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Switching from Tripple Tourist to ED, in Pattaya

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I'm a what you could call a long-distance student, that means that I'm taking my Bachelor's degree remotely from my Swedish university, staying in Thailand is cheaper, nicer and just overall better than suffering in a crammed appartment back in ice-cold Sweden ;)

So, I've been using tripple-entry tourist visas for convenience, easy to get in Stockholm, Sweden and works perfect.
I don't mind going to Cambodia every three months for a vacation, so that's not an issue.

Just having double-entry tourist visas are not what I'm looking for and for getting a tripple I'd have to go back to Stockholm (I guess).
And that's not really what I'm looking for, since I'd have to go back during the worst season of all: winter.

Since I study a bunch of other stuff, and I'm interested in learning Thai, I though that maybe switching to a ED visa and studying some Thai could be a good option.

Now, I'd usually just resarch all this stuff online, find a school that looks ok, but since there's been a bunch of changes in visa rules, immigration checking schools etc etc. I'm turning to these forums ;)

The price is not the most important thing, sure, it makes a difference; but what really matters is good service and a good school.

I see ads and schools all over the place, however some appears to be just get-a-visa-schools and I have no reference to judge the quality.

From what I understand, the ED-visa is tied to the school, so I'm not going to enroll and be stuck with a crappy school.

Since I'm on my last entry right now (60 +30) I have three months to decide.
I'm willing to try out some schools during this time, to make sure I've found a good one.

What I'm looking for in short is:

  • ED visa for atleast one year
  • School based in Pattaya
  • Low attendace requrement, max 1 day/week for a few hours (I have my uni-studies to do)
  • Good school with quality, not some random-visa-school
  • Not too expensive, but will pay extra if it's good.

If I do this, I will learn thai, so any "immgration interviews" etc won't be a problem (I hope),

Any suggestions?

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Once you find a school and get the paperwork for a visa you will have to go out to get a single entry non-o visa.

Since the recent rule changes you would get 90 day extensions of stay up to one year total from the date of entry with the visa.

You can get a 3 entry tourist visa in Bali but you would need to show tickets out of the country 90 days apart for each entry.

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Once you find a school and get the paperwork for a visa you will have to go out to get a single entry non-o visa.

Since the recent rule changes you would get 90 day extensions of stay up to one year total from the date of entry with the visa.

You can get a 3 entry tourist visa in Bali but you would need to show tickets out of the country 90 days apart for each entry.

Thanks for a fast reply!

Ok, I see.

Up to one year, so what do I do after?

Reapply for a new ED visa?

Any change on re-entry permits on ED?

Going to Bali is not an option, then I could just go to Stockholm, Sweden and get a tripple without need for more than one out-ticket.

Any recommendations for language schools in Pattaya area?

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After one year you have to go out and get another non-ed visa and start over again.

You can get a re-entry permit for the 90 day extensions.

If I recall correctly there was a report that can only get single entry tourist visas now in Sweden.

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After one year you have to go out and get another non-ed visa and start over again.

You can get a re-entry permit for the 90 day extensions.

If I recall correctly there was a report that can only get single entry tourist visas now in Sweden.

I got mine about 6-months ago, that was no problem in Sweden atleast.

Still listed as normal on their website, so I wouldn't count on that report.

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For the ED visa you have to take at least 160 hours of study a year, which works out to about 4 hours a week. Most do a 2 day a week program 2 hours a day, with night or day classes offered. I took my classes in Bangkok, so not up on schools in Pattaya, but shouldn't be too hard to find out. You only get 90 day extensions costing bt1800 every three months for a year, or longer depending on the school's program, with paperwork supplied by the school for each 90 day extension. Most one year programs with visa cost around US$1000, or a little less, and this does not include the extension costs.

From my understanding you can now only get 3 years of this type of ED visa from independent language schools, as opposed to actually studying at a Thai university, which if you can do it is a better option.

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I got mine about 6-months ago, that was no problem in Sweden atleast.

Still listed as normal on their website, so I wouldn't count on that report.

Don't make easy assumptions. In six months things do change, and often they don't bother updating websites.

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Unfortunately for you, Thailand doesn't have the best provisions for somebody such as you that just wants to stay a long time and enjoy the country, regardless of your other activities. However, there is one thing that might work very well for you, and that is the Thai Elite Visa. Perhaps a bit pricey, but it probably would do all that you need.

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I know about the Elite visa, and that's not currently an option because of the initial cost, and the fact that it's a five year commitment basically.

However I might be able to attend 2x2h classes in Thai. As long as I'm just required to be there 2h twice a week, that can be done.

I'm going to look into local schools and see what I can find out. I was thinking maybe 1x2h would be what I have time for, but sure if I just have to physically attend I could spend that time studying other stuff ;-)

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Make sure that the language school isn't a "Ghost School" which exists only on the paper. A Ghost School will offer you an ed visa without doing the lessons. That might bring you big trouble later. Easy ABC Language School is in Pattaya since the year 2008 and it's authorized by the Thai Ministry of Education. You study with professional teachers, no backpackers who work for a tip. The office staff speaks Thai, English, German, Dutch and Russian. EASY ABC will do all the paperwork for you. Joining a group course you have to learn 4 hours per week on 2 days. If you wanna study only one day weekly then go for a private course (1:1). Even it's more expensive but you can set up your own schedule. www.easy-abc-th.com

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There has actually been or going to be big change regarding the ED visa, Im in phuket and its been confirmed by my school that the visa they are doubling the hours you have to study from 4 hours a week to 8 hours a week.

Also that the visa is going to be cut in half from 3 years down to a year and a half. You will get a 6 month visa each time and not a 1 year visa now when you apply. I dont believe this is official yet but if you check wallen school you will see that for phuket and bkk they only offering 6 months visa not a whole year. But the rest of thailand they are still one offering one year visa according to their site.

Im in phuket and my school didnt know when the change are going to be made official so depending where you are, this is something you might want to query with your school what the hours are going to be and the situation regarding the visa as they might tell you everything fine right now knowing right its all about to change.

personally cause of this change the visa going to 6 months has become as good as a double entry tourist visa to me and if you not wanting to learn thai holds no advantage as after 6 months you would have to leave Thailand to renew your visa same as the tourist visa.

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All a school can do is offer a course of study that allows you get a non-ed visa and then extensions of stay. Calling that course of study a visa is wrong.

The 6 months means that you would have to pay for additional hours and then get approval from the MOE after the first 6 months. You could then get extensions up to the one year allowed by the rules.

I think you could probably still pay for a full year and then get approval for an additional 6 months.

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