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I'm leaving for Thailand this friday and I totally forgot about inoculations. I'll be there for 3 weeks traveling to both the Northern and southern parts. I'm extremely worried now. Do I need them? Am I stupid to go without them?

So far i have on my list: Malaria, Dengue and Typhoid. Are there others that I don' t have on my list?

Please help. Any help is greatly appreciated.





I have lived here a few years and the last Jabs and Anti - Malarial treatment I had was in 1992......

There are no reported cases of Dengue, Typhoid, mmm wouldn't bother, Malaria, well yes and no. But please remember there has been genuine cases of Malaria reported and diagnosed 100km north of Sydney.

The big thing is Malaria, get some mosquito repellant with DEET, there are many brands, Look on the Label you wil see DEET. I cannot remember the scienific name for it -I havn't bought the stuff for years.

I would worry more about eating food that is too spicy and getting the "Trots" or drinking too much alcohol. Oh yes, don't forget your Condoms.

From what I can see.most medical ailments here are self inflicted. :o


Don't eat the skin on any fruit or vegitable unless cooked,carry a lot of condoms and maybe get some of the pills that you take weekly for malaria, and some AVON SKIN SO SOFT,it is a good a bug repelent as you will find,smells good and keeps your skin soft..Come to Thailand and let it all hang out.


I have been going to Thailand for 14 years and I have never had a shot for anything. I eat all the foods and also take ice with my drinks without hardly any problems. In my first few years I did take tablets for malaria but in the last few years I don't worry about that either. I travel all over Thailand too. Not everybody is the same though so if you are worried just get the shots for your own piece of mind. Have a good trip.


It looks like all the CDC says you have to worry about is Malaria, (and tap water/uncooked food/peeled fruit). I live in the land of 10,000 lakes, so I'm used to dealing with mosquitoes. Now I will kill them with a renewed fervor, because my very life may depend on it.


PoTBot they are only covering their ar*e. This way if something does happen then little Johnny can say "I told you so". After Bali he was blamed for not giving Aussies any forward advice. Mate if you heed these warnings you just wouldn't go anywhere. Yesterday I drove over the harbour bridge and saw 2 security guards were watching it, what does that mean? Sydney is on alert too! It could just as easy happen in your own back yard, it can happen anywhere anytime. It isn't stoping me going over :o


They did know something b4 hand about Bali, Downer admitted and downplayed the situation. The trouble is when the leaders of these organisations like the AFP make a statement that hurts little jonnie they are censured. look at Kelty and his

"It was taken out of context" back flip, you knew as soon as he opened his mouth the little hitler would be on his case. I had a bit of respect for cosgrove b4 this week, but he is turning into quite the poitician.

Got off topic again but thats forums for you.

As far as innoculations go have never had any and so far so good, loose bowells acouple of times but might've been heinekins. :o

As far as innoculations go have never had any and so far so good, loose bowells acouple of times but might've been heinekins. :D

Talking about loose bowels there is a very good Thai drug that a mate got me onto that the Thais use, it's called DISENTO. Ask for it any any pharmacy, it's very good and a lot cheaper than the foreign brands. :o


I understand that the anti malaria treatment is a) not guaranteed 100% effective and B has side effects sometimes. Been here nearly four years been all over and never taken malaria tabl;ets but my obsessive desire to avoid mossie bites is well known and amuses thais when they see me spraying myself and kids. Kids still get bitten but soi far no probs. Had Typhoid booster and Tetanus which anyway you can get done here cheaper than Australia (at private hospital).


the Thai official stance on anti malarial stuff is that they dont recomend any medications. they recomend not getting eaten by mossies as the best method of protection. Use a repellant. Use mosquito nets when you sleep. If u are in an air con hotel you should be ok. But also bewar of daytime mosquitoes......they lurk in darkened places like under the table in a restuarant and so on. Day time mossies can carry dengue fever.

As for other 'shots' you should make sure you have up to date tetanus. this is a must. Optional is Hep a and B. in Aus you can get 'twin rix' which is a combination of Hep a and B.........but to have it you need to have the shots three times over a six month period. So you are out of time forget it. Typhoid....well I would not worry about it. Japanese encephalitis..........if you are going to trek into the hill tribe areas this is a threat but I woul dnot worry to much as you would only be there a few days and if you maintain good hygene you should be right.

I had all of the above before I came to work here, because I was working in the mountains all the time and living in very basic conditions. But if you are on holidays your main worry is the usual stuff.....getting ripped off by your new found girlfriend from the bar, getting Bangkok Belly, getting killed on the roads, getting HIV or becoming the next foreigner to attempt a world record jump from your hotel balcony onto a parked car ! :o

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