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why so many british guys here?

Crazy chef 1

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it seems that the majority on our forum are coming from the UK.

i know we are multi national here but I reckon other nationalities are a minority...

is it due of the weather in the UK ( also quiet a lot of Aussies around- though not sure about it) or is it purely a language matter?

in my area most expats are scandinavians and from german speaking countries...

what do you think wich country of origin has the highest population here?

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forgot to add I've been there a few times but didn't enjoy it much,the weather,the food,the life style and the REDICOULUS prices just liked the people..think Brits are funny folks...

and to ATF. same as the rest of Europe...did you know that Berlin has the highest number of Turkish citizens straight after Istanbul?

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i would like to know where you gathered your info from to come up with your seemingly random statement of course it could be correct

just wondering really

read my OP again..."it seems "... no conclusion just guessing...and if you be long enough here you will see many replies start with...back in the UK...got it?

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forgot to add I've been there a few times but didn't enjoy it much,the weather,the food,the life style and the REDICOULUS prices just liked the people..think Brits are funny folks...

and to ATF. same as the rest of Europe...did you know that Berlin has the highest number of Turkish citizens straight after Istanbul?

I would hazard a guess that Brits and Germans make up the highest individual numbers of expats.

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forgot to add I've been there a few times but didn't enjoy it much,the weather,the food,the life style and the REDICOULUS prices just liked the people..think Brits are funny folks...

and to ATF. same as the rest of Europe...did you know that Berlin has the highest number of Turkish citizens straight after Istanbul?

I would hazard a guess that Brits and Germans make up the highest individual numbers of expats.

in my area i would say the majority comes from scandinavia...understandable

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i was mainly referring to ( it seems that the majority on our forum are coming from the UK.)

One could easily assume so from the preponderence of topics and replies about the desire for "proper' tea, sunday roasts, HP sauce, fear of snakes, heat and humidity, and where to watch footie with a decent pint.... rolleyes.gif

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i was mainly referring to ( it seems that the majority on our forum are coming from the UK.)

One could easily assume so from the preponderence of topics and replies about the desire for "proper' tea, sunday roasts, HP sauce, fear of snakes, heat and humidity, and where to watch footie with a decent pint.... rolleyes.gif


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i was mainly referring to ( it seems that the majority on our forum are coming from the UK.)

One could easily assume so from the preponderence of topics and replies about the desire for "proper' tea, sunday roasts, HP sauce, fear of snakes, heat and humidity, and where to watch footie with a decent pint.... rolleyes.gif

quite correct old bean golly good show what ?? see you down the con club later eh??

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i was mainly referring to ( it seems that the majority on our forum are coming from the UK.)

One guide is the Visa Forum.

You just need to look at the number of questions being asked by the members here about taking their Thai Partner to visit/relocate around the world.

By far, the largest number is from the UK.

Some from Europe.

Less from Australia.

Even Less from the USA.

Occasional KIWI.

A very rough guide .. but a guide, nonetheless.


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we also got quiet a large number of Yanks here but the USA is just too big to assume it is about the weather.if from Boston or any northern states-yes. but from Florida,Texas or LA ???

my conclusion is the cost of living....

but what about Switzerland?..

though enough things to think about it!

...and it can't be just for the Ladies..

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It started about 220 years ago. Groups of decent, hard working hi-so brits jumped onto ships and set sail for a better place, they sailed nearly the whole world round before the came across paradise, they went ashore and claimed it as 'Australia' (Sydney Cove to be precise).

Back home, the lo-so Brits and common criminal got jealous when they saw the hi-so British counterparts post various pictures on their Facebook account & instantly became angry listing rumors and lies about the new land and it's people being convicts and the like. The Australians weren't to worried as they were the ones living in Gods Country and fought back with thousands of beautiful photographs on Instagram.

A few years later, the Brits who were still trying to flee their shitehole of a country were unable to do so as the now Australians had shut their borders, with only the British cricket team allowed to enter once every two years to have their backsides kicked prior to being sent home looking like incompetent fools.

Ever since the Aussies shut and bolted their gates, the Brits have flooded thru the rest of Australasia looking for better lands to escape to and Thailand is one of those places, through a lapse of better judgement allows the Brits to stay briefly....most likely because they feel sorry for them.

.....and so history continues ;)

nice one..

but unbelievable those Brits must be smart ppl had facebook already 200 years ago...but too stingy to share it with the rest of the world...

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i was mainly referring to ( it seems that the majority on our forum are coming from the UK.)

One guide is the Visa Forum.

You just need to look at the number of questions being asked by the members here about taking their Thai Partner to visit/relocate around the world.

By far, the largest number is from the UK.

Some from Europe.

Less from Australia.

Even Less from the USA.

Occasional KIWI.

A very rough guide .. but a guide, nonetheless.


btw- how is the visa process for MFG going?

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I'm a Brit. Here are some of my reasons.

The weather.

The food.

The countryside.

The woman (singular my gf).

The cost of living.

I came a few years back for a friend's wedding and fell for the place. There are plenty of negatives like in any other place but at the moment the positives outweigh them.

Sent from my KFTT using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

understandable- according to most British gals i've seen...

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Haven't you heard? Parts of England have been annexed by Pakistan or rather the Pakistani Muslims. There are now no go areas for Indigenous Brits.

There are signs posted Whites cannot enter this area between certain hours. It's completely gone to the dogs a Frankenstein social experiment gone wrong.

The Police actually support this behavior.

That's hilarious.

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It started about 220 years ago. Groups of decent, hard working hi-so brits jumped onto ships and set sail for a better place, they sailed nearly the whole world round before the came across paradise, they went ashore and claimed it as 'Australia' (Sydney Cove to be precise).

Back home, the lo-so Brits and common criminal got jealous when they saw the hi-so British counterparts post various pictures on their Facebook account & instantly became angry listing rumors and lies about the new land and it's people being convicts and the like. The Australians weren't to worried as they were the ones living in Gods Country and fought back with thousands of beautiful photographs on Instagram.

A few years later, the Brits who were still trying to flee their shitehole of a country were unable to do so as the now Australians had shut their borders, with only the British cricket team allowed to enter once every two years to have their backsides kicked prior to being sent home looking like incompetent fools.

Ever since the Aussies shut and bolted their gates, the Brits have flooded thru the rest of Australasia looking for better lands to escape to and Thailand is one of those places, through a lapse of better judgement allows the Brits to stay briefly....most likely because they feel sorry for them.

.....and so history continues ;)

nice one..

but unbelievable those Brits must be smart ppl had facebook already 200 years ago...but too stingy to share it with the rest of the world...

I'm not sure when it was developed but it was thousands of years ago, you can check, even Jesus Christ has a Facebook page.


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Haven't you heard? Parts of England have been annexed by Pakistan or rather the Pakistani Muslims. There are now no go areas for Indigenous Brits.

There are signs posted Whites cannot enter this area between certain hours. It's completely gone to the dogs a Frankenstein social experiment gone wrong.

The Police actually support this behavior.

That's hilarious.

Yes it is if you're a Muslim.

Catch up with the times and Google it. I'm not a BNP member BTW.

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