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Every year we celebrate Christmas at home in the south of Thailand. We put up a Xmas tree and lights and we buy presents for the kids and the outlaws and the dog and stick them under the tree.

I am an Athiest and would have preferred to forget about Xmas completely but Mrs Stat insists that because our kids are half farang we should celebrate Xmas.

As far as i am concerned it is a waste of my money.

I have to admit i do enjoy watching my kids opening presents but they have more than they need already.

I am not being Ba Humbug but my wife and kids are Bhuddists.

Are other farangs in Thailand celebrating Xmas at home with a Tree and presents?

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It would be great if ISIS got hold of this Santa <snip> and beheaded the <snip> on YouTube so we could bury Xmas once and for all.

I mean it was supposed to be about Jesus Christ or something and now it's been turned into a time where people spend billions of dollars they don't have, idiots get drunk, families have domestic, road death tolls sky rocket and all the poor and miserable people in the world get it rubbed In their faces how poor and miserable they really are.

It's all about the corporations getting richer, pressure on parents and bloody douchebags.

Shytt I hate Christmas.

Kill me now please.

Edited by neverdie
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It would be great if ISIS got hold of this Santa <snip> and beheaded the <snip> on YouTube so we could bury Xmas once and for all.

I mean it was supposed to be about Jesus Christ or something and now it's been turned into a time where people spend billions of dollars they don't have, idiots get drunk, families have domestic, road death tolls sky rocket and all the poor and miserable people in the world get it rubbed In their faces how poor and miserable they really are.

It's all about the corporations getting richer, pressure on parents and bloody douchebags.

Shytt I hate Christmas.

Kill me now please.

You must make an appointment, you can email me your details.............tongue.png


You seem to be mixing up your abilities and ambitions again. :P

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We do Xmas, but only because my 6 year old still remembers it from when we lived in the states.

We keep it pretty low .

Relatives in the US still send gifts for the kid, or money to buy gifts for her.

I make sure to keep it a non religious occasion.

We are Buddhist.

I also make sure the daughter does not discuss it with her Thai friends...just like the tooth fairy...Santa does not visit them..

Thailand is only .2% christian.

I respect Thailand for resisting the christian superstition for this long.and hope it never gets a foot hold here.

More pain, suffering and death has been caused in the name of Christianity than any other in the history of mankind.

Keep it out!

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My 8 year old son told me last month he knows Santa Claus is not real.

Well tell him he won't get any presents. Duh!

Have you heard Rodney dudes version of Santa Claus ?

Yeah where's my f*cking bike.

Saw Rodney live about 27 years ago.

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My 8 year old son told me last month he knows Santa Claus is not real.

Well tell him he won't get any presents. Duh!

Have you heard Rodney dudes version of Santa Claus ?

Sorry fill me in.

Sorry, Auto correct.

Google Rodney Rude and Santa Clause . I can't post here, that would mean the end of neverdie.

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My 8 year old son told me last month he knows Santa Claus is not real.

Well tell him he won't get any presents. Duh!

Have you heard Rodney dudes version of Santa Claus ?
Yeah where's my f*cking bike.

Saw Rodney live about 27 years ago.

Santa Claus you <snip>

Where's my <snip>ing bike

I've opened up ypthis other shitt, there's nothing here I like.

Santa Claus you <snip>

Where's my <snip>ing pram......

5555555 dirty bugger Rodney Rude.

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My 8 year old son told me last month he knows Santa Claus is not real.

Well tell him he won't get any presents. Duh!

Have you heard Rodney dudes version of Santa Claus ?
Yeah where's my f*cking bike.

Saw Rodney live about 27 years ago.

Santa Claus you

Where's my ing bike

I've opened up ypthis other shitt, there's nothing here I like.

Santa Claus you

Where's my ing pram......

5555555 dirty bugger Rodney Rude.

The live show i watched he gave examples of famous peoples beavers. Very funny.

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It would be great if ISIS got hold of this Santa <snip> and beheaded the <snip> on YouTube so we could bury Xmas once and for all.

I mean it was supposed to be about Jesus Christ or something and now it's been turned into a time where people spend billions of dollars they don't have, idiots get drunk, families have domestic, road death tolls sky rocket and all the poor and miserable people in the world get it rubbed In their faces how poor and miserable they really are.

It's all about the corporations getting richer, pressure on parents and bloody douchebags.

Shytt I hate Christmas.

Kill me now please.

you're speaking out of my soul mate- &lt;deleted&gt; commercialized feast for idiots...

if you want to celebrate it for religious reason though be it...silent and appropriate!

if you have kid's keep it within limits...

but what i am talking here... i (actually my boss)makes a shit load of money this day...

this year for me will a little bit a nightmare: 16 hour shift a new born at home and the mother in law staying for 3 months(actually god bless her she helps a lot) but...

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It would be great if ISIS got hold of this Santa <snip> and beheaded the <snip> on YouTube so we could bury Xmas once and for all.

I mean it was supposed to be about Jesus Christ or something and now it's been turned into a time where people spend billions of dollars they don't have, idiots get drunk, families have domestic, road death tolls sky rocket and all the poor and miserable people in the world get it rubbed In their faces how poor and miserable they really are.

It's all about the corporations getting richer, pressure on parents and bloody douchebags.

Shytt I hate Christmas.

Kill me now please.

you're speaking out of my soul mate- <deleted> commercialized feast for idiots...

if you want to celebrate it for religious reason though be it...silent and appropriate!

if you have kid's keep it within limits...

but what i am talking here... i (actually my boss)makes a shit load of money this day...

this year for me will a little bit a nightmare: 16 hour shift a new born at home and the mother in law staying for 3 months(actually god bless her she helps a lot) but...

Good luck with that.

But I don't want to celebrate anything, most of all some douchebagism and Christmas.

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yes tree, presents, christmas dinner ( of some sort) we do it every year in our house and I absolutely love it especially now that I actually get about 10 days off over Christmas and it feels like a real holiday

That would make it more enjoyable. Similar situation for me also. But i can't help but think rather than spend money on xmas a few days spent travelling somewhere or doing something wouldbe better. We normally go somewhere before xmas anyway. I get 12 days off but it's also my sons birthday on the 23rd.

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We do Xmas but it is low key. A present for each other and lunch together. With a four year old, why not.

Have you ever tried to explain Easter to your partner? I tried as best as I could years ago. "About 2000 years ago a man overseas took on the government and died. And that is why we have Easter". Her reply "That happens in Thailand all the time".

Merry Xmas again.

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