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National ecotourism strategy for Myanmar in the pipeline


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ECOTOURISM in Myanmar is set to receive a boost with a national Ecotourism Policy and Management Strategy underway.

From TTG Asia, by Sid Dhartha, Yangon, November 5, 2014


Working on the strategy are the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism (MOHT), Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry, and the Myanmar Tourism Federation.

The strategy is meant to support biodiversity, conservation, community-based income generation, and strengthen the management of protected areas and cultural assets in Myanmar.

This includes Lampi Island Marine National Park in the south and Hkakaborazi National Park in the north.

Read the full article here: National ecotourism strategy for Myanmar in the pipeline

Photo credit: SeaVisionBurma


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I do a hiking tour of a Burmese border town. I'm a farang, so don't tell any Burmese authorities what I'm doing, ha ha.

But really, Burma probably has a wealth of potential - for eco-tourism. I'd venture there's a lot more unspoiled nature in Burma than in Thailand. One of many examples: I've heard there are still cloud leopards in some reaches. In Thailand, you'll be lucky to find a long-nose mouse, even if you were to trek off the beaten track for 100 years. I admire Burmese officials for standing up to the Chinese, and blocking the proposed Chinese-funded dam (I can't recall its name). Thailand could learn from that: It's ok to stand up to China, if you see the Chinese wanting to do something harmful. Unfortunately, Thai officials can only bow down and say yes to everything the Chinese propose.

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