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Hi all,

As a newbie this topic has had me in stitches, what a plonker, asked for advice then abused you hmmmm.

At least you will know who he is if a new "daily rental jet ski business" in pattaya opens lol, bald, fat, ugly what a way to start a new venture and make friends.....

Bet the aircraft was remote controlled lol


This one is awesome great posts guys

You think I would want to be friends with "grandpa"? I asked for advice, not to be your friend.

Lol.....you stupid jackass.....you sure remote controlled? Plonker? What the f... is that????

Once again, a useless contribution by someone just begging for it!!!!!



Are you expecting all your customers to have a vehicle with a trailer hitch? They are not very common from my observations.wai.gif

Of course not.

Long term leases can be stored in the water in Jomtiem at the marina. Daily rentals will be delivered beachside wherever you wish to meet. Vehicles with hitches will also be available for rent if you want to go outside of Pattaya.

All pretty straightforward.


Yeah, go for it ......

Get your jet ski business going ..

Oh ... by the way , what flowers would you like at your funeral .... lol

What exactly are you saying? That I will die if I open a jet ski business? Why? Can you please help me make the connection? You've lost me somewhere....

So the jetski business is extremely violent? What about the car rental business? Its just a machine for rent so help me out here. Yes, some ragheads get extorted for unseen damages.....so what? That's not my market or what I'm looking for. Got it?


Perhaps a "tanning salon" with combined "snow blower sales" could do better than jet skis

Why? Oh, I see....you're trying to be funny. Yes, its hot here and no snow so selling something like that would make you laugh. I'm a bit slow but now I get it......

Would you like to give me some more jokes in person? PM me.....see if you're up for it.:)


Thanks for all the helpful feedback. You guys are a wealth of experience and thanks for sharing.

Import duties on jetskis: 0%

VAT: 7% but can be reclaimed from input tax credits.

So the mafia controls the Seadoo & Yamaha dealerships? I think you misunderstand my intentions. I'm not going into the hourly rental side with worn out Waverunners. I'm offering higher priced, performance models that are rented by the day, or longer term.

I am not competing against the Beach Road garbage in terms of quality, service, or value. Its like comparing a short time hotel to the Hilton. Different client base, different expectations.

Would be to sure about the tax, and there is more than just import tax, excise tax, interior tax, certain taxes on luxury items, etc. You should check with a customs expert, it may even be under yacht category or else requiring other things. Just be sure that they will not make it easy fro you doing any business whatsoever here!

Yacht category is 0% tax. Vat of 7% on the "declared" value. This is all public information. You think starting any business is easy? I used to work 14 hours a day, 7 days a week running my last business. I don't know anyone that would say they had it easy, in any country.

The advantage in starting a business in Pattaya is that a certain class of expat and tourist expects more in terms of service, value and selection than what is currently on offer on just about everything: groceries, furniture, housing, vehicles and so on. They don't want to be served by an idiot Thai with no English, they expect after sales and follow up service and expect guarantees to be honoured with no arguments. Thai businesses don't have to offer that in Pattaya currently as there are no other choices.

Boats are 35% import duty and 7% VAT:

Heading Subheading Description *Statutory Rate Duty Reduction Electronic Permit ad valorem rate % specific rate Unit Baht

89.03 Yachts and other vessels for pleasure or sports; rowing boats and canoes.

8903.10.00 - Inflatable 35 - - Please select Preference All General Rate (Section 12) General Rate (Section 12) - Duty Reduction ASEAN Decree FTA Multilateral FTA Bilateral Show - - Other: Please select Preference All Decree Show -

8903.91.00 - - Sailboats, with or without auxiliary motor 35 - - Please select Preference All General Rate (Section 12) General Rate (Section 12) - Duty Reduction ASEAN Decree FTA Multilateral FTA Bilateral Show -

8903.92.00 - - Motorboats, other than outboard motorboats 35 - - Please select Preference All General Rate (Section 12) General Rate (Section 12) - Duty Reduction ASEAN Decree FTA Multilateral FTA Bilateral Show -

8903.99.00 - - Other 35 - - Please select Preference All General Rate (Section 12) General Rate (Section 12) - Duty Reduction ASEAN Decree FTA Multilateral FTA Bilateral Show -


Zero percent on jet skis your having a laugh !smile.png

This year I brought into thailand a small inflatable quicksilver , and a 5 hp mercury outboard cost me on uk ebay

about 20.000 baht and customs wanted 22,000 after a few phone calls got it down to 15.000 sti crazy price for5 year old boat and 15 year old engine but I was kinda expecting that

how the so called customs can drop the import duty price in a phone call !!!!!

You have to remember your not in the us or uk dealing with normal customs

Here they do what they want I suspect my boat never had any customs paper work


my advise dont import anything !!!!!

You should try changing Customs brokers if that's the case. My broker imports 12 boats a month for his personal business and pays 7% VAT and that's it. My last import was an aircraft which he negotiated the VAT down to 4%, rather than the usual 7%. I have 2 used jet skis arriving next month....he figured 7% on a declared value of 50% of actual cost.

I was looking for actual, real life feedback from business owners. I'm not sure the background of you guys but you don't come across as particularly successful. Let me guess....old, fat, bald, met your wife on a barfine, living here on a pension?

If you know it allI I wonder why you ask, but to come back and start insulting the respondents exhibits rather a bad attitude.

Some business owners give up and go home penniless, others fade away.

If you want advice from successful ones, well there are a few, go find them and ask them, they are likely keeping too busy to gossip with you here.

Thailand is a great place to retire, but sucks up foreign 'businessmen' and spits them out skint. It is pretty welcoming though as there is money to be made from you.

Good luck, and lose the attitude.


As the OP has completley disregarded the replies that have all advised the same thing , don't do it , I would suggest all replies from now inform him to go ahead and do it as that what it seems he wants to hear.

Regards to the OP may he RIP.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I have completely disregarded the replies from those who have never operated a business in Pattaya and have nothing than rumours to criticize my plans. I was looking for feedback from actual business owners and not opinions. Unfortunately, I would think that those that are successful in business here may not have the time to read these posts and take time to answer me.

so you are waiting for those successful businessmen to answer youfacepalm.gif not rumours from a bunch of tv.members from never never land.well in over 30yrs after gaining my degree in never never never invest in patts,i am willing to invest in your well thought out plans.facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

i have 20pairs of worn out socks[no holes] and 3pairs of nearly new wellies,that i am willing to invest.

to cut down on setting up the business venture i dont want my name added to any contract.[as to protect my life]

i can see it nowbiggrin.png laywers queing up to help.w00t.gif


A message to the OP, why would you start a thread asking for some advice and then shoot down every response that you deem as negative?

There is an obvious pattern emerging here in regards to the majority of posters telling you that this is not a good idea, If you know better then do what ever you want and do not bother listening to the people trying to give you sound advice, its pretty obvious to me that you will go ahead and do what ever you want to anyway, so why waste your time and other peoples time by asking for advice that you will not listen too.

I for one wish you the best of luck in your new venture, I just hope you wont regret your decision.

Wise men don't need advice. Fools wont take it.


OP, in case you confused.99% of the posters responding to you never owned a business in thailand or in their life .

Most likely half of those are 2 week visitors.

You sure you want advice?

Rest assured if you were giving away gold bars the same esteemed people would find a way to bring you down.

Start the business an do not ask people without a clue, do not worry they will not be your customers.

Just be warned of staff problems and local "donations" to eat into your profits

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Well id rent a vintage XP or a superjet off you but dont expect me to ride it in the pattaya area.

1. You need a boat masters licence (or something like that) to operate powered watercraft. The police might insist your renters have that (but no one else would need them)

2. Yes, the local bullyboys run the waters around here inc. The police

3. Theres enough info out there about the jetski maffia that only the stupid or people who live in caves would want to rent one in pattaya or phuket.

4. Id suspect your fleet would magically sink or catch fire rather like a few dive boats that tried to muscle in on the locals.

I last rode a ski 10 years ago and it was trash so id love to ride a new one....why not find a large quarry or inland lake? They ride/rode on lakes in udon when i was last there and fresh water is better than salt any day.


Go ahead if your that dumb open a jetski business You can call it floaters cause that is where they will find you floating face down in 2 hours after you open doors it will be ruled suicide. Even though your throat is slit and your stabbed 57 times and shot twice.

  • Like 1

Zero percent on jet skis your having a laugh !smile.png

This year I brought into thailand a small inflatable quicksilver , and a 5 hp mercury outboard cost me on uk ebay

about 20.000 baht and customs wanted 22,000 after a few phone calls got it down to 15.000 sti crazy price for5 year old boat and 15 year old engine but I was kinda expecting that

how the so called customs can drop the import duty price in a phone call !!!!!

You have to remember your not in the us or uk dealing with normal customs

Here they do what they want I suspect my boat never had any customs paper work


my advise dont import anything !!!!!

You should try changing Customs brokers if that's the case. My broker imports 12 boats a month for his personal business and pays 7% VAT and that's it. My last import was an aircraft which he negotiated the VAT down to 4%, rather than the usual 7%. I have 2 used jet skis arriving next month....he figured 7% on a declared value of 50% of actual cost.

I was looking for actual, real life feedback from business owners. I'm not sure the background of you guys but you don't come across as particularly successful. Let me guess....old, fat, bald, met your wife on a barfine, living here on a pension?

So your customs broker who you admit pays the fixed VAT of 7% himself on imports managed to negotiate that same fixed 7% VAT due on your aircraft down to 4%.

You are talking complete bullshite.

this poster should be able to outline the actual procedure on importing an aircraft into Thailand and how long it took and which government departments are involved as one can't just import and aircraft into Thailand and "pay the vat"

Plus a private aircraft can only be 100% Thai owned and with one owner, no shared ownership is allowed.


You should try changing Customs brokers if that's the case. My broker imports 12 boats a month for his personal business and pays 7% VAT and that's it. My last import was an aircraft which he negotiated the VAT down to 4%, rather than the usual 7%. I have 2 used jet skis arriving next month....he figured 7% on a declared value of 50% of actual cost.

I was looking for actual, real life feedback from business owners. I'm not sure the background of you guys but you don't come across as particularly successful. Let me guess....old, fat, bald, met your wife on a barfine, living here on a pension?

So your customs broker who you admit pays the fixed VAT of 7% himself on imports managed to negotiate that same fixed 7% VAT due on your aircraft down to 4%.

You are talking complete bullshite.

this poster should be able to outline the actual procedure on importing an aircraft into Thailand and how long it took and which government departments are involved as one can't just import and aircraft into Thailand and "pay the vat"

Plus a private aircraft can only be 100% Thai owned and with one owner, no shared ownership is allowed.

Another quirky Thai law it seems. A foreigner can get a Thai pilot license but not own an aircraft.


OP. Just for what it's worth I'll add my 2 baht's worth.

I live up country & don't give a rat's arse about your business plan or water craft of any kind.

I am familiar with the industry purely from a tourist's viewpoint as I did spend considerable time in Pattaya prior to moving to the village lifestyle.

I personally know a few falangs who lease or rent bars & massage shops. I have a couple of very good mates living in Patts for over a decade, & communicate on at least a weekly basis.

With these guys we discuss, among other things, current events, news items & generally what's happening in Patts. I read the news papers & try to keep up with current events. I'm kinda on the outside looking in... with no axe to grind, so to speak, about any business venture.

Having said the above, I would seriously question your intelligence, ignorance, arrogance AND business sense. You may have, & probably have been, successful in other ventures BUT, this time me thinks you have "missed the boat" (pun intended)

Any water craft in or around Patts, for sale, hire, rent or whatever, is a NO GO zone. My knowledge of the graft, tea money, protection money, and fatal accidents, come from very close mates nominated in the businesses I mentioned above.

Theoretically, your idea has merit ..... in reality, it's "dead in the water"

But what would I know.

Cheers..... Mal.


bit disapionted that the op has not replyed to my nonsence posts.

There's a good reason for that. You're old, fat, bald, spend your life glued to a barstool, found your wife in a go-go bar and have never owned a business.

Jeez, I just hope you haven't got a daughter.


Jeez has this not been closed yet ?

OP to be blunt if you bring this attitude with you not only wont have a viable buisiness you probably long in day to day life.

Your arrogance is juvanile.

Now be a good boy and run along now.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Another quirky Thai law it seems. A foreigner can get a Thai pilot license but not own an aircraft.

Easy to own through a Thai company I control through preferential shares. And yes, CAB took it all through their foreign investment lawyers as they never believed I could do it either. You just need a letter on file where your company states the aircraft is to be used for private use only.

I don't have an attitude; I just don't want people replying that have nothing to contribute. Sure, criticize my plans but then offer a better alternative or give some proof.


OP. Just for what it's worth I'll add my 2 baht's worth.

I live up country & don't give a rat's arse about your business plan or water craft of any kind.

I am familiar with the industry purely from a tourist's viewpoint as I did spend considerable time in Pattaya prior to moving to the village lifestyle.

I personally know a few falangs who lease or rent bars & massage shops. I have a couple of very good mates living in Patts for over a decade, & communicate on at least a weekly basis.

With these guys we discuss, among other things, current events, news items & generally what's happening in Patts. I read the news papers & try to keep up with current events. I'm kinda on the outside looking in... with no axe to grind, so to speak, about any business venture.

Having said the above, I would seriously question your intelligence, ignorance, arrogance AND business sense. You may have, & probably have been, successful in other ventures BUT, this time me thinks you have "missed the boat" (pun intended)

Any water craft in or around Patts, for sale, hire, rent or whatever, is a NO GO zone. My knowledge of the graft, tea money, protection money, and fatal accidents, come from very close mates nominated in the businesses I mentioned above.

Theoretically, your idea has merit ..... in reality, it's "dead in the water"

But what would I know.

Cheers..... Mal.

Could you give me your explanation why jet skis are controlled with graft, tea money, etc. but other rentals such as cars, scooters and so on seem not to be? What exactly is it about one mechanical device that makes it so different from a rental point of view? Not trying to argue; just get my head around why it is.

I've thought about massage places but I was looking for something a little more interesting and challenging.


The best way to get a small business in Pattaya is to start off with a big one and let nature take it's coursewai.gif

What do you mean exactly? All start-ups are incompetent and doomed to failure? Are you sure? And you base this on what exactly? Could you maybe just <deleted> off please???????


Hey op , why not open a bar that offers massages and rents jetskis and have your place set up on the beach.

You should look into that , a winner for sure.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


There's an acid test the OP could do for his scheme. Get the temporary use of a jetski on a trailer behind a pickup and go to the beach, launch it and drive around a bit to "test the new engine". ;) See who turns up taking an interest. Don't fight with them, just ask who you need to pay for permission to do this. Get a friend to stand some distance off taking pics and videoing the whole performance.

There's no doubt the stories about jetski businesses are full of references to scams, protectionism, etc., but the OP can best find out for himself. He's right to doubt the commentators on here, better to know first hand. I've had many businesses around the world and the advice you get on start up is always flaky. Importing aircraft/boats is nothing special, forming companies is nothing special, the special thing is to find the right guys in the right offices who will help you make it happen.


There's an acid test the OP could do for his scheme. Get the temporary use of a jetski on a trailer behind a pickup and go to the beach, launch it and drive around a bit to "test the new engine". wink.png See who turns up taking an interest. Don't fight with them, just ask who you need to pay for permission to do this. Get a friend to stand some distance off taking pics and videoing the whole performance.

There's no doubt the stories about jetski businesses are full of references to scams, protectionism, etc., but the OP can best find out for himself. He's right to doubt the commentators on here, better to know first hand. I've had many businesses around the world and the advice you get on start up is always flaky. Importing aircraft/boats is nothing special, forming companies is nothing special, the special thing is to find the right guys in the right offices who will help you make it happen.

I have 2 SeaDoo GTR215s and a double trailer arriving in 3 weeks at Laem Chabang in a container. I don't quite understand....pay someone to do what? Drive around? There are lots of jet skis available for rent already from private owners at the Jomtiem marina. But they always seem to be sitting as they do no marketing...just a phone number on the side of the machine.

I think some people here misunderstand. I'm not proposing to compete against the hourly rentals. If a couple of guys want to go over to Koh Larn for the day and relax, they can rent from me for the day. No one else currently offers this service so exactly who am I going to upset? I'm not taking anything away from someone as they don't have it now to start with.


Hey OP, Here's a suggestion for you.


You'll have every gogo bar in Pattaya knocking on your door to have you buzz the beach towing their name behind you. You can add value by having one or two appropriately (read inappropriately) dressed gogo dancers walking on the wings as an optional extra for the advertiser, but they'd have to do more than the Pattaya two-step to give real value.

Maybe you could mount a pole on the upper wing and have the girls do some pole dancing. You'd have to install 3 tons of sound gear to knock out all the best Pitbull sounds though.

Jeez, you could even add some pontoons and compete with the jetski boys on the beach by offering joyrides for all the Indian sub-continent punters that tend to hire the jetskis. But watch out because the jetski mafia will find a way to claim that you banged into one of their machines and demand 50k baht to repair the alleged scratch.

And I can see the BIB in collusion with the Jetski Mafia confiscating your plane and throwing it on the back of their Vigo as I type this!!

We look forward to seeing you in the Pattaya sky very soon.

And seriously, the sign towing isn't a totally stupid idea. You already have the asset so why not make use of it. No doubt there would be a ream of permits and licences to be obtained and tea money to be paid, but that would be the same if you simply opened a hot dog stand anyway. I have no idea of the overheads for the plane, but do yourself a budget and cashflow forecast and see how it pans out.


Hey op , why not open a bar that offers massages and rents jetskis and have your place set up on the beach.

You should look into that , a winner for sure.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Why is this a winner, for sure? Was this an idea from a dark skinned, bar girl wife? You know what would do well, though? Just have a booth on the beach where guys like you can sit on a stool, and a Thai will pay me 100 baht for the right give you a shot to the head. People would actually stand around laughing, I kid you not. A winner, for sure.:)


Hey OP, Here's a suggestion for you.


You'll have every gogo bar in Pattaya knocking on your door to have you buzz the beach towing their name behind you. You can add value by having one or two appropriately (read inappropriately) dressed gogo dancers walking on the wings as an optional extra for the advertiser, but they'd have to do more than the Pattaya two-step to give real value.

Maybe you could mount a pole on the upper wing and have the girls do some pole dancing. You'd have to install 3 tons of sound gear to knock out all the best Pitbull sounds though.

Jeez, you could even add some pontoons and compete with the jetski boys on the beach by offering joyrides for all the Indian sub-continent punters that tend to hire the jetskis. But watch out because the jetski mafia will find a way to claim that you banged into one of their machines and demand 50k baht to repair the alleged scratch.

And I can see the BIB in collusion with the Jetski Mafia confiscating your plane and throwing it on the back of their Vigo as I type this!!

We look forward to seeing you in the Pattaya sky very soon.

And seriously, the sign towing isn't a totally stupid idea. You already have the asset so why not make use of it. No doubt there would be a ream of permits and licences to be obtained and tea money to be paid, but that would be the same if you simply opened a hot dog stand anyway. I have no idea of the overheads for the plane, but do yourself a budget and cashflow forecast and see how it pans out.

You mean banner towing? Like aerial advertising? You don't use a new, expensive plane for that....you use a worn out Cessna that's worth $20K for that purpose. And there's very little money in it....that's why you don't see big companies pursuing it. Its always some 2 man op that closes after a season or two. But thanks for the suggestion.....

Yes, you can make money in aviation in Thailand but I'm looking for something new. I'm tired of the 14 hour days, fixing planes all night and flying all day. 10 years was enough.

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