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Non Imm O 1 Year Extension - Nakhon Sawan

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I moved to Nakhon Sawan immigration jurisdiction this year and issues arose first two 90 Day reports between what they asked for on the phone and what the officer for in person.

For Non Imm O extension has anyone been requested additional evidence to the online list there, I'm mainly thinking of:

- updated passbooks - this was standard at Bkk but my local GSB bank cannot update without a minimum 10k transaction to my fixed account and didn't do this for other confirmation letters (I'll incur a penalty transferring from another fixed account);

- foreign funds transfer for origination of the bank funds

- rental agreement & landlord's ID + house book

- updated Kor Ror 2 (marriage registered in 2012)

Many thanks.

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I use Nakhon Sawan to extend yearly for retirement and used to do it for marriage. They are a very friendly and efficient office and the processing time time is usually very short However, I haven't used the bank deposit method for years and things do change.

1. When I used it, I got a letter from my bank the day before and had an updated copy of my bank book showing that the balance had not gone below 40k for the last 2 months. I don't know any way around the passbook requirement as it is the only document that shows that the money has been correctly seasoned per the requirements, the letter only states the balance.

2. You do not need any proof of foreign finds transfer, you could be working here and depositing the money that you earn.

3. I own my own house and I provide my marriage certificate, a signed copy of the house book and my wife's ID card. I usually take my wife as she chats with the officer the entire time and things go smoothly. In the past, when I was working away from home and renting, I used a rental agreement, and a signed copy of the owner's house book and ID.

I would suspect that you would need an updated Kor Ror 2 form as it shows that you are still married, the reason for the extension. You should be able to get a copy at the local Amphur office as the record should be available on line.

As far as 90 day reports, I do mine by post since I live over 100 kilos from the office. Where do you live, we might be neighbors? I include the original of the report slip, and copies of the bio page of my passport, my transfer stamps ( use your visa, mine is in old passport), entrance stamp, latest extension TM6 card (departure card), marriage cert., signed house book, signed wife's ID card and a self addressed stamped envelope. I mail it 15 days prior to the report date and usually get the new one back within a week. A brochure outlining their mail-in requirements is available in the office.

You might get better info about using the deposit method if you open a thread in the "Central Thailand Forum", "Nakhon Sawan News". I know people that are doing exactly what you are asking but have given up posting, or even reading, this forum because of all of the BS.

Hope this helps and welcome to Nakhon Sawan Province, the noodle capital of the world! (a joke that you will understand if you read the Nakhon Sawan Thread)

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Some banks can for an update of the bank book for fixed term accounts by doing a forced update. One I recall did a O baht transfer to force it. They could also write the letter confirming the balance has been 400k baht or more for at least 2 months.

You should check with the Nakhon Sawan immigration to be sure they will accept a fixed term account. There are a few odd offices that will not accept them.

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1. When I used it, I got a letter from my bank the day before and had an updated copy of my bank book showing that the balance had not gone below 40k for the last 2 months. I don't know any way around the passbook requirement as it is the only document that shows that the money has been correctly seasoned per the requirements, the letter only states the balance.

3. I own my own house and I provide my marriage certificate, a signed copy of the house book and my wife's ID card. In the past, when I was working away from home and renting, I used a rental agreement, and a signed copy of the owner's house book and ID.

I would suspect that you would need an updated Kor Ror 2 form as it shows that you are still married, the reason for the extension. You should be able to get a copy at the local Amphur office as the record should be available on line.

Hope this helps and welcome to Nakhon Sawan Province, the noodle capital of the world! (a joke that you will understand if you read the Nakhon Sawan Thread)

Thanks very much for your reply wayned.

I'll see if the bank can add confirmation about 2 months, good idea - the pass book has start date of 2/6/14 and letter will be date of extension confirming same balance.

Good to know about rental agreement as this is not on immigration checklist (nor are passbooks!), I have this from a "Notification from the Housemaster" form so will take with me.

My first visit for 90 Days did not want this form, my 2nd visit asked where was it (when I didn't have it with me!). Have used their checklist for mailed submissions and no probs as you suggest, good turnaround.

KR2 is registered 8/12 and was updated 11/13 for last year extension in BKK (not asked for), will rush to local amphur if they want it!

I'm over 100km away as well, about 1.5 hours in Ban Rai, Uthai Thani(bottom of UT, just above Suphan Buri). Thanks v much for the steer on Central news as well, will have a look through.

Thanks again.

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Some banks can for an update of the bank book for fixed term accounts by doing a forced update. One I recall did a O baht transfer to force it. They could also write the letter confirming the balance has been 400k baht or more for at least 2 months.

You should check with the Nakhon Sawan immigration to be sure they will accept a fixed term account. There are a few odd offices that will not accept them.

Thanks ubon will ask if they can replicate or state duration on letter (11 month account opened start of June, funds accessible, lady espoused its immigration friendly values as a govt bank, will see on Thur!).

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I hope that you have better luck with GSB than I've had in the past. They cancelled my ATM card when I changed jobs because I was no longer having money directly deposited in my account every month and there was still over 10k in it when they did it and wouldn't let me close it without going back to the original branch. It's still open I guess, probably with a negative balance!.

You should call NS immigration and ask them exactly what they require and will accept. Ask to talk to one of the officers, not the receptionist that answers the phone, they are students from the university doing their internship Unfortunately I forgot the "large" lady's name that sits at the front desk and processes your application but she has always been very helpful. The phone number is 056-881518. It might save you an unnecessary trip. Good luck!

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Very friendly officer/assistants indeed at the Nakhon Sawan Immigration.
Came to do my 90 day report in stead of my home base Chiang Mai.
It took 15 minutes incl. 5 minutes wait time.
Hand over my resort statement but she hardly looked at it.

Edited by Joop50
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