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Pheu Thai's decision to push through the amnesty bill was a mistake: Weng


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RobbyNZ post # 7

These so called 'political prisoners' are the ones convicted by criminal courts of offences such as burning down Govt buildings.

They are in effect pawns in Thaksins game for if they had indeed been political prisoners the Yingluck Govt had it in their power to get them out of jail while they were in power.

We see the leaders like Weng and Jutaporn who are all charged with serious offences out on bail while the little, so called 'political prisoners' are still locked up.

No bail for the cannon fodder, they are more use locked up where it can be claimed that they are being held as political prisoners.

But those who are still locked up know better, they know they have never had any help from PT,UDD or anyone else and know the cant expect any.

I watched an interview with one of them who had been released after serving his sentence and he said that when they were first locked up they were kept in separate cells from the leaders who were in the same prison. The leader received visits from their lawyers and friends with gifts of food, far more than they could eat but not one scarp was ever given to the rank and file, indeed he said they were completely ignored, no lawyers, nothing.

Thaksin and the Red Shirt manipulators took their cue from ''Animal Farm.''
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Thaksins idea along with Jutuporn and Weng to name but two others who hapilyprovided and approved the means of transport for their rank and file Red Shirt pawns.


Edited by siampolee
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I love how political parties buys and starts tv stations to start the propaganda machine in preparation of return of Thai democracy. Democracy is meaningless if the voters are uneducated and swayed by free tv.

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Weng is my grandfather's double, spitting image, the only difference is my grandfather is Chinese and not Thai.

Most of the influential Thais in top positions are of Chinese decent anyway. Such is the grip on power the Chinese have over this country.

But didn't you just say in your previous post

It's about time farangs were allowed into Thai politics as a 'best men for the job' policy.

So presumably it's OK to have certain foreigners in Thai politics, as long as they are the "right" foreigners. I can see why you and the coup get on so well.................coffee1.gif

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It really should read Thaksin decision to push for amnesty... Pheu Thai are nothing but a bunch

of puppet on the baht's string dangling from Thaksin purse.....

All politicians are somebody's puppet, you don't think the current PM is acting all on his own do you ?? He's taking his cues from someone pulling his strings behind the scenes


Do your research on his background and the answer is there.

You seriously don't think he's acting out on his own accord do you?

He--the PM was the only one that could have stopped the slaughter on Thai streets. New elections wouldn't.

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Weng is my grandfather's double, spitting image, the only difference is my grandfather is Chinese and not Thai.


Pray tell us what this means in the context of this thread? Buggered if I can get your point

My apologies it was not my intention to offend you and I am sincerely sorry. I just saw his pic and thought is that my grandfather. I am sorry to all who were offended by my comment.
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Weng is my grandfather's double, spitting image, the only difference is my grandfather is Chinese and not Thai.


Pray tell us what this means in the context of this thread? Buggered if I can get your point

My apologies it was not my intention to offend you and I am sincerely sorry. I just saw his pic and thought is that my grandfather. I am sorry to all who were offended by my comment.
Certain things render themsleves to off topic responses, I just did one myself in another thread. I do not understand why some people get their panties in a twist over this. By the way, I hope your granddaddy doesn't have the same ideology as Mr. Weng.
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The Pheu Thai Party is all washed out and hope it stays that way...We don't need politicians like them and their on the run criminal leader. I am happy that Khun Prayuth is at the helm at this time when Thailand needs Change in a better direction.

I know you got it all wrong thaksin is conviced by illegal government same like the current government

They do not represent the thai pebbles not same like yingluck they are seasing power by treats and violence it will never create stability

The illegal government is going down hill day by day obviously they are not cable of the task and do not wish to listen to the voters there never will or did vote for them and if you understood a little about dictators and democracy you would know this too

I don't mind to much only illegal or legal and as long as every body is not equivalent for the law corruption gonna stay

and a dictator is not and therefore not legally in charge

and legally not able of running the law he doesn't follow himself

I hope you can learn something

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It really should read Thaksin decision to push for amnesty... Pheu Thai are nothing but a bunch

of puppet on the baht's string dangling from Thaksin purse.....

All politicians are somebody's puppet, you don't think the current PM is acting all on his own do you ?? He's taking his cues from someone pulling his strings behind the scenes


Do your research on his background and the answer is there.

You seriously don't think he's acting out on his own accord do you?

He--the PM was the only one that could have stopped the slaughter on Thai streets. New elections wouldn't.

Slaughter on the streets ?? but no slaughter happening down South?

This is where we differ mate, you see, having spent 10 years in Iraq I know what slaughter on the streets means to in my definition, and not to take anything away from these deaths,it was hardly a "slaughter". You do know that there was more fatalities on the Thai roads in the same period of time as the protests don't you? Was it called slaughter on the roads??

Might be semantics and this is again where looking at Thailand from the outside perspective make me less politically motivated, and by your own posting of stopping the slaughter was very much a political statement Ginjag.

The General was the only one who could stop it?

Really???? You don't think that if the PDRC decided to stop when the attacks were increasing the less opportunities would have been presented to attack anyone on the streets?

The RTA was on the streets very early on around the same time the RTN SEALs were moonlighting and the attacks neither stopped or faltered.

The neither stopped nor faltered even when the VCPs were erected across Bangkok, from a military mindset here, they had boots on the ground, but bad guys still carried out attacks, so we had the inept Police unwilling to stop attacks alongside the RTA in some locations, and people still died mate, so what part of he was the only one that could stop the "slaughter"

Statistically speaking 24 deaths over 8 months In a population of 65 million is not even going to register mate, even in the population of Bangkok 24 deaths amongst what? 6-10 million people is such a low percent it's again not going to register.

Does that sound like slaughter on the streets to anyone not politically motivated?

Senseless and needless deaths for sure, but to categorise that as a slaughter is sensationalist at best mate.

A single death is a tragedy a hundred is just a statistic.

I hope that by your definition of needless and pointless deaths you will agree then that there's a slaughter on the roads of Thailand almost every single day, look at what happened on Khon Kaen railway crossing.... Slaughter??

Why did the General not step in after the Trat incident? Blaming violence and unrests for the reason he stepped in , when he did is bovine scatology Ginjag as the violence was always there, so that "slaughter " could have been reduced very early on, if it were not for "inaction" on his behalf ?

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The Pheu Thai Party is all washed out and hope it stays that way...We don't need politicians like them and their on the run criminal leader. I am happy that Khun Prayuth is at the helm at this time when Thailand needs Change in a better direction.

I know you got it all wrong thaksin is conviced by illegal government same like the current government

They do not represent the thai pebbles not same like yingluck they are seasing power by treats and violence it will never create stability

The illegal government is going down hill day by day obviously they are not cable of the task and do not wish to listen to the voters there never will or did vote for them and if you understood a little about dictators and democracy you would know this too

I don't mind to much only illegal or legal and as long as every body is not equivalent for the law corruption gonna stay

and a dictator is not and therefore not legally in charge

and legally not able of running the law he doesn't follow himself

I hope you can learn something

Maybe you need to learn a lot. First lesson, Thaksin was convicted by a court. Trials are held in a court of law not in parliament. The 15 outstanding serious criminal charges waiting for his return will also be heard by a court of law, providing he returns before their statute of limitations runs out, which is unlikely. Wonder why he doesn't fight all these charges if he's innocent?

Your homework - check again which government was in power at that time.

Wonder why he doesn't fight all these charges if he's innocent?

I don't know, perhaps he thought that if the junta (at the time) were that determined to "nail" him that they set up a body (AEC) specifically to investigate him, and go the lengths they did just to convict him of conflict of interest for countersigning his wife's legally correct purchase of land in a sealed auction bid, the chance of being receiving a fair and just trial/s in the courts was an unlikely prospect?

Last week, a junta-appointed Assets Examination Committee (AEC) said it would form 20 teams to investigate corruption allegations in Thaksin's administration.

"They are like 20 little armies that will help us search for evidence in each case," says Kaewsan Athibodhi, the committee's secretary-general. "The AEC will be the Army commander."


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It really should read Thaksin decision to push for amnesty... Pheu Thai are nothing but a bunch

of puppet on the baht's string dangling from Thaksin purse.....

All politicians are somebody's puppet, you don't think the current PM is acting all on his own do you ?? He's taking his cues from someone pulling his strings behind the scenes


Do your research on his background and the answer is there.

The answer is due from you.

You brought it up.

If you're not willing to back up and elaborate and specify what you wrote, don't write your obfuscating BS in the first place.

Anyway, as was mentioned earlier, we'll move back from your derailing effort and return to the topic of Weng finally fessing up that his self-interests and Thaksin's self-interests surpassed that of the interests of the red shirts.

Indeed I wrote it, as I also did my own research into the "gang"

You want to know? Which group of Army Generals have been behind the last what? 2-3 coups ?

Do you honestly think these Officers just wake up one morning, scratch their nads and think " I'm going to stage a coup de tat this afternoon"

It takes plans big big big plans to stage a coup, and you do this only with your most loyal officers, everything has to be coordinated and in place so that you are ready to seize control.

It's not like going to tesco lotus and buying a pint of milk you know ?

And besides the reasons for the coup isn't as clear cut as people like to think, this goes way way beyond something nobody's allowed to talk about and will be a monumental event in Thai history.

Like I said do your own research, and I will stick to my original statement in reply to another poster about Weng and co being puppets, everybody dances to someone else's tune ? especially politicians and Generals who seize control of a country, rightly or wrongly it matters not, the coup happened and once again the constitution is being re written by the power players.

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It really should read Thaksin decision to push for amnesty... Pheu Thai are nothing but a bunch

of puppet on the baht's string dangling from Thaksin purse.....

All politicians are somebody's puppet, you don't think the current PM is acting all on his own do you ?? He's taking his cues from someone pulling his strings behind the scenes


Do your research on his background and the answer is there.

You seriously don't think he's acting out on his own accord do you?

If you know, then tell us all.....why try and fob it off by saying "research" it.

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It really should read Thaksin decision to push for amnesty... Pheu Thai are nothing but a bunch

of puppet on the baht's string dangling from Thaksin purse.....

All politicians are somebody's puppet, you don't think the current PM is acting all on his own do you ?? He's taking his cues from someone pulling his strings behind the scenes


Do your research on his background and the answer is there.

The answer is due from you.

You brought it up.

If you're not willing to back up and elaborate and specify what you wrote, don't write your obfuscating BS in the first place.

Anyway, as was mentioned earlier, we'll move back from your derailing effort and return to the topic of Weng finally fessing up that his self-interests and Thaksin's self-interests surpassed that of the interests of the red shirts.

Indeed I wrote it, as I also did my own research into the "gang"

You want to know? Which group of Army Generals have been behind the last what? 2-3 coups ?

Do you honestly think these Officers just wake up one morning, scratch their nads and think " I'm going to stage a coup de tat this afternoon"

It takes plans big big big plans to stage a coup, and you do this only with your most loyal officers, everything has to be coordinated and in place so that you are ready to seize control.

It's not like going to tesco lotus and buying a pint of milk you know ?

And besides the reasons for the coup isn't as clear cut as people like to think, this goes way way beyond something nobody's allowed to talk about and will be a monumental event in Thai history.

Like I said do your own research, and I will stick to my original statement in reply to another poster about Weng and co being puppets, everybody dances to someone else's tune ? especially politicians and Generals who seize control of a country, rightly or wrongly it matters not, the coup happened and once again the constitution is being re written by the power players.

still no answer then ?????

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It really should read Thaksin decision to push for amnesty... Pheu Thai are nothing but a bunch

of puppet on the baht's string dangling from Thaksin purse.....

All politicians are somebody's puppet, you don't think the current PM is acting all on his own do you ?? He's taking his cues from someone pulling his strings behind the scenes


Do your research on his background and the answer is there.

You seriously don't think he's acting out on his own accord do you?

He--the PM was the only one that could have stopped the slaughter on Thai streets. New elections wouldn't.

Slaughter on the streets ?? but no slaughter happening down South?

This is where we differ mate, you see, having spent 10 years in Iraq I know what slaughter on the streets means to in my definition, and not to take anything away from these deaths,it was hardly a "slaughter". You do know that there was more fatalities on the Thai roads in the same period of time as the protests don't you? Was it called slaughter on the roads??

Might be semantics and this is again where looking at Thailand from the outside perspective make me less politically motivated, and by your own posting of stopping the slaughter was very much a political statement Ginjag.

The General was the only one who could stop it?

Really???? You don't think that if the PDRC decided to stop when the attacks were increasing the less opportunities would have been presented to attack anyone on the streets?

The RTA was on the streets very early on around the same time the RTN SEALs were moonlighting and the attacks neither stopped or faltered.

The neither stopped nor faltered even when the VCPs were erected across Bangkok, from a military mindset here, they had boots on the ground, but bad guys still carried out attacks, so we had the inept Police unwilling to stop attacks alongside the RTA in some locations, and people still died mate, so what part of he was the only one that could stop the "slaughter"

Statistically speaking 24 deaths over 8 months In a population of 65 million is not even going to register mate, even in the population of Bangkok 24 deaths amongst what? 6-10 million people is such a low percent it's again not going to register.

Does that sound like slaughter on the streets to anyone not politically motivated?

Senseless and needless deaths for sure, but to categorise that as a slaughter is sensationalist at best mate.

A single death is a tragedy a hundred is just a statistic.

I hope that by your definition of needless and pointless deaths you will agree then that there's a slaughter on the roads of Thailand almost every single day, look at what happened on Khon Kaen railway crossing.... Slaughter??

Why did the General not step in after the Trat incident? Blaming violence and unrests for the reason he stepped in , when he did is bovine scatology Ginjag as the violence was always there, so that "slaughter " could have been reduced very early on, if it were not for "inaction" on his behalf ?

Why are you on the wrong path ??

My post was pointing out about the oncoming violence had the PM not stepped in---and well you know it.

All this other BS is not worth the print. side tracking 100%.

Road deaths ??? what on earth are you on about ??

You will not have it will you who created the amnesty dung, 2 topics explain it, still you go on about Kelly's armhole etc.

Again what are you BS about 24 deaths etc. READ again I am talking about what would have happened on the streets of BKK and other areas, due to red shirts and protesters.

I di not blame violence for the reason he stepped in I pointed out IT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED, a little different to your denial spin.

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I'm confused, pushing an amnesty bill through in general is wrong, or pushing an amnesty bill through at 4am is wrong?

Altering a bill between first and second readings is wrong and unconstitutional. Telling the opposition that the bill will not be tabled until the following day and that they may as well go home, then voting on it at 4am is wrong. The fact that the alteration of the bill included amnesty for Thaksin and 25,000 other criminal charges was a disgrace that even Weng is acknowledging.

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Would have happend? You know this for a fact?

It's an assumption and speculation nothing more from you and others.

Your words were to stop the slaughter on the streets, had you our to stop a potential slaughter on the streets, you would have again been more accurate in your posting. But speculative at that.

It's the same as stating it would have started a civil war, well you can't start something that's already taking place, which is the civil war ongoing in the South. Again it's nothing more than speculation, and let's be blunt shall we, the tens of thousands of red recruits was a red herring, otherwise they would all have been rounded up and enjoying the RTA hospitality suites, he'll even some of the UDD shyt bags are still enjoying their liberty so it wasn't that much of a threat was it?

Oncoming violence ? An assumption nothing more, terrorist threats are like the weather, they say one thing and something else occurs less significant, 10 years in Iraq hearing the same rhetoric from Sunni and Shia scum bags and nothing coming to fruition when stated has taught me to be cynical and cautious over threats of such actions Ginjag.

Smart terrorists don't tend to broadcast their future intentions either ?

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good luck to the progressives in Thailand. The elite will have problems when people assume their own rights and dignity. But elite were warned of this long, long ago.

Who are the progressives? Does the 'elite' not include Thaksin, his family and other wealthy cronies? I think people were warned of Thaksin's deep desire to be a dictator and establish a family dictatorship a long time ago. Elite? Off course he is.

thaksin is not a progressive.

yes thaksin is an elite, too

thaksin is a not a true democrat and only supports democratic ideas because he knows how to win elections. I was not referring to him and do not usually mean Thaksin when using the term 'elite'.

No, the elite are the same right-wingers that have been around for over 100 years and who have married themselves to the generals in an anti-democratic alliance since the 50s.

the current fight is IMO between elites and democracy - as usual - gets run over in the process.

There are real democrats (progressives) in Thailand and I wish them well.

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Would have happend? You know this for a fact?

It's an assumption and speculation nothing more from you and others.

Your words were to stop the slaughter on the streets, had you our to stop a potential slaughter on the streets, you would have again been more accurate in your posting. But speculative at that.

It's the same as stating it would have started a civil war, well you can't start something that's already taking place, which is the civil war ongoing in the South. Again it's nothing more than speculation, and let's be blunt shall we, the tens of thousands of red recruits was a red herring, otherwise they would all have been rounded up and enjoying the RTA hospitality suites, he'll even some of the UDD shyt bags are still enjoying their liberty so it wasn't that much of a threat was it?

Oncoming violence ? An assumption nothing more, terrorist threats are like the weather, they say one thing and something else occurs less significant, 10 years in Iraq hearing the same rhetoric from Sunni and Shia scum bags and nothing coming to fruition when stated has taught me to be cynical and cautious over threats of such actions Ginjag.

Smart terrorists don't tend to broadcast their future intentions either ?

I'll answer it as you are incapable of deleting over load ---You do not say who you are answering but it doesn't matter, you posted nothing interesting, not even agreed on anything, because your not supposed to. The rhetoric again ??

All Thailand feared at the time was all out street fighting, and foreigners.

YOU have to answer this way and it does cast the denial thing over and over again.

My guess is that over 90% was expecting big gang street fighting. YOU --NO ??? You posted a load of tripe to counter my answer to some similar bizarre post.

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Would have happend? You know this for a fact?

It's an assumption and speculation nothing more from you and others.

Your words were to stop the slaughter on the streets, had you our to stop a potential slaughter on the streets, you would have again been more accurate in your posting. But speculative at that.

It's the same as stating it would have started a civil war, well you can't start something that's already taking place, which is the civil war ongoing in the South. Again it's nothing more than speculation, and let's be blunt shall we, the tens of thousands of red recruits was a red herring, otherwise they would all have been rounded up and enjoying the RTA hospitality suites, he'll even some of the UDD shyt bags are still enjoying their liberty so it wasn't that much of a threat was it?

Oncoming violence ? An assumption nothing more, terrorist threats are like the weather, they say one thing and something else occurs less significant, 10 years in Iraq hearing the same rhetoric from Sunni and Shia scum bags and nothing coming to fruition when stated has taught me to be cynical and cautious over threats of such actions Ginjag.

Smart terrorists don't tend to broadcast their future intentions either ?

I'll answer it as you are incapable of deleting over load ---You do not say who you are answering but it doesn't matter, you posted nothing interesting, not even agreed on anything, because your not supposed to. The rhetoric again ??

All Thailand feared at the time was all out street fighting, and foreigners.

YOU have to answer this way and it does cast the denial thing over and over again.

My guess is that over 90% was expecting big gang street fighting. YOU --NO ??? You posted a load of tripe to counter my answer to some similar bizarre post.

Where are you getting the 90% from? Considering 95% of the country wasn't affected by the protests in the slightest !!

So I posted tripe and your being factual? Pot and kettle methinks as your rambling like a maniac too but it's fun reading your factual posts ?

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To Fat Haggis.

With all your, sometimes irrelevant, posts you've answered your own question:

Post #40

Why did the General not step in after the Trat incident? Blaming violence and unrests for the reason he stepped in , when he did is bovine scatology Ginjag as the violence was always there, so that "slaughter " could have been reduced very early on, if it were not for "inaction" on his behalf ?

Post #45

It takes plans big big big plans to stage a coup, and you do this only with your most loyal officers, everything has to be coordinated and in place so that you are ready to seize control.

BTW the army are not the upholders of the law on the streets - the police are. So the real question is 'why didn't the BIB attempt to reduce the violence against the protestors?

I don't honestly know why they sat back , orders ? Not had the balls, fear ? Is it no wonder that so many got moved after the coup? Not really as they're not exactly the best group of LEO' a in the world are they? And by all accounts still a long way off from being an effective crime deterrent .

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