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Pay Pal Info

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Just checking with any other members who have Pay Pal accounts.

My Visa & Amex card were obtained in the UK, this is whare I have my account with HSBC Jersey and they are linked to my registered address in Thailand. Previously both these cards was added to my Pay Pal account with no issues. My visa card is about to expire and I received a prompt to update the new card information on my Pay Pal account. When I entered the new expiry date and 3 digit number I was informed my address was not correct. I then went and called Pay Pal in Singapore and was informed that because my card was issued from a UK bank and my address is in Thailand they will no longer accept this card. They also informed me when my Amex card expires it will not be possible to register again. Both my Amex and Visa is in USD so it was simple when making a purchase in the USA. Most of the stuff I purchase is in USD & GBP.

They informed me I need to go to my Thai bank and obtain a Credit card and then register this card on the Pay Pal system. I do not use my Pay Pal account for Thailand, I purchase items from all around the world but mostly in the USA & UK.

The lady at Pay Pal informed me she can change the Thai card in there system to USD, but I am not sure how all this works.

Is there any way to get around this issue without having to get a Thai credit card ?

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Thai credit cards are hard to get: you need to have a work permit or deposit a large sum with them. If you open a kasikorn bank account, you can create a virtual credit card from their internet banking, which should work.

I have never required a Thai credit card so I will check with BB if I am able to obtain

Can you let me know the following.

1. Can the Thai credit card only be used in Thailand or can it be used for purchases outside Thailand ?

2. I assume there is a cut off date every month, and when you receive the bill it will show all the transactions in whatever currency was used, and then converted to Thai baht. I am concerned regarding the exchange rate they use and also if they add some extra % for the purchase not being in baht ?

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I have a Thai PayPal account and I have registered an Amex card (issued in Thailand) and a UK Bank debit Card for which the 'billing address' is Thailand.

Both cards expire in 2016, so it looks as if the UK bank card will not be allowed to stay on my PaPal account, if your information is correct. (Which I assume it to be).

Even though I have a UK credit card attached to the account, I can only access funds, ,from my PayPal account via a Thai Baht bank account. (I am primarily a seller, through eBay)

In other words, my funds are held on PayPal in various currencies, but when I wish to draw on them, they have to be converted to Baht and paid into my Thai bank account which is also registered with PayPal. They will not be paid into my UK Bank account.

It is difficult to obtain Thai credit cards, and I as lucky to get my Amex switched from the UK to Thailand, but that was many years ago and even then it was major hassle as I wasn't working.

Another alternative is to open a new PayPal account in the UK if you have a bank account with a billing address there. I have done that (I have 2 PayPal accounts - 1 in Thailand and 1 in UK)) and it works quite successfully.

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I have a Thai PayPal account and I have registered an Amex card (issued in Thailand) and a UK Bank debit Card for which the 'billing address' is Thailand.

Both cards expire in 2016, so it looks as if the UK bank card will not be allowed to stay on my PaPal account, if your information is correct. (Which I assume it to be).

Even though I have a UK credit card attached to the account, I can only access funds, ,from my PayPal account via a Thai Baht bank account. (I am primarily a seller, through eBay)

In other words, my funds are held on PayPal in various currencies, but when I wish to draw on them, they have to be converted to Baht and paid into my Thai bank account which is also registered with PayPal. They will not be paid into my UK Bank account.

It is difficult to obtain Thai credit cards, and I as lucky to get my Amex switched from the UK to Thailand, but that was many years ago and even then it was major hassle as I wasn't working.

Another alternative is to open a new PayPal account in the UK if you have a bank account with a billing address there. I have done that (I have 2 PayPal accounts - 1 in Thailand and 1 in UK)) and it works quite successfully.

Thanks for that info, I think Pay Pal has changed there system, They will honor your present set up but when the card expires it will not be accepted if the registered address and bank are not in the same country.

I called Amex in Bangkok today and they informed me I need a work permit to obtain an Amex account, also they do not have a USD card available it is only available in Thai Baht.

I have a few TD accounts with Bangkok Bank and know the manager, so I have made an appointment to visit him tomorrow and work a deal to obtain a credit card.

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bkk bank debit card works with paypal just fine. You need to register the debit card with verified by visa (which will link your name and address to the card) here https://ipay.bangkokbank.com/bblenroll/bkkCard.aspx The debit card will also work just like a credit overseas etc. with no problem.

Edited by TacoHell
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I should have also said that I tried to register my UK Bank account with the Thai billing address on Paypal but the system wouldn't let me do that. It would only allow the debit card, and it seems that will be removed when it comes up for renewal.

My guess is that the Thai authorities are trying to stop funds leaving the country without going through their onerous Bank exchange control systems. Maybe there was a way to do it via foreign credit cards.

Thailand has a long long way to go before it is a proper part of the Global banking and trading network. Their outward currency restrictions are decades out of date...

I have all kinds of problems with PayPal and Ebay that people don't have anywhere else in the world. Its a minor miracle that I can even set such accounts up here....

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The solution for me was to close my US PayPal account, and open a new Thai PayPal account. I could link my US credit cards as long as my Thai address was the same on the credit card and PayPal account. Never had a problem since, and it's been 5 years.

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From Canada the information is that if I am out of Canada for more than 2 years they will no longer issue me a Credit Card (Visa) upon the expiry date. Its best in this case to have it mailed to someone in Canada and have it remailed to you or tell them you come and go. Life here can be a bit*h without a credit card.

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The solution for me was to close my US PayPal account, and open a new Thai PayPal account. I could link my US credit cards as long as my Thai address was the same on the credit card and PayPal account. Never had a problem since, and it's been 5 years.

You may be in for a surprise when your card expires and you have a Thai address and you are using a credit card from a USA bank.

They told me when I called today the rules have changed, if you have an account with Pay Pal Thailand you need a Thai address and your card must be with a Thai Bank.

Give the Pay Pal office a call +65 65905502 and check before your card expires. I am very interested on what there reply will be.

I told them I also have an Amex card from the UK registered on my Thai Pay Pal account, and they informed me after it expires I can no longer use again when I try to update the new expiry date

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When I applied for my Thai PayPal account all I had to do was submit the number of my Bangkok Bank "Be1st" ATM card during the application process. I don't use my Bangkok Bank account much, just to transfer money from the US via EFTS , so I keep the balance low and will only increase it when I purchase something using my Thai PayPal account

The only reason I have a Thai PayPal account is that some eBay sellers will only ship to a registered PayPal address so my US based PayPal card is useless for most foreign eBay sellers

My US PayPal account is tied / linked to my US based credit card, despite their wanting me to "finish" the process by linking the PayPal account to an American bank account

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bkk bank debit card works with paypal just fine. You need to register the debit card with verified by visa (which will link your name and address to the card) here https://ipay.bangkokbank.com/bblenroll/bkkCard.aspx The debit card will also work just like a credit overseas etc. with no problem.

Thanks for that info, I went to BB today and the lady informed me my ATM card was also a Debit card, she called BKK and got it activated.

The limit for the Debit Card is 150k Baht per day, so this will do me fine without all the hassle of having to set up a guarantee account in order to get a credit card.

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I tried to set up a Paypal account in Thailand and after going through all that was told that I can't top up in Thailand. I tried to send a bill to myself but was told to either use my Paypal account to pay it or set up a new Paypal account. My previous Paypal account has died because I haven't used it for so long that I can't remember my old credit card number...

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