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Yahoo Problems, Today, Anyone Else?


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I assume you mean yahoo.com

I do have problems logging into Yahoo.co.uk from time to time

but lately it has been behaving.

The problems are usually transitory, but I did loose touch with one of my mail ids there. The password would not work.

So I had to create a new id and let everyone know, which was a pain.

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Perhaps I misspoke yesterday, or Yahoo MAIL was behaving for a few minutes. Regardless of speed, Yahoo will not let me access my mail or reply to it. Most other websites work fine, except when hurricane forces prevent the snail from crawling uphill. Basically it hasn't worked for two days. I'll go to the internet cafe tomorrow.

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My Friends & I have had a lot of Problems with Yahoo.co.uk

I did experience not being able to even open any Yahoo the same time as OP

I complained to Yahoo about delays between TWO Yahoo UK addresses

They told me to look in the header to see where the delay could be !!!!

I had to point out again that is was between TWO of their own addresses

where else could the delay be - but in Yahoo UK !!!!

There is often a delay of two hours

my friend has given me his password - so I can read his reply promptly in his Sent Mail folder !!!!

Sometimes to store information - i send an e-mail to myself

Twice in the past week - it has come back as Undeliverable !!!!

Guess its time to sign up to gmail


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I think sometimes these problems with yahoo or other sites can be traced back to a particular internet cafe and/or internet service provider. If you're using an internet cafe, try changing to a different cafe that uses a different ISP. I once had one internet cafe that refused everytime to open my yahoo account. I tried it for days thinking it was a yahoo problem. I then tried a different internet cafe and everything worked fine. Sometimes one yahoo account is fine but a different account won't work. I think it has to do with the DNS server being used and when you access one account it might use a server that your ISP has a problem with for some reason, yet a different yahoo account will use a different server and your ISP may have no problems with that server. Hope that makes sense.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Me too having problem on yahoo mail these past few days, could it be some malware or some hijackers setting up fake yahoo mail website. Still scratching my head and feel something doesn’t look right. :o:D

Yahoo Plugs Security Hole in Web Mail Service

Fix eliminates serious security vulnerability involving mail attachments.

Juan Carlos Perez, IDG News Service

Wednesday, August 16, 2006 03:00 PM PDT

Yahoo said it has fixed a security vulnerability in its Yahoo Mail service that could have allowed malicious hackers to hijack accounts and harm users in a variety of ways.

"We have developed a fix for this bug and have deployed it worldwide. Yahoo Mail users will not be required to take any action to be protected from this exploit," said Kelley Podboy, a Yahoo spokeswoman, via e-mail.

Nir Goldshlager and Roni Bachar from Avnet, a computer security company based in Israel discovered the vulnerability in early August.


The problem was Yahoo Mail's handling of attachments. By creating an HTML attachment with different encoding schemes, one could have bypassed Yahoo Mail's security filter and executed malicious JavaScript code, Bachar said via e-mail.

The problem was Yahoo Mail's handling of attachments. By creating an HTML attachment with different encoding schemes, one could have bypassed Yahoo Mail's security filter and executed malicious JavaScript code, Bachar said via e-mail.

It was also possible to steal the recipient's Yahoo Mail cookie, hijack the session and gain access to the person's in-box. "This attack vector could be used to launch a variety of other more sophisticated attacks," Bachar wrote. These could include unleashing worms, installing keylogger programs, phishing, and scanning ports on the PC.

After identifying the vulnerability, Bachar and Goldshlager immediately alerted Yahoo, so that the vendor could patch its system. Bachar isn't aware of any known exploits of the vulnerability.

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