...curfew...and so on...the murders are just another reason for tourist to give pause when considering Thailand as their holiday destination...

Brits are not far behind for star fish finishes out of high rise windows.

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I would suggest that is not the murders that will impact future tourism from the west. Most people accept that bad things happen but what they find utterly unacceptable is the notion that justice will not be served. Regardless of the outcome of the trial , if a negative perception remains , then people will stay away.

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I don't understand the logic of protecting the bar owners son and his partners. He really isn't that important on the national stage. But the country is willing to host international scorn to protect them. Not to mention the loss of revenue from tourism and the tarnishing of its international reputation. All of this just to protect some little scum mafia. There must be more important people behind this and if they start to unravel the crime it might lead to much bigger fish to fry. These people are so short sided it amazes me. They are willing to sacrifice the countries reputation for a handful of bloodsucking scum.

The reason corruption lasts is because everyone is involved to some degree and it is difficult to point the finger if you too are part of the problem.

This case however I think even crossed the line for some corrupt people. This may just be history in the making. Lets hope that these two young lives will be remembered in Thailand for something good, the start of a new mind set towards a non corrupt government and police force. Amen !!!

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I firmly believe, that the tragic, and horrific crime committed on khao Tao against two innocent tourists, will inluence the Tourist mood against Thailand for many years to come.

For many years now, tourists have always carried a torch for Thailand and its people, ( most of which are lovely people ), and to a certain extent have been forgiving of some of the incidents that have come to there attention over time, because of their feelings for the Nation in general.

However, the Khao Tao murders have changed all of that. Not just because of the actual heinus crime, but because of the way in which the investigation has been conducted.

Living in century 21, as we do, the tourists, and all others living in Thailand, expect, and demand more from a Police Force that represents a Nation.

The RTP have shown throughout this investigation, that not only do they appear to be incompotent, but they have conducted the entire investigation with very little respect or dignity for the victims, or their families and loved ones.

With Thailand its all about the Tourist money, and nothing else really matters, surely this incident is really going to hurt the Tourist trade for a long time.

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I firmly believe, that the tragic, and horrific crime committed on khao Tao against two innocent tourists, will inluence the Tourist mood against Thailand for many years to come.

For many years now, tourists have always carried a torch for Thailand and its people, ( most of which are lovely people ), and to a certain extent have been forgiving of some of the incidents that have come to there attention over time, because of their feelings for the Nation in general.

However, the Khao Tao murders have changed all of that. Not just because of the actual heinus crime, but because of the way in which the investigation has been conducted.

Living in century 21, as we do, the tourists, and all others living in Thailand, expect, and demand more from a Police Force that represents a Nation.

The RTP have shown throughout this investigation, that not only do they appear to be incompotent, but they have conducted the entire investigation with very little respect or dignity for the victims, or their families and loved ones.

With Thailand its all about the Tourist money, and nothing else really matters, surely this incident is really going to hurt the Tourist trade for a long time.

I agree CM it probably will hit the tourist trade, but will they understand the real cause and if they do will they admit it to themselves?

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It's like buying cigarettes.. you know smoking endangers your health and subsequantly your life, at least you spend money for your pleasure.

But if you ask yourself what kind of people or system you are making billionaires, it might lower your satisfaction.

You even could quit smoking easier with this in mind.

"Koh Tao's case" revealed a lot of unamazing things and facts you'd better prefer to ignore.

Every one has an idea of what is fair or unfair, sometimes your money ( even little) can help the balance, it's good to know what's behind the smile, and who and how is the person you give your money to,

it's good when this person knows you don't believe it's paradise.

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Arguing with four girls, school teachers, in their mid-twenties, considering a 4 week diving trip to Thailand, particularly Koh Tao.

I told them I believe it is much safer than any town in Europe or the USA.

One of the girls (they've all dived in Greece and the Red Sea) was worried about Koh Tao but also Thailand in general.

The general consensus was that anywhere with a lot of booze is a bit risky - but they say that the added danger of an incompetent and corrupt police force willing to frame suspects after a torture session, really makes it out of bounds.

Their information source was the media but one of the girls quoted Thai Visa.

Whatever happened in Koh Tao, a huge number of people in Europe, believe it was not the 'accused' who murdered these folk. They actively believe the Police are engaged in a face saving criminal exercise.

Their conclusion was that it is too dangerous to go to Thailand.

Understandable but bloody annoying.

My family WILL be going to Koh Tao in July. But I must say I don't feel as good about it as before this tragedy's outcome.

Better to dive in the Andaman. Tâo diving is marginal at best. Really poor visibility. And you are surrounded by rats and vermin.

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