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Anyone who believes that you could do anything online and remain incognito is a pityful dreamer

While this is true for most sheeple, it is actually possible (and fairly easy) to use the internet completely anonymously and securely.

sent from my slimkat 1+ using tapatalk

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Absolutely Correct "sgtsabai" - As a non American, I have similar problems with the damaging of my computers, (that I seem to have minimised) and recently with ever increasing interference noises on my regular international phone calls (that are clearly human controlled), to the point that they are unusable. Started over 2-decades ago when I was heavily involved in politics; The Govt. intercept every single thing that I do and once in their 'little black book' you never get out of it! (There are actually some 'others' who still do not believe in the "conspiracy theory").

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Here we go again. Everyone running in a panic because you fear somebody is really interested in your personal, boring life here. lol. I bet Obama is sitting in his office reading all this stuff, eh? Like he has all this interest building up on what is going on with these crazy farangs on TV....what with all the talk about sin sot, bargirls, paying farang prices for fruit, and all that.

Might even be browsing through all your downloaded cute kitty photos.

I am actually concerned about him thinking we are drinking badger milk (which should be taxed)



lobster, you are ever so wrong. OK, well obushma isn't reading anything we write, but somebody is storing it and if it contains key words, there is a "trigger", oops, think that was a key word. The US and/or the British government capture and store every bit of email etc. that comes out of here going to the US, England etc. If you have a "political" record, bet on it being read to make sure you are being a good little boy. Many of my friends no longer answer my emails because they know damn good and well the US government captures them. On the other hand some of us deliberately put the key words in to get their attention and give them a piece of our minds, not that they don't already know. It isn't right that any organization, private, commercial or government captures, reads or stores any of our communication. Oh and they do the snail mail also. I know that for a fact. They were even kind enough to let me know when I was still back in the states that they opened and read my wife's "I love you" valentine to me. I'd love to meet up in a dark alley with some of those scum bags and teach them the error of their ways.

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that don't sound good. well...after sixty years of being watched, I am still doing pretty much the same thing. Today I got up early, cut some grass, ate a subway sandwich, and spent several hours on the computer playing Sims 4.

I hope they wrote all that down for future reference.

OBTW.....anyone read the disclaimer on yahoo....???? It says your privacy is not guaranteed. So why are you asking for that now?

From their terms of service...*you should read the whole thing...it's pretty involved"


"Yahoo automatically receives and records information from your computer and browser, including your IP address, Yahoo cookie information, software and hardware attributes, and the page you request."


"You acknowledge, consent and agree that Yahoo may access, preserve and disclose your account information and Content if required to do so by law or in a good faith belief that such access preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (i) comply with legal process; (ii) enforce the TOS; (iii) respond to claims that any Content violates the rights of third parties; (iv) respond to your requests for customer service; or (v) protect the rights, property or personal safety of Yahoo, its users and the public."


Easy cure for all this.... get off the computer and go outside for a while. go get a beer.

But don't use your credit card, nor take money from ATM. Be also careful not to be seen by the various CCTV cameras. Do turn of your phone, smart or not smart.

Then you should be quite incognito, except for the people of course.


lobster, I'm so glad that you haven't done anything "wrong" in somebody's eyes. You are part of the problem, not a solution. I'm political, outspoken against violations of the Constitution, what little there is left of it, illegal, immoral, stupid, unnecessary wars, racism, war on women, Veterans. I haven't done anything wrong or illegal, yet it took the Supreme Court, when we had one, to release me from jail, and yes that record is still there, tick tock, tick tock. Do not pretend to tell me anything about what the government can and cannot, will and will not do when it gets you in it's sights. The collection of our personal information is 100% wrong, yet we all give permission to microsoft, google etc. to do so by using their services. Do we have a choice, yes no internet use or be a computer genius. A bit about how Americans, one of the worst informed peoples in an allegedly developed country, feel about the internet: http://www.scmagazine.com/americans-dont-trust-that-their-personal-data-is-kept-private-online/article/382962/?DCMP=EMC-SCUS_Newswire&spMailingID=9914115&spUserID=MjI5OTI4ODgwOQS2&spJobID=421102893&spReportId=NDIxMTAyODkzS0 .

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Buying yourself a computer and then saying on that "highly watched" device that you are some kind of activist against the US Government.... is, not very crafty.

As a rule, anti government elements usually stay off the radar. But perhaps you are actually defying them to catch you...eh?


This will be the NSA doing what they do. They are known to have a presence in Thailand.

I could be totally off the mark with this one but: I would think if you were an American and a person of "interest" or were just down right wanted, Thailand would NOT be the place to be sending out emails and or trying to preserve you clandestine identity. I can't think of another country in the region that the US is closer to than Thailand. I'm always learning new things that make me (half jokingly refer to Thailand as the 51st state, usually I reserve that title for Israel)


Would it really matter what country you wrote emails from??? Guess where the emails are ultimately stored? Might surprise you. The US doesn't even need to intercept them here, or anywhere. They are stored back in the USA, for convenience sake.


I'm not hiding, they know exactly where I am and I do mean exactly. I do like to piss them off. fbi has many pictures of me, most with me shooting them the bird. I don't like the "initials", consider them basically traitors. I swore an oath "I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic", and I've done my best and will continue, albeit not on the "front line". As my best friend, killed by Agent Orange, Sgt. John Kniffin, USMC 2 tours VN, Purple Heart, Bronze Star with V, said, "what do I do when my government is the enemy"? Me, shot at and missed, shit on and hit...lol, with just a dose of that crap. Anything that is routed through the US and/or England is captured, otherwise, NSA also has tapped the cables here and elsewhere along with the Brits. Unless you are really, really a computer genius, everything you do is captured. I know it, I'm not a computer genius so I piss 'em off. My little way now of trying to stand up for what is right. The way I look at it, if the government isn't pissed at you, you are part of the problem, but everybody has to live the best they can.

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I'm pretty sure if the NSA was doing this, they wouldn't need to pretend not to support TLS, they are well capable of running transparent proxies which decrypt and re-encrypt TLS on the fly.

I'd bet it's rather Thai signal intelligence trying to detect state-threatening activities using keyword filters.

Another theory could be a Chinese operation.

A thing I have been wondering about for some time is if any intelligence services already used connection and message content data from Thailand to compromise Western men in higher positions who secretly slipped away for a short Thai vacation spending their time with Thai sexworkers before returning to their families.



The tin foil hatters were right all along. Back in 1998 when the movie 'Enemy of the State' was released it was supposedly a work of fiction. This is no longer the case.

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I'm pretty sure if the NSA was doing this, they wouldn't need to pretend not to support TLS, they are well capable of running transparent proxies which decrypt and re-encrypt TLS on the fly.

I'd bet it's rather Thai signal intelligence trying to detect state-threatening activities using keyword filters.

Another theory could be a Chinese operation.

A thing I have been wondering about for some time is if any intelligence services already used connection and message content data from Thailand to compromise Western men in higher positions who secretly slipped away for a short Thai vacation spending their time with Thai sexworkers before returning to their families.

It started in the US and now it's happening in Thailand.

Link to back the above statement up from the EFF : https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/11/starttls-downgrade-attacks

The above is interesting in light of what Smurkster 'half jokingly' said about Thailand being the US's 51st state.

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Buying yourself a computer and then saying on that "highly watched" device that you are some kind of activist against the US Government.... is, not very crafty.

As a rule, anti government elements usually stay off the radar. But perhaps you are actually defying them to catch you...eh?

It is not just a matter of being watched, what many fail to realise is that people business is big business.

Our personal data is being sold on everyday and there are companies making billions $$$$ out of us. Another example is that under Google`s terms and conditions, just using their services is consent by us for them to store our online activities into their databases and use that information more or less how they see fit. Somehow these companies have found ways around the privacy and data protection laws.

Anyone who uses electronic technology, including plastic cards, computers, mobile devices and so on, the information is being recorded and stored somewhere, also, not sure if many people know this, that all public use and company photocopiers have their own scanners and hard-drives, meaning that each time we have our personal documents photocopied, they are being scanned and stored on that photocopier and why these days I prefer to scan and printout my own personal stuff.

I guarantee that if I knew your real identity and with just the minimum of searching, I could discover a wealth of information about you online, probably in less than a minute.

My point being, now in this technological age, our rights of confidentiality as private living individuals is being eroded and this I find rather scary. I can also envisage that probably within our lifetimes that all new born babies will be microchip, similar to how they chip dogs and that the next generations will be electronically tagged wherever they go. It is a case of not if but when this is going to happen. After that hard cash money will be a thing of the past, all financial transactions will be conducted electronically and logged. In the not so distance future this is the way it will all go and the type of world that is gearing it`s self up for our grandchildren.

This is not paranoia, just an educated prediction. Believe me on this one.

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The tin foil hatters were right all along. Back in 1998 when the movie 'Enemy of the State' was released it was supposedly a work of fiction. This is no longer the case.

With all our armchair Thai Visa Jockies, we ought to be able to come up with a plan.

Is weegee still around? He is a fast operator.


Well now that I am aware that I am being watched....

What are we doing about the problem? It does seem to fester.

Here is one thought....let's throw away all the electronics, slip into the shadows, and use hand signals and winks to communicate.

Japanese lost all their codes and communication secrecy 72 years ago. I bet it is going to get worse...before we make it better.

Whatever it is, Communications are run by government agencies...(FCC and NSA, also russia and china have their own). The big monkeys on top, in this region, are Australia and England. They are the top comm dogs in Burma, Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

Of course...the "Five Eyes" parties together, and NSA buys the lions share of the beer.

Old "Ballsy Putin" has his own agenda, eh? Vodka


Buying yourself a computer and then saying on that "highly watched" device that you are some kind of activist against the US Government.... is, not very crafty.

As a rule, anti government elements usually stay off the radar. But perhaps you are actually defying them to catch you...eh?

I guarantee that if I knew your real identity and with just the minimum of searching, I could discover a wealth of information about you online, probably in less than a minute.

Lol.. hilarious.

Why don't you just have a beer with me, and learn my whole boring history. I guarantee you will regret the unenlightening experience.

On the serious side. Many scammers have been doing "identity theft", since internet came around.

The best you can do to protect yourself is to use reputable banks and websites when doing transactions. Only the foolish will do this on non private networks...(airports and such). There are naive people who give away info too quickly.

Problem is, when you look for my IP...you actually get it. Some people use VPN, or encryption with PUTTY, thinking they are safe. Machine ID and MAC numbers have a tendency to recorded. Ownership is an issue. Second hand computers are bought and sold. I do not know who actually bought my internet service here...it was not me. This is not my personal computer....I am using tight vnc on a computer in thailand to remotely control my other computer at my mom's house in the states.

Got it?


This will be the NSA doing what they do. They are known to have a presence in Thailand.

i think i saw some of them yesterday. they were posing as Russian tourists.

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This will be the NSA doing what they do. They are known to have a presence in Thailand.

i think i saw some of them yesterday. they were posing as Russian tourists.

You win first prize ! You may actually be correct. Most of the "Operatives" here are non-westerners. The westerners recruit them...you see.

By the way, best place to get info is in a bar. Seriously. Loosen up a target with some Chang and start an idle conversation. Wait for others to kick in their thoughts. Write it all down, run back home, encrypt, and transmit that intel back to the Five Eyes.

Sounds childish...but you are historically correct. Even all the movies are accurate with that. Cold war stuff, actually.


What I find quite disturbing is that just a few TV members seem to be interested in this matter which (in my opinion) is one of the most pressing and most dangerous ones, since we all have boarded the train to digital slavery and need to do something about it before it is too late...

Disturbing also is the fact that there are people out there like slimy lobster and joncl who think that this all is child's play and there is nothing to fear, trying to ridicule people like beetlejuice who are able to think outside the box and ask uncomfortable questions about our governments and their intentions...

Power to the people!

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Anyone who believes that you could do anything online and remain incognito is a pityful dreamer.

The internet was initially created by people for people, then was hijacked and turned into a giant funnel, where sinister forces collect data about anyone and anything. When all data that's needed is in, they will separate the weed from the chaff in one single worldwide strike. They know the mindset of each one of us, the whole life open like a (face)book, the political orientation, sexual orientation, whether or not a person is prone to violence, submissive, aggressive, easy to handle or difficult, left, right, conservative, etc...

Until now, they use this info on single influential people that became inconvenient and get them out of their way with sex scandals etc., but the day will come where we all will curse they day the internet got started. We are translucent like glass while some (cui bono?) make us believe that this is not so. You will be free only if you can manage to live off the grid completely!

It also is childish to say, "Nothing to fear if you ain't doin' anything bad or illegal!" BS I say - who tells you that art, speaking up for yourself, a certain religion, reading books, writing poems, whatever won't be illegal or contraband tomorrow? Look deep into history and you will find the future!!!!

The ones who laugh now and ridicule my reply here (what certainly will happen) will stop laughing when the $#!t hits the fan, what could happen any day now in an uncertain world like this...

Am I alone with this theory?


The Internet was initially created by the US military as a defense system in case of an EMP strike caused by nuclear missiles. The name was ARPANet, abd the Iidea behind was that data should be able to find their own way through a network infrasfructure already destroyed up to 90 pct.

Then the Cold War came to an end, and some folks in Geneva started to invent the WWW. In the beginning of y2k Web 2.0 came up with Social media.

And now authorities are getting paranoid about "dual use" in something they call "Cyber War"


What about if one is moving around and using a small mobile internet aircard from say DTAC or AIS? Do they have an IP, are they just as prone to attack and snooping as when plugged in to the wall?


I wonder when this site, is going to bother moving to HTTPS for all traffic. It is cheap and easy to do, and would provide a huge boost in privacy. And all that aside, all websites that don't yet utilize HTTPS for all their traffic are either oblivious or misunderstand why you would encrypt public site data in transit.... sigh

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