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Marriage tips

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Tying the knot in a few months- been with my fiance for over two very happy years but noticed she is wanting me to really prioritize her over my friends, to quite extreme levels. Shes trying to set some rules pre marriage and So its put a downer on the last month and no way im sacrificing a social life in BK. Everything else about the relationship i am happy with but I consider my good friends as family too.

I need to reassure her but also be firm set some rules of my own without her going mental -tips pls!

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before i got married in the uk my old man said to me,

youve always played darts on a thursday,gone out with the lads on a friday, dont stop, she met you when all this was happening so dont stop you must have time apart,

why do some women try and change you,

not just here, but all over the world, they meet you fall in love with you, THEN want you not to be you,,

tell her how you feel,

comunication is a big part of a relationship, talk to her, tell her that you like going out with your mates,

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why the hell is it important who got the trousers on??? a marriage is giving and taking though take her with you and your mates out,either she will likenit or let you go the next time alone...think she just wanna know what you boys are doing...if sha$$ing other girls is included certainly you should rethink about your decision...

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why the hell is it important who got the trousers on??? a marriage is giving and taking though take her with you and your mates out,either she will likenit or let you go the next time alone...think she just wanna know what you boys are doing...if sha$$ing other girls is included certainly you should rethink about your decision...

My marriage has always been on a give and take basis, she takes and I give. Anyway, the main principles of marriage should be on trust.

To the OP: Start your marriage as you mean to proceed and finish. Make your preconditions clear to her now and vice versa and if unacceptable to both of you or there can be no compromises, than best not to make the ultimate commitments to each other, otherwise this will be a divorce waiting to happen.

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Try marrying a man instead.

Or a manlady.

And dont forget the animal kingdom too!!

The later you get home the more happy a dog is to see you. No need to be gay to marry a man. Marry your best friend then you can go out socializing together.

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Oh, we got trouble! If she doesn't like you like you are, you should move on. Biggest mistake I've seen most men make is being with a woman that wants to change him, when he doesn't want, or isn't going to, settle down. And, if you don't want her to go with you out on the town, there is a serious disconnect going on.

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Let's make it a simpler scenario. Imagine someone repeatedly punching you in the face. What would you do in that situation?? Unless your answer was "Allow it to continue" apply your answer to your current situation. Problem solved.

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Marriage like politics is the art of compromise - for men and women. If either party finds that they have to compromise too much and cant accept this then stay single as you will not make a successful marriage.

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Grow a pair and set some ground-rules that you both stick with, but also be man enough to compromise too. Any relationship is give and take, but if it gets to the point it's too one-sided or unreasonable or makes you unhappy, it's failed and you either fix it or move on.

To be honest tho, if you've been together for 2 years, she should already know what you like and don't like and trying to change that now is a bit too late.

Personally, if gf/wife tried to stop me from doing some of the things I wanted to do, I'd present her with a big long list of things that I don't particularly like that she does (but have accepted) and work it out from there. I'll stop this if you stop that etc.

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