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Koh Tao murders: Influential island figure vows to clear his son's name


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So many appeals of hatred(Argumentum ad odium) going on from one side to the other, it's almost mind boggling. coffee1.gif

And seems like a lot of posters don't even read the thread, just "take a dump" in it and make themselves scarce.

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Thai PM says New DNA Tests Can Be Done in British Probe Into Koh Tao Murders


Some people just don't get it. It's not the Burmese DNA profile that us 'conspiracy theorists' are questioning, IT'S THE DNA PROFILES TAKEN FROM THE FEMALE VICTIM. Even though we've heard UK officials were SUPPOSED to have taken samples from the victim, WE DON'T KNOW WHETHER THEY DID. Therefore, all there is for comparison are samples taken by unqualified Thais (Ms Porntip said as much). The same unqualified Thais who have an agenda to shield the headman's family. That's also why the DNA press conference (with Nomsod) today was moot.


Have the Brit experts packed up and gone home? If so, that's a sad day for the victims' families and friends, and for the Burmese scapegoats. Even tho the Burmese will likely be let go for insufficient evidence, it's still been harrowing for them. They should be compensated Bt.10,000 each for each day they were falsely incarcerated.

You do realize that the semen would also have been collected during the autopsy right? I am not even sure if they would have even collected any of this from inside the victim at the scene but even if they did they certainly wouldn't have collected it all. They generally collect what they can at the scene because they can't collect and test it elsewhere.

Why would the Brits leaving be a sad thing? They will leave when they make their conclusions. I find it odd that you want to pay these two suspects money when even other conspiracy theorists actually are not so far gone as to admit they may be involved.

I can almost guarantee you the two will plead guilty because it is their only hope of seeing freedom again given the evidence against them.

One of the biggest problems in the early days of the RTP investigation was their persistence in releasing statements to the media. They made accusations about many suspects, who were later cleared. However in this plethora of released statements and information there were some good intentions namely the CCTV clip of the KT 'running man'. The then RTP Chief asked the media/public to examine the clip to identify the 'runner'. Well, surprise, surprise this is exactly what the media/public did, and what the RTP have have apparently so far failed to do, which is take a much closer look to make a positive identification. Maybe you and jdinisia should take a peek outside the 'RTP box' occasionally, and you'll find DNA isn't the only defining factor in proving the innocence/guilt of anyone. As you seem to base your postings on the RTP 'party' line do you have anything to say as to why the RTP have never made their findings known about the CCTV KT 'running man'? Unless the RTP clear up this aspect of the investigation they and not the media/public will appear to have been party to the conspiracy theory.

You are right a grainy video showing no crime of somebody who can barely be made out is much stronger evidence than an DNA match to semen in the victim, especially when the person in the low quality video turns out not to be who people thought.

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There is one thing that has been bothering me regarding the DNA of the two Bermese lads. They were tested twice..correct? I imagine that that with so many tests done early on they don't announce who is ruled out, they would only announce a match. What caused them to test them again? Were they aware that they had been at the beach playing the guitar before the initial test or after?

Apologies for all the questions, it's late here and I'm not sure where I am going with this train of thought. However, it seems to me it would be possible, with all the controversy surrounding this case, that the initial swabs could have been used to replace the original samples taken from the victim. They then decide to test the lads that were playing guitar and have the perfect match. There were enough delays and odd theories going on to deflect from any mucking around in the background. This is MOO, not fact or conspiracy theory.

That was a rather strange video of the boy giving a DNA sample. A complete circus. Curiouser and curiouser... blink.png

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To JD in Asia and JTJ.

Mr Nomsod has said that he was in Bangkok and you clearly believe him. Millions don't. Let him prove it by obtaining his phone records. If he was in BKK it will show. If he was in KT it will show. Important of course to get the right phone, at least the right SIM.

Millions don't? Hyperbole.

2 weeks ago the call was for DNA.

We don't know if the police have gotten a warrant for phone records. If they have, the records would never be released to the public.

DNA can be falsified. If the phone record shows Nomsod was in KT then everything else is false. He's lied and gone to a lot of trouble covering that lie. Perhaps the police would like to inform us if they have checked Nomsod's phone record.

Why would they inform the public?

The police report to the prosecution. The prosecution takes the case to court (or doesn't if they feel they can't prove the theory that they want to present)

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JTJ keeps asserting the police line that Burmese DNA matched that found within victim.

There's one big hole in that assertion. If there is a frame-up (which many think there is) then it's easy to skew the data. For starters, who actually has the hard data showing the profile of the DNA found in the victim? Answer: COPS and only cops.

All they have to say, starting the day after arresting the Burmese, is: "their DNA matches." Who is going to go to the police and demand to see original results? Possibly only the prosecutors, but they've already sent the police report back 2 or 3 times for revisions (read: make the frame-up look more convincing). Plus, the prosecutors are working hand in hand with officialdom.

Another easy way to skew the DNA data: Take the Burmese boys' data, make a copy of it (it's probably on paper cards), and rename it: "Semen taken from victim." Doing that would also safeguard Nomsod, and would explain why he and his shielders were so nonchalant about submitting his DNA today, some grinning in the background.

Original samples were tested in Singapore. This was before implication of the two Burmese. They should have the original record. Trust nothing from Thai police. Send all new samples to Singapore for comparison.

I seemed to recollect that the RTP said they would be sending the samples to Singapore, but instead sent them to BKK, who distributed them to hospitals in Chiang Mai. While I could be mistaken on which hospitals tested the samples, it wasn't Singapore.

Thanks Stephen, that was my recollection also, that a Singapore lab was involved in the DNA trail. Yet later, that didn't ring true. Initially: Thai officials said they weren't equiped to handle DNA beyond telling whether it was M or F. They appeared to turn to Singapore, claiming it would take 2 days to get a result (although Mon's and the Burmese boys' results were gotten a lot sooner). For a few hours, Thai cops contemplated asking the FBI to assist, but then decided against that. It appears that the lion's share or all of DNA compiling has been done in Thailand. Not encouraging for us in the peanut gallery, because it's so easy to skew results and/or how results are filed/labeled - particularly if there are orders from top brass.

So there goes that theory that police won't touch them.

Yes, the cops started out by appearing to try to do a decent investigation. Yet, soon after they switched tracks. Not because the incriminating evidence no longer implicated the headman's people, but likely because of some other reasons (promises of big money, perhaps?).

Naw, couldn't be. When has a Thai official ever been influenced to do something untoward by a big payoff?

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And there is still the questionable Viodeo from the collage in the air ?

Some manipulaten were recorded ;

I am very surprised nobody picked up on this one >>>


I am no expert but this is impossible or not? The system has only one time! Is this the proof the CCTV was doctored? Or is this normal?

Do you have a source other than csila?

Systems are different

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Why did he refuse up to now for his sons DNA to be taken?

Is he above the law?

Yes. He is more powerful than both the army and the police, in a sense that neither will go after his family, under any circumstances. The only reason this has not "gone away" is due to the influence of the public and the relentless posts and peoples unwillingness to let it go. You cannot clear your sons reputation, as your son is as guilty as the day is long. And this is not the first crime he has committed. I realize your family is accustomed to getting off "Scot free" all these years. You have all been able to do whatever you want, whenever you want, to whomever you want. That is ending here. At least for now. Get used to being under the spotlight. Thank your unconscious son for that. He grew up surrounded with hundreds of millions of dollars. As a son of a family nobody touches. Now, he has attracted unwanted attention. Too bad. Pay the price for your behavior, and your lack of concern for people, and for society. You are not the best of what Thailand has to offer.

Initial statement proven to be untrue. They did indeed go after them and they were cleared.

Nice to know there are at least a few who believe that.

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Dear god, yap yap yap, has anyone bothered to click on this link http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run/ of todays date saying the police have already arrested Mon, the headman's brother and they are now seeking the headman's son who has fled to Bangkok w00t.gif

Head lines from said piece..................................One tourist murder suspect now arrested, another on the run

in General |September 23, 2014


History....they have been cleared since...................

Things in the past are history but the terminology of the statement cannot be changed.

"evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved"

" both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders."

What changed? How can a Police Commisioner use the words "evidence," examined", "proved", and then state they were caught on CCTV and then these statements brushed aside.

Many posters complain about people using theories and insist posters use proper news and police statements to confirm or bolster their posts. This is from a commanding officer using words that accuse people of crimes and claims to have evidence to support it but now its brushed off as history.

How could a statement delivered to the press be so wrong? Maybe saying we believe or its possible then I could understand the confusion.

Maybe the "Evidence" they had in the beginning that the commander was so confident about should be observed by the UK Police.

If you accept "proved" here, surely you have to accept proved in other statements, as well as disproved

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And there is still the questionable Viodeo from the collage in the air ?

Some manipulaten were recorded ;

I am very surprised nobody picked up on this one >>>


I am no expert but this is impossible or not? The system has only one time! Is this the proof the CCTV was doctored? Or is this normal?

Do you have a source other than csila?

Systems are different

The video is on YouTube and you can see there is about a second difference in the two CAMS. IMO a system has ONE time and as many cameras as you want, but two times? OK it is only a second and I am no expert, That is why I ask the question..........I just feel there can only be ONE time!

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If I was an Itinerant worker, working illegally on Koh Tao and had just raped and killed a girl in a frenzied brutal attack with a garden hoe and killed her boyfriend. I would stay on the island as if nothing had happened even wearing the same shirt the next day, no need to change after all (no nasty blood stains or anything).

Public boats off the island watched.

Multiple identical work shirts owned

so did the police find a blood stained shirt from the accused..? I do not think so. The shirt looks identical, but as you say it could be another from the bar. I cannot imagine how there would no stains on any of his clothing. How many shirts has he got..? is there one missing. How many days after the murder was he arrested..? plenty of time to get off regardless of being "watched" plenty of others got off OK. It just seems odd that they would just hang around after such a henious crime. There were no witnesses at all, no CCTV of them at the correct time, so it must all be hinging on DNA, which would prove rape. It would not satisfy Sherlock.

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Many ask for evidence, proof, where's the link etc.

Forget about DNA, phones Sean and the rest.

Is there any disagreement that one of the most crucial factors here is the credibility of the RTP.

The UN have described them as a criminal organisation, the weight of history is against them.

Time after time it is the RTP who are revealed as the criminals involved in so many incidents in Thailand, it is not without reason they are despised by law abiding Thais.

They serve only one master, Greed. Justice is not on their agenda.

No. The UN has never said that. A person in no way associated with the UN used a UN definition and applied it to his opinion of the RTP.

if the UN did say that, you will have no problem providing a link.

From http://www.prachatai.org/english/node/571 Submitted by prachatai on Mon, 31/03/2008 - 00:00


HONG KONG, China, According to the United Nations, the Royal Thai Police are organized criminals.That, at least, is the inference to be drawn from looking at its Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, which was adopted in 2001 and which defines an organized crime group as involving at least three people acting in concert over a period of time "with the aim of committing one or more serious crimes or offences… in order to obtain… a financial or other material benefit."

Thank JL I have little interest in responding to some posters.

"that at least is the inference that can be drawn "

As stated the UN never said that.

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If I was an Itinerant worker, working illegally on Koh Tao and had just raped and killed a girl in a frenzied brutal attack with a garden hoe and killed her boyfriend. I would stay on the island as if nothing had happened even wearing the same shirt the next day, no need to change after all (no nasty blood stains or anything).

Public boats off the island watched.

Multiple identical work shirts owned

so did the police find a blood stained shirt from the accused..? I do not think so. The shirt looks identical, but as you say it could be another from the bar. I cannot imagine how there would no stains on any of his clothing. How many shirts has he got..? is there one missing. How many days after the murder was he arrested..? plenty of time to get off regardless of being "watched" plenty of others got off OK. It just seems odd that they would just hang around after such a henious crime. There were no witnesses at all, no CCTV of them at the correct time, so it must all be hinging on DNA, which would prove rape. It would not satisfy Sherlock.

"so it must all be hinging.."

Means Motive Opportunity DNA confessions CCTV, second confession to HRC... And who knows what else??

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Dear god, yap yap yap, has anyone bothered to click on this link http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run/ of todays date saying the police have already arrested Mon, the headman's brother and they are now seeking the headman's son who has fled to Bangkok w00t.gif

Head lines from said piece..................................One tourist murder suspect now arrested, another on the run

in General |September 23, 2014


History....they have been cleared since...................

Things in the past are history but the terminology of the statement cannot be changed.

"evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved"

" both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders."

What changed? How can a Police Commisioner use the words "evidence," examined", "proved", and then state they were caught on CCTV and then these statements brushed aside.

Many posters complain about people using theories and insist posters use proper news and police statements to confirm or bolster their posts. This is from a commanding officer using words that accuse people of crimes and claims to have evidence to support it but now its brushed off as history.

How could a statement delivered to the press be so wrong? Maybe saying we believe or its possible then I could understand the confusion.

Maybe the "Evidence" they had in the beginning that the commander was so confident about should be observed by the UK Police.

If you accept "proved" here, surely you have to accept proved in other statements, as well as disproved

How can I accept it on both statements? That would mean both parties did it? Are you throwing your own conspiracy theories out there? Or they both didn't do it?

Please be a bit clearer in your statements. Maybe your too clever for me but it seems you just threw a quick retort out rather than answered my questions!wai.gif

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And there is still the questionable Viodeo from the collage in the air ?

Some manipulaten were recorded ;

I am very surprised nobody picked up on this one >>>


I am no expert but this is impossible or not? The system has only one time! Is this the proof the CCTV was doctored? Or is this normal?

Do you have a source other than csila?

Systems are different

The video is on YouTube and you can see there is about a second difference in the two CAMS. IMO a system has ONE time and as many cameras as you want, but two times? OK it is only a second and I am no expert, That is why I ask the question..........I just feel there can only be ONE time!

I stand corrected on the csila mistake I made.

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No talk of his alibi at the DNA test.... Potential murderer paraded in public like he is some sort of superstar. Get his phone records.. He is a disgusting little rat.... Sending 5555 to the space book page says enough about this piece of gutter trash...

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Thai PM says New DNA Tests Can Be Done in British Probe Into Koh Tao Murders


Some people just don't get it. It's not the Burmese DNA profile that us 'conspiracy theorists' are questioning, IT'S THE DNA PROFILES TAKEN FROM THE FEMALE VICTIM. Even though we've heard UK officials were SUPPOSED to have taken samples from the victim, WE DON'T KNOW WHETHER THEY DID. Therefore, all there is for comparison are samples taken by unqualified Thais (Ms Porntip said as much). The same unqualified Thais who have an agenda to shield the headman's family. That's also why the DNA press conference (with Nomsod) today was moot.


Have the Brit experts packed up and gone home? If so, that's a sad day for the victims' families and friends, and for the Burmese scapegoats. Even tho the Burmese will likely be let go for insufficient evidence, it's still been harrowing for them. They should be compensated Bt.10,000 each for each day they were falsely incarcerated.

You do realize that the semen would also have been collected during the autopsy right? I am not even sure if they would have even collected any of this from inside the victim at the scene but even if they did they certainly wouldn't have collected it all. They generally collect what they can at the scene because they can't collect and test it elsewhere.

Why would the Brits leaving be a sad thing? They will leave when they make their conclusions. I find it odd that you want to pay these two suspects money when even other conspiracy theorists actually are not so far gone as to admit they may be involved.

I can almost guarantee you the two will plead guilty because it is their only hope of seeing freedom again given the evidence against them.

One of the biggest problems in the early days of the RTP investigation was their persistence in releasing statements to the media. They made accusations about many suspects, who were later cleared. However in this plethora of released statements and information there were some good intentions namely the CCTV clip of the KT 'running man'. The then RTP Chief asked the media/public to examine the clip to identify the 'runner'. Well, surprise, surprise this is exactly what the media/public did, and what the RTP have have apparently so far failed to do, which is take a much closer look to make a positive identification. Maybe you and jdinisia should take a peek outside the 'RTP box' occasionally, and you'll find DNA isn't the only defining factor in proving the innocence/guilt of anyone. As you seem to base your postings on the RTP 'party' line do you have anything to say as to why the RTP have never made their findings known about the CCTV KT 'running man'? Unless the RTP clear up this aspect of the investigation they and not the media/public will appear to have been party to the conspiracy theory.

You are right a grainy video showing no crime of somebody who can barely be made out is much stronger evidence than an DNA match to semen in the victim, especially when the person in the low quality video turns out not to be who people thought.

Sorry JTJ... but why haven't RTP subsequently referred to this CCTV clip if it was deeed significant enough to be released into the public domain? You seem to be the RTP spokesman, so let's hear the official line on this, please.

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The video is on YouTube and you can see there is about a second difference in the two CAMS. IMO a system has ONE time and as many cameras as you want, but two times? OK it is only a second and I am no expert, That is why I ask the question..........I just feel there can only be ONE time!

Have you ever been to a Thai hotel lobby which had several clocks, each labeled with a different big city? The clocks are all over the place, no two have the same minutes shown.

Thais are to scientific precision what whooping cranes are to nuclear fission.

They know all about ghosts though.

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Dear god, yap yap yap, has anyone bothered to click on this link http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run/ of todays date saying the police have already arrested Mon, the headman's brother and they are now seeking the headman's son who has fled to Bangkok w00t.gif

Head lines from said piece..................................One tourist murder suspect now arrested, another on the run

in General |September 23, 2014


History....they have been cleared since...................

Things in the past are history but the terminology of the statement cannot be changed.

"evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved"

" both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders."

What changed? How can a Police Commisioner use the words "evidence," examined", "proved", and then state they were caught on CCTV and then these statements brushed aside.

Many posters complain about people using theories and insist posters use proper news and police statements to confirm or bolster their posts. This is from a commanding officer using words that accuse people of crimes and claims to have evidence to support it but now its brushed off as history.

How could a statement delivered to the press be so wrong? Maybe saying we believe or its possible then I could understand the confusion.

Maybe the "Evidence" they had in the beginning that the commander was so confident about should be observed by the UK Police.

If you accept "proved" here, surely you have to accept proved in other statements, as well as disproved

How can I accept it on both statements? That would mean both parties did it? Are you throwing your own conspiracy theories out there? Or they both didn't do it?

Please be a bit clearer in your statements. Maybe your too clever for me but it seems you just threw a quick retort out rather than answered my questions!wai.gif

Exculpatory evidence disproved that statement. There were statements before and after. You are being disingenuous in taking only one as immutable.

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I am very surprised nobody picked up on this one >>>


I am no expert but this is impossible or not? The system has only one time! Is this the proof the CCTV was doctored? Or is this normal?

Do you have a source other than csila?

Systems are different

The video is on YouTube and you can see there is about a second difference in the two CAMS. IMO a system has ONE time and as many cameras as you want, but two times? OK it is only a second and I am no expert, That is why I ask the question..........I just feel there can only be ONE time!

I stand corrected on the csila mistake I made.

Again, I need some help here. You can have as many camera's & monitors as you like in a CCTV system, but the screen on your laptop/monitor should ALWAYS dispaly the EXACT same time. There can not be a difference on lets say 0.5 seconds which is CLEARLY the case here. IMO it would explain the doctoring but maybe I am wrong. Any experts on here?

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from the 1976 movie Network:

Arthur Jensen: You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale, and I won't have it! Is that clear?
I've read on here repeatedly about how wealthy, connected, and powerful is the family on Koh Tao. Well if they are so connected, etc., what about the controlling families on Kho Phangan, or Koh Samui, or Phuket for whom the shenanigans of their spoiled brat (if such is the case) have cost them millions to boot? Don't they have the power to tell powers-that-be to straighten out this mess as it is costing maybe every day far more than the rumored 120 million baht. As I once told a Thai friend who said he is not worried because he has connections, you can never tell when the person for whom you have become a problem has better connections.
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The video is on YouTube and you can see there is about a second difference in the two CAMS. IMO a system has ONE time and as many cameras as you want, but two times? OK it is only a second and I am no expert, That is why I ask the question..........I just feel there can only be ONE time!

Have you ever been to a Thai hotel lobby which had several clocks, each labeled with a different big city? The clocks are all over the place, no two have the same minutes shown.

Thais are to scientific precision what whooping cranes are to nuclear fission.

They know all about ghosts though.

Correct but these are Cams all hooked up to the SAME system..........should be exactly same IMO

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Dear god, yap yap yap, has anyone bothered to click on this link http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/one-tourist-murder-suspect-now-arrested-another-run/ of todays date saying the police have already arrested Mon, the headman's brother and they are now seeking the headman's son who has fled to Bangkok w00t.gif

Head lines from said piece..................................

One tourist murder suspect now arrested, another on the run

in General |

September 23, 2014


History....they have been cleared since...................

Things in the past are history but the terminology of the statement cannot be changed.

"evidence which police collected were examined and proved he was involved"

" both suspects were captured by CCTV cameras and the police have gathered enough evidence to implicate them in the murders."

What changed? How can a Police Commisioner use the words "evidence," examined", "proved", and then state they were caught on CCTV and then these statements brushed aside.

Many posters complain about people using theories and insist posters use proper news and police statements to confirm or bolster their posts. This is from a commanding officer using words that accuse people of crimes and claims to have evidence to support it but now its brushed off as history.

How could a statement delivered to the press be so wrong? Maybe saying we believe or its possible then I could understand the confusion.

Maybe the "Evidence" they had in the beginning that the commander was so confident about should be observed by the UK Police.

That report was issued on the 23rd September, before Mon submitted a DNA sample that day. I would suggest evidence gathered as a result of knowing one's patch and talking to people. Good old police detective work. On the 24th a RTP report was issued to state that Mon was cleared because the DNA did not match. Maximum DNA turnaround - 24 hours - impossible?

So, yes, I agree. I hope the UKP would want to observe what was the original 'evidence' that prompted a conclusive statement, and what subsequently happened.

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