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FBI probes into human parts case in Thailand


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The police officers who let them go, should be investigated AND lose their jobs.

But I guess the Junta wants to keep such "quality" policemen.

The police let them go because they couldn't detain them under law. This would have happened in any country. At the time of release, the police didn't have any CCTV footage or news that the hospital reported the theft. This would happen in any country but because it's Thailand and you definitely have a prejudice against the law enforcement and current government, it's fair game to bash them with any opportunity available.

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Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigators are now trying to determine whether any laws were broken ...

The FBI is looking to see if any laws were broken, but you've already got ahead of them with a string of US federal and state violations, even though the parcels apparently never got anywhere near the US.

Not defending the two idiots or that anyone would find body parts something entertaining to look at, but being stupid or ghoulish is not against the law and there's no evidence the body parts were originally obtained illegally.

If they were stolen from the hospital and these two bought stolen goods and attempted to (most likely) violate export laws, that may or may not warrant them being arrested, but can you imagine all the hyperbolic comments here at TV if these two were jailed while the police tried to find a reason to charge them and they would most likely have been eligible to be bailed out anyway?

Idiots they may be, but this doesn't qualify as some major international incident nor is there any reason (aside from your highly excitable imagination) to believe they bribed anyone when they had not been charged with anything.

"If they were stolen from the hospital and these two bought stolen goods and attempted to (most likely) violate export laws, that may or may not warrant them being arrested,"

If you steal anything, its pretty much standard that you should be arrested, not "may not". I do agree it should not be a major international incident, its being blown out of proportion.

The sale of human parts is actually legal in the US. There is only three states that forbids it.

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The police officers who let them go, should be investigated AND lose their jobs.

But I guess the Junta wants to keep such "quality" policemen.

The police let them go because they couldn't detain them under law. This would have happened in any country. At the time of release, the police didn't have any CCTV footage or news that the hospital reported the theft. This would happen in any country but because it's Thailand and you definitely have a prejudice against the law enforcement and current government, it's fair game to bash them with any opportunity available.

Debunking statements with facts and logic, isn't that against Thai Visa rules? Particularly when neither facts nor logic appear to be the authors first language.

While its safe to say I am not a fan of the police, nor the junta: I don't think it's far to critisize the BIB's inabilty to use a crystal ball

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these guys are truly sick. exploiting desperate human beings and paying them a mere $200 to get a giant tattoo on their forehead, convincing them to fight, stealing human body parts: vile and disgusting! American prisons are rather close to being country clubs. I pray that Buddha slams them with karma and they end up in Thai prison being used as Muay Thai dummies for the Thais to practice on! despicable!

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Another good example of Thai Super police adventure. They got the guys red handed, and allowed them go on bail to Cambodia, and now they are searching for culprits. What a mess....sad.png

Thailand should open FBI, Scotland Yard franchise here to investigate the cases.wai2.gif

Buying stuff at a night market is in itself not a crime, though the warez in this case were a tad unusual to be found there. No reason to keep the guys behind bars. If not, the US embassy may have had a word to say. The hospital only turned up with a delay.

Not sure about this.

Possessing the items was not a crime at the time (the hospital didn't report it until after they had done a runner), but surely falsifying export papers is something they could have been charged over?

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Think you better read the first article again. Think there are several possible violations, if the items are indeed true.

1. First article states there is video footage of these 2 entering the museum AND snatching the items. Second article states video footage of them entering, but checking if they stole it, so no mention if there is video of them doing the actual snatching.

2. They have falsified the shipping documents, labeling them toys, which is also a crime.

3. Not a crime,but very suspicious, is that they say they bought it at a night market, but conveniently said they cant remember where. If one bought those kinds of things, cant imagine that someone would forget where they bought it. Sounds VERY suspicious to try and say you forgot, when you dont want to say where you really got it. And just by coincindence, on top of this, they happened to visit the museum jbefore, where these were stolen. Again, not a crime, but something that really raises eyebrows and starts to add up. And if #1 is true and there is video of them snatching it, then this becomes perjury, and then is a real crime and additional charge.

ROFLMAO Idiots for cops I would have held pending valid proof of purchase. Now these guys will get away with theft, transportation of body parts, without proper doc's Falsifying Shipping paperwork. And that just Federal level then you got Nevada laws to deal with No import permit. These guys are in Deep chit. But wave a few baht under a cops nose and wham bam your out of here.cheesy.gif Explain that one flat foot.whistling.gif

"And that just Federal level then you got Nevada laws to deal with No import permit. These guys are in Deep chit. But wave a few baht under a cops nose and wham bam your out of here."

What does (imagined) US Federal law or the law in Nevada have to do with anything the police in Thailand do. The parts were, rightly or wrongly, considered medical display items and it wasn't until the hospital said the parts had been stolen that there was any justification found to arrest them.

As disgusting as it may be, most colleges and museums (and circus sideshows) have pickled bodied parts or stillborn infants on display.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigators are now trying to determine whether any laws were broken ...

The FBI is looking to see if any laws were broken, but you've already got ahead of them with a string of US federal and state violations, even though the parcels apparently never got anywhere near the US.

Not defending the two idiots or that anyone would find body parts something entertaining to look at, but being stupid or ghoulish is not against the law and there's no evidence the body parts were originally obtained illegally.

If they were stolen from the hospital and these two bought stolen goods and attempted to (most likely) violate export laws, that may or may not warrant them being arrested, but can you imagine all the hyperbolic comments here at TV if these two were jailed while the police tried to find a reason to charge them and they would most likely have been eligible to be bailed out anyway?

Idiots they may be, but this doesn't qualify as some major international incident nor is there any reason (aside from your highly excitable imagination) to believe they bribed anyone when they had not been charged with anything.

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ROFLMAO Idiots for cops I would have held pending valid proof of purchase. Now these guys will get away with theft, transportation of body parts, without proper doc's Falsifying Shipping paperwork. And that just Federal level then you got Nevada laws to deal with No import permit. These guys are in Deep chit. But wave a few baht under a cops nose and wham bam your out of here.cheesy.gif Explain that one flat foot.whistling.gif

"Valid proof" for a assumed deal at a night market? 55555

And your reference to potential law and regulations broken in the USA is void as no stuff ever left the LOS.

But in the US, post 911, prosecution for thought crimes is now becoming popular as we move towards a police state.

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Buying stuff at a night market is in itself not a crime

Buying controlled or prohibited items is indeed a crime. Ignore the law at your peril, but don't worry Judges have a reputation for kindness for people like you.

It is quite obvious that the items in their possession were neither controlled nor prohibited so they did not break any laws in that regard. Do you have any evidence that the mere possession of preserved body parts is a criminal offense? I thought not. They are being charged with theft and false declaration only. Read the OP. There is no need for your demeaning attitude towards RTH10260 since you, yourself, are so far off the mark.

BTW, when I was 13 years old I had a tonsillectomy and the hospital gave me my infected tonsils in a jar of preservative. Those are body parts and I could legally possess them. Why would you expect Thailand to be more strict than the US?

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Video footages clearly showed the two Americans entering the museum and snatching the parts.

Video footage showed both Americans visited the museum and police are investigating whether they stole the items or hired someone to do the job for them.

Since the video footage clearly showed that the two Americans snatched the parts, the BiB can now make an educated guess whether they stole the items themselves, or hired someone to do it. After the guess work is done, the BiB can continue to dig their collective noses and plan what to do with the associated money that has been paid. Burp!

What's the use of having video footage. Like, no one noticed these were gone after the nightly sweep of the museum? I'm just guessing they did not steal it, made arrangements to ship it then headed straight for the boarder the same night.

It takes a lot of stupidity to come into a country such as Thailand and do what they did as it could have been their parts next in the display case.

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I would find it amusing if the Cambodian government sent these two undesirables back to Thailand

as they are clearly not high quality tourist and will probably get into more mischief as that looks to be

there pursuit in life. blink.png

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I mean am i living under a rock or something, how do these people do these things and WHY ?

I dont know, makes me feel like the world is passing me by, and as i think about it then let it happen,

Private life dramas baby keep me out,,, remember that ?

Send a message to the world, lock these quality tourists up and forget about them and oh i won't

look at the YouTube clip, i'm too busy looking at Hogans Heroes and Only fools and horses,

i know nussing, nussing, did you know the character Schultz was actually jewish, so there.

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Ulit, "mischief"? really?!?! maybe it would serve you to learn a bit more about these dreadful people. referring to all their disgusting actions and crimes and exploitation and mutilation of humans in desperate situations for their own financial benefit is clinically sociopathic actions on their part! the fact that you refer to it as mere "mischief" not only says everything about who you are as a person, but it also offends decent people reading your callous drivel and it makes me greatly dislike you, whomever the F you are. and icare999, this is absolutely NOT why most of the world hates Americans! pull your head out! the behavior of these two is actual clinical psychological disorders and certainly not something that Americans commonly engage in! there's many, many legitimate reasons that most of the world hates Americans, but THIS ain't one of them!

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Nicely done to the Thai-Visa member who correctly identified these two as the founders of YouTube's "Bum fights." I see now that TMZ has picked up the story.


I second that.

I was surprised when those TV member(s) identified McPherson from the picture.

I never heard of Bumfights and now that I looked on Youtube I wish it were still true.

These guys did some sick sh*t and now are likely thieves of a medical museum - stealing human body parts.

I don't get it.


The only reason I recognized him was tats like his are memorable, and cops are trained to remember them. McPherson is pretty sharp when it comes to marketing, he made a lot coin on the videos he sold. But he's a dirtbag.

The Thai police could have made a charge of falsifying documents to facilitate smuggling, the FBI could make the same charges, along with smuggling of human body parts, which is illegal.

Either way, the Thai police could have held two Americans for a few days, heck, for 84 days, without charging them, giving them time to learn about the theft from the hospital.

But, no, let 'em go because they "promised to come back." blink.png


If I'd screwed up that bad, I sure wouldn't be advertising it the way the RTP are. Standing in front of international news media cameras singing, "What could we do? We had nothing to charge him with."

Yes ,you did.

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Shame the FBI were not so interested in another high-profile case.... yet the murdered were not American citizens. That would have been an altogether different story, from day 1 ! :(

Why would the FBI be interested in a murder case that didn't involve US citizens?


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Shame the FBI were not so interested in another high-profile case.... yet the murdered were not American citizens. That would have been an altogether different story, from day 1 ! sad.png

Why would the FBI be interested in a murder case that didn't involve US citizens?


Hmmmmm I wouldn't think the FBI would have any interest in a non-American case.

I think the whole story, though interesting, is completely crazy to the point of funny. They were seen taking the items from a museum? What the <deleted> ! Too funny.

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'Bumfights' duo in body-parts mail scam
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- POLICE said two Americans behind the bid to smuggle body parts out of the country had been very cooperative during interrogation this past weekend. That was why police said they believed Ryan McPherson and Daniel Tanner when they said they were just tourists and could not remember exactly where they had bought these human organs.

The duo were freed even though they admitted to police that they were the senders of the DHL parcels destined for Las Vegas. They claimed that the parcels were part of a prank they wanted to pull on a friend back home. An X-ray of the parcels - the contents of which were marked as "toys" - revealed they contained human organs.

The two Americans are believed to have fled to Cambodia via Aranyaprathet on Monday. However, police say the pair promised to return to Bangkok for further questioning on the matter. Investigation revealed that these so-called innocent tourists were actually notorious filmmakers who had produced a series of online videos in which they paid homeless people to fight one another for money.

The US media said one of the homeless men was even paid to have "Bumfights" tattooed across his forehead.

These clips were then sold over the Internet, and according to a report from Coconuts Bangkok, hundreds of thousands of copies were sold for US$19.99 (Bt655) each.

Investigation also revealed that McPherson had been arrested in 2002 in the United States and sentenced to 280 hours of community service at a homeless shelter after he released the film "Bumfights Vol 1 - Cause for Concern".

In 2006, they agreed not to make any more of these such films and came to an out-of-court settlement with three of the homeless men involved. The men were trying to sue the filmmakers for emotional and physical damages in connection with the Bumfights videos.

A doctor at Siriraj Hospital has confirmed that the body parts were indeed stolen from the medical museum. Video footage showed they entering the museum and police are investigating if they stole the items or paid someone else to do the job for them.

The Criminal Court yesterday issued arrest warrants for the duo for allegedly stealing government property and falsely declaring contents of parcels.

Thai police are cooperating with Interpol and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation to find information about the recipient's address in Las Vegas.

The Coconuts Bangkok website reported that the address on the packages was that of Shoot to Kill Media Inc - McPherson's company.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Bumfights-duo-in-body-parts-mail-scam-30248103.html

-- The Nation 2014-11-19

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