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Saw the same on channel 3. I am under the belief that a Tom or the majority are out of line in thinking that they need to parade their catch and chosen lifestyle around to all. Most of tyhe Toms could not get a man so they had to do something. I do not condone a foreigner doing it as well. Get a room!

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Tom french kissing her dee and wandering hand trouble.... Now that I would watch if they were slim n sexy.

men kissing? what a massive turn off. But, whatever floats your boat.


Was on the BTS two days ago.

60'ish European is getting very frisky with his Thai girlfriend.

She is uncomfortable and tries to put him off.

He refuses and gets all kissy face and snuggly to the point it belonged in a hotel.

They primarily Thai passengers were obviously as offended as I was and you could hear comments being made in thai.

Its not a lesbian thing. Its a showing disrespect to a culture thing by farang.

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It's disrespectful in Thailand for anyone to start making out on the BTS. If a straight Thai couple started kissing other passengers would feel uncomfortable and some Thais would make comments too.

Thais will ignore when farang do this it but they absolutely hate seeing it and will comment to themselves in Thai about it, although will not confront the foreigner directly. They expect a Thai couple to know better, but dismiss the foreigners as ignorant savages.

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It's disrespectful in Thailand for anyone to start making out on the BTS. If a straight Thai couple started kissing other passengers would feel uncomfortable and some Thais would make comments too.

Thais will ignore when farang do this it but they absolutely hate seeing it and will comment to themselves in Thai about it, although will not confront the foreigner directly. They expect a Thai couple to know better, but dismiss the foreigners as ignorant savages.

Well said.

And so, so true.

I have often run my accounts of such public intimacies by my Thai friends and acquaintances.

Their initial reluctance to discuss this kind of behaviour goes to their ÜBER-strong moral relativism cultural norm.

Up to her. Up to him. Why you care ?

(This does not stand for long once they are convinced that most of us foreigners find this behaviour off-putting.)

Repressive ? Retrograde ?

Hardly as repressive as forcing the sight of such intimacies onto a cross-section of commuters:

Thai office folk steeling up for a day's work, shoppers, a mixed bag of Multi-cultural visitors, tourists, farangs children, the elderly, monks, rural passengers right across the board.

Is this behaviour some kind of cultural folk dance they feel the need to share ?

I agree.

I and EVERYONE ELSE for that matter don't give a rats ass what you get up to

Just get yourselves a bluddy room and express your amorous wet-stickies there.


but this is our house.

Looks like Ms Otocheater has become a part of the furniture. Who would have thought this! laugh.png


but this is our house.

Looks like Ms Otocheater has become a part of the furniture. Who would have thought this! laugh.png

Sort of like the Manly Chair you suggest?



  • Like 1

but this is our house.

Looks like Ms Otocheater has become a part of the furniture. Who would have thought this! laugh.png

Sort of like the Manly Chair you suggest?



That's funny. I think you've just taken the metaphor to a new level. biggrin.png

  • Like 1

but this is our house.

Looks like Ms Otocheater has become a part of the furniture. Who would have thought this! laugh.png

Are you a straight kun Morakot? Just call me Madam O.



Toms are often possessively demonstrative with their dees on the BTS.

So what ?

Some people would not like looking at older guys with young girls.. some don't like Tom's and dees.. I say live and let live. As for kissing up to them, personally if two guys are kissing it does not really float my boat but again live and let live.

It has never happened, but if two guys,(I mean people who are obviously guys) started kissing in public near me, I mean in a place that would be inconvenient for me to get away from, I would soon put a stop to it. I don't mind if people who are that way inclined have their goings on behind closed doors, but definitely not in public.

I might add though if it was out in the street, I would just keep walking, but only faster.

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Sorry I'm not really interested in this topic.

But you are interested to investigate someone?? Or just pop in to say hello to me.

I am very well thank you.

:-) X


Sorry I'm not really interested in this topic.

But you are interested to investigate someone?? Or just pop in to say hello to me.

I am very well thank you.

:-) X

Madam otocheater ... don't go all loopy Thai on us and I reckon we (the Forum) and you have the potential to develop a fun relationship.

Soon we will be eating SomTum together (as long yours doesn't have the dead stinky crab or fish) ... w00t.gif



I recall once in the lift at Covent Garden tube. Stood next to two Scots lassies blissfully swapping spit. During a breather, one says to the other, "Youse smell greet by the way." I had to blurt out, "Aye thanks, but yer nae too bad yersel."

Apparently we're not doing Christmas cards this year.

They must of been from Dundee as that's where all the lookers,come from....


Tom french kissing her dee and wandering hand trouble.... Now that I would watch if they were slim n sexy.


If ever... But in my experience one tends to be slim and pretty while the other is squat, dark-skinned, acne-scarred with short, black, spiky hair, wearing the inevitable plaid shirt, workman's denims and look like they lump fish down the market.

  • Like 2

Sorry I'm not really interested in this topic.

But you are interested to investigate someone?? Or just pop in to say hello to me.

I am very well thank you.

:-) X

Madam otocheater ... don't go all loopy Thai on us and I reckon we (the Forum) and you have the potential to develop a fun relationship.

Soon we will be eating SomTum together (as long yours doesn't have the dead stinky crab or fish) ... w00t.gif


You lightweight.


I recall once in the lift at Covent Garden tube. Stood next to two Scots lassies blissfully swapping spit. During a breather, one says to the other, "Youse smell greet by the way." I had to blurt out, "Aye thanks, but yer nae too bad yersel."

Apparently we're not doing Christmas cards this year.

They must of been from Dundee as that's where all the lookers,come from....

The ones in Aberdeen aren't too bad. Oh wait... you said LOOKERS, sorry.

The best thing to come from Dundee is the A90.

  • Like 1

Sorry I'm not really interested in this topic.

But you are interested to investigate someone?? Or just pop in to say hello to me.

I am very well thank you.

:-) X

Madam otocheater ... don't go all loopy Thai on us and I reckon we (the Forum) and you have the potential to develop a fun relationship.

Soon we will be eating SomTum together (as long yours doesn't have the dead stinky crab or fish) ... w00t.gif


Need to put a lot of Pla-rah in Somtum.



Here's the clip.

Towards the end a katoey joins in to help the female passenger and berates the Tom's behaviour as impolite. The Tom looks as though she's going to attack the katoey and is met with "If you want a fight, I'll give you a slap". The couple get off with the Dee looking mortified at the whole thing.

  • Like 1

I recall once in the lift at Covent Garden tube. Stood next to two Scots lassies blissfully swapping spit. During a breather, one says to the other, "Youse smell greet by the way." I had to blurt out, "Aye thanks, but yer nae too bad yersel."

Apparently we're not doing Christmas cards this year.

They must of been from Dundee as that's where all the lookers,come from....

The ones in Aberdeen aren't too bad. Oh wait... you said LOOKERS, sorry.

The best thing to come from Dundee is the A90.

Aberdeen ??? Might be just a couple of Seagulls hanging sbout Market Street, waiting for the Criterion to open.......all scots are good looking, especially with my eyesight....


Just watched the Video ??? What's the big deal, must say Thais don't like confrontation of any sorts....

So for me, it's quite funny to see....

It's 2014 what's the big deal, and like I said, we are in Thailand... Where on the Television someone holding a cigarette, is blurred out, but walk two bloks away, and there is ping pong shows, and Didos sold on the street, with Viagra etc etc.

Let's be real,folks about this...eh.....

Right it's beditime for me, best get my Pyjamas on and get tucked in by my Ladyboy friend....

Yes, living life to the full.....


Here's the clip.

Towards the end a katoey joins in to help the female passenger and berates the Tom's behaviour as impolite. The Tom looks as though she's going to attack the katoey and is met with "If you want a fight, I'll give you a slap". The couple get off with the Dee looking mortified at the whole thing.

Thanks for sharing.

The Dee looks cute.


Having watched the clip my opinion has not changed. Whether one disagrees with the couples kissing or not and whether it is offensive to thai's in modern day Thailand or not the woman sticking her nose in is out of line. And in the clip she is the one being offensive with her constant harping on in loud tones where the young dee is being very polite especially went most of the other thai's in the clip were not even mildly interested in the confrontation...so who's behaviour is offensive again? If my daughter and her girl friend were being hassled in public to that degree whether they were being affectionate or not in public and I had been there that woman would have been told to f...off and mind her own bussiness...and the katoey would have copped a fist in the face and knee in the balls if it was going to be slapping my daughter around. Personally while I accept my daughters choices as a female as a guy I would find guys pashing up in public offensive...a dick up the rear does not rock my boat. But I would have the decency to respect their choices and keep my nose in my own bussiness.

And good on Toms and Dees for challenging such outdated moral prudish stances on shows of affection, while it is seemingly acceptable for prostitution which is not only a moral but legal issue to run rampant through Asia. Jeez I even hug my thai family females when apart from or meeting at long intervals apart. Perhaps the PC police should be threatening to slap me or admonish me in public as well for such offensive behaviour...sheesh...seriously some people need to get a life.

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Thais got more than millions issues now that only kissing and showing love I public is illegal !!??

That lady had to stop by Nana Plaza and Patpong to see the PingPong And Gold Fish show for a second to be ashamed for a second and not seeing 2 domestic partners showing love to each other which I saw the video clip and had nothing .

Thais are Going Backwards.

  • Like 1

Thais got more than millions issues now that only kissing and showing love I public is illegal !!??

That lady had to stop by Nana Plaza and Patpong to see the PingPong And Gold Fish show for a second to be ashamed for a second and not seeing 2 domestic partners showing love to each other which I saw the video clip and had nothing .

Thais are Going Backwards.

Maybe going backwards but its good to remind them about where we are? I dont blame any of them.

Based on culture and country.


  • Like 1

Thais got more than millions issues now that only kissing and showing love I public is illegal !!??

That lady had to stop by Nana Plaza and Patpong to see the PingPong And Gold Fish show for a second to be ashamed for a second and not seeing 2 domestic partners showing love to each other which I saw the video clip and had nothing .

Thais are Going Backwards.

Maybe going backwards but its good to remind them about where we are? I dont blame any of them.

Based on culture and country.


Yes I do know where we are ... THAILAND ......Which is world known for Prostitution, drugs,scams.., the list goes on and on...

If you don't beleive ME ask "Rhianna"....., that sexy Soul Godess , that is very comfortable in her own skin, and is happy to,flaunt it....

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