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Bill Gates interested in funding factory in Thailand for HIV vaccine


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The trouble I see with a small amount of self important Thais is that they believe their own hype much like many Arabs.

In my 10 years working in the Middle East I've yet to meet a 100% honest and humble Arab, most would lie through their teeth than lose face, or admit they were wrong.

The trouble here is that you start believing in your own lies and bullshit you better be prepared to see it through for the rest of your life ( the lies that is) as you will eventually get caught out.

The same could be said of Red supporters too biggrin.png

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There is a lot of evidence vaccines are not designed for eradication of diseases and that they are a method of depopulation. Bill Gates father was a eugenicist and started Planned Parenthood in the US, his son the loving humanitarian Bill Gates may be angry with the Thai’s for pirating all that Microsoft software! Pay back is a Bit@#.


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Possibly this is not well known in these circles but Thailand has some very good people working this field, 2 in particular are world renowned scientist that lead to the break through for a HIV vaccine , Thailand's medical medicine research on HIV is second to none and it is pleasing that Bill Gates is interested in investing in a factory in Thailand ,these people deserve all the support they can muster , they have mine , get on board Bill. alt=clap2.gif>

There is some positive news regarding Thai HIV vaccine reported by the HIV Vaccine Trials Network:

HIV vaccine trial passes first hurdle in South Africa

"The first in a series of clinical trials designed to build on the promise of an HIV vaccine that showed modest protection when tested in Thailand has passed a key hurdle, according to a new study. It paves the way for larger HIV vaccine trials to move forward in South Africa."

"The trial found that the so-called Thai vaccine induced comparable immune responses when tested in South Africa as it had in the original trial. This early phase of testing was designed to see how a different population’s immune system would respond, not—yet—whether the vaccine would protect against HIV."

It would seem premature to be discussing Gates funding more Thai HIV research and production of a Thai HIV vaccine until trials are complete. But a suitable HIV vaccine looks promising.

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The article is, at best, confusing. There is currently no effective vaccine against HIV, so there would be absolutely no point in building a factory to produce something that doesn't exist yet. Does the article actually mean that the Gates foundation will fund research into an HIV vaccine in Thailand? If so, that would be a curious decision given Thailand's poor scientific research record.

But they'd have a veritable multitude of potential guinea pigs to conduct such research on smile.png

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Wait for a statement from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation first. Else this is just hot crap, just them trying to be the world's first in everything and to be the hub of all hubs. Sorry, but given how the Thais have, of late, spoken on behalf of almost everyone - inaccurately I must add - anything coming from them is best filed under the 'Lame Jokes' folder until a more credible source backs up the 'claims'.

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When I hear it from Bill Gates, I believe it!!

I would hope that Bill Gates would not put a Satang into Thailand until the country returns to democracy. That would send out all the wrong messages.

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