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British schoolboy jailed for stabbing teacher to death in class


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British schoolboy jailed for stabbing teacher to death in class

LONDON - A teenage British schoolboy was jailed for at least 20 years on Monday after pleading guilty to stabbing to death a teacher he said he hated in front of horrified pupils during a lesson at a college in northern England.

The boy, then aged 15, murdered Ann Maguire, 61, in April in what was believed to be the first killing of a British teacher by a student in almost 20 years, sending shockwaves around the country where violent school incidents are rare.

"This tragic case has shocked the nation," said Peter Mann, head of the complex casework unit at the regional prosecution office. He said the teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had shown no remorse at all for what he had done.

"While his deep-seated hatred for Ann appears incomprehensible, we are clear that he calmly and methodically planned this cold-blooded attack on her." The boy targeted Maguire, a popular teacher, in front of about 30 pupils at Corpus Christi Catholic College in Leeds, about 175 miles (280 km) north of London, stabbing her repeatedly with a kitchen knife.

He pleaded guilty to murder at Leeds Crown Court on Monday and was told he would spend a minimum of 20 years behind bars.

Maguire, a mother of two, taught Spanish and religious education, and had worked at the school for nearly 40 years. She had been due to retire in the summer.

Full story: http://news.asiaone.com/news/crime/british-schoolboy-jailed-stabbing-teacher-death-class

-- asiaone 2014-11-04

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Like most people I only know what I have learned from the mainstream news reporting on this, the details this morning were both chilling and horrendous. No doubt there will be tax payer funded pressure over the coming years to release this person early, he will have social workers and lawyers lobbying for him with the excuse "He was only a child" and should be given a chance to be rehabilitated.

Hopefully the poor victims family will have the will and fortitude to oppose this at every opportunity, the families of the victims of Brady and Hindley fought a good and successful fight for years. They were eventually rewarded when Brady ended his suffering himself, then for him justice was finally done.

Some people are born mad, and some were just born bad, from my very limited knowledge of this tragedy the latter would appear to be the case. Even now after nearly a year it appears that not only is there no regret or remorse, just a perverted pride in what he has done.

Sadly, and in contravention of the Christian values of the victim and her family, some people can never be allowed back into main stream society, the risk to that society is just too great. This child/man knew what he was doing and is fully cognizant of what he has done, he must never be released.

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I will try to avoid being judgmental. Except saying that this is a really sad case.


- psychiatric problems;

- Catholic education didn't go well with the boy;

- school ostracizing going on for years;

- other.

However I would like to reflect on lee b and RustBucket positions.

I do not disagree with your sentiments. What peeves me off is this -

Dramas like this one are rare (thanks for that!) but they do happen. And you are free to express your opinions. Which is a Good Thing.

There are multiple, constantly happening dramas much more horrific.

But because these more horrific and commonly occurring dramas are motivated by either Politics or Religion (or both) - sentiments expressed by you would have been not acceptable for reasons of Political Correctness.

Which is a Bad Thing.

I am not trying to politicize this particular case of an unhappy 15 year old boy.

I know TV rules. No hate posts. But could I take the opportunity to say: I hate Political Correctness! Not a group, not a Religion, not a Nationality but A RULING IDEA OF THE DAY!

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My understanding is when a judge gives a stipulated "minimum of ......" in this case 20 years, the prisoner will not be released before then. So he will be 35 when he gets out unless the sentence is reviewed.

Since he has been convicted of murder, he will be released on licence and can theoretically be recalled to prison at any time in his life.

I think posters here are confusing normal sentences with minimum sentences. They are not the same.

Edited by Briggsy
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Like most people I only know what I have learned from the mainstream news reporting on this, the details this morning were both chilling and horrendous. No doubt there will be tax payer funded pressure over the coming years to release this person early, he will have social workers and lawyers lobbying for him with the excuse "He was only a child" and should be given a chance to be rehabilitated.

Hopefully the poor victims family will have the will and fortitude to oppose this at every opportunity, the families of the victims of Brady and Hindley fought a good and successful fight for years. They were eventually rewarded when Brady ended his suffering himself, then for him justice was finally done.

Some people are born mad, and some were just born bad, from my very limited knowledge of this tragedy the latter would appear to be the case. Even now after nearly a year it appears that not only is there no regret or remorse, just a perverted pride in what he has done.

Sadly, and in contravention of the Christian values of the victim and her family, some people can never be allowed back into main stream society, the risk to that society is just too great. This child/man knew what he was doing and is fully cognizant of what he has done, he must never be released.

I think you are seeing a true psychopath - and sadly for them, and the community they inhabit (free or incarcerated), it is 'as it is' and they are unable to change! I wonder if he will be isolated from the other prisoners - at more taxpayer cost - or in with the general population where he might just get his comeuppance??

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Execution Dock was used for over 400 years in Great Britain to take care of such conditions. Bring it back. Dust it off. Talk about your tourist destination. It would be packed, wall to wall with paying customers and television rights. Blighty would make a bomb. And this little cretin could get to feel what that poor woman felt as she lay dying. If you ever have the unfortunate experience was watching the life drain from the eyes of someone up close and personal you would build that dock back up quick enough. If it makes you feel better, the prisoner had the right and was allowed to drink a quart of ale at a public house on the way to the gallows. That's fine.

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....the pathetic schmuck obviously has issues.....Spanish....Religion...

....the teacher is not responsible for the curriculum...nor his moral/behavioral/psychological state..... ...no parents in the picture.......???

...he chose an easy target to blame furthermore.....a woman in her 60's....condolences to her family...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What is the color of this murderer? It is a legitimate question. White, yellow, brown, or black?

....the pathetic schmuck obviously has issues.....Spanish....Religion...

....the teacher is not responsible for the curriculum...nor his moral/behavioral/psychological state..... ...no parents in the picture.......???

...he chose an easy target to blame furthermore.....a woman in her 60's....condolences to her family...

Must admit I was careful not to ask these questions. clap2.gif

Nowadays asking for details of " a British schoolboy" may be not much reveling or too sensitive or plainly Politically Incorrect.

I can understand suppression of his name. Unless the name Ahmed is behind it. Those bloody British...

Edited by ABCer
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What is the color of this murderer? It is a legitimate question. White, yellow, brown, or black?

I heard he was green,migrated from Mars!!!!

Olive-green complexion doesn't come from this far.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What is the color of this murderer? It is a legitimate question. White, yellow, brown, or black?

....the pathetic schmuck obviously has issues.....Spanish....Religion...

....the teacher is not responsible for the curriculum...nor his moral/behavioral/psychological state..... ...no parents in the picture.......???

...he chose an easy target to blame furthermore.....a woman in her 60's....condolences to her family...

Must admit I was careful not to ask these questions. clap2.gif

Nowadays asking for details of " a British schoolboy" may be not much reveling or too sensitive or plainly Politically Incorrect.

I can understand suppression of his name. Unless the name Ahmed is behind it. Those bloody British...

I imagine that on finding out the the murderer is both white and from a middle class family, there are many disappointed posters this morning.

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Funny how legal reasons can be so selective, such that they don't prevent the naming of an accused, but potentially innocent, adult, yet can be used to hide the identity of a teenaged proven murderer. And apparent psychopath.

'He ... was told he would spend a minimum of 20 years behind bars.' Based on past experience of just how much of 'a ass' the law really is, and on the fickle nature of politicians and governments, I seriously doubt that ...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What is the color of this murderer? It is a legitimate question. White, yellow, brown, or black?

....the pathetic schmuck obviously has issues.....Spanish....Religion...

....the teacher is not responsible for the curriculum...nor his moral/behavioral/psychological state..... ...no parents in the picture.......???

...he chose an easy target to blame furthermore.....a woman in her 60's....condolences to her family...

Must admit I was careful not to ask these questions. clap2.gif

Nowadays asking for details of " a British schoolboy" may be not much reveling or too sensitive or plainly Politically Incorrect.

I can understand suppression of his name. Unless the name Ahmed is behind it. Those bloody British...

I imagine that on finding out the the murderer is both white and from a middle class family, there are many disappointed posters this morning.

And why would that be?

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Jonmarleesco appears to me to be referring to the fact that people like their prejudices to be confirmed. It is comforting. I believe he is suggesting that some posters, in his opinion, are prejudiced against non-whites and also the lower eschelons of society.

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This is sad!

A boy his age being instituted for a minimum period of 20 years means that when released, he'll ONLY be 35 years old and if he stays healthy, he'll live out another 40 to 50 years of his life while the Teacher whose life he took was torn away and her family left to know that this evil kid will still have a chance to live his life after he has taken their mother and wife away from them. They believe this kid planned the attack and carried it out and showed no remorse; my question is, WHY THE HELL DIDN'T THEY GIVE HIM LIFE WITHOUT PAROLE (if the UK has the death penalty, then give him the death penalty). The likelihood of him being released back into society is an extreme danger as he will more than likely kill again and again if not caught the second time. CRAZY!

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What is the color of this murderer? It is a legitimate question. White, yellow, brown, or black?

What colour are you desperately hoping he is? Let me guess. Not white? Sorry to disappoint you, he was white! Would you care to enlighten us all as to why his colour is a "Legitimate question"?

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a methodically planned murder and only gets 20 years,&lt;deleted&gt;, it almost seems as if murder aint that serious these days, and after living here it certainly seems that way for sure.

No; he got life; with a minimum term of 20 years.

Twenty years is the minimum he must serve before he can even be considered for release under licence.

Life sentences

Other life sentences, which specify a minimum term in years, mean that the offender will spend a considerable period in prison and may never be released; if they are released, they will be closely monitored for the rest of their life and could be sent back to prison if they do not obey the terms of their licence.

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