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St Peter Eye Hospital & Other Eye Depts.


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Hi all,

Does anyone have first-hand knowledge of St Peter Eye Hospital in Chiang Mai (Chang Puek)? I had Lasik treatment in London about 10 years back and I might need another go at some point. I also currently have "floaters" in one eye (black spots & filaments broken away from the retina) which I'd like checked out to see if there's any scope for reducing them.

If not St Peter, does anyone have thoughts about the eye departments at the other CM hospitals - skills, English language availability etc?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by Steve2UK
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Guest endure

Is it possible to get floaters fixed? I've had them for years but my optothingy always says there's nothing to be done about them. Mind you, we are dealing with the NHS here so he might be talking bollux.

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Is it possible to get floaters fixed? I've had them for years but my optothingy always says there's nothing to be done about them. Mind you, we are dealing with the NHS here so he might be talking bollux.

Maybe not "fixed" as in getting rid of them 100%......... but when I developed them a few months ago, I did a bit of internet searching and there seemed to be a suggestion that you could self-treat with a combo of massage/special exercises or something like that. Because they're basically just fragments in the jelly/fluid of the eyeball, it seems that they can drift out of view from the pupil and/or more out of focus - so that you become less aware of them............. i.e. we're not talking about medication or surgery to achieve anything. I went to Moorfields in London and was told "nothing to worry about - it's not a detached retina" - but, as you say NHS etc :o .

I think I'll try a general post in the Health forum as well - but I'm still interested to get any comments about St Peter and/or other CM hositals' eye departments from CM residents.

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I read your post in the health section first. I was told too that nothing could be done about them.

while I reviewed my post I saw some references on the Google sidebar to laser treatment in Florida.

I'm checking with some people I know in the area to see how serious these references are. And how much it's going to cost. Might be worth a "medical holiday" as these things are really annoying especially when reading and trying to focus on a pretty face. :o

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I read your post in the health section first. I was told too that nothing could be done about them.

while I reviewed my post I saw some references on the Google sidebar to laser treatment in Florida.

I'm checking with some people I know in the area to see how serious these references are. And how much it's going to cost. Might be worth a "medical holiday" as these things are really annoying especially when reading and trying to focus on a pretty face. :o

Thanks Erwin! Yes, it's the reading that suffers most (well - and the pretty faces :D ) as well as viewing the computer screen as I am now.............. Will appreciate anything you turn up and I'll renew my hunt and post anything I find.

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I read your post in the health section first. I was told too that nothing could be done about them.

while I reviewed my post I saw some references on the Google sidebar to laser treatment in Florida.

I'm checking with some people I know in the area to see how serious these references are. And how much it's going to cost. Might be worth a "medical holiday" as these things are really annoying especially when reading and trying to focus on a pretty face. :o

Thanks Erwin! Yes, it's the reading that suffers most (well - and the pretty faces :D ) as well as viewing the computer screen as I am now.............. Will appreciate anything you turn up and I'll renew my hunt and post anything I find.

Well they can be fixed and I would recommend you go to Chiangmai Ram. They have a "visiting" opthalmologist from CMU and they also have a very competent female opthalmologist on staff.

She is also very easy on the eye "no pun intended" Had my glaucoma check done a couple of weeks back in fact.

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Well they can be fixed and I would recommend you go to Chiangmai Ram. They have a "visiting" opthalmologist from CMU and they also have a very competent female opthalmologist on staff.

She is also very easy on the eye "no pun intended" Had my glaucoma check done a couple of weeks back in fact.

John - are you saying that one or other of these opthalmologists offers an effective (even if only partially) treatment/therapy for floaters? If so - sounds promising..........

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Hi Steve,

Never had floaters but about 5 or 6 years back both my reading and distance vision started going way off. Both yoga and ayurveda recommend certain eye exercises for various eye problems. I practiced (in my typically lazy and irregular fashion) these exercises for a couple of months and during that time both types of vision came back to normal and I have had no problem since. From what I recall, it involved rolling the eyes and looking up and down and side to side without moving the head. I am sure the instructions were more detailed, but the details are out of memory now. However, I would suspect that some internet research may yield what you need.

Ayurveda also has a whole range of treatments for the eyes using oils and/or herbs. There are now a number of spas and even supposed clinics in Chiang Mai claiming to offer ayurvedic treatments. Most of these I know have no knowledge of ayurveda. The others I can not attest to the depth or breadth of their knowledge, but may have something. I am hoping to soon see a real, full-fledged ayurvedic clinic in Chiang Mai but in the mean time see what you can find either here or through researching the internet.




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