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G. Chrome forces G+ upon us to read another website?

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I have been reading seekingalpha.com with Firefox since long. Can always read orginale site.

Installed getpocket.com + seekingalpha.com on Chrome today.

2 things happen

1. after a short glimpse a G+ prompter appears requesting registration. Why is one forced to a Chrome membership just to read another website? Sounds illegal .

2. often lengthy articles are broken in many pages, presumably to get more advertising space. Obnoxious !

FIrefox gives a normal scrolling down.


1 sounds like open ID. You have credentials for just one site to remember (G+ in this case, but facebook is much more common, and there are others) and the other websites ask the google or facebook servers to answer the question "Is this guy legit?" Nothing nefarious, but google does get to know what website you are logging into.

2 I have not heard of that before, but the page layout is easily reformatted by the web server depending on the browser you are using. Change your user agent in chrome and see if it goes back to a single long page. I agree its obnoxious, and it is done to up the count of page clicks to boost ad revenue.

If you are not happy to have google as a VERY close partner in your online life, you need to ask yourself if you want to use chrome. It is a tool they use to further entrench their services in your life - just like android.

BTW, chrome is a google branded version of a browser called chromium. Same browser, less google.


Thank you for your thoughts.

I much prefer Firefox, can´t say why, just seems to have more logical structure.

If only Firefox would not so often crash, sending 3-4- crash reports p.d.

Often waiting "FF NOT RESPONDING" for 10 sec

Only nuisance makes me switch to Chrome


To clarify, because I am not sure I understand=

I never registered with G+ , not sure if my gmail addr makes me an involuntary G+ Member

How to change the AGENT?


Here is a page for changing in all three major browsers.


A note of warning, the user agent is used to customize the page for the browser you are using. It is a way to get around bugs and non standard rendering and other quirks of the idividual browsers - intentional or not. Changing user agent is good for testing like this, but should only be temporary anyway.

As for G+, I think just having a log in to your gmail is the same now. In their words... one login for all of google!! To be honest, I'm not really sure of the distinctions between the services. If you got into the third party website using the google login option, then you have enough connection with google for it to work... obviously. You are usually offered the option to log in by e-mail still.

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