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Movie And Music Downloads


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this is a dbbl barrelled query...

with my new laptop (purchased in Bahrain) with Norton anti-virus installed with the option to subscribe/renew after 30 days I was refused, the message being 'not available in your area'. This has to do with the piracy problem in SEA, apparently...had to source my anti-virus software from elsewhere...

so...lets say that I wanna purchase a facility for downloading music and movies...presumably there are many on the internet that would see that my address is in SEA and would decline my business for the same reasons.

so...the question is, which internet movie and music vendors would be interested in taking my order?...any minimum amount required to sign up? Those of you that have been successful please advise. I am presently in Vietnam but would presume that the same restrictions for Thailand would apply.

Also, all my movies and music are on cassette media and I intend to replace all of it digitally...lookin' at tons of gigabytes. What can people suggest in terms of external hard drives for storage? (60+ movies and the equivalent of 200+ albums)

thanx in advance for any suggestions

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This is an ever growing problem and you present a new slant on it.

I often find that requests to pay by credit card are bounced, blaming my CC company for not authorising the request.

However the CC company says they never received the request.

Now companies are simply refusing to do business if you are not in their area........

What ever next.

Then they wonder why sw piracy takes place.

The only solution I can suggest is to use an anonymiser service that gives you an ip address in another part of the world.

Perfectly legal, I might add.

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One of the reasons piracy and the P2P networks are popular in SEA, is the complete lack of alternative, legal ways of buying your stuff.

Itunes, the legal Napster etc simply don't accept customers outside a very limited area...

And with the awfull selection the local importers are bringing in how is one to find all the good stuff?

Oh and iTunes simply won't work through anonymizers or proxies! Tried that one already....

Seems they smartened up quite a lot, just like it was pretty close to impossible to get the BBC soundtracks from the worldcup. Didn't work either through proxies...

Edited by monty
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Apple should put a sticker on all iPod boxes saying that iTunes is not available here

I bought an iPod purely because I wanted to download songs from iTunes and was p1ssed off when I tried to buy anything and got the "not supported in your region" message

Microsoft have their Zune mp3 player out in November and I hope they get something sorted out for SEA

I would much rather buy my music than pirate it, same as with TV episode downloads - if there was a legal way to get these I would also pay for this

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