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What Change Does Thailand Need To Make


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I think geronimo hits the nail on the head with regards to the education system and the reasons why. Creating followers is of paramount importance for the establishment. Oh, it would be such a good discussion, but sadly not for here.

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A return to an elected government and no more coups. Also a serious attempt to reduce corruption. It's wishful thinking but something I really want for my kids. I am not choosing sides.

The darling of Isan was an elected government and they were set to destroy and rob the hard working suffering farmers of Thailand. "Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts" was to openly give direction and controle of the country to a power hungry criminal set to benefit his family and cronies. The Pheu Thai party and the red shirts are now only waiting their time to continue the destruction and the return of this criminal from Dubai.

All Thailand troubles started with Thaksin, be it the Tak Bai incident which resulted in 85 deaths and the South retaliation against boudhists for the deaths at Tak Bai, his war on drug saw 2,873 Thais dead in a matter of three months and now the divisive policies to create a Lanna state. The coup was the only way to stop the devastation of the Thaksin regime but maybe it came too late. Only with strong institutions to balance the power of the government in place Thailand can progress to a full democracy, Institutions like an independant Congress, independant Senators and independant Judiciary.

A change in government only through the ballot box will not work without reforming those institutions of Thailand. Now let's trust that it is Prayuth intention to save Thailand by reforming those Institutions of the country then, only then, call for a fair election. With those reforms in place, the party elect will not be able to do as they pleased without consequences.

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1. Improve education, including a push towards second language skills; Thais would be far more competitive globally if they were able to speak one (or more) of the world's major languages,...English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, German, whatever.

2. Improve Sanitation, especially around all the outdoor food service areas; a nation wide effort to present clean conditions would improve the quality of tourists. And Oh how we would all like to be able to drink the tap water without fear of dysentery or parasites.

3. Reduce the Wealth Gap; I'm not picking on just Thailand, as this is a major problem world wide; a much larger, healthy middle class, could only help Thailand to grow from within.

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my concern is for my childrens future , i am not asking to change REAL Thai culture , just improve some of the ridiculous habits that are obvious everyday in Thai society...

imo ..one of the best things the General did was to monitor what is broadcast on TV ..having lived in the real rural Isaan for a few years , what was broadcast on some of these stations was taken as absolute truth by most , 99% of it was so far from the truth it was a joke.....real Education is the key ...that will take time , i believe we have now entered the transition stage ..

please dont post stupid one liners , many other forums for that , this is not meant to be a topic to attack each other , just accept someone elses opinion and move on ....


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Get rid of the Jet ski's

Regulate the taxi's to make sure they have to accept every passenger

Make learning english compulsory as part of the cirriculum

Clear the water Hyacinth off the river as promised

Clean out the police force and start again

Construction of new bio-mass power plants to eradicate landfill waste in all thailand

that's enough for starters !! ........... wai2.gif

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Change? As to what end? Most change will be bad. Thailand is a nice country. Quit trying to make it the west.

Despite Thailand being a country of low intelligence, there are things the West could learn from Thailand, I can only speak for the UK.

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I would say they could start by giving foreigners " genuinely" married to a Thai lady more " freedom " of living his life in regards to owning his land in his name and work freely or own his own business without Thai's involved.

Obviously under close regulated laws so this will not be abused, but it will be a great start and only fair to stop treating us like intruders of some sort.

After all, if you were to take your Thai wife to your home country she would be treated otherwise and given the freedom to work and live her life freely.

Wake UP LOS, we're not living in the 16th century anymore..... and your also loosing out on massive capital gain and economic growth.

Yeah.... I know, this will most properly only happen when hell freezes over but it's just a thought of what could be done to make things better.

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at the moment the police and the army are both independent of the government and are able to independently take taxes as they see fit, in fact they are even able to take over the government as they see fit, they are more or less private armies pillaging the country, neither of them capable of doing the jobs that their names imply they do, I dont know the solution but there will be no end to corruption and no democracy possible under this system, and I see no attempts made to change or even discuss this amongst those who have control of the country

Edited by slygeeza
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I would say they could start by giving foreigners " genuinely" married to a Thai lady more " freedom " of living his life in regards to owning his land in his name and work freely or own his own business without Thai's involved.

Obviously under close regulated laws so this will not be abused, but it will be a great start and only fair to stop treating us like intruders of some sort.

After all, if you were to take your Thai wife to your home country she would be treated otherwise and given the freedom to work and live her life freely.

Wake UP LOS, we're not living in the 16th century anymore..... and your also loosing out on massive capital gain and economic growth.

Yeah.... I know, this will most properly only happen when hell freezes over but it's just a thought of what could be done to make things better.

This is probably pretty low on the list of concerns related to making TH a better place. In fact, why should someone who is not a citizen be allowed to own part of a country?

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A return to an elected government and no more coups. Also a serious attempt to reduce corruption. It's wishful thinking but something I really want for my kids. I am not choosing sides

Since the coup there has been a genuine move towards reconciliation in this polarized country. Democracy does not work here.The last ten years have proven that. In fact, why do people from the west assume that their model of democracy should be enforced on the world? The US and UK have completely destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan etc by trying to impose western ideals and values.(and by stealing control of Oil!)...Thailand is a wonderful country with problems just like every other country..

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A return to an elected government and no more coups. Also a serious attempt to reduce corruption. It's wishful thinking but something I really want for my kids. I am not choosing sides

Since the coup there has been a genuine move towards reconciliation in this polarized country. Democracy does not work here.The last ten years have proven that. In fact, why do people from the west assume that their model of democracy should be enforced on the world? The US and UK have completely destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan etc by trying to impose western ideals and values.(and by stealing control of Oil!)...Thailand is a wonderful country with problems just like every other country..

I would not call regular coups a problem just like every other country. But yes it is a wonderful country and would be even more wonderful if there was less corruption and the roads safer.

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I would say they could start by giving foreigners " genuinely" married to a Thai lady more " freedom " of living his life in regards to owning his land in his name and work freely or own his own business without Thai's involved.

Obviously under close regulated laws so this will not be abused, but it will be a great start and only fair to stop treating us like intruders of some sort.

After all, if you were to take your Thai wife to your home country she would be treated otherwise and given the freedom to work and live her life freely.

Wake UP LOS, we're not living in the 16th century anymore..... and your also loosing out on massive capital gain and economic growth.

Yeah.... I know, this will most properly only happen when hell freezes over but it's just a thought of what could be done to make things better.

This is probably pretty low on the list of concerns related to making TH a better place. In fact, why should someone who is not a citizen be allowed to own part of a country?

Because Sherlock, you will be paying for it and secondly if everything was the way it was supposed to be then we would get Citizenship after a given period in Thailand as with your Thai wife if you were living in your home country... Instead we yearly have to PAY for a 1 year extension and report every 90 days like someone on parole !!! Unless you're a sexpat on overstay who's got his tent put up behind the toilettes at a Pattaya beer bar and could not give a damn.

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I think that to make any change viable we need to start with the basics.

A Thai Constitution that cannot be changed willy nilly by politicians but only (for example) the vote of the majority of people in the majority of provinces.

Once that bedrock foundation is in place - with the separation of powers locked into the Constitution - then the rest of whatever is deemed (by the Thai people) to be needed can be introduced (tested against the Constitution).

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Without getting into too much detail, I think it would have to be a multi-generational change, and start with education where interested students were allowed to ask the teacher the word "Why?" - one of the most useful words I know.

I was indoctrinated in England, my first country, but got slapped across the second cheek when I tried to play nice, so now I'm Thailand not because I think it's perfect, but a whole lot better than my first country (for now at least).

Thailand I see as a place of great contrast - you can meet the most giving and helpful people here, then walk around the corner and get something quite selfish. I do get the feeling a lot over the last 6 months or so that the younger people (particularly males) are feeling like they've been let down, and are starting to take that out on the foreigners. Anyone else feel that?

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I would say they could start by giving foreigners " genuinely" married to a Thai lady more " freedom " of living his life in regards to owning his land in his name and work freely or own his own business without Thai's involved.

Obviously under close regulated laws so this will not be abused, but it will be a great start and only fair to stop treating us like intruders of some sort.

After all, if you were to take your Thai wife to your home country she would be treated otherwise and given the freedom to work and live her life freely.

Wake UP LOS, we're not living in the 16th century anymore..... and your also loosing out on massive capital gain and economic growth.

Yeah.... I know, this will most properly only happen when hell freezes over but it's just a thought of what could be done to make things better.

This is probably pretty low on the list of concerns related to making TH a better place. In fact, why should someone who is not a citizen be allowed to own part of a country?

Because Sherlock, you will be paying for it and secondly if everything was the way it was supposed to be then we would get Citizenship after a given period in Thailand as with your Thai wife if you were living in your home country... Instead we yearly have to PAY for a 1 year extension and report every 90 days like someone on parole !!! Unless you're a sexpat on overstay who's got his tent put up behind the toilettes at a Pattaya beer bar and could not give a damn.

Try moving to the UK with your NON EU spouse! The rules there are now even ridiculous and prejudiced than here. An unrealistic amount of savings or a high income is required. There are thousands of UK citizens who now can't move home because of this. Cases are ongoing in the EU courts... Thailand has rules too but visas are much easier to obtain here than in the UK...Its very easy to get a work permit if you have the right qualifications to work here too....Pls also dont assume that everyone one is a sexpat. By saying that just reveals how your mind has been corrupted...

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Without getting into too much detail, I think it would have to be a multi-generational change, and start with education where interested students were allowed to ask the teacher the word "Why?" - one of the most useful words I know.

I was indoctrinated in England, my first country, but got slapped across the second cheek when I tried to play nice, so now I'm Thailand not because I think it's perfect, but a whole lot better than my first country (for now at least).

Thailand I see as a place of great contrast - you can meet the most giving and helpful people here, then walk around the corner and get something quite selfish. I do get the feeling a lot over the last 6 months or so that the younger people (particularly males) are feeling like they've been let down, and are starting to take that out on the foreigners. Anyone else feel that?

Students are starting to ask why...Social Media is exerting a great influence here and helping to broaden minds.

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I would say they could start by giving foreigners " genuinely" married to a Thai lady more " freedom " of living his life in regards to owning his land in his name and work freely or own his own business without Thai's involved.

Obviously under close regulated laws so this will not be abused, but it will be a great start and only fair to stop treating us like intruders of some sort.

After all, if you were to take your Thai wife to your home country she would be treated otherwise and given the freedom to work and live her life freely.

Wake UP LOS, we're not living in the 16th century anymore..... and your also loosing out on massive capital gain and economic growth.

Yeah.... I know, this will most properly only happen when hell freezes over but it's just a thought of what could be done to make things better.

This is probably pretty low on the list of concerns related to making TH a better place. In fact, why should someone who is not a citizen be allowed to own part of a country?

Because Sherlock, you will be paying for it and secondly if everything was the way it was supposed to be then we would get Citizenship after a given period in Thailand as with your Thai wife if you were living in your home country... Instead we yearly have to PAY for a 1 year extension and report every 90 days like someone on parole !!! Unless you're a sexpat on overstay who's got his tent put up behind the toilettes at a Pattaya beer bar and could not give a damn.

You can get citizenship in TH.

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