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Help Me To Understand How You See Thailand


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I am not a Pattaya basher but I have been there and find nothing worth while there.

Do you eat? Unless your idea of haute cuisine is fish and chips Pattaya has some of the bests food for the price in Thailand. Do you go to movies? Pattaya has some of the best cinemas for the price in the world.

Do you like to watch people? Pattaya has one of the most interesting mixes of people from all over the planet. Do you like beer? Pattaya has some of the best freshly made beers in Thailand. Do you like sailing and yacht clubs? Pattaya has some of the best. Do you like Polo? and on and on......... Perhaps you meant to say you found more bad things there than good things or something like that because to say there is nothing worthwhile is nonsense to the point of being irrational.

Feel free to answer.

But but....that aint all.....is it ?

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no its got thousands of beer bars, were lots of falang go,,

Not expected you to chime in...again...although the reply was very predictable.

Was more thinking about the nice go kart track myself.....anyway we have different interests as it seems.

You obviously have never been to Chiang Mai. so it is pointless to converse with you.

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no its got thousands of beer bars, were lots of falang go,,

Not expected you to chime in...again...although the reply was very predictable.

Was more thinking about the nice go kart track myself.....anyway we have different interests as it seems.

You obviously have never been to Chiang Mai. so it is pointless to converse with you.

Youre not the 1st 1 who has mentioned that to me. Why oh why i think.

Btw, i like Chiang Mai from the things i have seen and experienced there. But ....i know its pointless to even mention that to you. My sincere apologies Northern John.

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no its got thousands of beer bars, were lots of falang go,,

Not expected you to chime in...again...although the reply was very predictable.

Was more thinking about the nice go kart track myself.....anyway we have different interests as it seems.

mine was more of a joke,,

but i see it went over your head,,

you still got a very big chip on your shoulder from what happend to you,,

give it a flick it might fall off

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People go to Pattaya for the polo?

Well a lot of Thai's go to Pattaya* and they don't go there for Walking Street or Beach Road.

Personally I don't mind Pattaya.

I've got mates who live there.

The night life is fun.

The Hotels are a bit less expensive then Bangkok

Some of the Bands are good to listen to.

Sadly the beaches are crap .. you have to travel a bit to get somewhere nice to swim.

I prefer Pattaya over HuaHin

I prefer Bangkok over both of them.

Do some people go to Pattaya for the Polo?

Well ... apparently they do ...


* Not referring to the 'Workers' there

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How to find out if the posters live in Thailand and which posters are shills trying to influence public opinion?

Check the posting history. The posters who have started topics and have questions and give answers to day to day life in Thailand are real. The ones who have never started a topic or asked or answered a realistic question are shills.

So here's to the real people of Thai Visa who help others and who ask for others help - they are the spirit of goodness and happiness in Thailand and on Thai Visa.

Nice post ... thumbsup.gif

Sadly buried deep in this thread.

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no its got thousands of beer bars, were lots of falang go,,

Not expected you to chime in...again...although the reply was very predictable.

Was more thinking about the nice go kart track myself.....anyway we have different interests as it seems.

mine was more of a joke,,

but i see it went over your head,,

you still got a very big chip on your shoulder from what happend to you,,

give it a flick it might fall off

So was mine

So did you

Yes, but you dont know what and how

No, never, only until......

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no its got thousands of beer bars, were lots of falang go,,

Not expected you to chime in...again...although the reply was very predictable.

Was more thinking about the nice go kart track myself.....anyway we have different interests as it seems.

mine was more of a joke,,

but i see it went over your head,,

you still got a very big chip on your shoulder from what happend to you,,

give it a flick it might fall off

Not being that familiar with Pattaya I was surprised at the number of bars you mentioned. Nice to see you were joking. Although I do know there are plenty of them. Not my type of thing however. We here in Chiang Mai pale in comparison to Pattaya so I will have to give Pattaya the credit for that one but as I said nothing in it for me. Also we here in Chiang Mai have a far superior transit system cost a bit more but go any place not just set routes that you are expected to already know when you get of the bus. If you don't well 200 baht kaching.

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I enjoy reading positive posts and am sick and tired when those writing positively are continually attacked by those who continuously hold negative views on everything, no matter what it may be. We can all, at times, feel negative, but who wants to live a life surrounded by negativity so we look for positive things to write about and surround ourselves with positive people. This has enabled me to be successful in life and now enjoy the fruits of my labour.

There are many who only offer negative posts so one can only imagine how unhappy they must be and that they are ones who get their kicks out of trying to draw others into their miserable life styles. They will tell you how good they are, why they are correct and we have no idea what we are talking about. Got new for all of them. I find that when they post, their attempts to quote what you have written has wording changed; they are selective with what they answer or intentionally misinterpret the context so that when they post they use only certain aspects to justify their criticism and one eyed opinions.

I am not rich, nor am I poor and came to Thailand to live a lifestyle that, in my twilight years, I find more enjoyable and relaxing, then I have found anywhere else, and I have travelled extensively. What is happening in the political field is none of my business, I cannot alter what is occurring and it has no effect on me in any way, nor has the coup, nor has the corruption that everyone of the negative posters are up in arms about. if they all live in Thailand, are they able to tell me how it affects them. I do not know what they are going on about as this has been happening since time immemorial.

I have a good wife and her family has readily accepted me. Her brother is a doctor, 2/IC in a large regional hospital, the wife is a teacher, whilst their sister owns a large successful sweet manufacturing business. We live in a large village in north east Thailand, not in the sticks, and wherever I go in the village I find the people pleasant and courteous. I also find that when I need anything, I just tell the storekeeper, the farang ban, they know where to come and deliver without an extra charge.

The costs here are negligible, and I am able to live very well and have a life style well above what I initially expected when I first came here. I could not live in my home country in the style I do now as there costs there are about four times higher. The weather here is fine; gets a little warm in summer but the comforts of home take care of this. The food is great, being able to speak the language helps immensely and I am able to travel whenever I feel like it. Have explored the north and north east, learning the culture and going to many historic sites has given me a broader insight into this country.

I enjoy TVF but the negativity does become a little much. Maybe sometimes I can be critical of those getting their rocks off by posting negatively it does get annoying when people post after reading media reports and appear to accept as gospel what they read. They guess, assume and speculate, nothing is ever based on direct factual evidence, yet they continue to criticise others who have a different view.

Its ironic that you criticise the opinions of people for putting a "negative slant on Thailand" and by doing so you are duplicating their behaviour.

Anyway, its a sad fact that people like to have a moan, you only have to see the news to know that we look at things quite often with a critical / negative view. Thailand most certainly has it's problems and you should just let the complainers get on with it, after all things never change without pressure from unhappy people,, so we all need these people in the end.

It sounds like you have a great life, I am sure there are many people who are envious and yet happy for you and I for one wish you well.. For all of the other people let them fight and argue and complain about things,, after all they are only trying to get to what you have, can you blame them?

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Not being that familiar with Pattaya I was surprised at the number of bars you mentioned. Nice to see you were joking. Although I do know there are plenty of them. Not my type of thing however. We here in Chiang Mai pale in comparison to Pattaya so I will have to give Pattaya the credit for that one but as I said nothing in it for me. Also we here in Chiang Mai have a far superior transit system cost a bit more but go any place not just set routes that you are expected to already know when you get of the bus. If you don't well 200 baht kaching.

I lived in Chaing Mai for 3 years and Pattaya for 3 years. Restaurants CM vs Pattaya, close but Pattaya wins for cost for value. Cinemas, Pattaya wins. Transportation, Pattaya wins by a mile. Immigration service, Pattaya wins by a mile. Loy Krathong, Chiang Mai wins by a mile. SongKran Chiang Mai wins by a mile. Beautiful women -- Chiang Mai. Beautiful men, Chiang Mai wins by a mile. Best gay clubs, Chiang Mai by a mile. Best gay health clubs, Chiang Mai by a mile. Best health care - toss up. Clinics Pattaya, Dentists CM Hospitals I like CM a bit better but ......

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I think Thailand to many people ending up here, is kind of like a wife... When you first meet her, you think everything about her is fantastic. However, after some time you find out that everything is not so easy or fantastic as you first believed.

Besides that, I think many people end up getting bored here - especially if they do not work here. That makes it easy to complain about almost everything.

I also think most normal people who come and life/work here, will at some point have their "I hate Thailand" days. I have those days myself. But most days are great here and I try to ignore the bad parts, which you will find everywhere in the world.

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Not being that familiar with Pattaya I was surprised at the number of bars you mentioned. Nice to see you were joking. Although I do know there are plenty of them. Not my type of thing however. We here in Chiang Mai pale in comparison to Pattaya so I will have to give Pattaya the credit for that one but as I said nothing in it for me. Also we here in Chiang Mai have a far superior transit system cost a bit more but go any place not just set routes that you are expected to already know when you get of the bus. If you don't well 200 baht kaching.

I lived in Chaing Mai for 3 years and Pattaya for 3 years. Restaurants CM vs Pattaya, close but Pattaya wins for cost for value. Cinemas, Pattaya wins. Transportation, Pattaya wins by a mile. Immigration service, Pattaya wins by a mile. Loy Krathong, Chiang Mai wins by a mile. SongKran Chiang Mai wins by a mile. Beautiful women -- Chiang Mai. Beautiful men, Chiang Mai wins by a mile. Best gay clubs, Chiang Mai by a mile. Best gay health clubs, Chiang Mai by a mile. Best health care - toss up. Clinics Pattaya, Dentists CM Hospitals I like CM a bit better but ......

So what you're saying is if you take it in the Glitter go to Chiang Mai? Think you missed Jomtien JT will be upset.

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Not being that familiar with Pattaya I was surprised at the number of bars you mentioned. Nice to see you were joking. Although I do know there are plenty of them. Not my type of thing however. We here in Chiang Mai pale in comparison to Pattaya so I will have to give Pattaya the credit for that one but as I said nothing in it for me. Also we here in Chiang Mai have a far superior transit system cost a bit more but go any place not just set routes that you are expected to already know when you get of the bus. If you don't well 200 baht kaching.

I lived in Chaing Mai for 3 years and Pattaya for 3 years. Restaurants CM vs Pattaya, close but Pattaya wins for cost for value. Cinemas, Pattaya wins. Transportation, Pattaya wins by a mile. Immigration service, Pattaya wins by a mile. Loy Krathong, Chiang Mai wins by a mile. SongKran Chiang Mai wins by a mile. Beautiful women -- Chiang Mai. Beautiful men, Chiang Mai wins by a mile. Best gay clubs, Chiang Mai by a mile. Best gay health clubs, Chiang Mai by a mile. Best health care - toss up. Clinics Pattaya, Dentists CM Hospitals I like CM a bit better but ......

So what you're saying is if you take it in the Glitter go to Chiang Mai? Think you missed Jomtien JT will be upset.

I never went to Jomtien much when I lived in Pattaya. The baht bus drivers that line up to take people from Pattaya to Jomtien are nasty and I avoided them.

I will say that very few times living in Pattaya did Thai men offer to buy me a drink and in Chiang Mai it was a daily occurrence. So Chiang Mai gets the friendly stranger award.

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So what you're saying is if you take it in the Glitter go to Chiang Mai? Think you missed Jomtien JT will be upset.

I never went to Jomtien much when I lived in Pattaya. The baht bus drivers that line up to take people from Pattaya to Jomtien are nasty and I avoided them.

I will say that very few times living in Pattaya did Thai men offer to buy me a drink and in Chiang Mai it was a daily occurrence. So Chiang Mai gets the friendly stranger award.

Didn't you're mother warn you about accepting drinks from strange men? You will have strangers in your underpants in no time.

Are you coming out of the closet?

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So what you're saying is if you take it in the Glitter go to Chiang Mai? Think you missed Jomtien JT will be upset.

I never went to Jomtien much when I lived in Pattaya. The baht bus drivers that line up to take people from Pattaya to Jomtien are nasty and I avoided them.

I will say that very few times living in Pattaya did Thai men offer to buy me a drink and in Chiang Mai it was a daily occurrence. So Chiang Mai gets the friendly stranger award.

Didn't you're mother warn you about accepting drinks from strange men? You will have strangers in your underpants in no time.

Are you coming out of the closet?

Gay or straight doesn't make any difference to me. Some guys are nut cases and some are not; sexual preference has little to do with it.

Chiang Mai is far more gay friendly than Pattaya in my opinion especially if one is of limited means.

Thailand is far more unisexual or metrosexual or whatever the current word is; than most places in the West and this confuses many expats who are left blundering around with outmoded ideas and concepts of men like dear old dad.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Not being that familiar with Pattaya I was surprised at the number of bars you mentioned. Nice to see you were joking. Although I do know there are plenty of them. Not my type of thing however. We here in Chiang Mai pale in comparison to Pattaya so I will have to give Pattaya the credit for that one but as I said nothing in it for me. Also we here in Chiang Mai have a far superior transit system cost a bit more but go any place not just set routes that you are expected to already know when you get of the bus. If you don't well 200 baht kaching.

I lived in Chaing Mai for 3 years and Pattaya for 3 years. Restaurants CM vs Pattaya, close but Pattaya wins for cost for value. Cinemas, Pattaya wins. Transportation, Pattaya wins by a mile. Immigration service, Pattaya wins by a mile. Loy Krathong, Chiang Mai wins by a mile. SongKran Chiang Mai wins by a mile. Beautiful women -- Chiang Mai. Beautiful men, Chiang Mai wins by a mile. Best gay clubs, Chiang Mai by a mile. Best gay health clubs, Chiang Mai by a mile. Best health care - toss up. Clinics Pattaya, Dentists CM Hospitals I like CM a bit better but ......

Mate, help me here ... I'm a bit confused ... blink.png

You've had 3 or 4 wives ... I'm not counting, just trying to remember from earlier postings, apologies if I've got that bit wrong.

But now you are, without putting too fine a point on it ... sitting on the Fence?

Signed confused

BTW ... if it's non of my business ... just tell me to sod off.

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I often wonder as a person not living in Thailand why the twenty or so same posters boast about their great life in LOS on TV forum from dusk till dawn on a daily basis.

Don't you people have nothing else to do or are you guys getting paid by the TAT or something?

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Didn't you're mother warn you about accepting drinks from strange men? You will have strangers in your underpants in no time.

Are you coming out of the closet?

Gay or straight doesn't make any difference to me. Some guys are nut cases and some are not; sexual preference has little to do with it.

Chiang Mai is far more gay friendly than Pattaya in my opinion especially if one is of limited means.

Thailand is far more unisexual or metrosexual or whatever the current word is; than most places in the West and this confuses many expats who are left blundering around with outmoded ideas and concepts of men like dear old dad.

Yes I remember discussing your Dad. Nice guy a real man. He must of cried on the day they stopped hanging gays.

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I often wonder as a person not living in Thailand why the twenty or so same posters boast about their great life in LOS on TV forum from dusk till dawn on a daily basis.

Don't you people have nothing else to do or are you guys getting paid by the TAT or something?

I'm a househusband, baby is asleep, not much else to do when he's asleep.

Can't leave him and go out, can I?

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Not being that familiar with Pattaya I was surprised at the number of bars you mentioned. Nice to see you were joking. Although I do know there are plenty of them. Not my type of thing however. We here in Chiang Mai pale in comparison to Pattaya so I will have to give Pattaya the credit for that one but as I said nothing in it for me. Also we here in Chiang Mai have a far superior transit system cost a bit more but go any place not just set routes that you are expected to already know when you get of the bus. If you don't well 200 baht kaching.

I lived in Chaing Mai for 3 years and Pattaya for 3 years. Restaurants CM vs Pattaya, close but Pattaya wins for cost for value. Cinemas, Pattaya wins. Transportation, Pattaya wins by a mile. Immigration service, Pattaya wins by a mile. Loy Krathong, Chiang Mai wins by a mile. SongKran Chiang Mai wins by a mile. Beautiful women -- Chiang Mai. Beautiful men, Chiang Mai wins by a mile. Best gay clubs, Chiang Mai by a mile. Best gay health clubs, Chiang Mai by a mile. Best health care - toss up. Clinics Pattaya, Dentists CM Hospitals I like CM a bit better but ......

Mate, help me here ... I'm a bit confused ... blink.png

You've had 3 or 4 wives ... I'm not counting, just trying to remember from earlier postings, apologies if I've got that bit wrong.

But now you are, without putting too fine a point on it ... sitting on the Fence?

Signed confused

BTW ... if it's non of my business ... just tell me to sod off.

It's OK. You can be my friend if gay or straight. I don't care. I don't have many hang ups. For gosh sakes I live in Thailand and grew up in NYC.

Do da do da do take a walk on the wild side. My idea of a good birthday party is taking the staff of a lady go go to Adams Apple for a dance off. What's important is the dancing not the sex, real or imagined, of the dancers.

Edited by thailiketoo
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As we all know, in daily life anyone who is consistently negative is typically shunned.

It shouldn't come as any surprise, then, that someone with a predisposition to complaining might find an anonymous internet forum to be very appealing, indeed. They can vent their spleen without suffering any social repercussions in their day to day life. However, I think some could stand to be gently reminded that no one likes a sourpuss and that that kind of negativity isn't any more welcome here than it is in day-to-day real life.

I have also noticed that there are cultural differences in terms of how free people feel to criticize and denigrate the local culture. In some cultures it is considered culturally insensitive or politically incorrect to do this while in other cultures it almost seems like doing this is practically considered a birth right or national pastime.

For the record, nearly 12 years in, I still consider moving here to be the best decision of my life. I am convinced that my Thai family and country-livin' lifestyle here has provided me with a greater degree of self-fulfillment and happiness than I would likely have ever experienced back home.

I offer only encouragement to everyone who has chosen to live here.

Edited by Gecko123
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