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I would like to live in Thailand for about six months (possibly more if all goes well) and while I'm there I would like to continue writing some books and continue running some internet sites.

All my income will come from UK clients to my UK company / UK bank account. I will not work for Thai people / Thai companies.

Would I need to have a work permit to do this kind of work in Thailand?

All advice welcome. Thanks!


I would like to live in Thailand for about six months (possibly more if all goes well) and while I'm there I would like to continue writing some books and continue running some internet sites.

All my income will come from UK clients to my UK company / UK bank account. I will not work for Thai people / Thai companies.

Would I need to have a work permit to do this kind of work in Thailand?

All advice welcome. Thanks!


No work permit will be needed as long as you do it out of your house and do not see Thai or foreign clients or any company in Thailand.



Hi Chris and welcome to the madhouse :D:o

OK, you're a newbie so I'll let you off :D

This one rears its head in various guises at least once a week, potted answer:-

"If you work over the net, keep your head down, operate under the radar, and no one will bother you."

Sunbelt (one of the forum sponsors) actually have information from the labour department that this kind of activity does NOT require a work permit. You may wish to contact them for confirmation, if they don't pop up on this thread :D

EDIT Of course you already know this as Sunbelt beat me by 2 mins :D:)

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

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