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Sleep Disorder


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Most pharmacies don't have it, but they do sell it in kiosks in MBK in Bangkok. I think 3rd floor but not sure...anyway the floor with lots of kiosks selling various supplements. I bought Schiff brand there.

A number fo people have gotten it by mail via iHerb as well.

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You are quite right to be concerned about the medications.

Aside from the sleep meds, is she on any other medications? A number of common meds can cause problems sleeping, including PPIs (omeprazole ect), statins and beta blockers.

Medications scare me. Usually treat symptoms & not the root of the problem. I have had, in the past, troubles getting proper restful sleep. I have not for over a year now had trouble sleeping.

I read extensively on the topic, tested what works for me. Summary:

In order to get restful & restorative sleep I must be both physically and mentally tired every night. Daily marathons are not neccesary. An hour powerwalk or a half hour lap swimming session

is enough sometime during the day (Best is early morning)for the physically tired bit. Within 3 hours of bedtime any excersize should be very moderate. For a mental tired feeling I study music,

play any of an assortment of instriments. Learning another language would work. Anything genuinely mentally challenging during every day The bedroom according to Feng Shui should not contain

any electronics excepting an alarm clock. No tv no computer. No bookshelf. One nitetime book O.K. Definately not look or feel like a storage locker. Too stimulating. Sleep & sex only in the bedroom.

A presleep routine every nite similar every nite signals the body its that time & slows down. Shower pajamas vitamilk. The other contributers to good health can not be ignored. Diet etc. Laying in bed

without sleep for more than15 minutes is also a no no. Get up read watch something relaxing on TV (if you can find anything) or dvd. The booze does promote sleep sort of passing out really but does

provide restorative sleep, so I cannot recomend it.

I hope you get this one sorted soon as it can cause serious health problems. Ask me how I know??? ??? ???

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Some tips to avoid sleep problems are regular exercise and a healthy diet. Exercising can make you sleep better. Do not exercise however when you are about to go to sleep. Do your exercises at least 6 hours before bedtime. Watching what you eat can also help you a great deal. Avoid substances that would prevent you from sleeping. Examples are those containing caffeine such as chocolate, coffee, sodas, and pain relievers. Avoid alcohol and smoking as well.

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I haven't read the replies. I used to have similar problem to a lesser degree, maybe 4-5 hours per night. Aterax is a drowsy antihistamine I used every few days which kept me asleep longer and helped me catch up a bit.

There is a lot of advice online about getting to sleep but none about waking up too early. When I had this problem I was unhappy in the place I lived (a high rise condo in Manila). Since moving to Chiang Mai I don't have the problem at all, one reason may be that I exercise every day by cycling. I have less stress here overall and I generally just feel happier about the environment.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Try again.

I've had this on and off. What worked for me was amtrypline 25 mg it's an anti depressants.

Although you feel groggy in the .mornings.

At the moment I can't sleep more than 3 hours. And don't wanna keep taking drugs . However it feels bloody good to get a good night's sleep .

Heard about melatonin can you up that here if so where ?

To OP what worked in the end. With your wife ?

So tired

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3 mg. of Melatonin works for me. Also no coffee or other caffeine after 2:00 PM.

If you have a sleep disorder it makes no sense a all to have ANY caffiene.

There is a great app for android or iphone by Paul McKenna, do the program, whic doesn't involve much but listening to a hypnotic session before sleeping - really good.

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Please see post #63 re where to get melatonin in Thailand.

Waking up early and not being able to go back to sleep is a common problem as people age and usually due to dropping melatonin levels. I keep melatonin at the bedside and when it happens, immediately take one, then read a little until I drift back off to sleep.

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Please see post #63 re where to get melatonin in Thailand.

Waking up early and not being able to go back to sleep is a common problem as people age and usually due to dropping melatonin levels. I keep melatonin at the bedside and when it happens, immediately take one, then read a little until I drift back off to sleep.

Thanks sherlyl .

So you take it as needed .

Rather than a one a day.

M BK ..I know where you mean.will have a look.


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Well, these days I pretty much do wake up around 4-5 AM every night so unless I have an early morning appointment i take it most days. (A cat who wants me to get up and play to celebrate the dawn plays a role in these awakenings, but late middle age is to blame for not being able to pop back asleep as once I could...but the melatonin works wonders for that).

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The medical answer to sleeping disorder is sleeping pills.

I would not go that way yet.

I would first try to eliminate the psychological side: is she worried/depressed/anxious?

I used to have that problem and it turned out to be something I really did not expect.

Someting you did not expect ???

What was it if you don't mind me asking

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Just to add o bought this today at the little pharmacy next to billy pub sukhumvit.

There's 2 1 big and the smaller one.

Says one a day. 3 MG .

Is that before sleep.?

And do I take it for a certain time or forever ?

Bloke said it's an hormone .

And that was it

Do hope this helps. at the mo walking round like a zombie



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I sometimes have difficulty in sleeping & a while ago took some Melatonin on a few nights.

At first they worked really very well, but then I started getting some very bad nightmares.

Now, I occasionally take Valerian which gives me a very peaceful sleep.


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Pretty good documentary on Nat Geo called "Sleepless in America". It's available on Youtube in several files, and on some of the torrent sites.

No easy answers, but some good info about how natural sleep patterns have changed because of artificial light and societal changes and the way they've changed our living and sleeping patterns.

Edited by impulse
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I sometimes have difficulty in sleeping & a while ago took some Melatonin on a few nights.

At first they worked really very well, but then I started getting some very bad nightmares.

Now, I occasionally take Valerian which gives me a very peaceful sleep.


After getting my melatonin.

Seems to work ok

But I had a bad nightmare last night.

Not scared or nothing.but bloody weird.

The tablets you suggested are a herbal remedy?

Also where to buy here in Bangkok ?


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Melatonin does indeed make for vivid dreams. I have never heard of it causing flushing nor experienced that myself. However, high doses of niacin will do that, so check to see if the preparation you have also contains niacin.

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My wife does not have any strange dreams now that she is back to a normal sleeping pattern. So I suppose it affects some people more than others.

When I was taking Champix to stop smoking my dreams were nightmares and I had to cease taking them, others seemingly had no problems with this drug.

She is now regularly taking melatonin, what I don't know if it is harmful to take it long-term?

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My wife does not have any strange dreams now that she is back to a normal sleeping pattern. So I suppose it affects some people more than others.

When I was taking Champix to stop smoking my dreams were nightmares and I had to cease taking them, others seemingly had no problems with this drug.

She is now regularly taking melatonin, what I don't know if it is harmful to take it long-term?

Been flowing this and good to hear your wife is back on track.

I've got melatonin and I'm just finding a quarter of a 3 MG tab is more than enough .

Will post after a week or so.

A good night's sleep is worth its weight in gold.

After that exercise and diet.

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  • 9 months later...

Well a year after the problem went away by using Melatonin it's back again.

She is in a zombie like state during the day ,only sleeping 2-3 hours. I am at my wits end , I realy don't know what to do to help her.

She is still taking Melatonin and half a Xanex at night, but it's still no good.

Tomorrow she will be having a blood test. Our doc wanted to see her on the second day of her period, but she is no longer having them....maybe HRT?...I just don't know

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What does actually trigger the awakening?

Have you tried changing diet ?

What you eat directly impact your sleep, and Im not just talking flatulences lol.

Have you check for cold infections? (babesia, richettia, chlamedyas, eyach virus,brucella etc)

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What does actually trigger the awakening?

Have you tried changing diet ?

What you eat directly impact your sleep, and Im not just talking flatulences lol.

Have you check for cold infections? (babesia, richettia, chlamedyas, eyach virus,brucella etc)

Thanks for your imput.

No her diet is as it always was, what do you think it should be changed to?

She eats the same foods as most Thais.

The blood test results tomorrow may shed some light on the problem

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I have a similar problem: I get off to sleep usually with no problem but wake up frequently during the night (sometimes literally 15mins after dropping off) and wake up far to early and am not getting near enough sleep anymore. I used to be an 8hr straight through until 2 years ago.

I have read in this thread that quite a few people getting good results from Melatonin - even the long suffering OP's wife was able to get some relief although sad to read it's no longer working.

If anyone with the similar problem of frequent awakenings and waking too early can let me know exactly what type of Melatonin they use and what dose they use would be greatly appreciated. A year or so ago I tried the (expensive) slow release Melatonin but it did nothing for me at all. I'm not sure if that rules out Melatonin for me generally?

Any help would be appreciated.

Best of luck to the OP's wife.

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