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Of Course She Is A Good Girl....


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Well, what do you think of this?

I was having a beer last night with my friend Pommy Steve. His partner has gone home to Chang Rai to take care of her sick Mother (maybe a sick Buffalo as well).

He comes and goes from England. Anyway, he was telling me that he was cleaning the House, and just happened to be looking inside the G/F's bag.

His trouble was he found one used and one half used packets of ***Multinational Brand *** Vaginal Tablets. MMM he thought, of course she has had a yeast infection, and hasn't been feeling too well. All the stress of the sick mother etc.

He must have been worried, as he had the fact sheet with him, which says that this medication is for Yeast Infections (Of course how they occur is another question) but it is also used as a treatment for the good old Trick or Trichomonas..... Isn't that the most common Sexually Transmitted Disease ????

I reasurred Steve that her overall health condition was obviously low from her missing him etc etc etc and she got a "Yeast Infection"........

So of course she has been a good girl........ Hasn't she? :o

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I would say that there is nothing to worry about,specially if she is a nice bar girl and he is away for extended periods.

Being alone and the worry about the absent partner is always very stressful and will cause a lowering of the immune system to such things,but then ###### every one that has a few bucks to spare can also cause the infections mentioned.

I think it was very nice of you not to stir up a lot of trouble.Maybe she got it from tending the sick buffalo.

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I just find it amusing to think that someone would advertise Vaginal Yeast infectionremedies on an expat website inhabited mainly by men.

But this makes me feel sick inother ways.......yesterday I was reading the humerous postings about b/g's having skid marks in their undies and now we are talking about yeast infections........I guess we are all travellers and travellers always talk about basic human functions or anomalies !! :o

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Very convenient post. Notice with posts that there is always relevant advertising at the top of the page. Very clever but dont push it to far.

Ned, ads can be automatically adjusted based on content of the page!! It's a really clever system that will put relevant ads depending on whatever the page content is.

So if I start writing on gardening, then relevant ads will be shown. Clever huh! :o Keeps this site a free resource for everyone.



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I changed the post and removed the brand name.....

INSTINCT;; Yea I would think it would if she has a bad yeast infection.

Ya know what a WHOPPER WITH CHEESE is??

Thats a fat girl with a yeast infection 

I sort of agree, but poor Pommy Steve has never seen any symptoms, and generally unless you have some super virilant strain Candida or a yeast infection doesn't develop within a day or two - if you know what I mean. Typically, ladies from this part of the world rely on the "Hand Spray" to relieve the symptoms and may leave it up to a month or so before seeking treatment.

If you think I am wrong, ask your partner if she wants to go to the hospital and have a Pap Smear or a Pelvic Examination........ They will wait a long time.

I don't know, myself, I would brush it off, after all we are in the tropics, BUT, how does poor Pommy Steve broach the topic with his partner ?????


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INSTINCT;; Yea I would think it would if she has a bad yeast infection.

Ya know what a WHOPPER WITH CHEESE is??

Thats a fat girl with a yeast infection :D

And what's the difference between a pizza and a Russian girl? :o

First one you can order it without mushrooms...

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Guest timbee

dears, we just poke one of those big ole suppositories high as it'll go once a month, keeps the tubes fungal-free - doesn't mean there's an actual toadstool up there!

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Maybe the medication belongs to the sick buffalo.


I think it was very nice of you not to stir up a lot of trouble. Maybe she got it from tending the sick buffalo.

I have both a doubt & a comfort:

Doubt: she was effectively f**ing with the buffalo, then :D

Comfort: she was not getting f**ed in the arse, then :o

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These are the facts about yeast infections:

Yeast infections -- sometimes called candidiasis -- takes many forms. Yeast fungus infections often develop where a moist environment encourages fungal growth, especially on the webs of fingers and toes, nails, genitals, and folds of skin.

Candida albicans is a fungal organism, or yeast, that thrives in your mouth, gastrointestinal tract, and skin; your body produces bacteria that keep it in check. When fungal growth exceeds the body's ability to control it, yeast infection develops.

So basically, she must of gotten it from her man himself. He could have been unclean and gave her some bacteria. Or, she must have not cleaned herself too good which then she gave herself the bacterias. No need to worry, its curable.

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Guest IT Manager
Very convenient post. Notice with posts that there is always relevant advertising at the top of the page. Very clever but dont push it to far.

Just a note. Do a google on "google context sensitivity". Then stop beating the site for advertising.

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[i have both a doubt & a comfort:

Doubt: she was effectively f**ing with the buffalo, then :D

Comfort: she was not getting f**ed in the arse, then :D

To , : You just didn't find that medication, she took it with her to look after the buff. She never discussed the nature of the buff's illness did she? :o

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Sorry Sandy but not all yeast infections are sexually transmitted. And often, if the woman gets it she gives it to her partner, she treats hers but then he passes it back to her. If your girl has it you should probably treat yourself as well.

All the women in my family develop them quite easily, and we have been told by our gyns to 1) wear cotton underwear (nasty nylon breeds bugs) 2) do not douche too often (sorry guys, but if you want the truth about your women you gotta face this stuff some times) as it messes with the natural balance of things and 3) beware antibiotics, every time I take antibiotics I get a yeast infection (thrush whatever, its all the same sort of thing). Sometimes just stress will do it, women are a finely tuned engine and any little thing out of line can throw us off balance :o

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