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How Lucky Is Your Thai Gf, Economically?

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Continuing from the last thread of the guy who doesn't spoil his girlfrend, how do you treat your gf? Do you have a nice place? Eat out at good restaurants? Give her lots of nice gifts? Do you give her cash? Does she make good money herself?

C'mon, let us know how good (or bad) your significant other has it.

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Mr Dancali,

As you said we are just in the middle of a thread with all kind of reactions that you are now asking for.



Here in the US I have to beg my wife to go out, clubs , restaurants etc.

She likes saving $$. She grew up super poor. I had better tree forts

as a kid than what her family lived in.

I dont spoil her at all, I dont have to kiss her a$$. She is pretty low maintenance.

I may surprize her with a bag of rice now and then. She jumps up and gives me

a hug - like i bought her a corvette.

When she first got here, I asked "Do you want a car? Freinds?". She said "Job

me take care husband". Try that with a lady falang.

  • 4 weeks later...

Guess my Thai GF is the lucky one

and I'm the unlucky one then.

I'm still clearing my Thai GF debt,

and every month she asks average 30k bahts from me.

Big spender... need to support family... need to pay rent..

Pay Pay Pay.


cheese?...what cheese?. 250 gr of cheese at tescos cost nearly 300 baht. tomatoes are cheap. An offering of a cheese and tomato sandwich to my wife is more than the house is worth.

bananas go black in the fridge...what a dumb thread...

cheese?...what cheese?. 250 gr of cheese at tescos cost nearly 300 baht. tomatoes are cheap. An offering of a cheese and tomato sandwich to my wife is more than the house is worth.

bananas go black in the fridge...what a dumb thread...

Tutsi is living too well it seems :o

She likes saving $$. She grew up super poor. I had better tree forts

as a kid than what her family lived in.

Nam kao

My wife must be broken. She to has grown up dirt poor and pretty much on her own since she was @ 8 years old. She was bounced around from family member to family member her whole child hood. She has no concept of saving and wants to spend everything she makes almost as fast as she makes it. I thought this was a thai trait because just bout all the Thai people that I know here in the states are the same way. I give her family more money than they can make in a year and they will spend it in a couple of days. I have thai friends here working on work permits to make as much money as they can before there permit expires so when they go back to Thailand they will be able to build their house and business without borrowing money from the bank. They make @ $2500.00 U.S per month with all expense paid yet they can't seem to save enough to send home. I watched them blow $3000.00 in 1 nite at the casinos.

It sounds like you have a good wife so hang on to her. Don't get me wrong I would never let my wife go she is also a very good woman. She is a good woman who can't save money. I knew that before I married her so I guess I should not complain.


dr PP...you are correct. A can of Campbell's pork and beans and a few slices of buttered toast cost nearly 100 baht. You can get 5 bowls of kway teeow for that amount...

the trick is to find enough soi dogs to give the thai slop away to...


My Thai Mrs. makes around Bht60~70 per month, she owns an appartment, a house, 30 odd rai of land, she's got around Bht1M in the bank and owes no money to anyone.

She's inheritted her land and house, but her appartment and savings she's put together herself.

When I was hard up she helped me out and we share the things we have.

Because she works for a living she knows the value of money but she's not overly watchful of spending to the point that we can't go out and spend money on luxaries from time to time.


My wife ain't the problem, I am the spendoholic in our family, she is the voice of reason.

I just fitted a DVD player and screen in the truck for no reason at all, 43,000 baht for what?

I am daft you know, loaded too mind you....


PS mind you it is nice to watch 'only fools and horses' while I am waiting for her at the salon... :o


I try and order from www.Blackstar.co.uk every time I go away, some of the boys in my troop come over to Nig from UK so I get them to hand carry stuff for me, just got series 2 The Simpsons coming in next week, can't wait Whoo hoo!!



over the last 2 and a bit years i've managed to get the collection to pattaya, ok its vhs but who cares, the old mans coming again in may so i'll give him another list

C'mon, let us know how good (or bad) your significant other has it.

My ThaiGF comes from nothing and makes barely enough to meet her own expenses and sometimes have a bit left over to send home.

I try to treat her the best way that I know. Above all, I try to treat her with respect, affection and love. I take her out shopping around the big days (e.g., Christmas, Valentines Day, birthday, etc.). We go out to eat occasionally. I give her some cash to help out with educational and basic living expenses for her immediate family.

Possibly I'm spoiling her a bit, but on the other hand, we do talk about budgeting money and she knows that I'm not an ATM with unlimited funds. What I help her with isn't going to make me or break me. It does mean something to me, but it means a whole lot more to her.

Possibly all of that makes me a fool, because we aren't married yet. But I believe in our relationship, and I believe that demonstrating that I can provide for her and her family is important for our future together. I've been invited to LOS to meet her immediate family, and I take that as an indication that things are going well between us.

To answer your question more directly, yes, though she has had a tough life I think she has it much better now that she is with me. Same goes for me. I may have had more of life's creature comforts that she, but just as she is lucky to be with me, I'm also lucky to be with her.

... my 2B worth ...

C'mon, let us know how good (or bad) your significant other has it.

My ThaiGF comes from nothing and makes barely enough to meet her own expenses and sometimes have a bit left over to send home.

I try to treat her the best way that I know. Above all, I try to treat her with respect, affection and love. I take her out shopping around the big days (e.g., Christmas, Valentines Day, birthday, etc.). We go out to eat occasionally. I give her some cash to help out with educational and basic living expenses for her immediate family.

Possibly I'm spoiling her a bit, but on the other hand, we do talk about budgeting money and she knows that I'm not an ATM with unlimited funds. What I help her with isn't going to make me or break me. It does mean something to me, but it means a whole lot more to her.

Possibly all of that makes me a fool, because we aren't married yet. But I believe in our relationship, and I believe that demonstrating that I can provide for her and her family is important for our future together. I've been invited to LOS to meet her immediate family, and I take that as an indication that things are going well between us.

To answer your question more directly, yes, though she has had a tough life I think she has it much better now that she is with me. Same goes for me. I may have had more of life's creature comforts that she, but just as she is lucky to be with me, I'm also lucky to be with her.

... my 2B worth ...

why are you a fool, i did the same with my girlfriend (wife now) i don,t think thats spoiling her.

for the first 4 months of my relationship she had barriers up and would,nt allow herself to get to close, i think aafter a time she realised i wanted to stay with her and here we are after nearly 3 years married now and very happy.

i take care of her mum and dad only (she tells the rest of her family where to go) and thats only 6000 a month which includes taking care of her son, until he finishes school next year and comes to stay with us.

good luck to you both :o

C'mon, let us know how good (or bad) your significant other has it.

My ThaiGF comes from nothing and makes barely enough to meet her own expenses and sometimes have a bit left over to send home.

I try to treat her the best way that I know. Above all, I try to treat her with respect, affection and love. I take her out shopping around the big days (e.g., Christmas, Valentines Day, birthday, etc.). We go out to eat occasionally. I give her some cash to help out with educational and basic living expenses for her immediate family.

Possibly I'm spoiling her a bit, but on the other hand, we do talk about budgeting money and she knows that I'm not an ATM with unlimited funds. What I help her with isn't going to make me or break me. It does mean something to me, but it means a whole lot more to her.

Possibly all of that makes me a fool, because we aren't married yet. But I believe in our relationship, and I believe that demonstrating that I can provide for her and her family is important for our future together. I've been invited to LOS to meet her immediate family, and I take that as an indication that things are going well between us.

To answer your question more directly, yes, though she has had a tough life I think she has it much better now that she is with me. Same goes for me. I may have had more of life's creature comforts that she, but just as she is lucky to be with me, I'm also lucky to be with her.

... my 2B worth ...

why are you a fool, i did the same with my girlfriend (wife now) i don,t think thats spoiling her.

for the first 4 months of my relationship she had barriers up and would,nt allow herself to get to close, i think aafter a time she realised i wanted to stay with her and here we are after nearly 3 years married now and very happy.

i take care of her mum and dad only (she tells the rest of her family where to go) and thats only 6000 a month which includes taking care of her son, until he finishes school next year and comes to stay with us.

good luck to you both :o

That ain't being a fool, that's being normal, nothing wrong with that is there?

Living costs money, cheaper if there is only one to support... but certainly much more lonely.

Better to share it with someone you care about, that's normal if you ask me



I hold the check book, the atm, the visa, and the cash in my relationship. If i didnt, we would have no where to live, no food to eat, no car to drive, and no money. That's how it was in the beginning of the relationship. But the thing was i wasnt working. And we were broke. I had to put my foot down. Told him to give me $100 every 2 weeks from his check, no question asked. That $100 i saved added u to where we were able to open a decent checking amount and its growing cause i am working now. So cause of our experience, it is obvious that i should handle the money and all the expensense in the house. :o

I hold the check book, the atm, the visa, and the cash in my relationship. If i didnt, we would have no where to live, no food to eat, no car to drive, and no money. That's how it was in the beginning of the relationship. But the thing was i wasnt working. And we were broke. I had to put my foot down. Told him to give me $100 every 2 weeks from his check, no question asked. That $100 i saved added u to where we were able to open a decent checking amount and its growing cause i am working now. So cause of our experience, it is obvious that i should handle the money and all the expensense in the house. :o

You sound like my wife , in a nice way!

Everything we have is from my earnings, my wife is looking after the 2 kids 24/7.

Prior to getting hitched I spent the lot , plus cards etc..Now she puts it where I can't get at it and we are reasonably comfortable. I'm like a lot of guys , enjoy toys too much. When I got married, as my wife is Thai, a lot of friends tried to warn me , telling me " She'll take the lot etc" They are dumbfounded as to the change in my circumstances. I think I was lucky!


I hold the check book, the atm, the visa, and the cash in my relationship. If i didnt, we would have no where to live, no food to eat, no car to drive, and no money. That's how it was in the beginning of the relationship. But the thing was i wasnt working. And we were broke. I had to put my foot down. Told him to give me $100 every 2 weeks from his check, no question asked. That $100 i saved added u to where we were able to open a decent checking amount and its growing cause i am working now. So cause of our experience, it is obvious that i should handle the money and all the expensense in the house. :D

Have you got your own ATM Sandy? :D:o

... my 2B worth ...

is that 2 bob or 2 baht?


2B = "sawng" baht

I'm a yank not a Brit ... ergo ... I have no idea what a "bob" is, other than some dude's name or an older hair style.

Do you have a nice place? Eat out at good restaurants? Give her lots of nice gifts? Do you give her cash? Does she make good money herself?

Yes. Yes. Yes and no, all my gifts are nice, otherwise I would not buy them in the first place. A lot, what is the benchmark?. No. No, she stopped since her work schedule was not compatible with mine and the money she earned, well, not sufficient compared to the inconvenience.

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