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Upgrade On Longhaul Flights?


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Arrive early.

Dress and look like you should be in business class i.e no fisherman pants and flip flops :o

Travel on your own, easier to seat a single bloke rather than a family.

Be polite and pleasent to the check in staff.

Be like me 6"8 and 150kgs :D:D

If all else fails you can always offer to pay once your on board and sometimes if your really lucky the steward/ess might upgrade you becuase they cant be arsed with all the paperwork it involves to take payment off a passenger :D

I have been upgraded a few times, but always when i have travelled on my own and i have been smartly dressed but like i said i think that had something to do with my size :D

HAHA just read the above post :D

Edited by daleyboy
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You know, I dont understand why people always think they can just move on up to First and Business Class on flights. Everyone thinks they can do it now and it's ridiculous. Upgrading is a privilege, not a right, and a privilege reserved for the people that give lots of money to the airlines and fly on them constantly garnering them an elite frequent flyer status. Nowadays every Tom, Dick & Harry thinks they deserve to be upgraded.

I know this sounds harsh but it's true. I fly all the time and I watch people trying to sweet talk the agents into letting them upgrade. Then on top of that, these people are doing it when the agents are super busy trying to take care of everyone else and get the flight out on time. The agents have to make sure everyone is in their assigned seat, make sure no one has a duplicate boarding pass, and get the flight out on time or else they get yelled at by their boss. Then you're going to make them take precious time out because you're greedy?

When you first check in for flights, and only if you are a frequent flyer with elite status, you ask to be put on the upgrade list upon check-in at the "ticket counter" and not the departure gate. Then is one is available, you will get it. Thats it. :o

(I dont mean to sound so harsh but this sort of thing has gotten way out of hand)

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Arrive early.

Dress and look like you should be in business class i.e no fisherman pants and flip flops :o

Travel on your own, easier to seat a single bloke rather than a family.

Be polite and pleasent to the check in staff.

Be like me 6"8 and 150kgs :D:D

If all else fails you can always offer to pay once your on board and sometimes if your really lucky the steward/ess might upgrade you becuase they cant be arsed with all the paperwork it involves to take payment off a passenger :D

I have been upgraded a few times, but always when i have travelled on my own and i have been smartly dressed but like i said i think that had something to do with my size :D

HAHA just read the above post :D


1. Be lucky.

2. Be scr**wing one of the stews (yeah, lots of luck)

3. I was was upgraded to first class when a flight was overbooked and there was no space for us in economy. Only seats left were in first class. My lucky day I guess.

4. The company I worked for at the time gave me a ticket for economy. I paid the difference between the economy fare and a business class fare to get into business. (At check in).

Other than that I don't know.


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What is the secret to being offered an upgrade when checking in for a longhaul flight?

I often hear people say they were upgraded, but have never been offered to be myself.

Maybe I don't look the type :D hehe!

Sleep with the pilot! :o


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Depends if they have seats and person at gate, usually looks for well dressed couple or business type or who they fancy. Could be how tall you are, two friends both over 6ft have been offered upgrade more than once. They also have very posh accents!!!

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I have been upgraded once on a flight to Hong Kong with BA. I chcked in very early, as always, thought no more about it until I was boarding the flight, when the guy checking my ticket told me I had a free upgrade to business class and very nice it was too!

I've learnt to pick my flights a bit and even paying cattle class (always BA and/or Qantas) now seem to get flights which are not full, to the extent that I'm now disapointed if I have someone sat next to me. I always seek to reserve an aisle seat "window" side and in my last 3 trips to LOS, have been able to crash out across all 3 seats on 4 of the 6 flights.

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Quote: I often hear people say they were upgraded, but have never been offered to be myself.

You could always ask them how they obtained their upgrade.

Generally speaking you can obtain an upgrade from your paid, ticketed class of service to the next class of service by paying for an upgrade (money, frequent flier miles, earned/gifted certificates) or by receiving an "Operational Upgrade" (OpUp).

TG, along with other airlines, do offer paid upgrades usually at check-in on the day of travel. They realize the seat will remain unsold, and fly empty, so in order to garner additional revenue they offer paid upgrades. TG upgrade prices are based on the length of the flight, more or less, and might range 300 - 700 USD. (BKK-CDG reported at $650, BKK-AKL also reported at $650, so maybe 25,000 THB?)

On most airlines you can use your accrued, redeemable frequent flier miles to pay for an upgrade. These upgrades can be confirmed in advance, or waitlisted, or requested at check-in. Most airlines have introduced fare restrictions whereby only the higher fare classes can be upgraded with miles.

The StarAlliance (UA/LH/TG/SQ/NH et al) have just recently begun offering the ability to use accrued FF miles for upgrades on partner airlines (e.g.: use your TG miles to upgrade a LH flight). These upgrades vary quite a bit, but are extremely restrictive with regards to fare class, and are very coslty in terms of miles required.

Some airlines offer their frequent fliers the ability to earn upgrade certificates based on their status level and accrued mileage. These upgrade certificates sometime have fare class limitations, and can be confirmed in advance of travel, or waitlisted.

Operational Upgrades, or OpUps, are "free" upgrades. Typically this happens when your ticketed, paid class of service cabin is oversold, but there are empty seats in the next class of service. Gate agents will start to move people from economy to business and/or business to first in order to accomodate as many passengers as possible (while also offering VDB, voluntary denied boarding), before getting to an IDB (involuntary) situation. Airlines typically oversell based on previous history, mostly for no-shows/cancellations. Airlines typically dole out OpUps based on some set of rules (higher fare class paid, higher FF status) but these can be overridden in an effort to get an on-time departure.

Personally I've only ever received one OpUp (LH) in 25 years/2.5 million flight miles. However I know people who might receive 3 ~ 4 each year. I usually pay for the class of service I desire, or confirm an upgrade using earned certificate/miles, so am hardly ever in a position to get an OpUp. Some people intentionally choose oversold flights in order to get OpUps or VDBs (cash/cash off a future ticket/free ticket). Not a game for the faint of heart. I've never taken a VDB, but have been offered them, as i usually want to get to my destination as planned.

Edited by lomatopo
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If you want an upgrade you should just buy a better class of seat in the first place.Pisses me right off when I've paid for a business or first class seat and someone thinks they can buy the cheapest bucket seat and get upgraded.Free upgrades should be STOPPED.

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Most airlines will have list that you can asked to be on for upgrades. This will be done at the gate for some airlines while others will let you do it at checkin. The chances are small but it never hurts as most upgrades will be given to the elite and super clients and such or those that have an upgrade coupon due to travel miles with the airline.

Ask once and don`t pester gate agenst as that is a sure way not to get the upgrade. Smartly dressed as others have said will give you chance. You can also ask the purser onboard after takeoff if there is a chance as he/she is in charge. Again don`t pester just ask politely to see if it is possible as he or she will know how many are onboard and if seats are open. With high loads it does not happen offen and if you do move up there may not be meal for you by the way.

Good luck :o

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The most common reason people are upgraded is that the class in which they are booked is oversold and somebody has to be moved up to a higher class as an alternative to chucking people off the plane (alas, it can also work the other way around; people do get downgraded, and not all that infrequently).

When that's the case, load control normally scans the manifest in advance and corrects the situtation by offering the airline's highest mileage frequent flyers upgrades when they check in. It's only in the rarest of cases that any discretion is left to a gate agent.

Like the guys above said, you want a better seat? Pay for it.

Edited by OldAsiaHand
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Ask is the most efficient way - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. I was able to do this on a few Lufthansa flights. I also add it all depends on the code of the ticket you buy - a heavily discounted ticket practically has no chance especially. It doesnt depend on what you wear - been upgraded wearing shorts/sandals.

Gate agent is most likely target to ask - they have ultimate power say compared with a checkin agent. Ask the worst that can happen is you are stuck in same seat as before. :o

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I do a lot of business flying - and I mean a lot - I usually fly Business Class so my experience of upgrades has been limited to personal flights. I've been upgraded half a dozen times in the past ten years or so - with the exception of once time I am sure it was simply because I have a gold membership with the airline.

From my own observations I honestly believe that you are far more likely to get an upgrade if you are a young, attractive and presentable female travelling on her own.

I have a friend who worked for a while at LHR check in and she once commented that they see hundreds of passangers a day asking for upgrades, they even play games trying to spot the people who are going to ask for upgrades - Guys standing in the ecconomy queue wearing a business suite are apparantly easy 'spots'.

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I've been upgraded from economy to business class once on Gulf from Bkk to HK (or was it HK to Bkk, i don't remember) without any intervention on my part. I never requested an upgrade. Also, a few of the previous posters mention that the upgrade took place in the departure gate, but I was issued a boarding pass for a Biz Class seat.

Not that I'm tall and handsome, just an average joe. It must be just that I arrived early. God knows why! I never bothered to ask.


PS: And I was not a member of their frequent-flier program either.

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I was upgraded from Business to First class about 2 years ago on Aeroflot.

Check in "Sorry,the flight has been delayed AGAIN because of snow in Moscow." [in June!]

Me, "Never mind not your fault, I am sure you are trying your best.By the way,how long is the delay?"

Check in, "About 4 hours."

Me, "Can I have an upgrade then?"

Check in, "Yeah,O.K."

I was wearing jeans and a T shirt.Just goes to show, nothing ventured....

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My husband is a frequent traveller. He has been upgraded several times. He always dresses smartly and usually is travelling alone. He is also a member of most of the FF clubs. Sometimes he asks, sometimes not. Recently, he has been booked business class anyway so it hasn't been an issue.

I have only been upgraded three times in my life that I can remember.

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While still on the topic of upgrades, what's the difference between Business Class and First Class?

You can get a first class flight on Bitish Airways, Bangkok - London usually for around B200,000 -B220,000

Club class (Biz) around B140,000 - B160,000.

*Edit- This is return.

Edited by Lacoste
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what's the difference between Business Class and First Class?

Usually, 45 degrees vs. horizontal. :D

Used to be that way - however business goes horizontal now. Bigger seat is the difference and more attention/service. Price for first can be downright scarey, but if you are flying 1st, prob dosh is no option. :o

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Try arriving at the airport with a cast around your foot/leg, and crutches. Maybe the check-in staff will have sympathy for you, and sit you in the business- or 1st-class areas.

If you need assistance with the broken foot/leg, I can help. :o

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Still, it often comes down to accrued program mileage and historical mileage,

Carrier patronage / status is only a few keyboard clicks away,

In the early years, passengers wore their Sunday best, regardless of seating class.

Now people show up in sweaty tee-shirts and sandals, laden with excessive carry-ons,

Ah, gone is the glamorous days of air travel, :o

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While still on the topic of upgrades, what's the difference between Business Class and First Class?

The grog.....

On a first class flight from BKK - AKL, I dropped two bottles of Dom.I was one of 3 people in first class.BTW, I didn't pay for the upgrade.Otherwise I would have been sitting down the back. :o

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If you want an upgrade you should just buy a better class of seat in the first place.Pisses me right off when I've paid for a business or first class seat and someone thinks they can buy the cheapest bucket seat and get upgraded.Free upgrades should be STOPPED.

lol, you must get really pissed then when sitting next to you is someone recieving 90% discount because they're airline staff..

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As other posters have said, it's mostly one's status with the airline's frequent flier program coupled with the ticket class purchased. Even so, an upgrade is not something that an airline just does out of the goodness of their hearts. I was upgraded from economy class to business class on my Northwest flight from Narita to Portland two days ago. This was a case of economy class being oversold and the airline moving some coach passengers to business class. I probably average a couple such upgrades every year.

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If you want an upgrade you should just buy a better class of seat in the first place.Pisses me right off when I've paid for a business or first class seat and someone thinks they can buy the cheapest bucket seat and get upgraded.Free upgrades should be STOPPED.

lol, you must get really pissed then when sitting next to you is someone recieving 90% discount because they're airline staff..

I agree with the above post, not fair I pay for business class and then find out some joe has been upgraded for free.

Although I don't mind Airline staff recieving discounts, thats the perk of the job! And I don't mind people getting upgrades with flying miles, the airlines are just looking after there loyal customers, which they should do.

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