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Frang Father With 3 Thai Children

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Hi All,

I have 3 Children And All with Thai and Aust Passports 2 born in Thailand and 1 in Australia and all have my surname my girlfiren left me . now i like move to Thailand to leave.i know kids have no visa Problem but my self ? what can I do i am over 50 to stay in Thailand. :o[email protected]

Are the children of school age? If so get them education visas and then get a caretaker visa for yourself.

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Hi All,

I have 3 Children And All with Thai and Aust Passports 2 born in Thailand and 1 in Australia and all have my surname my girlfiren left me . now i like move to Thailand to leave.i know kids have no visa Problem but my self ? what can I do i am over 50 to stay in Thailand. :o[email protected]

Are the children of school age? If so get them education visas and then get a caretaker visa for yourself.

The children have Thai passports, they won't need visas.. :D

And whats a caretaker visa..? never heard of one of them..

The OP could get an Non Immigrant O Visa as the children are his dependants.

The OP could also get a Non Immigrant O-A (retirement visa), as long as he meets the requirements ( mainly " an annual income equivalent to Thai currency at least 800,000 Baht " )

totster :D

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The question I’d be asking myself in your situation is: “What is best for the children?”

The number of considerations is huge, education, health care, family and social support, income, stability.

Taking education alone: Unless you are able to afford international schooling your children are going to have to attend Thai state schools, a pretty dismal option even if as a parent you understood the workings of the system enough to get the best out of it for your children.

Then there’s your own age and health to consider, you say over 50. What happens if you are unable for any number of reasons to take full care of your children. In Australia you have a range of social services you can call on, perhaps family and friends too.

My advice would be think very carefully about making a move to Thailand, as a single parent at your age with children the ages your children are, I’d rate it as a very risky move.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:D You will find the Thai Embassy in Australia to be very helpful too you! As you are a parent of 3 Thai Nationals and your wishing to have them keep there Thai heritage you will see the Thai will be most helpful! Make sure you have good health insurance for yourself and the kids and hire an English speaking nanny that can also be a tutor.


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