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Prostate meds


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Ive had prostate problems for about 15-20 years now and its getting to the point where maybe I should consider medication.

I would like to know if anyone has taken meds such as Cardura , and what their experience has been, good or bad.

While Im here, Id like to ask, why is it that during the day, urination isn't too bad, but at night its a long frustrating process?

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The doctor at Bangkok/Pattaya hospital recommended I try Harnal, which made no difference, then I tried Xatral, same thing. Both these medications cost around 1300 baht a month but they were both a waste of money for me. I don't know if it's connected, but since I started taking Allopurinol for gout I find I need to urinate less at night. I doubt if any medication is going to help much with me and the end result will be some kind of operation, which I dread.

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I've taken Cardura (specifically Cardura XL 4 mg).

My doctor didn't warn me that the first day you take it your blood pressure might drop dramatically and you might pass out. It was a rather worrying, unpleasant experience. However, within 24 hours everything was fine. I was pee'ing freely and blood pressure back to normal.

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I've taken Cardura (specifically Cardura XL 4 mg).

My doctor didn't warn me that the first day you take it your blood pressure might drop dramatically and you might pass out. It was a rather worrying, unpleasant experience. However, within 24 hours everything was fine. I was pee'ing freely and blood pressure back to normal.

They also don't warn you that if you ever need cataract surgery there is a risk with all Alpha Blockers to develop 'floppy iris syndrome'. If anyone is taking Alpha Blockers and considering cataract surgery, please tell your eye surgeon as they need to make special adaptations during surgery should they encounter a floppy iris.

Once you have started taking it, it's not just a question of stopping it as it cannot be diagnosed until surgery begins.

All Alpha Blockers run the risk, but Tamsulosin is the worst as I have read,

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  • 1 month later...

I'm scheduled for cataract surgery and have taken Cardura XL 4 mg for last 2 years. Everyone's favourite GP in Chiang Mai made no mention of the high likelihood of having floppy iris syndrome during surgery if I take this medication and she knew I was being monitored for cataracts. I know we have access to the Internet but as alpha 1 blockers main side effect is to do with cataracts, I would have thought a GP would have enough knowledge of the medication to at least ask about cataracts or mention the risks.

The very worst prostate medication for causing floppy iris syndrome is Flomax (Tamsulosin) and I believe once a person starts taking it, then stopping it makes no difference. FIS has been reported after just 2 weeks on Flomax. It's a wake up call for me, I'm usually very careful with medication and I should have checked the side effects for myself before starting it, but I also feel very strongly that the GP should have at least inquired about cataracts, but I guess she had no idea.

Anyway, the surgeon has told me that it's good that they are told about this medication, as they can take extra precautions and have the necessary things ready in case they need them. FIS is not known until surgery is started so if they don't have all the extra things to hand it could be bad news for what should be a relatively straight forward procedure. Of course and hopefully, FIS may not be present as Cardura XL doesn't have as high an incidence as Flomax. Always and I mean always, check the main side effects of any medication prescribed for you as it would seem that those prescribing it either don't know or don't really care.

Conclusion, if you are prescribe Cardura XL or any other alpha 1 blocker (especially Flomax) be aware of the link between FIS during cataract surgery and weigh up the risks for yourself. Don't trust any doctor to give you the information as they probably don't know.

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