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European diplomats voice concern over Thai media's presentation of news


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Many years ago when visiting a sister-in-law in Samut Prakan, I reached under the coffee table to pull out a magazine. The contents of the magazine really blew my mind. Basically it was three sections. In the first it was stories about movie stars, in the third section at the back were color photos of Buddhist amulets. Apparently rare or valuable ones. But it was the middle one that blew me away. At least 4 color pages of sewn-up bodies from the morgue, after the autopsies had been done. Men, women and children. No pixilation to block out faces or private parts. And there were at least 10 of these magazines under there. I couldn't get any logic out of the family as to why these publications were not censored, or why they even bought them. Must have been some Buddhist philosophy behind it. I don't know whether you still can get these magazines. Maybe today's fashion strutting, white skin conscious Thai kids are sensitive to such in your face material.

But it illustrates well how then and now publishers don't give a stuff about the sensitivities of friends and relatives of the deceased.

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Huummmm, European want to curb press freedom in Thailand, coffee1.gif

It would maybe be an improvement. Curb it to where it only prints verifiable facts.

As for the pictures yes some of them are a bit much for some people

As for considering the family and friends of the victims. Stop any kind of unproven fact on the front page every day. Give them break put some nice news in the paper for a while.

All the news papers will have no affect on the trial. Here in Thailand the news papers are promoting the idea that they are innocent with out coming right out and saying it. This has no affect on what the court decides and a negative effect on the families and friends.

But it sure makes the armchair judges happy.wai.gif

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The fact that a collective of western Embassies found it necessary to present such a letter, to the 2014 Thai News Media directorate(s), is indicative of the general state of immaturity prevailing in the "overall" Thai cultural mentality.

Personally, I'm already of the conclusion, that such a letter is nothing more than an effort in total futility. My reasoning, and considered opinion is thus: "It is totally impossible to pour reverse osmosis treated H2O, into a Made-in-China glass drinking cup, that is already filled to the brim with unchlorinated faucet water."

As the late John Lennon, so eloquently wrote, in the song "Let It Be"coffee1.gif

Never miss a chance to Thai bash.

The fact that they presented it to the news media instead of the government speaks to the fact that they are happy with the government.

You are correct the letter is nothing more than a total effort in futility. The Thai press like the press around the world could care less what people think. They only care about what will sell. That is a world wide fact jack.sad.png

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Huummmm, European want to curb press freedom in Thailand, coffee1.gif

No, the Europeans want to ensure that next time someone's child is brutally murdered pictures of their mutilated spread eagled bodies are NOT exhibited for the titillation of the less civilised denizens of this particular country blink.png

I find such images disturbing too because I didn't grow up with press that showed such things but would suggest they not read Thai news if they don't like these images. I find Fox News more disturbing and hurtful to people but I have the choice to watch/read or not.

To be clear, I have no problem with them speaking and bringing up such concerns but just not their place to say it is wrong simply because SOME news here may do such things just as some news is completely rubbish in their country;s too.

What is being asked for is merely a degree of "kreng jai" -consideration for others. A much promoted facet of Thainess, yet, in reality an often alien concept.

Yeah, what was that Thai word/expression for hypocrisy, again? A key element of Thainess, IMHO.

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So they want to introduce a European style reality filter in Thai news reports.

Once you're dead you have no privacy. You're not even a 'you' any more, just a corpse.

Publishing pictures of people lying dead on the road with a large pool of blood next to their head hammers home the reality that a helmet can really help you out in a situation where you're moving through the air at around 30+ miles an hour head first towards the road surface.

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About time . . . hope it has "some" positive effect . . . but I doubt it very much sad.png

Maybe they could get Rupert Murdoch to outline the lofty European standards when it comes to respecting victims rights and dignity.

The News of the World illegally targeted the missing schoolgirl Milly Dowler and her family in March 2002, interfering with police inquiries into her disappearance, an investigation by the Guardian has established.

The Dowlers' family lawyer, Mark Lewis, this afternoon issued a statement describing the News of the World's activities as "heinous" and "despicable". He said this afternoon the Dowler family was now pursuing a damages claim against the News of the World.

Detectives from Scotland Yard's new inquiry into the phone hacking, Operation Weeting, are believed to have found evidence of the targeting of the Dowlers in a collection of 11,000 pages of notes kept by Glenn Mulcaire, the private investigator jailed for phone hacking on behalf of the News of the World.

Edited by Suradit69
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"...personal details of crime victims and inappropriate images by the media." blink.png

It's the Police and Emergency Teams that release it. wai2.gifwai.gif

I would imagine that payment is involved in obtaining the pictures - so in short it wont change.

I've seen Facebook pages from Thai EMT members that put up disgraceful stuff. wai2.gifwai.gif

Some of them seem to think it's funny...


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What is being asked for is merely a degree of "kreng jai" -consideration for others. A much promoted facet of Thainess, yet, in reality an often alien concept.

Does anyone else have the Saturday morning 'current affairs' program rammed down their throat ?

Threre were 2 monks having a fight .. fair enough, the guy had some reason, some temple building dispute .. obviously newsworthy (?) but they played the clip on loop 3 times.

No 'kren-jai' there .. I was quite disgusted that something Thais hold so dear to their heart - religion - should be trashed in this manner to the millions.

They can't even regulate themselves, let alone international business.

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So they want to introduce a European style reality filter in Thai news reports.

Once you're dead you have no privacy. You're not even a 'you' any more, just a corpse.

Publishing pictures of people lying dead on the road with a large pool of blood next to their head hammers home the reality that a helmet can really help you out in a situation where you're moving through the air at around 30+ miles an hour head first towards the road surface.

Doesn't do much for road safety, does it ?

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The fact that a collective of western Embassies found it necessary to present such a letter, to the 2014 Thai News Media directorate(s), is indicative of the general state of immaturity prevailing in the "overall" Thai cultural mentality.

Personally, I'm already of the conclusion, that such a letter is nothing more than an effort in total futility. My reasoning, and considered opinion is thus: "It is totally impossible to pour reverse osmosis treated H2O, into a Made-in-China glass drinking cup, that is already filled to the brim with unchlorinated faucet water."

As the late John Lennon, so eloquently wrote, in the song "Let It Be"coffee1.gif

Never miss a chance to Thai bash.

The fact that they presented it to the news media instead of the government speaks to the fact that they are happy with the government.

You are correct the letter is nothing more than a total effort in futility. The Thai press like the press around the world could care less what people think. They only care about what will sell. That is a world wide fact jack.sad.png

Granted! I'm not Thai bashing. Don't need to. The Thai people (especially the menfolk) manage to do a fine job of that, all, on their own behalf. Fortunately, my skin-color puts me (and my collective constituency) in the position of living on "the real Thai" side of the LOS street. No "Smoke & Mirrors" fantasies presented over here.

Call it bashing, if that's the limit of your ocular horizon, in LOS. However, we don't come to Thailand, arrogantly trying to "educate", or to save some "poor" Isaan bargirl from her complicated Thai life "circumstances". We accept, and give appropriate respect to Thai people, on basis of their "true" face value.

To reiterate the point, that you, in your wb "know-it-all" arrogance, apparently missed, "It is totally impossible to pour reverse osmosis treated H2O, into a Made-in-China glass drinking cup, that is already filled to the brim with unchlorinated faucet water."

Hence, we focus only on the best, that Thailand has to offer, and then we leave the rest of it (which is really none of our business) alone. We just "Let It Be" yourself Jack. As such, no weekly Pattaya suicides, or TV forum crybaby complaints, forthcoming from this side of the street. Capiche? whistling.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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The fact that a collective of western Embassies found it necessary to present such a letter, to the 2014 Thai News Media directorate(s), is indicative of the general state of immaturity prevailing in the "overall" Thai cultural mentality.

Personally, I'm already of the conclusion, that such a letter is nothing more than an effort in total futility. My reasoning, and considered opinion is thus: "It is totally impossible to pour reverse osmosis treated H2O, into a Made-in-China glass drinking cup, that is already filled to the brim with unchlorinated faucet water."

As the late John Lennon, so eloquently wrote, in the song "Let It Be"coffee1.gif

Sorry to nit-pick but,

Let it Be was a McCartney composition...


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My ex and I woke up one morning in Phuket to a photo of 2 elderly people she called Gran and Grandpa when she was a kid.

They were lying in a pool of blood shot by an ex copper.

So really I should be on Europe's side here but must ask why Thailand?

A still photograph is one thing but what's far worse are real life videos on Facebook.

Just yesterday I saw one video of a person being hit by a car travelling so fast it threw the guy 15t in the air and he landed at least 75yds away like a rag dool.

Previously a baby had fallen between the platform and the rails as the train came into the staion and was killed.

A toddler crossing the road holding hands with and elderly woman when a car hits the baby out of her grasp and kills the poor kid.

These graphic sights are posted every day on facebook yet I don't see Facebook being banned in any European country.

Perhaps Europe should perhaps look at what's avaiable for their own children to see before critisisng Thailand

At least Thailand attempt to block these horrible porn sites on the internet that come up on your computer 30 times a day whistling.gif

I know 2 wrongs don't make a right but to each country their own......Thailand is not Europe and Europe certainly is not Thaland

Thailand should send them a message and the 2nd word should be "off"

Edited by Tanlic
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I saw the video of the Car accident in Pattaya , a four by four was hit by a drunk driver, the body's where still in the burning four by four. They videoed all of it, even when they had put the fire out they put the the chard body's down in a line, all the fire fighters police and other incident reaction people had the photo taken like a school photograph with the remains of a Mother Husband and child in front. Not a nice thing to see .

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About time . . . hope it has "some" positive effect . . . but I doubt it very much sad.png

Concern is not just limited to graphic photo's.

The PM is rightfully gagging some factions that are organized gang disruption. Not the norm opposition.

Reflect back on the Shins stranglehold with their paper Thai R T, a true propaganda press, together with the TV stations----short memories.

I post this to remind posters that it is not a new trend here. Graphic pics were always great news ----look at the people that stand and stare at an accident scene, taking photo's of a person headless-legless etc.

I reckon hypnotism might cure you of your obsession with all things Shin.

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In Thailand they can show people with guts hanging out, then on soapies, slapping men, slapping women, verbally abusing, shooting people is ok.. Plus making police to be dingalings... Yet they fuzz out someone smoking or drinking in the soapies, movies etc...

Obviously they know that images have some effect on people... Perhaps they have it back to front.... coffee1.gif

I also thought that they fuzz out anyone holding a weapon to someone else, a measure done that obvioulsy doesn't work eh? In all cases drinking, smoking or murder.

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The fact that a collective of western Embassies found it necessary to present such a letter, to the 2014 Thai News Media directorate(s), is indicative of the general state of immaturity prevailing in the "overall" Thai cultural mentality.

Personally, I'm already of the conclusion, that such a letter is nothing more than an effort in total futility. My reasoning, and considered opinion is thus: "It is totally impossible to pour reverse osmosis treated H2O, into a Made-in-China glass drinking cup, that is already filled to the brim with unchlorinated faucet water."

As the late John Lennon, so eloquently wrote, in the song "Let It Be"coffee1.gif

Sorry to nit-pick but,

Let it Be was a McCartney composition...


Think you will find that it is actually accredited as a McCartney composition, as were most of the songs of the Rolling Stones ooops sorry a typo BEATLES.

Yes it was probably majorly a McCartney composition but all songs, as far as I am aware, were always a combination of at least two, three or all of the fab four. John Lennon would have had some input in Paul's songs and vice versa. So give the kid a chance. Looked it up on Wicki and yes it is solely attributed to McCartney and evrything I just typed is <deleted> but it took a long time to type, so I am not deleting my effort wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif

(Be interesting to see what this post now develops into).

Edited by daiwill60
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Huummmm, European want to curb press freedom in Thailand, coffee1.gif

No, the Europeans want to ensure that next time someone's child is brutally murdered pictures of their mutilated spread eagled bodies are NOT exhibited for the titillation of the less civilised denizens of this particular country blink.png

Perhaps show a picture of a European pedophile or murderer or criminal chocking you in Europe but not in Thailand.......

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The fact that a collective of western Embassies found it necessary to present such a letter, to the 2014 Thai News Media directorate(s), is indicative of the general state of immaturity prevailing in the "overall" Thai cultural mentality.

Personally, I'm already of the conclusion, that such a letter is nothing more than an effort in total futility. My reasoning, and considered opinion is thus: "It is totally impossible to pour reverse osmosis treated H2O, into a Made-in-China glass drinking cup, that is already filled to the brim with unchlorinated faucet water."

As the late John Lennon, so eloquently wrote, in the song "Let It Be"coffee1.gif

Never miss a chance to Thai bash.

The fact that they presented it to the news media instead of the government speaks to the fact that they are happy with the government.

You are correct the letter is nothing more than a total effort in futility. The Thai press like the press around the world could care less what people think. They only care about what will sell. That is a world wide fact jack.sad.png

Granted! I'm not Thai bashing. Don't need to. The Thai people (especially the menfolk) manage to do a fine job of that, all, on their own behalf. Fortunately, my skin-color puts me (and my collective constituency) in the position of living on "the real Thai" side of the LOS street. No "Smoke & Mirrors" fantasies presented over here.

Call it bashing, if that's the limit of your ocular horizon, in LOS. However, we don't come to Thailand, arrogantly trying to "educate", or to save some "poor" Isaan bargirl from her complicated Thai life "circumstances". We accept, and give appropriate respect to Thai people, on basis of their "true" face value.

To reiterate the point, that you, in your wb "know-it-all" arrogance, apparently missed, "It is totally impossible to pour reverse osmosis treated H2O, into a Made-in-China glass drinking cup, that is already filled to the brim with unchlorinated faucet water."

Hence, we focus only on the best, that Thailand has to offer, and then we leave the rest of it (which is really none of our business) alone. We just "Let It Be" yourself Jack. As such, no weekly Pattaya suicides, or TV forum crybaby complaints, forthcoming from this side of the street. Capiche? whistling.gif

This is a thread on the European denouncing the Thai media. From your lofty perch the one bordering on snobbery you can maybe explain what

"It is totally impossible to pour reverse osmosis treated H2O, into a Made-in-China glass drinking cup, that is already filled to the brim with unchlorinated faucet water."

has to do with it. That statement is in direct opposition to this one.

" No "Smoke & Mirrors" fantasies presented over here."

I am surprised that a person of your obvious standing (you gave it away with the we) also the attitude would deign to honor us with your nonsense.

I was going to say well done but it was really a sloppy job of trying to put your Thai bashing on to the Thai's in fact one of the worst I have seen. Those are the facts jack.wai.gif

Edited by MJP
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The fact that a collective of western Embassies found it necessary to present such a letter, to the 2014 Thai News Media directorate(s), is indicative of the general state of immaturity prevailing in the "overall" Thai cultural mentality.

Personally, I'm already of the conclusion, that such a letter is nothing more than an effort in total futility. My reasoning, and considered opinion is thus: "It is totally impossible to pour reverse osmosis treated H2O, into a Made-in-China glass drinking cup, that is already filled to the brim with unchlorinated faucet water."

As the late John Lennon, so eloquently wrote, in the song "Let It Be"coffee1.gif

Sorry to nit-pick but,

Let it Be was a McCartney composition...


Think you will find that it is actually accredited as a McCartney composition, as were most of the songs of the Rolling Stones ooops sorry a typo BEATLES.

Yes it was probably majorly a McCartney composition but all songs, as far as I am aware, were always a combination of at least two, three or all of the fab four. John Lennon would have had some input in Paul's songs and vice versa. So give the kid a chance. Looked it up on Wicki and yes it is solely attributed to McCartney and evrything I just typed is <deleted> but it took a long time to type, so I am not deleting my effort wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif

(Be interesting to see what this post now develops into).

"When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me. Speaking words of wisdom, Let It Be..."

J. Paul's mother. (Mary)


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They should maybe start by telling their own media how biased and manipulative are. Most media in Europe and states are in hands of same lobby.

This colonialist mentality should stop from western governments and many of their citizens who need to wake up and stop trying to show others what they should do.

Well said !

Learn to deal with the reality,and that's what people here want to see.

I've not been able to talk to all the "people" here, so I am unable to speak with the same confidence as to what "they" want to see.

I can only speak for myself and not for others, whom I've never met.

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So you all want your news sanitized for you like in the nanny state west? I have noticed that the Thais deal with death a lot better than in the west. It is accepted as a fact of life. People die and sometimes its not pretty. Kids stand around accident scenes looking at mutilated bodies and they don't require state sponsored trauma counselling.

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The atrocities of the Vietnam war, or some of the visible results the Press got a hold of, were openly broadcast to the American public. Anti-war sentiment reached a high. Afterwards, images of death and destruction limited in Press coverage, therefore blinding people into apathy and acceptance of a war-based economy. It's too upsetting for people to view carnage that is real ,but would these politicians ever renounce the endless bloody movies their dear entertainment industries crank out to their blood-thirsty public? If you hide these photos, tourism in Thailand will bounce back, and politicians will get whatever they get out of it. All will be safely hidden, people will have to continue to go to movies to feed their insatiable need for blood, murder and death.

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you know, now that I think about it, after the above post,

I now think the entire families of the people who are the real rapists and killers of the two young brits,

should be made to stand naked, with their legs spread eagle, on the rocks by the shore of their former businesses,

with a hoe stuck up their asses

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Is that not just part of the police bonus for having to bother to investigate a crime selling the pictures of the deceased along with the passport photo and giving out nationality and name to the best bidder from the press core, just a small side-line, if it involves money it will never change in Thailand greed for money is the number one here worth more than trust or respect anytime.

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