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Just returned from extending my non-o marriage for 60 days at Udon Thani immigration. Cop told me 'law changed', can only give 30 days. My wife handed over an extra B1,000 (total B2,900) and suddenly 60 days extension was possible. I was scammed, correct?

Previously, about 1 year ago, I had to pay another immigration cop at Udon Thani an extra B500 because as she told my wife, she has to feed her kids. Any other members getting this extortion pulled on them at other immigration offices? Or is Udon Thani an isolated 'rotten apple'. Should I have complained-asked to talk to the 'boss'? What would you advise?

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I was done on Thursday at Jomtien for a 60 day extension ,Should be 1900 baht ,She started giving me the runaround saying I did not have the correct paperwork etc ( I knew it was all in order) but if I gave her 4000 baht she would make an exception!.......I just paid it to get out of there I have no more fight in me for the Thai thieves! ,To me all Thai officialdom is corrupt!

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Yes, you have been extorted of 1,00 Baht. Good reporting, do not worry about knee jerk comments.

It happens here and there sometime. It's actually not too bad. You had to talk to the senior office when it happened. Now is too late.

Good reporting? And it's actually not too bad?

Cannot concur with either statement. It is easy to report something in a more anonymous manner; why draw attention to ones self? Any extortion is bad!

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Just returned from extending my non-o marriage for 60 days

Please can some one tell me what this means?

Why TF should anyone be extenending a non - o marriage visa for 60 days?

I go every year and extend my visa on the basis of being married to a Thai, never had a problem.

Cop told me 'law changed', can only give 30 days

What law, and why didnt you or your mrs question it?

My wife handed over an extra B1,000 (total B2,900) and suddenly 60 days extension was possible

60 days, why werent you given a 1 year exestenstion?

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Just returned from extending my non-o marriage for 60 days

Please can some one tell me what this means?

Why TF should anyone be extenending a non - o marriage visa for 60 days?

I go every year and extend my visa on the basis of being married to a Thai, never had a problem.

1 years require proof of funds in the bank or income, non-imm visa, plus other paperwork.

60 days extension does not.

That is "TF" why.

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You have to take the wife for a 60 day extension.

I don't believe it is required that you take your wife with you for the 60 Day extension, (maybe some offices insist on this)

Marriage papers should be enough.

Most offices require your wife. marriage certificate and prof of residence (usually your wife house book) with 1900 baht. This can be done one time per visa then you must exit Thailand.

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You have to take the wife for a 60 day extension.

I don't believe it is required that you take your wife with you for the 60 Day extension, (maybe some offices insist on this)

Marriage papers should be enough.

I would say that the majority of immigration offices will want your wife to be with you to meet this requirement in clause 2.24 of the immigration order "(2) In the case of spouse, the relationship must be de jure and de facto.".

If for being the parent of a Thai child they also want the them to be with you.

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You have to take the wife for a 60 day extension.

I don't believe it is required that you take your wife with you for the 60 Day extension, (maybe some offices insist on this)

Marriage papers should be enough.

Most offices require your wife. marriage certificate and prof of residence (usually your wife house book) with 1900 baht. This can be done one time per visa then you must exit Thailand.

It depends on the office that you are using. Some are once per visa but some are once per entry. I think the "official" rule is "once per entry"

I know someone that is in his ninth month on a double entry tourist visa issued in the US. Entered, got 60 days, extended for 30, then 60 and did a border run to activate the second entry. He then entered, extended for 30 days and is now on his last 60 day extension which runs out next month. He then is going to get a new visa in Laos but will not be able to use two 60 day extensions as it will only be valid for 3 months from the date of issue, he'll only be able to get 8 months. The US obtained visa is valid for six months. And yes he is working illegally, in the sticks, for one of those language schools that has promised him the moon and has delivered nothing!

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You have to take the wife for a 60 day extension.

I don't believe it is required that you take your wife with you for the 60 Day extension, (maybe some offices insist on this)

Marriage papers should be enough.

last time i did it, they took a photo at the desk of the two of us. Mataphut

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I would advise being very careful what you post on this public forum which is regularly visited by immigration country wide.

Lmao - these folks aren't the FBI - stop fear-mongering.

With the Inmigration English skills I only will be worry for the mis understandings of the postings...not for the content. If the new PM wants "transparency"...why not to send these reports to his attention?

Edited by umbanda
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If you read this Thai Immigration Officer!!! Beware I will from now going with a hidden camera to every immigration visit. I am sick and tired of this. In the last 5 years I was scammed a good 5-6 times for a few thousand baht just to get what I should get by the law. At immigration and at land borders.

In these 5 years I have been offered many things like not showing financial proofs, even a fake marriage or a visa which states me as married with someone. I never accepted any of these but I am sure there are many foreigners who accepted and then later get a lot trouble (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/776614-visas-for-men-in-marriage-scam-to-be-revoked/) and the officers who are invovled "could" face a penalty.

I have been offered so many illegal things in this country I can't even count it. Fake visas, shell companies, tax free land transfers, working without work permit, drugs, and so on....!!! AND I NEVER <deleted> ASKED FOR IT!!!!

Edited by SoFarAndNear
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I think that Thai people pays brives to avoid problems and creates "relationships" , and many farangs are getting in the same mode. That's bad.

If you have all the necessary and legal documentation for the kind of extension you are applying, no way to accept extorsion. I do not beleive that the BIG Immigration boss in Thailand will be happy knowing that each immigration offices or officers can use their own rules, or accepting brives..if that may creates problems for his position in the new Government. If a expat do not have notting to hide...why do not report to the PM or the Immigration BK central office about these wrong doings? If he receives very many complaints.. even anonimous.... something may change for good.

Why do not at least try? Do something is better than doing nothing....

Just talking about here will not help at all.....

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ask to speak to a senior officer to clarify the situation and "extra charges"

if needed, provide any extra documents requested by the senior officer

please never give in to extortion as it makes it worse for your fellow expats

Edited by ColdSingha
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You have to take the wife for a 60 day extension.

I don't believe it is required that you take your wife with you for the 60 Day extension, (maybe some offices insist on this)

Marriage papers should be enough.

Most offices require your wife. marriage certificate and prof of residence (usually your wife house book) with 1900 baht. This can be done one time per visa then you must exit Thailand.

My wife always goes with me to be safe and they make her sign the copies we provide along with me. There is no limit to the number of 60 Day extensions you can get based on marriage ... you just can't get extensions back to back.

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I would advise being very careful what you post on this public forum which is regularly visited by immigration country wide.

Oh aye, the ole don't bring to light a wrong deed even though it's true? Personally, I'd be more concerned about posting with a barely legal picture as my avatar. wink.png

Op, you should just stand your ground and ask to speak with the lieutenant.

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If you read this Thai Immigration Officer!!! Beware I will from now going with a hidden camera to every immigration visit. I am sick and tired of this. In the last 5 years I was scammed a good 5-6 times for a few thousand baht just to get what I should get by the law. At immigration and at land borders.

In these 5 years I have been offered many things like not showing financial proofs, even a fake marriage or a visa which states me as married with someone. I never accepted any of these but I am sure there are many foreigners who accepted and then later get a lot trouble (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/776614-visas-for-men-in-marriage-scam-to-be-revoked/) and the officers who are invovled "could" face a penalty.

I have been offered so many illegal things in this country I can't even count it. Fake visas, shell companies, tax free land transfers, working without work permit, drugs, and so on....!!! AND I NEVER <deleted> ASKED FOR IT!!!!

Have to wonder about your appearance and who you are hanging out with as well as what immigration office. I have never been asked for a bribe or dealt with anyone I would expect would take a bribe at immigration (Bangkok). I wish there was as I would gladly pay to jump ahead in the queue. I have had them scold me for doing things wrong (too many over stays) and had them give me a longer extension than I deserved after I complained about them not being open an extended number of days.

I have paid bribes to get expedited service other places. Only difference between doing it in Thailand and the US is here it is called a bribe and goes to a low paid worker, in the US they call it an expedite fee and is a lot more and goes to the companies or entity's profits.

Be it here or anywhere else of dealing with a company or government agency, you sometimes deal with ignorant people or those demanding more then entitled. Personally I like it better here as they amount is always significantly less.

All the constant whining and exaggeration of these encounters is simply going to turn this country into what I believe most of us were happy to leave.

Edit: Never even had a police officer ask me for a bribe in all these years but have done things wrong that would have resulted in a fine and asked if I could pay less and avoid the trouble of going to the station and getting a receipt. If only such encounters in my home country could result in a $5 fine and nothing on my record or filed with my auto insurance.

Edited by JohnThailandJohn
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If you read this Thai Immigration Officer!!! Beware I will from now going with a hidden camera to every immigration visit. I am sick and tired of this. In the last 5 years I was scammed a good 5-6 times for a few thousand baht just to get what I should get by the law. At immigration and at land borders.

In these 5 years I have been offered many things like not showing financial proofs, even a fake marriage or a visa which states me as married with someone. I never accepted any of these but I am sure there are many foreigners who accepted and then later get a lot trouble (http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/776614-visas-for-men-in-marriage-scam-to-be-revoked/) and the officers who are invovled "could" face a penalty.

I have been offered so many illegal things in this country I can't even count it. Fake visas, shell companies, tax free land transfers, working without work permit, drugs, and so on....!!! AND I NEVER <deleted> ASKED FOR IT!!!!/I

I bought my pen cam last year, Would you pull it out and show them you have just recorded them asking for a bribe? and see if that changes the "new laws change", not correct papers, etc, or ask to see the boss and show him/her?

or just take it too the news papers?

Edited by aussieinthailand
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